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Recipe 2.5. Creating Subclasses


You want to create a class that inherits from an existing class.


Write a subclass using the extends keyword.


There are cases when a new class is a more specific version of an existing class. The new class may feature much of the same behavior as the existing class. Rather than rewriting all the common functionality you can define the new class so it inherits all the functionality of the existing class. In relation to one another, the new class is then called a subclass and the existing class is called a superclass.

You can define inheritance between classes in the subclass declaration using the extends keyword, as follows:

public class Subclass extends Superclass

A subclass can reference any public or protected properties and methods of the superclass. private properties and methods are not accessible outside the class, not even to a subclass.

Inheritance is a powerful technique; however, as with anything else, it is important that you use inheritance correctly. Before writing a subclass you need to determine whether or not the new class actually has a subclass relationship with the existing class. There are two basic types of relationships that classes can have: inheritance and composition. You can usually quickly determine the correct relationship between classes by asking whether it's an "is a" relationship or a "has a" relationship:

  • "Is a" relationships are often inheritance relationships. As an example, consider an application that manages a library's collection.

  • "Has a" relationships are composition relationships in which a class declares a property. Most classes use composition. Oftentimes composition can be implemented in such a way that it achieves the same results as inheritance with greater flexibility (yet generally requiring more code). For example, a book is not an author, but it has an author (or authors).

The library has different types of items in the collection including books and DVDs. Obviously books and DVDs have different types of data associated with them. Books have page counts and authors, while DVDs might have running times, actors, directors, etc. However, you also want to associate certain common types of data with both books and DVDs. For example, all library items might have Dewey decimal classifications as well as unique identification numbers assigned by the library. And every sort of library item has a title or name. In such a case, it can be advantageous to define a class that generalizes the commonality of all library items:

package org.examplelibrary.collection {
    public class LibraryItem {
        protected var _ddc:String;
        protected var _id:String;
        protected var _name:String;

        public function LibraryItem(  ) {}

        public function setDdc(value:String):void {
            _ddc = value;
        public function getDdc(  ):String {
            return _ddc;

        public function setId(value:String):void {
            _id = value;
        public function getId(  ):String {
            return _id;

        public function setName(value:String):void {
            _name = value;
        public function getName(  ):String {
            return _name;

Then you can say that books and DVDs are both types of LibraryItem. It would then be appropriate to define a Book class and a DVD class that are subclasses of LibraryItem. The Book class might look like the following:

package org.examplelibrary.collection {
    import org.examplelibrary.collection.LibraryItem;
    public class Book extends LibraryItem {
        private var _authors:Array;
        private var _pageCount:uint;

        public function Book(  ) {}

        public function setAuthors(value:Array):void {
            _authors = value;
        public function getAuthors(  ):Array {
            return _authors;

        public function setPageCount(value:uint):void {
            _pageCount = value;
        public function getPageCount(  ):uint {
            return _pageCount;

The "Is a" and "Has a" test is helpful, but not always definitive in determining the relationship between classes. Often composition can be used even when inheritance would be acceptable and appropriate. In such cases the developer might opt for composition because it offers an advantage or flexibility not provided by inheritance. Furthermore, there are times when a class may appear to pass the "Is a" test yet inheritance would not be the correct relationship. For example, the library application might allow users to have accounts, and to represent the user, you would define a User class. The application might differentiate between types of users; for example, administrator and standard users. You could define Administrator and StandardUser classes. In such a case, the classes would appear to pass the "Is a" test in relation to User. It would seem to make sense that an Administrator is a User. However, if you consider the context an Administrator isn't actually a User, but more appropriately an Administrator is a role for a User. If possible, it would be better to define User so it has a role of type Administrator or StandardUser.

By default it's possible to extend any class. However you may want to ensure that certain classes are never subclassed. For this reason you can add the final attribute to the class declaration, as follows:

final public class Example

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