藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術(自富課程)秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成營運賺大錢! 站在成功者的肩膀上,你會看得更遠! 想要在網路上快速賺大錢的必修課程 (你不用閉門造車,更不用花十幾萬到對海外學半套的!) 保證不是叫你自己寫程式!給你程式(會上網的人就能執行) 完全不需有程式經驗!程式原始碼不加密!教你原理(不綁手綁腳)可以用一輩子! 藉助『程式』網賺效能提升十倍以上網賺不是『雞肋』靠人工只能賺個萬元? 藉助『程式』網賺效能提升十倍以上,收入萬元者變成年收超過百萬! 課程附贈所需的全部程式與軟體:軟體往往一套就要好幾萬! 那何況本課程用到超過十套軟體,包證:你不花錢買,就能用! 遠離『人工苦力』邁向『電腦自動』大量批次執行! 這是靠技術賺錢而非靠苦力賺錢! (有些密技除非拜師否則很難:無師自通!更何況還要藉助秘技程式!) 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會與無法使用的擔憂....)

文件傳輸客戶端 Serv-U File Server Platinum

基本的Web客戶端能夠輕鬆地實現基本的文件傳輸功能,提供最廣泛的平台 – 標準的Web瀏覽器。
如果你正在尋找一個企業級解決方案,提供了一個功能齊全的文件傳輸客戶端用戶,然後FTP Voyager JV的是可滿足您的需求。

文件傳輸客戶端 Serv-U File Server Platinum

文件傳輸客戶端 Serv-U File Server Platinum產品特點:
傳統的圖形用戶界面(GUI)的基礎上我們屢獲殊榮的FTP Voyager客戶端。

Serv-U Basic Web Client is an HTTP-based file transfer client available for use by all Users on a Serv-U File Server. The Basic Web Client is a perfect solution for novice computer users and organizations with a need to provide a simple method of transferring a few files between your users. Because it uses the HTTP protocol to communicate with Serv-U, the Basic Web Client avoids some of the headaches associated with using the FTP protocol in a secured environment or through the limited support of FTP in today’s common web browsers. The Basic Web Client is intended to easily enable basic file transfer functionality on the broadest platform available – the standard Web browser. However, it is not intended to be a wholesale replacement for a full-featured FTP client. If you’re looking for an enterprise level solution that offers a full-featured file transfer client to your users, then FTP Voyager JV is available to meet your needs.

• Concurrently upload multiple files.
• Download files while an upload is in progress.
• Download a directory and its entire contents.
• A traditional Graphical User Interface (GUI) based on our award-winning FTP Voyager client.
• Side-by-side views of the remote and local file systems.
• Multiple different file system views, (e.g., list, icons, details, thumbnails).
• Maintain original file dates and times after file transfer.
• “Move” files and folders between the remote and local file systems.
• Platform specific display themes to ensure a uniform appearance on the platform of choice

文件傳輸客戶端 Serv-U File Server Platinum / Site: www.serv-u.com

ОС / OS: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Seven/x86 x64

文件傳輸客戶端 Serv-U File Server Platinum / Size: 19.83 Mb