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Recipe 19.6. Sending Data to a Server-Side Script


You want to send data from a Flash movie to a server-side script.


Create a URLRequest instance that contains the data and pass it to the script with the ) method. If you want to open the results of the script in a specific browser window, use the ) method. If you expect a response, use the URLLoader.load( ) method instead, as described in Recipes 3.12 and 19.7.


Use the sendToUrl( ) method from the package to send data to a server-side script if you do not need to process the result. For example, you might want to submit a web form's data to a server-side script without displaying any result from the server-side processing. However, the sendToURL( ) method does not return any confirmation that the data was received, so it isn't practical in most cases. Even if you just want to display a static message, such as "Thank you for submitting the form," you need confirmation that the variables were successfully received on the server. Therefore, if you want confirmation of receipt, use the URLLoader.load( ) method, as described in Recipes 3.12 and 19.7.

The URLRequest instance passed to sendToUrl determines what (and how) data is sent to a server-side script. Typically, the data property of the request is set to a URLVariables instance to send name-value pairs to the server. It can also be set to a flash.util.ByteArray to HTTP POST binary data to a server, or data can be set to a String to send text, perhaps an XML-RPC request (see, to a server. The following code snippet shows how to create a URLRequest by using a URLVariables instance to send name-value pairs to a server-side script:

function sendData(  ):void {
  // Create a request that sends data to the process.cfm page
  var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "process.cfm" );
  // Create some variables to send, someText and someNumber.
  var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(  );
  variables.someText = "Some text to send";
  variables.someNumber = 26.2;
  // Set the data to be sent to the variables, created earlier = variables;
  // Send the data to the script for processing
  sendToURL( request );

The URL passed during the URLRequest creation can be absolute or relative, and is governed by the Flash Player security sandbox. For more information about security, see Recipe 3.12.

// Set the url property to a CGI script with an absolute URL
request.url = "";
// Set the url property to a script relative to the location 
// of the .swf file
request.url = "cgi-bin/submitVars.cgi";

The server's response to a sendToURL( ) method is disregarded by the Flash movie and data is sent transparently behind the scenes. To send data to a script and open the results in a specific browser window, use the navigateToURL( ) method instead. This method is almost exactly the same as sendToURL( ) except it takes an additional parameterthe name of the window to send the results to. Use the window name of _blank to display the response in a new browser window, or you can display the result in another, named window or frame that is already open if you know the correct target name for it. Neither of these two options have any effect on the browser window containing the Flash movie. However, specifying the target as _self or _parent replaces the page contained the Flash movie.

// Send variables containted in a URLRequest instance to a script 
// and display the output in a new browser
navigateToURL( request, "_blank" );

If you want the response to be returned to the Flash movie, use the URLLoader.load( ) method, as discussed in Recipes 3.12 and 19.7.

By default, data is sent to the specified script via the HTTP POST method when you use sendToURL( ) or navigateToURL( ). Set the method property of the URLRequest instance containing the data to change this behavior. Use URLRequestMethod.GET for HTTP GET and use URLRequestMethod.POST for HTTP POST.

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "cgi-bin/submit.cgi" );

// Create some variables to send
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(  );
variables.someText = "Post me!"; = variables;

// Configure the variables to be sent via HTTP POST
request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;

// Send the request and open the response in a new window
navigateToURL( request, "_blank" );

See Also

Recipes 3.12 and 19.7

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