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導向交談式開發環境 Scientific Toolworks Understand 3.0.633

Scientific Toolworks Understand 是一個跨平台,多語​​言,維護為導向的交談式開發環境(IDE)。
原始碼分析內含Ada語系,C + +,C#,FORTRAN,Java的,懂的享受,和/或Delphi /帕斯卡爾。

導向交談式開發環境 Scientific Toolworks Understand 3.0.633





C / C + +:瞭解K&R或ANSI C原始碼,C + +語系結構的分析。瞭解與任何C編譯器,已經由測試,最流行的。需要注意的是C + +模板尚不支援。


FORTRAN:理解支援FORTRAN 77,FORTRAN 90,FORTRAN 95,Fortran 2003的自由和固定的格式。延伸支援內含哈里斯FORTRAN和DEC FORTRAN。我們經常擴大理解,支援常見的編譯器延伸。如果您發現您所使用的編譯器的延伸,目前不支援,請聯繫我們support@scitools.com。

Java的理解支援JDK 1.3,1.4,5,和6。具體來說,目前不支援JDK 5中引入的泛型。可分析的原始碼,其中包括仿製藥,但仿製藥的訊息將被忽略。


帕斯卡:理解支援所有版本的Borland的Delphi語系和Borland的Turbo Pascal語系。它還支援ISO 7185:1990(也被稱為未延伸的Pascal)與DEC帕斯卡延伸。您還可以啟用安格爾內嵌式SQL語句的支援。

PL / M:標準版PL / M 80/86的支援。




Understand is a cross-platform, multi-language, maintenance-oriented IDE (interactive development environment). It is designed to help maintain and understand large amounts of legacy or newly-created source code. The source code analyzed may include Ada, C++, C#, FORTRAN, Java, JOVIAL, and/or Delphi/Pascal.

It offers code navigation using a detailed cross-reference, a syntax-colorizing “smart” editor, and a variety of graphical reverse engineering views.
Understand creates a repository of the relations and structures contained within the software project. The repository is then used to learn about the source code.

Basic Metrics
* Class Count
* File Count
* Function Count
* Line Count
* Blank Line Count
* Code Line Count
* Comment Line Count
* Inactive Line Count
* Declarative Statement Count
* Executable Statement Count
* Ratio Comment to Code

Advanced Metrics (Partial list)
* Cyclomatic Complexity
* Knots
* Class Coupling
* Percent Lack of Cohesion
* Path Count
* Max Inheritance
* Base Class Count
* Inherited Class Count
* Number of Instance Methods
* Weighted Methods per Class

Supported Languages
The following list provides a brief overview of the language versions and/or compilers supported:
Ada: Understand supports Ada83, Ada95, and Ada05 code, separately, or in combination.

C/C++: Understand analyzes K&R or ANSI C source code and most constructs of the C++ language. Understand works with any C compiler, and has been tested with most of the popular ones. Note that C++ templates are not yet supported.

C#: Understand supports C#.

FORTRAN: Understand supports FORTRAN 77, FORTRAN 90, FORTRAN 95, and FORTRAN 2003 in both free and fixed format. Extensions supported include Harris FORTRAN and DEC FORTRAN. We often expand Understand to support common compiler extensions. If you find that the compiler extensions you are using are not currently supported, contact us at support@scitools.com.

Java: Understand supports most of JDK 1.3, 1.4, 5, and 6. Specifically, the generics introduced in JDK 5 are not currently supported. Source code containing generics may be analyzed but generics information will be ignored.

JOVIAL: JOVIAL73 and JOVIAL3 are supported.

Pascal: Understand supports all versions of Borland’s Delphi language and Borland’s Turbo Pascal language. It also supports ISO 7185: 1990 (also known as Unextended Pascal) with DEC Pascal extensions. You can also enable support for Ingres embedded SQL statements.

PL/M: The standard version for PL/M 80/86 is supported.

VHDL: We aim to support VHDL-87, VHDL-93, and VHDL-2001.

Web Languages: Understand supports PHP, HTML, CSS, and javascript.

Here are some key features of “Understand”:
· Analysis / Parsing
· Rapid code exploration/navigation
· TrackBack constant code backup system
· Maintenance oriented powerful Programmers Editor
· Architecture
· Measure (metrics)
· Change Analysis
· Sharing of Information

ОС: Windows XP/2003/Vista/Seven

導向交談式開發環境 Scientific Toolworks Understand 3.0.633 | Home Page: www.scitools.com/

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