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Recipe 12.7. Removing and Replacing Characters and Words


You want to remove characters from a string or replace one substring with another.


Use the replace( ) method or split( ) and join( ) combination.


ActionScript 3.0 includes a new method String.replace( ), not found in previous versions, that allows you to replace substrings within a string. This method accepts two parameters:


The substring or regular expression you want to find and replace.


The value with which to replace each pattern match. This value is typically a string but can also be a function that returns a string. It is useful when pattern is a regular expression.

There are two uses of this method based on the parameters provided. This recipe focuses on using a string for the pattern. A regular expression pattern also can be used, as covered in Recipe 13.4.

Here is a simple example of replacing a substring in a sentence. The replace( ) method returns a new string with pattern replaced by replace, leaving the original string unmodified.

var example:String = "This is a cool sentence."

// Replace " is " with " is not " in example.
// Displays: This is not a cool sentence. 
trace( example.replace( " is ", " is not " ) );

In this example, the word "is" is surrounded by spaces when used as the pattern. This is important because failing to do so matches the "is" in "This" and the sentence starts with "This not is," which is not the desired effect.

When a string is used for the pattern in the replace( ) method, the method lacks functionality compared to using a regular expression. The two biggest problems are that only the first occurrence of pattern is replaced and you have to roll your own solution for case-insensitive replacement.

To replace all occurrences, you have to use a combination of a loop and the replace method:

// Create a string with contractions, and another string to store the replacements
var example:String = "It's a bird, it's a plane, it's ActionScript Man!";
var replaced:String = example; // Initialize replaced with the original text

// As long as the pattern substring is found in replaced, we need to replace again
while ( replaced.indexOf( "it's" ) != -1 ) {
  // Replace the first instance of "it's" with "it is".
  replaced = replaced.replace( "it's", "it is" );

// To get around the case-sensitivity problem, we need to change the pattern and
// go through the replace process again. This fixes the uppercase "It's"
replaced = replaced.replace( "It's", "It is" );

// Outputs: It is a bird, it is a plane, it is ActionScript Man!
trace( replaced );

The split( ) method also can be used to replace and remove characters and words in a string. Unlike using replace( ) with a string pattern, split replaces all occurrences of a word. However, both methods share the same case-sensitivity problem. The following is an example of replacing the HTML <br> tag with the \\n character to properly break a sentence into multiple lines:

var example:String = "This is<br>a sentence<br>on 3 lines";

// Remove the <br> tags and replace them with newline characters ('\n')
/* Display:
   This is
   a sentence
   on 3 lines
trace( example.split( "<br>" ).join( '\n' ) );

When a string is split, an array of strings is returned. The Array.join( ) method can then be used to build a new string out of the individual array elements. Splitting removes the delimiter, allowing us to join the string again with a new delimiter passed to the join( ) method. This technique replaces all occurrences of the delimiter passed to split.

To remove characters or words instead of replacing them simply use the empty string as the replacement string:

var example:String = "This is a cool sentence.";
// Remove the word "cool" and it's trailing space from example
// Displays: This is a sentence.
trace( example.replace( "cool ", "" ) );

See Also

Recipes 12.4 and 12.7

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