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Recipe 8.4. Loading an External Image into a Bitmap


You want to load an external bitmap image and manipulate it as a BitmapData.


Use the flash.display.Loader class to load the image. When the image has loaded, access the loader's content property, which is a Bitmap. Accessing that Bitmap's bitmapData property gives you direct access to the BitmapData representing the loaded image.


You load an external bitmap image via the Loader class. This takes a URLRequest object with the URL of the image you are loading. Listening for the loader's complete event lets you know when the image has loaded. Here is the setup to create the loaderlisten for the complete event and begin loading an image:

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.Loader;

    public class BitmapLoader extends Sprite {
        private var _loader:Loader = new Loader(  );

        public function BitmapLoader(  ) {
            _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
            _loader.load(new URLRequest("image.jpg"));

By itself, this code simply loads and displays the specified image. Next, create the onComplete method that accesses the bitmap information once it has loaded:

    public function onComplete(event:Event):void {
        var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(_loader.content);
        var bitmap:BitmapData = image.bitmapData;

First, get a reference to the loader's content property. This is a display object representing the content that was loaded. If you have loaded an external .swf, it is a MovieClip type. In this case, however, you have loaded a bitmap image, so the content contains a Bitmap. You should cast it as a Bitmap so the compiler doesn't complain when you try to access properties that belong only to Bitmap.

Next, you can access the BitmapData contained within the Bitmap by reading its BitmapData property. This gives you the ability to modify and manipulate the newly loaded image. This example draws a white square on the image.

Alternately, you could draw the loaded image into a new BitmapData and display that.

public function onComplete(event:Event):void {
    var loadedImage:Bitmap = Bitmap(_loader.content);

    // Create a new Bitmap data and draw the
    // loaded image to it.
    var bitmap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(loadedImage.width, 
                                        false, 0xffffffff);
    bitmap.draw(loadedImage, new Matrix(  ))

    // Create a new Bitmap using the BitmapData
    // and display it.
    var image:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmap);

    // Manipulate the pixels as you wish
    bitmap.fillRect(new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50), 0xffffffff);

See Also

Recipe 8.1 for how to create a bitmap and Recipe 8.2 for information on how to make a BitmapData visible.

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