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Recipe 20.3. Adding Elements to an XML Object


You want to construct an XML object and add elements to it.


Use E4X syntax to create child elements and add them to an XML tree. Additionally, use the insertChildBefore( ) and insertChildAfter( ) methods for more control over how new elements are added.


You might want to add elements to an XML object to construct an XML data structure to pass to another application. There are several ways to accomplish this, as discussed in Recipe 20.2.

Adding elements to an existing XML object is simple with E4X syntax. Use the dot operator (.) on the XML instance and add the element much the same way a generic property is added to a regular Object:

// Create an XML instance to add elements to
var example:XML = <example />;

// Create a new XML node named newElement and add it to the 
// example instance
example.newElement = <newElement />;

/* Displays:
trace( example );

In the preceding example, an XML literal is created for an empty newElement node. This is then added to the example instance by using the dot operator and assigning a newElement property to the newElement node. In this situation, the property name and the element name do not need to be the same. However, it would be confusing if they were not. The element name overrides the property name when adding an XML node to an existing XML object.

You can also create a new element by creating a property on the XML instance and assigning it a value, as follows:

// Create an XML instance to work with
var example:XML = <example />;

// Create a new property emptyElement and assign it an empty 
// string value
example.emptyElement = "";

/* Displays:
trace( example );

The preceding example demonstrates that you can create child elements on an XML object without actually adding XML nodes, like in the first example. Assigning an empty string value to a new emptyElement property creates an empty element node named emptyElement.

If you don't know the name of the element you'd like to add, or if you want it based off of the value of a variable, you can use the alternative bracket notation. Instead of using the dot operator, place a string inside of brackets ([ and ]). The string is evaluated and the value is used as the property name. This allows you to build a property name and, consequently, an element name, dynamically:

// Create an XML instance to work with
var example:XML = <example />;

var id:int = 10;

// Create a string to incorporate the value of id in the node name
example[ "user" + id ] = "";    

/* Displays:
trace( example );

There are some cases when using the bracket syntax is required. For example, it is perfectly legal XML to have an element node name with a hyphen in it. Trying to create an element name with a hyphen by using the dot operator gives a compiler error:

example.some-element = ""; // Generates a compiler error

The hyphen has a special meaning to the compiler; it is used to for subtraction. The preceding code snippet is interpreted as a subtraction statement, attempting to subtract the variable element from example.some, and then assigning the empty string to that value. This subtraction statement is not syntactically valid, which explains the compiler error. Furthermore, even if the statement above would compile as valid use of subtraction, it is not the intended behavior of creating an element node. Using bracket notation fixes this:

example[ "some-element" ] = "";

One problem with the simplicity of E4X is that any time a new element is added, it is always added at the end of the XML tree. To solve this, use the insertChildBefore( ) and insertChildAfter( ) methods to have more control over how new element nodes are added. The insertChildBefore( ) method inserts a new element before an existing element in the XML tree, while insertChildAfter( ) inserts a new element after an existing element. Each method takes the same two parameters: the node marking the inserting point and the data to insert. The following code snippet shows how to use both of these methods to modify an XML tree:

// Create an XML instance to work with
var example:XML = <example/>;

// Create an empty two element node
example.two = "";

// Before the two element node, add a one element node
example = example.insertChildBefore( example.two, <one /> );

// After the two element node, add a three element node
example = example.insertChildAfter( example.two, <three /> );

/* Displays:
trace( example );

In the preceding example, note that the insertChildBefore( ) and insertChildAfter( ) methods do not modify the XML instance in which they are called. Instead, they return a new instance containing the modifications. To capture the modifications, assign the result of the method call to the XML instance again, as the previous example shows.

See Also

Recipes 20.2 and 20.4

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