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Recipe 18.3. Validating Receipt of Communication over Local Connections


You want a sending movie to receive confirmation that the communication was successfully received.


Configure the receiving movie to return a receipt to the sending movie.


To confirm that a communication was received, you can have the receiving movie send a message back to the original sending movie. Due to the nature of local connections, a single channel cannot be used for two-way communication. For this reason, we have to create a local connection channel for each direction of communication. Use the following steps to confirm receipt of a message:

  1. Set up the sending and receiving movies, as described in Recipe 18.1.

  2. In addition to whatever code you include in the method that is invoked on the receiving movie, write code to send a receipt over a new channel (for example, "_exampleChannelReceipt "). You can use this.send( ) within the local connection's method to send a receipt back to the original sender.

  3. In the sending movie, call the connect( ) method, passing it the name of the channel over which the receiving movie sends the receipt ("_exampleChannelReceipt").

  4. In the sending movie, create a method on the local connection object to handle the receipt communication. Make sure this method name matches the name of the method that the receiving movie invokes when sending the receipt.

The following is an example of some code from a sending movie and a receiving movie.

First, the receiving movie code, using the DynamicLocalConnection class:

// Create the receiving code to listen on the "_exampleChannel" 
// channel.
var receiver:DynamicLocalConnection = new DynamicLocalConnection( );
receiver.connect( "_exampleChannel" );
receiver.example = function(  ):void {
  // In addition to whatever other code goes in the 
  // receiving method, add this code to issue a receipt 
  // back to the sending movie over the "_exampleChannelReceipt" 
  // channel. The this keyword refers to the current local 
  // connection object.
  this.send( "_exampleChannelReceipt", "receipt" );

Then, the sending movie code:

// Create the local connection object for sending over the 
// "_exampleChannel" channel.
var sender:DynamicLocalConnection = new DynamicLocalConnection(  );
seder.send( "_exampleChannel", "example" );
// Tell the local connection to listen on the 
// "_exampleChannelReceipt" channel for the receipt broadcast 
// by the receiving movie.
sender.connect( "_exampleChannelReceipt" );
// Define the receipt( ) method that gets called from the 
// receiving movie.
sender.receipt = function(  ):void {
  output.text = "Receiver has delivered sent receipt";

The key is that the name of the channel on which a local connection object listens (using connect( )) must be the same as the name of the channel over which another movie's local connection object sends a message (using send( )).

To take this one step further, you can tell the receiving local connection the name of the channel to send a receipt to. This is useful when multiple movies are sending data to the same movie and the receiving movie does not necessarily know which movie delivered the data. To achieve this effect, pass the channel name to the receiver by using code like this:

sender.send( "_exampleChannel", "example", "_exampleChannelReceipt1" );

The sender movie would send the name of the channel it's listening for a receipt on. The receiving movie then sends the receipt over that channel name:

receiver.example = function( receiptChannelName:String ):void {
  this.send( receiptChannelName, "receipt" );

By passing around the receipt channel name, the receipt channel is never hardcoded into the receiving movie, making the approach more flexible.

See Also

Recipe 18.1

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