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照片邊框框架編輯軟體 Odin Frame Photo Creator 8.7.2

TT可以讓你拍照,如數位camera.And的為您提供各種不同的背景(幀),例如,花,草,海洋,卡通,動物,以說明你採取豐富多彩的photos.Then的,你可以結合您took.Befor你把它列印出來或儲存在電腦的照片後,你還可以eidit的照片,照片編輯器,通過改變彩色的照片,調整色調,銳利度,RGB彩色翻轉,並rorate photos.And您還可以加入基地圖片和一些有趣的可愛的臉表達出的照片上的臉像。


 照片邊框框架編輯軟體 Odin Frame Photo Creator 8.7.2

照片邊框框架編輯軟體 Odin Frame Photo Creator 8.7.2特點
8. CHAGE和應用之前列印的照片尺寸

Frame Photo Creator software has photo mode and digital camera mode .Tt can let you take photos like digital camera.And It offers you kinds of different backgrounds(frames),for example, flowers,grass, ,the ocean ,cartoon ,animals to help you take colorful photos.Then you can combine the photos after you took.Befor you print it out or save in the computer,you also can eidit the photos in photo editor by altering the color of the photos,adjusting hues, sharpness, RGB color, flip and rorate photos.And you also can add base pictures and some funny face like cute face expression on the photos.

It also enable you to import frame,photo background,funy expressions and photo on your PC.So People also can edit their photos according to their preferences,just selecting different frames from thousands of choises, and enter the photo editor to change the photo style and then the result photos can be great to express their personality.

1. Have photo mode and digital camera mode.
2. Include thousands of frames and add your personalized frames freely .
3. Assemble photos in diffferent way
4. Add funny face to the photos.
5. Add base background to the photos.
6. Eidt photos in many ways like change color,alter the location in the photo editor
7. Import frame,photo,photo background,expression to database.
8. Chage and apply photo size before print
9. Save edditing photos and next time just upload it and contitue to edit.
10.Print out the photos.
11. Easy to operate.

照片邊框框架編輯軟體 Odin Frame Photo Creator 8.7.2 | Home Page www.odinshare.com

照片邊框框架編輯軟體 Odin Frame Photo Creator 8.7.2 / Size: 21.28 MB