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完整的建模和模擬環境 Accelrys Materials Studio v6.0

Materials Studio軟體是一個軟體的桌面計算環境,帶來了世界上最先進的和經由驗證的材料模擬技術,解決關鍵問題,在整個研發過程中。
提供先進的可視化工具和訪問的完整範圍的計算材料科學的方法,Materials Studio軟體的設計結構和計算的研究人員在化學品和材料的R&e需要到執行專家級建模和模擬任務中一個容易到,學習但功能強大的的人環境。

Materials Studio軟體與的Accelrys公司企業平台ntegrated的,是一個完整的建模和模擬環境,旨在讓研究人員在材料科學和化學材料的原子和分子結構,其屬性和行為的預測和理解的關係。
採用Materials Studio,在許多行業的研究人員,專案的所有類型,內含醫藥,催化劑,聚合物及複合材料,金屬和合金,電池和燃料電池,以及更多效能更好的材料。

隨著Materials Studio軟體中,您可以:
加快創新:Materials Studio軟體使材料科學家和研究團隊開發新的,更好的執行,和更具成本效益的材料,更快,更有效地比單獨測試和實驗。

降低成本:Materials Studio軟體的客戶已表示減少了高達10倍的在實驗需要引入新的材料的數量。

整合軟體採購:Materials Studio軟體的全面解決專案的能力和易用性,最大限度地降低總擁有成本,並提高了科學家之間的合作。


完整的建模和模擬環境 Accelrys Materials Studio v6.0

完整的建模和模擬環境 Accelrys Materials Studio v6.0 新功能內含:

介紹DFTB +模組的精度,結合量子原子論方法的速度的方法,以使更大,更逼真的結構的研究

Materials Studio軟體內含一個圖形使用者環境材料工作室展台中,研究人員可以構建,操作和檢視模型分子,晶體材料,表面,聚合物,以及中尺度結構。
Materials Studio軟體可視化的補充,一套完整的解決專案的方法,內含量子,原子(或「經典」),中尺度和統計,使研究人員能夠評估在不同的顆粒大小和時間尺度的材料。它還內含用於評估的晶體結構和晶體生長的工具。

Materials Studio is a software environment that brings the world’s most advanced and validated materials simulation technology to desktop computing, solving key problems throughout the R&D process. Offering advanced visualization tools and access to the complete range of computational materials science methods, Materials Studio is designed for structural and computational researchers in chemicals and materials R&D who need to perform expert-level modeling and simulations tasks in an easy-to-learn yet powerful environment.

ntegrated with the Accelrys Enterprise Platform, Materials Studio is a complete modeling and simulation environment designed to allow researchers in materials science and chemistry to predict and understand the relationships of a material’s atomic and molecular structure with its properties and behavior. Using Materials Studio, researchers in many industries are engineering better performing materials of all types, including pharmaceuticals, catalysts, polymers and composites, metals and alloys, batteries and fuel cells, and more.
With Materials Studio you can:

Accelerate Innovation: Materials Studio enables materials scientists and research teams to develop new, better performing, and more cost effective materials faster and more efficiently than with test and experimentation alone.

Reduce Costs: Materials Studio customers have indicated a reduction of up to 10 times in the number of experiments required to introduce a new material.

Consolidate Software Purchases: Materials Studio’s comprehensive solution capabilities and ease of use minimizes total cost of ownership and improves collaboration between scientists.

Solve Your Most Difficult Problems: Accelrys’ staff of expert scientist assures timely support and expertise to help solve even the most challenging problems in materials science.

New Features introduced in Materials Studio 6.0 include:

Faster and more accurate property prediction for metals, organics, rare earth and magnetic materials
Introduction of DFTB+ module that combines the accuracy of quantum methods with the speed of atomistic methodologies to enable the study of larger, more realistic structures
Wider range of properties prediction for salts, crystals, polymers, metal oxides, electronics, and semiconductor materials
Improve graphics performance for better user experience

Materials Studio includes a graphical user environment—Materials Studio Visualizer— in which researchers can construct, manipulate and view models of molecules, crystalline materials, surfaces, polymers, and mesoscale structures. Materials Studio Visualizer is complemented by a complete set of solution methods including quantum, atomistic (or “classical”), mesoscale, and statistical that enable researchers to evaluate materials at various particle sizes and time scales. It also includes tools for evaluating crystal structure and crystal growth.

完整的建模和模擬環境 Accelrys Materials Studio v6.0 : https://accelrys.com/

ОС: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Server 2003/Server 2008

完整的建模和模擬環境 Accelrys Materials Studio v6.0: 640 Mb