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Recipe 12.5. Extracting a Substring


You want to extract a substring from a string.


Use the substring( ), substr( ), or slice( ) methods.


The substring( ), substr( ), and slice( ) methods all return the value of a substring without affecting the original string. The only difference between the three methods is in the parameters they accept.

The substr( ) method takes up to two parameters.


The position of the first character of the substring. The value can be negative, in which case the index is calculated from the end of the string, where -1 is the last character, -2 is the second-to-last character, and so on.


The number of characters in the substring to extract. If this parameter is omitted, all the characters from the start index to the end are used.

var example:String = "Bunnies";
trace( example.substr( 0 ) );      // Displays: Bunnies
trace( example.substr( 0, 3 ) );   // Displays: Bun
trace( example.substr( 3, 3 ) );   // Displays: nie
trace( example.substr( -1 ) );     // Displays: s
trace( example.substr( -2, 5 ) );  // Displays: es

The substring( ) and slice( ) method both take the same parameters.


The position of the first character of the substring to extract.


The position of one character after the last character in the substring to extract. That is, the substring will include from start index up to, but not including, the character at endIndex. If this parameter is omitted, all the characters from the start index to the end of the string are used.

The substring( ) and slice( ) methods differ in that substring( ) accepts positive index values only; it interprets negative values as 0. Also, if endIndex is less than startIndex, the substring( ) method automatically reverses them before executing, always using the smaller of the two parameters as the starting index. The slice( ) method, on the other hand, accepts negative values for both startIndex and endIndex; it interprets negative values as counting back from the end of the string, where -1 is the last character in the string. The slice( ) method returns an empty string if you specify an endIndex that is less than startIndex.

var example:String = "Rabbits";

// Both of these output the entire string, beginning at index 0 and 
// going to the last index (the value of which is example.length - 1).
trace( example.substring( 0 ) );       // Displays: Rabbits
trace( example.slice( 0 ) );           // Displays: Rabbits

// The substring(  ) method outputs nothing because it converts the negative
// indices to 0. The slice(  ) method outputs "it", which is the substring from
// the third-to-last character (index -3) to next-to-last character (index -1).
trace( example.substring( -3, -1 ) );  // Displays nothing (an empty string)
trace( example.slice( -3, -1 ) );      // Displays: it

// Both of these output the substring "ab".
trace( example.substring( 1, 3 ) );    // Displays: ab
trace( example.slice( 1, 3 ) );        // Displays: ab

// The substring(  ) method outputs the substring "ab" because it reverses the
// order of the parameters automatically. The slice(  ) method outputs nothing
// because the slice(  ) method does not reverse the order of the parameters.
trace( example.substring( 3, 1 ) );    // Displays: ab
trace( example.slice( 3, 1 ) );        // Displays nothing (an empty string)

You commonly use the substring extraction methods in conjunction with the indexOf( ) and lastIndexOf( ) methods. You can use indexOf( ) and lastIndexOf( ) methods to search for the substring within a string, and then use the substring extraction methods to get the substrings.

This example extracts a file's extension and its filename (without the extension), presumed to be separated from each other by a period:

var filename:String = "document.jpg";
// Find the location of the period.
var extensionIndex:Number = filename.lastIndexOf( '.' );

// The extension-less filename ("mydocument") is everything before the period.
var extensionless:String = filename.substr( 0, extensionIndex ); 
trace( "The filename is " + extensionless );

// The extension ("jpg") is everything after the period.
var extension:String = filename.substr( extensionIndex + 1, filename.length );
trace( "The file extension is " + extension );

You can also use the split( ) method, assuming there is only one period in the filename:

var filename:String = "document.jpg";
// Split the string wherever the period occurs.
var nameParts:Array = filename.split(".");

// The first element is "document" (everything before the first period).
var extensionless:String = nameParts[0];
trace ("The filename is " + extensionless);

// The next element is "jpg" (anything after the first 
// period and before the next one).
var extension:String = nameParts[1];
trace ("The file extension is " + extension);

Compare and contrast the two preceding examples. What if the filename doesn't contain a period, e.g., document? (Hint: The first example produces invalid results.) What if the filename contains more than one period, such as ascb_fig8.1.bmp? (Hint: The second example produces invalid results.)

Here is a general solution:

// This method returns everything before the last period, if any.
private function removeExtension( filename:String ):String {
  // Find the location of the period.
  var extensionIndex:Number = filename.lastIndexOf( '.' );
  if ( extensionIndex == -1 ) {
    // Oops, there is no period. Just return the filename.
    return filename;
  } else {
    return filename.substr( 0, extensionIndex );

// This method returns everything after the last period, if any.
private function extractExtension( filename:String ):String {
  // Find the location of the period.
  var extensionIndex:Number = filename.lastIndexOf( '.' );
  if ( extensionIndex == -1 ) {
    // Oops, there is no period, so return the empty string.
    return "";
  } else {
    return filename.substr( extensionIndex + 1, filename.length );

Here's example usage:

trace( removeExtension( "document.jpg" ) );       // Displays: document
trace( removeExtension( "document" ) );           // Displays: document
trace( removeExtension( "document.1.jpg" ) );     // Displays: document.1
trace( extractExtension( "document.jpg" ) );      // Displays: .jpg
trace( extractExtension( "document" ) );          // Displays nothing
trace( extractExtension( "document.1.jpg" ) );    // Displays: .jpg

See Also

Recipe 12.6

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