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Architect 3D Platinum 是一個家居設計的應用程式,容許您在3D設計,裝備和裝飾你的家和花園 。
虛擬旅遊和極其逼真的3D編譯讓你複查結果。Architect 3D NexGen公司帶給你所有你需要設計你的家和花園的專業工具。


(家居設計應用程式)Architect 3D Platinum
(家居設計應用程式)Architect 3D Platinum

– 在3D設計你的家,從地下室到閣樓空間:廚房,客廳,臥室,浴室,游泳池等。
– 裝備你家到最小的細節:窗戶,壁爐,櫥櫃,天井等。
– 使用含有超過2,600物體三維傢俱庫提供您的房間
– 插入您自己的圖像更加逼真的編譯
– 自訂紋理和材料:屋頂,石頭,磚塊等。
– 設計你的花園裡和你的土地的地形
– 設計你的游泳池
– 設計一個定制的甲板下你的房子的形狀
– 匯入和將檔案匯出到DXF / DWG格式
– 自訂您的圍欄和大門

– 走過你未來的家的每個房間
– 使用Sun方向工具檢視您的項目在一天的不同時間
– 建立你的項目的視訊。
– 生成計劃建立一個3D紙模型
– 檢視最基本的結構和房子的技術專案:框架,橫樑,管道,供暖,通風和電力
– 永遠不同的角度和3D效果圖檢視項目:地形(高度/水平等的變化) ,切出, 3D ClearView的,線框

– 先進的成本估算工具:自動計算你的費用
– 綠色提示,說明您節省能源和金錢!
– 參考了多種選取的視訊教學和樣品屋計劃指導

– 完整:設計你的整個房子和花園:客房,基金會,傢俱,開口等
– 簡單:Architect 3D Platinum的質量和在報刊上泛著報告確認(在微週刊,微ACTUEL和個人電腦雜誌1號) 。
– 適合初學者希望解決他們的項目的詳細訊息,或為人們提供了基本掌握了概念的產品
– 通用:它運行在使用最廣泛的PC操作系統,內含WindowsR的Vista和Windows 7 。它也是最廣泛使用的3D設計工具( AutoCadR , 3DS Studio Max的,等等)相容
【文章標題】: (家居設計應用程式)Architect 3D Platinum
【文章作者】: 藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: https://por.tw/Rich/
【藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學課程】: https://por.tw/Rich/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: https://goto1688.com/Rich/
【版權聲明】: (原創)藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Architect 3D Platinum

Architect 3D is a Home Design application that allows you to design, equip and decorate your home and garden in 3D. Design your creative project step by step and room by room, from the basement to the loft space. Draw up plans of your house, equip your interior and exterior areas and add your own personal touch to your living space. A virtual tour and extremely realistic 3D rendering allow you to review the results. Architect 3D nexGen™ Platinum brings you all the professional tools you need to design your home and garden.

Some Functionalities

Creation & Design:
– Design your home in 3D, from the basement to the loft space: kitchen, living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, swimming pool, etc.
– Equip your home down to the smallest details: windows, fireplace, cabinets, patios, etc.
– Furnish your rooms using a 3D furniture library containing more than 2,600 objects
– Insert your own images for a more realistic rendering
– Customise textures and materials: roofing, stones, bricks, etc.
– Design your garden and the topography of your land
– Design your swimming pool
– Design a customised deck that follows the shape of your house
– Import and export your files to DXF/DWG formats
– Customise your fencing and gates

Tour & view:
– Walk through each room of your future home
– View your project at different times of day using the Sun Direction tool
– Create a video fly-around of your project.
– Generate plans to create a 3D paper model
– View the bare-bones structure and technical plans of the house: framing, beams, plumbing, heating, ventilation and electricity
– View your project from a variety of angles and 3D renderings: topographic (changes in height/level, etc.), cut-out, 3D ClearView, Wireframe and more

Management & Advice:
– Advanced cost estimation tool: automatically calculates your expenses
– Green tips to help you save energy and money!
– Refer to a wide selection of video tutorials and sample house plans for guidance

– Complete: Design your entire house and garden: rooms, foundations, furniture, openings, etc.
– Simple: Recognition of Architect 3D’s quality and glowing reports in the press (No. 1 in Micro Hebdo, Micro Actuel and PC Mag).
– A product suitable for beginners wishing to tackle the details of their project or for people with a basic grasp of the concepts
– Universal: Architect 3D runs on the most widely used PC operating systems, including WindowsR Vista™ and Windows 7. Architect 3D is also compatible with the most widely used 3D design tools (AutoCadR, 3DS Studio Max, etc.)

(家居設計應用程式)Architect 3D Platinum www.avanquest.com

(家居設計應用程式)Architect 3D Platinum 1.76 Gb