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DevCad Cam Pro是一個全整合的CAD / CAM系統。它內含devCad的所有Pro的功能,相同的介面和指令,而是將所有東西都必須作出的3軸數控銑床,強大的CAM應用的devCad團隊開發了新的「智慧」技術,以提高使用者的工作。 DevCad提供了許多特殊功能開發尤其要注意模型飛機製造商。

(CAD資料安全)DevCad Cam Pro 3.0
(CAD資料安全)DevCad Cam Pro 3.0


devCad的一個新的主要版本3已經發佈了許可證的價格仍然是一樣的版本2 !看到的最大的改進和新功能清單:
儲存操作已經重新eingineered ,現在它執行4個層級增加安全性的。

CAD繪圖的歷史是與CAD檔案的以前版本的項目清單。當您使用檔案儲存並新增到歷史記錄選單指令(或同時儲存檔案的指令,根據實際繪圖的歷史設定) ,將新項目新增到清單中。

以前的版本devCad的可以只匯入DXF R12 。
現在devCad 3可以匯入和匯出多個版本的DXF ,二進位DXF和DWG檔案!
【文章標題】: (CAD資料安全)DevCad Cam Pro 3.0
【文章作者】: 藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: https://por.tw/Rich/
【藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學課程】: https://por.tw/Rich/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: https://goto1688.com/Rich/
【版權聲明】: (原創)藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
DevCad Cam Pro 3.0

DevCad Cam Pro is a full integrated Cad/Cam system. It includes all the functions of devCad Pro, the same interface and commands, but adds all what is required to make a powerful Cam application for 3 axis CNC milling machines .The devCad Team developed new ‘smart’ technologies to improve the user’s work. DevCad offers many special features developed with particular attention to model aircraft builders.

Here is a brief list of those features:
* A huge collection of model aircraft drawings
* Special functions to easily modify the aspect ratio and the sweep-back of a wing. See the Smart Tech section to have more information
* A special object to draw components like fuselage formers
* Special management for Region objects to prepare parts for CNC cutting. Functions like Offset and arc optimization are included
* Full integration with Profili and Profili Pro, to import ribs, templates and wing plans

A new major release 3 of devCad has been released The price of the license is still the same as version 2! See the list of the biggest improvements and new features:
Cad Data Safety
Now the dc1 files including all the Cad data are much safer.
The Save operation has been re-eingineered, now it perform 4 levels of added safety.
Whatever can go bad during the saving process (also a power blackout), the last valid Cad file will be still available.
See also the below File History feature to add more strength and handling to Cad versions.

Cad File History
It is now possible to keep the History of a Cad Drawing both automatically and manually. In this way you can switch back to an old version or create a new Cad drawing starting from a previous version of an existing drawing.
The History of a Cad drawing is a list of items related to previous versions of the Cad file. When you use the File Save and Add to History menu command (or also the File Save command, depending on the History settings of the actual drawing), a new item is added to the list.
This is useful to keep track of older versions of the drawing. For example if you made an error you can switch back to an old version, also if it’s very old and so the Undo command is no more available.
You can customize the History setting specifying when and where a new item is created, how many items can be stored in the list, and other settings. Also a global History setting is available, it’s used when a new Cad file is created.

DXF, Binary DXF and DWG files Import and Export
Previous versions of devCad could import only DXF r12.
Now devCad 3 can import and export multiple releases of DXF, Binary DXF and DWG files!

(CAD資料安全)DevCad Cam Pro 3.0 | Homepage: www.devcad.com

(CAD資料安全)DevCad Cam Pro 3.0 | Size: 17.2 MB