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藍光播放器 iDeer Blu-ray Player


 藍光播放器 iDeer Blu-ray Player


‧播放藍光光碟或DVD ISO格式的支援。


‧支援幾乎所有的音軌,如DTS HD Master音訊,Dolby TrueHD音訊,等等。

iDeer Blu-ray Player is a useful application for the users that want to play Blu-ray movies on their desktop. The program allows you to watch the movies and to share your impressions with your friends by posting messages on Tweeter or Facebook. You can take snapshots of your favorite movie scene by using a keyboard shortcut. The player provides support the most popular video formats such as CD, MOV, AVI, MOV, FLV, WMV, MP4, MPEG, RMVB and more.

Play all Blu-ray and DVD Disc
• Play commercial Blu-ray or DVD in different regions.
• Load disc directly from Blu-ray disc or folder.

Play movies in ISO image format
• Playback of Blu-ray disc or DVD in ISO formats is supported.
• Load ISO file directly with Open File button.
• Easy use without any codec knowledge.

Support all media formats as an universal player
• Not only support Blu-ray and DVD but also play videos, audios, music and photos.
• Support the most popular video formats: such as CD, MOV, AVI, MOV, FLV, WMV, MP4, MPEG, RMVB, etc.
• Support general audio formats: such as MP3, WMA, AAC, AC3, etc.

Powerful HD video player and hard ware acceleration available
• A high-definition video player plays Blu-ray and DVD without any loss of quality.
• Support most all audio tracks, such as DTS HD Master Audio, Dolby TrueHD Audio, etc.
• Support streams, chapter markers and videos.
• support NVIDIA’s CUDA acceleration technology.

藍光播放器 iDeer Blu-ray Player Homepage: www.ideerapp.com

藍光播放器 iDeer Blu-ray Player Size: 37.54 MB