
(PHP 5)

oci_fetch_assoc -- Returns the next row from the result data as an associative array


array oci_fetch_assoc ( resource statement )

oci_fetch_assoc() returns the next row from the result data as an associative array (identical to oci_fetch_array() call with OCI_ASSOC flag).

注: 本函數對 PHP NULL 值設定 NULL 欄位。

A subsequent call to oci_fetch_assoc() will return the next row or FALSE if there are no more rows.

注: Oracle returns all field names in uppercase and associative indices in the result array will be uppercased too.

有關 OCI8 驅動程式執行的資料類型映射的細節,見驅動程式支援的資料類型

See also oci_fetch_array(), oci_fetch_object(), oci_fetch_row() and oci_fetch_all().