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FEA和CFD後處理可視化 CEI EnSight Gold 10.0.2g

EnSight – FEA和CFD後處理可視化極限的可視化。

CEI EnSight提供了幾種形式,這些內含EnSight精簡版,標準版,黃金和DR(分佈式編譯),並說明每個產品頁面上。

EnSight軟體的力量,內含所有的EnSight Lite的電源,並具有下列功能:
獨立運行或使用用戶端 – 伺服器操作的Windows,蘋果,Linux,SGI,SUN,IBM,HP配置。
上並行運行2個處理器共享記憶體的電腦系統。後處理資料的遠端用戶端 – 伺服器操作。

FEA和CFD後處理可視化 CEI EnSight Gold 10.0.2g

EnSight – FEA and CFD post-processing visualization Extreme Visualization. Are you seeing all you should see in your engineering and scientific postprocessing? If not, then EnSight is the tool for you. With the largest set of features of any visualization/post-processing tool in existence, EnSight lets you see what you’ve been unable to display and document in the past. An icon-based user interface allows you to learn the program quickly and to move easily into layers of increased functionality. Plus, EnSight works on all major computing platforms and supports interfaces to most major CAE programs and data formats.

CEI offers several forms of EnSight; these include EnSight Lite, Standard, Gold and DR (distributed rendering) and are described more on each product page.

The power of EnSight software includes all the power of EnSight Lite plus the following features:
Runs standalone or distributed using client-server operation on Windows, Apple, Linux, SGI, SUN, IBM, and HP. Reads multiple data sets and enables you to run comparisons between them. The data can originate from different solvers and/or different disciplines. Runs in parallel on up to 2 processors on shared memory computer systems. Post-processes data remotely with client-server operation.

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

FEA和CFD後處理可視化 CEI EnSight Gold 10.0.2g | Home Page: www.ensight.com

FEA和CFD後處理可視化 CEI EnSight Gold 10.0.2g | Size: 779.1 MB