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攝影 Cinematographer Pro v4.0 應用程式

攝影 Cinematographer Pro是一個獨特而強大的應用程式,為您的尼康D7000或D5100拍攝視訊。

攝影 Cinematographer Pro v4.0 應用程式


Cinematographer Pro is a unique and powerful application for capturing video on your Nikon D7000 or D5100. It has an INSANE amount of features for an equally INSANE low price. If you are looking for a video field monitor, Cinematographer Pro has you covered. Why spend hundreds on a hardware video monitor when you can use your laptop to achieve the same thing?

• Adjust camera settings via an easy to use interface on the computer monitor rather than the tiny LCD display on the camera.
• Using your keyboard, touchscreen or mouse, command the camera to record video.
• See your camera’s live view display on your computer monitor. This is great for reviewing composition and framing during rehearsals. Imagine being able to see the live view image full-screen on your computer monitor instead of the tiny lcd dispay!
• Use video peaking to see which areas of the scene are in focus. Configurable indicator colors and sensitivities ensure the focus is exactly where you need it.
• Use manual focus or click/touch the screen to autofocus. Then, zoom in on your focus point to ensure that you have that perfect focus for tack-sharp video.
• Launch a separate window within Cinematographer Pro for your focus puller! This window can be placed on different monitor if necessary and makes pulling a breeze.
• Experience the power of live histograms! Now you can ensure that your lighting is just right. Red, green, blue and luminance histograms are shown as an optional overlay.
• Use outer bracketing to see which areas are over or under exposed in a configurable alert color. This allows you to ensure that your exposure does not exceed broadcast standards.
• Use inner bracketing to ensure that areas within the scene are in a certain range of exposures. Very handy for keeping exposure on faces just right!
• Remotely set the shutter speed, ISO and aperture to create the exposure and depth of field that gives the right mood to your video.
• Choose between 4:3, 16:9, 1.85:1 and 2.39:1 aspect ratios! This allows you to visualize what the video will look like when cropped in post-processing.
• Guides! Use thirds, quads or adjustable margins to help you compose the scene.
• Optimized for touchscreen! Use monitors as small as 800 x 600 with touch, keyboard or mouse.
• Use the optional fullscreen mode to help you review the scene in detail. No more struggling to see everything in that tiny LCD display or viewfinder!
• Easily change the user interface look and feel between a darker or lighter look to handle varying ambient lighting conditions.
• Use the built-in help or tutorial video to quickly learn about the features of this amazing software!

攝影 Cinematographer Pro v4.0 應用程式 | Homepage:: https://www.controlmynikon.com/cinepro.html


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