藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術(自富課程)秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成營運賺大錢! 站在成功者的肩膀上,你會看得更遠! 想要在網路上快速賺大錢的必修課程 (你不用閉門造車,更不用花十幾萬到對海外學半套的!) 保證不是叫你自己寫程式!給你程式(會上網的人就能執行) 完全不需有程式經驗!程式原始碼不加密!教你原理(不綁手綁腳)可以用一輩子! 藉助『程式』網賺效能提升十倍以上網賺不是『雞肋』靠人工只能賺個萬元? 藉助『程式』網賺效能提升十倍以上,收入萬元者變成年收超過百萬! 課程附贈所需的全部程式與軟體:軟體往往一套就要好幾萬! 那何況本課程用到超過十套軟體,包證:你不花錢買,就能用! 遠離『人工苦力』邁向『電腦自動』大量批次執行! 這是靠技術賺錢而非靠苦力賺錢! (有些密技除非拜師否則很難:無師自通!更何況還要藉助秘技程式!) 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會與無法使用的擔憂....)



結構方程模型(SEM)軟體 IBM SPSS Amos 21



Amos provides you with powerful and easy-to-use structural equation modeling (SEM) software. Create more realistic models than if you used standard multivariate statistics or multiple regression models alone. Using Amos, you specify, estimate, assess, and present your model in an intuitive path diagram to show hypothesized relationships among variables. This enables you to test and confirm the validity of claims such as “value drives loyalty” in minutes, not hours.

Build structural equation models with more accuracy than standard multivariate statistics models using intuitive drag-and-drop functionality
Gain new insights using observed and latent variables

Amos enables you to build models that more realistically reflect complex relationships with the ability to use observed variables such as survey data or latent variables like “satisfaction” to predict any other numeric variable. Structural equation modeling, sometimes called path analysis, helps you gain additional insight into causal models and the strength of variable relationships.
Expanded statistical options based on Bayesian estimation
With Amos, you can perform estimation with ordered-categorical and censored data, enabling you to:
Create a model based on non-numerical data without having to assign numerical scores to the data
Work with censored data without having to make assumptions other than normality

You can also impute numerical values for ordered-categorical data or censored data, so you can create a complete numerical dataset when one is required. Or, impute values for missing values in the new dataset. You also have the option of estimating posterior predictive distributions to determine probable values for missing or partially missing data in a latent variable model.

結構方程模型(SEM)軟體 IBM SPSS Amos 21 Homepage:: https://www-01.ibm.com/software/analytics/spss/products/statistics/amos/

結構方程模型(SEM)軟體 IBM SPSS Amos 21 : 56.1 MB