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圖像效果.轉換設計師 Aurora 3D DesignBox 1.08.31

Aurora 3D DesignBox 設計盒設計師經常開了很多的工具,在工作中的一些操作簡便。
覺得討厭嗎?要扭轉這種局面? DesignBox將是你最好的選取。

DesignBox – 圖像效果
你的照片很容易調整到最流行的款式。喜歡時尚,LOMO,數字Studio Effects特效等。你是一個時尚的人或漂亮的女孩嗎?你是一個數字的設計師嗎?你是攝影師嗎?如果是的話,你必須嘗試這個工具。你可以得到超過一百年的圖片樣式,只需要點擊一下滑鼠。你可以得到幾十個過濾器,調節亮度,對照度,飽和度,銳度,色調和RGB色彩。獲得驚人的效果為您的圖片,在現在!

 圖像效果.轉換設計師 Aurora 3D DesignBox 1.08.31





DesignBox – 畫家

DesignBox – 圖像轉換

DesignBox – GIF製作

DesignBox – QRCode的發電機

DesignBox – SVG瀏覽和轉換
易SVG瀏覽器和批次轉換工具。 SVG圖像是一個重大的向量格式為下一代的網站,與HTML5的完美結合。易於的SVG檢視和轉換軟體。輕鬆選取資料夾,縮略圖顯示模式。快速預覽SVG圖片和轉換,支援SVG,SVGZ。您可以選取任何區功能變數的SVG,出口質量和大小,批次轉換為SVG為TIFF,PNG,JPG,BMP,GIF,TGA,XPM,PPM,XBM,PDF格式。

Aurora Design Box Designer often open a lot of tools for some simple operate at work. Feel annoying? Want to reverse it? The DesignBox will be your best choice. You can change image effects, batch resize, rotate, mix a watermark, convert format, make GIF animation, create iOS icon, Generate QR code and draw your shape as you want. All tools in one Software.

DesignBox – Image Effect
Easy adjust your picture to the best popular styles. Like Fashion, LOMO, Digital Studio Effects etc,. Are you a fashion guys or beautiful girl? Are you a digital designer? Are you a photographer? If yes, you must be try this tool. You can get more than a hundred of picture styles, just need one click. You can get dozens of filters, adjust lightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness, HUE and RGB colors. Get amazing effects for your pictures at now!

Basic Image Adjust
Through Lightness, Contrast, Saturation and Sharpness to adjust pictures to get the effects as you want.

Hue and Color Adjust
You can use the slide bar to adjust HUE, and the RGB color for the picture. Make the image to warming or cold and repair them colors.

Dozens of filters you can use, including Blur, Soften, Gaussian Blur, Sharpen, Edge, Emboss, Erode, Contour, Jitter, Flip, Mirror, Negative and Gray Scale.

Quick Style Templates
A hundreds of picture style templates you can choose. we have basic effects, lomo and fashion style and some digital studio effects. It’s wonerdful.

DesignBox – Painter
Easy and free to draw your cartoon shape and design with painter tools. You can use pencil, brush, spray freely to draw your shape. The line, rectangle and circle tools can help you to create some regular shape. the crop, eraser, color picker, paint pail can help you quickly to make change. If you want create Text, no problem, use Text button and you can change the font, make bold and italic.

DesignBox – Image Convert
Easy batch adjust your image size, rotate them, mix a watermark, rename and export them. The important is you can select multiple or all option and batch convert your image at one time. You can export your image to kinds of formats: JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF, TIFF, TGA, XPM, XBM, PPM.

DesignBox – GIF Maker
Easy create a GIF animation with any pictures. Add your image sequence in a list, and set the GIF width, height, image delay times and export it. It’s cool, and a exciting function is you can create a GIF animation with or without background. Use this function, you can remove a color of background or add a color on the background.

DesignBox – QRCode Generator
Quickly generate QR code with Text, URL, Phone number, Email, SMS, Contact, GEO, WIFI, Event, etc.. You can make the QR code to your business card, label, watermark for your design. You can send a QR code take the SMS, WIFI, GEO, URL or other information to your friends. You can use your Android or iPhone to scan and read the QR code to get the information. And export images include: PNG, JPG, BMP, SVG, TIFF, etc.

DesignBox – SVG View & Convert
Easy SVG viewer and batch convert tool. SVG image is a major vector format for the next generation of website,with the perfect combination of html5. Easy SVG View and Convert Software. Easy folder selection, and thumbnail display mode. Quick preview SVG picture and convert, support svg, svgz. You can select any area from the SVG, set the export quality and size and batch convert SVG to tiff, png, jpg, bmp, gif, tga, xpm, ppm, xbm, pdf.

圖像效果.轉換設計師 Aurora 3D DesignBox 1.08.31 | Home Page: https://www.presentation-3d.com/products/design-box.html

圖像效果.轉換設計師 Aurora 3D DesignBox 1.08.31 / Size: 9.7 MB