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Recipe 20.8. Reading Text Nodes and Their Values


You want to extract the value from a text node.


Use E4X syntax, or, alternatively, use the text( ) method to return an XMLList of text nodes for an element. Then use the toString( ) method to convert the text node's value to a string, use a conversion function such as int( ) or Number( ) to convert the value to another datatype, or let the Flash Player automatically convert the value to a specific type.


Recipe 20.4 looks at text nodes and how to create them in XML objects. This recipe explains how to extract the value from a text node. You can get a reference to the text node in much the same as you reference element nodes, discussed in Recipes 20.6 and 20.7. Once you have a reference to the text node, you can extract its value by using toString( ) or a conversion method on the node. For example, consider the following XML packet:

  <title>ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook</title>

The root node of this XML packet is <book>, which contains <title> as its child element. The <title> element, in turn, contains a nested node; a text node with a value of ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook.

If this XML packet is assigned to an XML object, you can "dot down" with E4X syntax to get to the title element node by name, and then use the toString( ) method to access the text node child of title:

var book:XML = <book>
                 <title>ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook</title>

// Use E4X syntax to access the title element, and assign 
// it to the title variable.
var title:String = book.title.toString(  );

// Displays: ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook
trace( title );

In this example, converting the title element node to a String is done by explicitly invoking the toString( ) method. In truth, you can omit the call to toString( ) because the Flash Player does this for us automatically. However, it is generally a good idea to explicitly use toString( ) so your code communicates its intent.

Similarly, you can convert a text node to other types besides String. The following example demonstrates converting text nodes to various types by using both conversion functions Boolean( ) and int( ), and letting the Flash Player automatically do the conversion for the Number type (instead of explicitly using Number( )):

var example:XML = <example>

// Convert a text node of "true" to boolean true
var bool:Boolean = Boolean( example.bool );

// Convert a text node of "12" to an integer
var integer:int = int( example.integer );

// Convert a text node of ".9" to a number
var number:Number = example.number;

/* Displays:
trace( bool );
trace( integer );
trace( number );

The preceding example is slightly misleading. The Boolean( ) conversion function may not work exactly the way you think it does. Changing the text node value in the <bool> element from TRue to false results in the bool variable being set to TRue, and not false like you might think. This behavior is by design, frustrating as it may be. A simple technique to convert the string false to a Boolean false is to use the toLowerCase( ) method and compare the value with the string true:

var bool:Boolean = example.bool.toLowerCase(  ) == "true";

Until now we've examined element nodes with a single text node as a child. What about mixed elements? Trying to convert a mixed element into a string results in a formatted XML string as output:

var fruit:XML = <fruit>
                    An apple a day...

// Explicity using toString(  ) here is required
var value:String = fruit.toString(  ); 

/* Displays:
  An apple a day...
trace( value );

In these situations, the text( ) method should be used to return only the text nodes of an element. As demonstrated in Recipe 20.6, use a for each loop to iterate over the nodes:

var fruit:XML = <fruit>
                    An apple a day...

for each ( var textNode:XML in fruit.text(  ) ) {
  // Displays: An apple a day...
  trace( textNode );    

See Also

Recipes 20.4, 20.6, and 20.7

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