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Recipe 23.1. Downloading Files


You want to let users download files to their computer.


Use the download( ) method of a FileReference object.


The class defines a download( ) method that allows users to download a file from a URL to their computers. When Flash Player calls the download( ) method, it attempts to open a dialog box, titled "Select location for download." This dialog box allows users to use a standard operating system dialog to browse their local disks for a location to which they want to save files.

The first step before calling the download( ) method is to construct a FileReference object, as follows:

var fileReference:FileReference = new FileReference(  );

The download( ) method requires at least one parameter as a URLRequest object, specifying the URL from which you want to download the file. In the simplest case, the URL points to a static file that the user can download. The following example opens a save dialog box that allows users to select a location to which they can save a copy of example.txt from the same directory on the server where the SWF resides:

var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("example.txt");;

Specifying a full path to a file is as simple as specifying the URL when constructing the URLRequest object, as the following example illustrates:

var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");;

The save dialog box also allows users to change the name of the file they're downloading. By default, the filename field displays the name of the file as it exists on the server. In the preceding example, the filename field in the save dialog box displays example.txt. In many cases, though, you may want to use a different default name than the name of the file specified in the URL. For example, if a static file was created by a server-side script, it may have a unique identifier name as its filename (e.g., R7AS82892KHWI014.jpg) that you may not want to display to users by default. Additionally, there are cases when the file is created dynamically at request time by a script, and the URLRequest object points to that script. In those cases, the default value for the filename field in the save dialog box is the name of the script (e.g., script.cgi), which not only isn't user-friendly, but it can cause the file to be misread by Windows computers if it has the incorrect file extension.

The download( ) method accepts a second, optional parameter by which you can specify a different default value for the filename field in the save dialog box. The second parameter is a string, the value of which is displayed in the filename field. The following example prompts the user to download a file that is created dynamically at request time by a script (script.cgi). In this example, the script outputs a JPEG image file. Rather than using the default filename value (script.cgi), the code specifies a filename value of example.jpg:

var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("script.cgi");, "example.jpg");

When working with the download( ) method, it's important to use a try...catch statement because the method can throw errors. If an error isn't handled properly, it can cause things to malfunction (if the code assumes the operation was successful) and can display a default error message to the user. It's almost never a good idea to allow Flash Player to throw an unhandled event that would display a default error message to the user, as that would likely cause the user to feel as though something has broken. Handling the error with ActionScript code allows the application to respond to the error much more gracefully than it would if the error were unhandled. The two most common errors are IllegalOperationError and SecurityError. The IllegalOperationError occurs when you call download( ) and a save dialog box is already open; only one such dialog box can be open at a time. The SecurityError occurs when the SWF doesn't have permission to download the file because the SWF is an untrusted file:

try {, fileName);
catch (illegalOperation:IllegalOperationError) {
    // code to handle an illegal operation error
catch (security:SecurityError) {
    // code to handle a security error

Although less common, the download( ) method can also throw errors of type ArgumentError and MemoryError. ArgumentError errors occur when the URL- Request parameter has a data property that isn't of type URLVariables or String. Although your URLRequest allows you to assign a byte array to the data property, the download( ) method works only when the data property is of type URLVariables of String. The memory error is fairly obscure, and it can occur when one of two conditions is present. If the URLRequest is set to make a GET request and System.useCodePage is true, Flash Player may not be able to convert characters from Unicode to multibyte character format as required. Alternatively, Flash Player may not be able to allocate the necessary memory to open the save dialog box.

In addition to the errors that the download( ) method throws, it also dispatches error events. The download( ) method dispatches a security error event of type SecurityErrorEvent when Flash Player was unable to download the file for security reasons. Security error events occur when Flash Player's sandbox security doesn't grant the SWF permission to download a file from the specified URL. The download( ) method can dispatch an I/O error event of type IOErrorEvent when there is an error downloading the file due to one of the following reasons:

  • A network error

  • The server requires authentication and Flash Player isn't running in a browser

  • An invalid protocol (only HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP work)

You must add an event listener to handle error events such as SecurityErrorEvent and IOErrorEvent. You can add an event listener for an error event just as you would for a standard event. The following example adds a listener for an IOErrorEvent type.

fileReference.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError);

See Also

Recipe 23.2

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