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Electric Rain Swift 3D MAX v4.0.169 3ds Max和LightWave 3D外掛程式

Electric Rain Swift 3D MAX v4.0.169 3ds Max和LightWave 3D外掛程式

Electric Rain Swift 3D 外掛程式容許3ds Max和LightWave 3D中的使用者提供高品質,低頻寬的向量或光柵整個網路的97%以上的觀眾觀看Flash動畫的3D場景。
本站由業界領先的RAViX 4個向量編譯技術,Electric Rain Swift 3D外掛程式提供了卓越的整合Flash和無與倫比的向量輸出。
從卡通到全漸變陰影,Electric Rain Swift 3D外掛程式是一定要的風格,你需要為你的下一個Flash或列印項目。
匯出格式內含Adobe Illustrator中,EPS,SVG和香椿景氣的PNT格式。

Electric Rain Swift 3D MAX v4.0.169 3ds Max和LightWave 3D外掛程式

Electric Rain Swift 3D MAX v4.0.169 3ds Max和LightWave 3D外掛程式產品特點:
‧光柵編譯的Adobe Flash

Electric Rain Swift 3D MAX v4.0.169 3ds Max和LightWave 3D外掛程式新功能:

Autodesk 3ds Max的2011支援(32位和64位)
斯威夫特3D MAX V4外掛程式支援最新版本的Autodesk 3ds Max(2011年),以及以前版本的3ds Max,內含R8,R9,2008年-2010年。哦,最好的部分是,我們同時支援32位和64位版本。享受!

Flash CS5的FLA / XFL出口
Adobe已經開啟了他們的源FLA檔案的格式現在容許你從SWIFT 3D MAX,整合了非常緊密地與現有的Flash項目中呈現內容。 Adobe還推出了一個新的稱為XFL格式,它是基於XML的項目檔案,用於在Flash CS5作為交換格式,它進口的XFL檔案,這些檔案從Adobe InDesign和後遺症出口,現在斯威夫特3D MAX。

Papervision3D的2.0和Collada DAE格式支援
太複雜了,你就搞定嗎?讓斯威夫特3D MAX做的工作,你建立PV3D的項目,。斯威夫特3D MAX出口直接從3ds Max的最新Papervision3D的2.0版規範和Collada DAE格式,同時自動建立完整的Papervision你在一個簡單的出口項目。編譯FLA在Flash和你準備發佈實時互動的3D模型,紋理和所有的網路。

AVI / MOV視訊出口
斯威夫特3D MAX出口到AVI和QuickTime視訊格式,所有你的動作設計項目的一個必不可少的工具。從簡單的3D視訊字幕,以先進的三維動畫影片,斯威夫特3D MAX將3ds Max的一個多層面的工具,擴大設計的可能性,以合理的價格。

*只有斯威夫特3D MAX V4 32位版本可以匯出到QuickTlime MOV

Flash FLV視訊匯出
斯威夫特3D MAX動畫匯出到Flash視訊FLV格式匯入到Flash或通過Adobe Flash播放器直接播放。

微軟的WPF / Silverlight的出口
斯威夫特3D MAX現在出口到3D WPF和Silverlight XAML格式,這是。NET和Silverlight的球員明白的語系,一幀一幀的動畫。這些XAML檔案,也可以用在Microsoft Expression Blend或Visual Studio較大。NET或Silverlight應用程式的設計元素。瞭解更多關於SWIFT 3D Max和Silverlight整合。

斯威夫特3D V6(T3D)和ZAM 3D V2(Z3D)出口的
斯威夫特3D MAX V4現在出口電力雨系列的產品,內含ZAM 3D V2(Z3D)和斯威夫特3D V6(T3D)。而且,由於這些產品還出口到3DS,它使往返之間所有的應用成為可能,讓您的工作環境中的你是最舒服的。

斯威夫特3D MAX可以利用在您的系統上所有可用的處理器,可以同時工作在相同的光柵編譯,以提供更快的編譯。


斯威夫特3D MAX V3的新功能
介紹自訂的畫筆樣式,適用於可變的筆寬度的筆觸到你的3D物體,讓他們真正的卡通造型。選取畫筆形狀,角度和方面,讓我們的RAViX 4個向量編譯引擎改善的卡通動畫輸出或向量圖像,會提醒你星期六早晨動畫片的最愛。

斯威夫特3D MAX和Swift 3D LW現在利用我們的最新RAViX技術,大大提高了編譯時間。這些速度的增加尤為顯著低多邊形模型和簡單的動畫,使用基本填充樣式,在我們的基準測試顯示增加超過50倍的速度比什麼是可能的使用第2版的外掛程式。註:速度增加很大的差別時,編譯的多邊形模型,或是使用複雜的編譯選項。

在3ds max中使用「屬性」面板或在LightWave 3D對像屬性「按鈕,您就可以適用於不同的填充和線條樣式或您的3D場景中的每個對象。標準斯威夫特3D MAX或Swift 3D LW編譯選項對話框作為主樣式控制您的斯威夫特3D編譯和適用於您的編譯選項,沒有獨特的風格,適用於任何對象。您還可以通過的標準編譯選項「對話框中的選項來覆蓋所有單個對象設定。




對於設計者來說,使用SWIFT 3D MAX或Swift 3D LW輸出的向量檔案,用於在Adobe Illustrator中,寫意,或其他2D向量繪圖程式,斯威夫特3D外掛程式匯出向量漸變底紋樣式(區遮陽網遮陽),陰影,反射和鏡面高光的EPS檔案格式的匯入配套專案。



斯威夫特3D MAX和Swift 3D LW現在呈現區遮陽網遮陽,陰影,思考和鏡面高光的SVG(可伸縮向量圖形)檔案格式。


Swift 3D plug-ins allow 3ds Max and LightWave 3D users to render their 3D scenes as high-quality, low-bandwidth vector or raster Flash animations viewable by more than 97% of the entire Web audience. Powered by the industry-leading RAViX 4 vector rendering technology, Swift 3D plug-ins offer superior integration with Flash and unrivaled vector output. From cartoon to full gradient shading, Swift 3D plug-ins are certain to produce the style you need for your next Flash or print project. Additional export formats include Adobe Illustrator, EPS, SVG and Toon Boom’s PNT format.

• Unrivaled Vector Rendering with RAViX 4 Technology
• Raster Rendering to Adobe Flash
• Export to SWF, SWFT, EPS, AI, SVG, PNT
• Render Speeds up to 50 Times Faster
• Per-Object Rendering Styles
• Shadow Density and Color Controls
• Save and Load User-Defined Render Styles
• Enhancements to Vector Transparency Rendering
• Level 3 Support for EPS files
• Two Pass Curve Fitting
• Enhanced SVG Output

Features New to Swift 3D MAX V4

Autodesk 3ds Max 2011 support (32-bit & 64-bit)
Swift 3D MAX v4 plug-in supports the most recent version of Autodesk 3ds Max (2011), as well as previous versions of 3ds Max including R8, R9, 2008-2010. Oh and the best part is we support both 32 bit and 64 bit versions. Enjoy!

Flash CS5 FLA / XFL Export
Adobe has opened up the format for their source FLA files which now allows you to render content from Swift 3D MAX that integrates very tightly with existing Flash projects. Adobe also introduced a new format called XFL, which are XML-based project files that is used as an exchange format in Flash CS5, it imports XFL files that are exported from Adobe InDesign and AfterEffects, and now Swift 3D MAX.

Papervision3D v2.0 and Collada .DAE Format Support
Is Papervision3D too complex for you? Let Swift 3D MAX do the work for you by creating the PV3D project for you. Swift 3D MAX exports directly from 3ds Max to the latest Papervision3D v2.0 spec and Collada .DAE format, while automatically creating the full Papervision project for you in one simple export. Just compile the resulting FLA in Flash and you’re ready to publish your real-time interactive 3D model, textures and all, to the web.

AVI / MOV Video Exports
Swift 3D MAX exports to AVI and QuickTime* video formats, making it an essential tool for ALL of your motion design projects. From simple 3D video titling to advanced 3D video animations, Swift 3D MAX turns 3ds Max into a multi-faceted tool to expand your design possibilities at an affordable price.

* Only Swift 3D Max v4 32 bit versions can export to QuickTlime MOV

Flash FLV Video Export
Export your Swift 3D MAX animations to the Flash Video .FLV format for import to Flash or direct playback through the Adobe Flash Player.

Microsoft WPF / Silverlight Export
Swift 3D MAX now exports to both 3D WPF and Silverlight frame-by-frame animation in XAML format, which is the language that .NET & Silverlight players understand. These XAML files can also be used in Microsoft Expression Blend or Visual Studio as design elements of a larger .NET or Silverlight applications. Learn more about Swift 3D Max and Silverlight integration.

Swift 3D v6 (T3D) & ZAM 3D v2 (Z3D) Exports
Swift 3D MAX v4 now exports to the Electric Rain family of products including ZAM 3D v2 (Z3D) & Swift 3D v6 (T3D). And since these products also export to 3DS, it makes round-tripping between all applications possible, allowing you to work in the environment you are most comfortable.

Multicore Rendering Support
Swift 3D MAX can exploit all of the processors available on your system and can make the work simultaneously on the same raster render to provide faster renders.

For example, on a multiprocessing platform with 4 processors a user can expect up to a fourfold increase in render performance/speed.

Features New to Swift 3D MAX v3
Pen Style Outlines
Introducing customizable pen styles that apply variable pen-width strokes to your 3D objects, giving them true cartoon styling. Choose your pen shape, angle and aspect and let our RAViX 4 vector rendering engine output an optimized cartoon animation or vector image that will remind you of your Saturday morning cartoon favorites.

Render Speeds up to 50 Times Faster!
Swift 3D MAX and Swift 3D LW now utilize our latest RAViX 4 technology with vastly improved render times. These speed increases are particularly noticeable in low-polygon models and simple animations that use basic fill styles, where our benchmark testing showed increases of more than 50 times faster than what was possible using Version 2 of the plug-ins. Note: Speed increases vary substantially when rendering high-polygon models or when using complex render options.

Per-Object Rendering Styles
Using the Properties Panel in 3ds max or the Object Properties button in LightWave 3D, you can apply different fill and line styles for any or every object in your 3D scene. The standard Swift 3D MAX or Swift 3D LW render option dialog acts as the master style control for your Swift 3D renderings and applies your render options to any object that has not had an individual style applied to it. You also have the option to override all individual object settings through the standard render option dialog.

Shadow Density and Color Controls
The answer to one of our most requested user features! Easily control vector shadow density using a built in slider in the main render dialog. You can even choose the color of your rendered shadows to help produce the look you are after.

Save and Load User-Defined Render Styles
This convenient, time-saving feature allows user to save and load user-defined render styles directly from the render options dialog. When you have defined the style you’re after, simply choose the Save Settings option and name your render profile to be saved. The next time you want to use the same style, simply load the file and you’re ready to render within seconds. No more messing around with trying to duplicate previous styles!

Enhancements to Vector Transparency Rendering Transparent objects are now rendered with outlines and a new feature, Hidden Transparent Edges, allows you to render edges that would normally be obscured by the object. These edges are outlined in a softer manner than the edges exposed to the camera, giving your vector renderings a more realistic and finished look.

Level 3 Support for EPS files
For designers that use Swift 3D MAX or Swift 3D LW to output vector files for use in Adobe Illustrator, Freehand, or other 2D vector drawing programs, Swift 3D plug-ins now export vector gradient shading styles (Area Shading and Mesh Shading), shadows, reflections and specular highlights to the EPS file format for import into supporting programs.

Outlines at Intersections
When an outline style is chosen and this option is selected in the main render dialog, an outline will appear along the point where two objects intersect. We’ve even provided you with an Outline Priority option for choosing which outline style will be rendered at the intersection of objects containing different outline render style settings.

Two Pass Curve Fitting
With this option selected, our RAViX vector renderer will take a second pass through the edges within your rendering and attempt to fit together groups of edges with a curve. While this option increases render time, it can help produce better results and smaller files.

Enhanced SVG Output
Swift 3D MAX and Swift 3D LW now render Area Shading, Mesh Shading, Shadows, Reflections and Specular Highlights to the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file format.

Per Object Line Options
As with the addition of Per Object Fill Options, you can now apply individual line styles and colors to individual objects within your 3D scene.

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