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螢幕捕獲攫取錄影 SolveigMM HyperCam 3.5 內建的視訊編輯器

HyperCam 3 – 著名的HyperCam是一個新的版本,與Hyperionics有限責任公司共同開發的。
它是一種先進的實用程式,用於捕獲螢幕操作,並將其儲存為AVI,WMV / ASF檔案。
時尚,直觀,友好的使用者介面,預先定義的快速鍵記錄操作,內建的視訊編輯器,全面的文字說明工作流程,各種設定,指令行介面,能夠安裝在便攜式裝置上,安裝尺寸小,多實惠的價格 – 這是一個必須具備的工具HyperCam 3。

 螢幕捕獲攫取錄影 SolveigMM HyperCam 3.5 內建的視訊編輯器

螢幕捕獲攫取錄影 SolveigMM HyperCam 3.5 內建的視訊編輯器特點:
– 儲存捕獲的資料,AVI,WMV / ASF檔案
– 編碼的視訊/音訊編解碼器在PC
– 編輯捕獲的AVI檔案與K-幀精度(修剪和加入)
– 全面的螢幕Notes系統工作流程
– 可用於便攜式存儲裝置,如USB棒

SolveigMM的HyperCam 3.5.1210.30的變化:
HyperCam 3沒有儲存的視訊設定為Windows視訊1解碼器
某些應用程式關閉時墜毀HyperCam 3

HyperCam 3 – is a new version of the famous HyperCam, being jointly developed with Hyperionics LLC. It is an advanced utility for capturing screen actions and saving them as .AVI, WMV/ASF files. Though HyperCam may be used just for grabbing a movie or game, it has been chiefly acknowledged as an excellent tool for creating video presentations, tutorials or demo-clips. Stylish, intuitive and user-friendly interface, pre-defined hot-keys for recording actions, built-in video editor, comprehensive text notes workflow, various settings, command line interface, the ability to install on the portable device, small installation size and more than affordable price – that is what makes HyperCam 3 a must-have tool.

– Saving captured data to AVI, WMV/ASF files
– Encoding video/audio with codecs presented on PC
– Editing captured AVI files with K-Frame accuracy (trim and join)
– Comprehensive screen notes workflow
– Can be used on portable storage devices like USB Sticks

Changes in SolveigMM HyperCam 3.5.1210.30:
Optimized startup speed
Updated HyperCam Media Editor
Hang-ups on the startup
Copy version info button in the “About” dialog
Wrong HуperCam Bar location in the vertical task bar
Crashes when choose “System Audio + Microphone” if no headphones or speakers are plugged in
Portable installation deleted the ordinary version if it was installed before
“Encountered an improper argument“ message if the SRS Audio Essentials installed with the multichannel output configuration
“Line in” or “Stereo mix” selecting caused error
HyperCam 3 didn’t save video settings for Windows Video 1 decoder
Impossible to delete text in screen notes with “Delete” key
New language is applied right away rather than after clicking “OK” button
Unable to start recording to a network path
Some applications crashed when closing HyperCam 3
Optimized thumbnails generation
HyperCam didn’t capture video from Overlay
Bugs with buttons inscriptions in the Russian translation
Skinned Activation dialog

螢幕捕獲攫取錄影 SolveigMM HyperCam 3.5 內建的視訊編輯器 | Size: 14.8 Mb

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

螢幕捕獲攫取錄影 SolveigMM HyperCam 3.5 內建的視訊編輯器 | Home Page: www.solveigmm.com