LXVII. LZF Functions


LZF is a very fast compression algorithm, ideal for saving space with only slight speed cost. It can be optimized for speed or space at the time of compilation.


PECL 糤ゼ竕﹚ PHP い 秈˙癟ㄒ穝セ更方祘Α蝴臔癟の穝ら粁т http://pecl.php.net/package/lzf.

In order to use these functions you must compile PHP with lzf support by using the --with-lzf[=DIR] configure option. You may also pass --enable-lzf-better-compression to optimize LZF for space rather then speed.

Windows users will enable php_lzf.dll inside of php.ini in order to use these functions. 眖 PHP 更┪琌 http://snaps.php.net/ 更 PECL 糤 DLL 郎

lzf_compress --  LZF compression
lzf_decompress --  LZF decompression
lzf_optimized_for --  Determines what LZF extension was optimized for