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提高數位照片質量 PhotoAcute Studio 3.009


photoAcute的Studio支援範圍廣泛 – 從手機攝像頭的相機到高端數位單反相機。

提高數位照片質量 PhotoAcute Studio 3.009

提高數位照片質量 PhotoAcute Studio 3.009


PhotoAcute Studio is a leading edge tool for enhancing digital photographs quality. PhotoAcute Studio processes sets of photographs taken in continuous mode to produce high-resolution, low-noise pictures. It increases image resolution, removes noise without losing image details, corrects image geometry and chromatic aberrations and expands the dynamic range.

PhotoAcute Studio supports wide range of cameras – from mobile phone cameras to high-end DSLR cameras. PhotoAcute Studio supports RAW image format providing the maximum image quality for professional photographers. Starting from version 2.10, it supports video files processing, allowing to get high-quality still frame from a sequence of video frames.

PhotoAcute for Digital Cameras:

* Image resolution increase beyond camera capabilities
* Noise reduction without losing image details
* Producing High Dynamic Range (HDR) images
* Images alignment on sub-pixel level
* Revealing details that are usually invisible/indistinguishable
* Expanding the Depth of Field (focus stacking)
* Chromatic aberrations correction
* Fixing handshaking artifacts in low light conditions

提高數位照片質量 PhotoAcute Studio 3.009 Homepage: www.photoacute.com

提高數位照片質量 PhotoAcute Studio 3.009 / Size: 25.73 MB / 25.46 MB