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建模和創造的特殊效果 SideFX Houdini FX 12.1.125

SideFX – SideFX功能強大的程式進行建模和創造的特殊效果,同時作為一個功能包的3D時間表。

建模和創造的特殊效果 SideFX Houdini FX 12.1.125

胡迪尼已被用來創造驚人的數位動畫大片,內含:美國上尉,穿靴子的貓,「變形金剛:復仇的墮落,」快樂大腳「(Happy Feet)兩個,生命之樹,抽油桿衝,汽車總動員2,魔球,跳」阿凡達「, 2012年,多雲,有一個可能的肉丸,卡洛琳,守望者,好奇的案件本傑明·巴頓,螺栓,蜘蛛俠(1,2和3),「哈利·鮑率」系列,「指環王」三部曲,矩陣三部曲和主。



建模和創造的特殊效果 SideFX Houdini FX 12.1.125概觀
大師胡迪尼 – 完美的視覺效果藝術家和技術總監,其整合的粒子和動力學環境。

SideFX Houdini FX — the powerful program for modelling and creation of the special effects, simultaneously being a functional package 3D schedules. The program allows to make difficult shots without necessity of use of additional plug-ins or group of programmers. Film production can count on help Houdini Master in creation of tremendous video-effects and animation. Among innovations of the tenth version it is necessary to note possibility of use of the several computers united in a local network, for imitation of behaviour of the liquids, new tools Pyro FX for smoke and fire creation, technology Interactive Photorealistic Rendering (IPR) for fast viewing of changes which are brought in illumination of three-dimensional scenes, work with the three-dimensional data. Houdini Master differs presence of tools for creation of dynamics and visual effects with particles.

Houdini has been used to create stunning digital animation in blockbuster films, including: Captain America, Puss in Boots, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Happy Feet Two, The Tree of Life, Sucker Punch, Cars 2, Moneyball, Hop, Avatar, 2012, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Coraline, Watchmen, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Bolt, Spider-Man (1, 2 & 3), the Harry Potter series, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Matrix trilogy and more.

About Side Effects Software

Established in 1987, Side Effects Software is a world leader in the development of Houdini, our advanced 3D animation and special effects software for use in film, commercials and video games. Side Effects Software has been recognized three times with Scientific and Technical awards from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Houdini is used by numerous leading digital content creation facilities including: Blizzard Entertainment, Blue Sky Studios, Digital Domain, Double Negative, DreamWorks Animation, Electronic Arts, Framestore, Guerrilla Games, Pixar Animation Studios, Rhythm & Hues and Sony Pictures Imageworks.


Houdini Master – Perfect for Visual Effects artists and technical directors with its integrated particle and dynamics environment. All users, including artists, can build tools and assets using Houdini’s simple, interac-tive workflow then encapsulate their work into Houdini Digital Assets. These assets can then be referenced into multiple scenes then edited and updated seamlessly. This makes it easy to step back and make changes even late into the production cycle, letting customers quickly present multiple iterations to their client.

建模和創造的特殊效果 SideFX Houdini FX 12.1.125 | Home Page: www.sidefx.com

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