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控制您照片中的色彩和光線 Nik Software Viveza 2.009


Viveza 2帶來了全新的節省時間的維度,您的圖像編輯。沒有複雜的選取或層口罩,穿你失望。
點,點擊,滑動,瞧 – 你的形象看上去很不錯。現在全局調整,結構的精細控制和陰影恢復。
Viveza 2將永遠改變你編輯圖像。對於Adobe®Photoshop®中,使用Adobe Photoshop Lightroom®和Apple®光圈™

控制您照片中的色彩和光線 Nik Software Viveza 2.009

造成了極大的攝影需要掌握的色彩和光線。 Nik軟體公司專利的U Point®技術,新Viveza 2容許任何技術水平的攝影師使用的速度和效率的創新工具,能夠快速增強他們的圖像。

從使用的U Point的供電控制點,調整,提高整個圖像的精確的選取性增強,V​​iveza 2,說明你花更多的時間拍攝的照片將永遠改變你的模式編輯照片。

U點供電的彩色控制點,直接放在彩色或物體的影像(如天空,皮膚,草等),揭示易於使用的控制,攝影師可以用它來快速調整亮度,對照度或色彩在其他工具所需要的時間的幾分之一。 Viveza你會花更多的時間拍攝照片,圖像編輯和儲存時間。


的U Point®技術 – U點供電的控制點使你有選取性地控制光線和色彩的每一張照片,而無需任何複雜的選取或圖層蒙版。使用一個控制點很多,你需要撥打的正是你想要的效果。增強自動,自然混合整個圖像為壯觀的結果。

智慧過濾器啟用(僅安裝Adobe®的Photoshop®) – Viveza是相容Adobe Photoshop中的「智慧對像」中,容許您微調改進後,他們已經得到了應用,無需加入額外的層。 Viveza作為智慧濾鏡,你​​可以建立和後期編輯的彩色控制點沒有質量損失的圖像細節。

令人難以置信的速度 – U Point技術的精度和效率帶來了一個新的水平,以攝影圖像編輯。你想改變的圖像的任何部分放置色彩控制點,和幾個簡單的滑塊搬移到其他工具所需要的時間的一小部分,可以實現令人難以置信的結果。

強大的選取性工具(安裝Adobe®Photoshop®的唯一) – 容許你刷到您的圖像使用Photoshop的畫筆工具的任何光線和色彩的變化。層和面具被自動建立,使您能夠快速,方便地適用於任何過濾器的選取性。

●新:全球圖像調整 – 全球在Photoshop或Lightroom調整前,使用選取性控制Viveza?現在直接去Viveza和適用於任何彩色,光或結構增強圖像。即使調整水平及曲線。
●新功能:精細的詳細結構調整 – 提高或降低最終的外觀精緻的細節在您的圖片。
●新的陰影恢復 – 不要再次失去陰影細節。輕鬆恢復控制點有選取性地隱藏在陰影的細節,或適用於廣泛的圖像。
●省時的介面,改善的速度 – U Point技術,再加上一個有效的介面和幾十個快捷鍵進行縮放,輕推和還原,在您的工作流程,節省了時間,讓你迅速回到拍攝。
●新的交談式說明系統 – 訊息,課程的說明系統將讓你和運行在任何時間Viveza 2。
●智慧過濾器的支援 – Viveza 2是相容Adobe Photoshop的智慧過濾功能,它容許你微調改進後,他們已經得到了應用,無需加入額外的層。
●選取畫筆工具 – 選取畫筆工具,可以讓你刷到您的圖像使用Photoshop的畫筆工具的任何光線和色彩的變化。層和面具被自動建立,使您能夠快速,方便地適用於任何過濾器的選取性。
●多圖像支援 – 攝影師可以保持一致性和速度的工作流程,在Adobe Photoshop Lightroom和蘋果光圈工作時,Viveza 2,。當開啟一個以上的圖像,Viveza 2顯示簡單的複製和貼上圖像之間的「上一頁」和「下一頁」按鈕。

The most powerful tool to selectively control color and light in your photographs.

Viveza 2 brings a whole new time-saving dimension to your image editing. No complicated selections or layer masks to wear you down. Point, click, slide and voilá – your image looks great. Now featuring global adjustments, fine-detail structure control, and shadow recovery. Viveza 2 will forever change the way you edit images. For Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom®, and Apple® Aperture™

Master Color and Light, Effortlessly
Creating great photography involves mastery of color and light. Powered by Nik Software’s patented U Point® technology, new Viveza 2 allows photographers of any skill level to quickly enhance their images using innovative tools designed for speed and efficiency.

From precise selective enhancements using U Point powered control points, to adjustments that enhance the entire image, Viveza 2 helps you spend more time shooting photographs and will forever change the way you edit photos.

U Point powered Color Control Points, placed directly on colors or objects in an image (such as sky, skin, grass, etc.), reveal easy-to-use controls that photographers can use to quickly adjust brightness, contrast or color in a fraction of the time needed by other tools. With Viveza you’ll spend more time shooting photographs and save hours of image editing.

Viveza provides photo enthusiasts and professional photographers alike with the most powerful yet easy to use tool ever created for selectively modifying color, light and tonality in photographs.

U Point® Technology — U Point powered Control Points enable you to selectively control the light and color of every photograph without the need for any complicated selections or layer masks. Use one Control Point or as many as you need to dial in exactly the effect you want. Enhancements are automatically and naturally blended throughout your image for spectacular results.

Smart Filter Enabled (Adobe® Photoshop® only) — Viveza is compatible with “Smart Objects” in Adobe Photoshop which permits you to fine-tune enhancements after they’ve been applied, without adding additional layers. When Viveza is used as a Smart Filter, you can create and later edit Color Control Points with no loss of quality of image details.

Incredible Speed — U Point technology brings a new level of precision and efficiency to photographic image editing. By placing a Color Control Point on any part of the image you wish to alter, and moving a few simple sliders, you can achieve incredible results in a fraction of the time required by other tools.

Powerful Selective Tool (Adobe® Photoshop® only) — allows you to brush any light and color changes into your image using Photoshop’s brush tools. Layers and masks are created automatically, enabling you to quickly and easily apply any filter selectively.

● NEW: Global Image Adjustments – With global adjustments in Photoshop or Lightroom before using Viveza for selective control? Now go straight to Viveza and apply any color, light or structure enhancement image-wide. Even adjust levels & curves.
● NEW: Fine Detail Structure Adjustments – Enhance or reduce fine details in your images for the ultimate look.
● NEW: Shadow Recovery – Never lose shadow detail again. Easily recover details hidden in shadows selectively with a Control Point or apply image-wide.
● Timesaving Interface, Optimized for Speed – U Point technology, coupled with an efficient interface and dozens of shortcuts for zooming, nudging and undoing, saves time in your workflow and quickly gets you back to shooting.
● NEW: Interactive Help System – Informative, lesson-based Help system will get you up and running with Viveza 2 in no time.
● Smart Filter Support – Viveza 2 is compatible with Adobe Photoshop’s Smart Filter feature which permits you to fine-tune enhancements after they’ve been applied, without adding additional layers.
● Selective Brush Tool – The Selective Brush Tool allows you to brush any light and color changes into your image using Photoshop’s brush tools. Layers and masks are created automatically, enabling you to quickly and easily apply any filter selectively.
● Multi-Image Support – Photographers can maintain consistency and speed workflow when working with Viveza 2 in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Apple Aperture. When more than one image is opened, Viveza 2 will reveal “Previous” and “Next buttons for easy copy and paste between images.

控制您照片中的色彩和光線 Nik Software Viveza 2.009 | Home Page https://www.niksoftware.com/

控制您照片中的色彩和光線 Nik Software Viveza 2.009 | Size 17.48 MB

PDF生成和轉換 Solid PDF Tools 7.3 將PDF轉換為HTML

Solid PDF工具是一些優秀的PDF生成和轉換產品從固體的檔案之一。
有了Solid PDF工具,你可以將PDF轉換為HTML。

 PDF生成和轉換 Solid PDF Tools 7.3 將PDF轉換為HTML
– PDF到Word的轉換。將您的PDF檔案到Microsoft? Word文件中,以方便編輯。
– PDF到Excel轉換。從您的PDF檔案轉換表建立在微軟嗎? Excel試算表。選取頁面或整個文件。
– WYSIWYG內容提取。轉換選取的表或從PDF檔案中的圖像。在Word或Excel檔案或圖像檔案建立表。
– 轉換質量。無需浪費時間重新格式化,重新加工您的檔案。
– 頁眉和頁腳。轉換或移除頁眉和頁腳的進階選項。
– 表格識別。表單功能變數識別並轉換為文字方塊,即可輕鬆編輯。
– 旋轉文字恢復。無論哪種模式,它是面向從您的PDF轉換文字。
– 超檢驗。原PDF中的URL超連結自動變為新的Word文件。
– 從資源管理器中轉換。一按從Windows資源管理器中開啟PDF文件到Word中。

– TIFF到PDF。傳統的掃瞄TIFF檔案轉換為完全可搜尋和存檔的PDF/A-1b檔案。
– 掃瞄至PDF。將紙張檔案掃瞄存檔的PDF/A-1b檔案。可檢索的感謝OCR文字層。
– 用於搜尋的OCR。加入可搜尋的文字層。易於檢索和存檔繼承和紙質檔案。
– PDF為PDF / A轉換現有的普通或圖像PDF檔案轉換為完全可搜尋,服從ISO 19005-1存檔檔案。
– 驗證PDF / A。確認符合ISO 19005-1標準對現有的PDF檔案,並修復常見的問題。

– PDF建立。簡單的拖放操作。從您的檔案輕鬆建立PDF。所見即所得的使用者介面。
– 所見即所得的使用者介面。頁層級調整操作的多檔案PDF UI。
– 水印。預定義和自訂水印。文字印章,圖像或PDF疊加。電子信箋。
– 合併。將多個檔案合併到一個單一的PDF檔案。合併PDF檔案。
– 重新排序頁面。使用拖放在PDF檔案中或多個檔案之間重新排定頁序。
– 提取。作為一個單一的新的PDF或多個新PDF檔案的每一頁從PDF檔案中提取。
– 全文檢索。多個PDF檔案的快速文字搜尋。通航結果清單。
– 批處理轉換。在使用者介面中使用的批轉換調色板,或使用指令行的腳本,節省時間。

– 列印到PDF。從任何基於Windows的程式輕鬆建立PDF檔案。
– 密碼保護的PDF檔案。您可以限制誰可以檢視,編輯,複製,列印或加入評論到您的檔案。
– 您的PDF加密。使用128位RC4或AES加密算法,保護您的PDF檔案。
– 設定PDF的權限。控制哪些使用者可以閱讀,列印,編輯,複製或評論您的PDF檔案。
– 設定文件屬性。定義標題,作者,主題和關鍵詞,以說明管理您的檔案。
– 自訂版面設定。自訂頁面大小,邊距和方向來建立PDF檔案。
– 拉遠檔案大小。用壓縮選項保持您的PDF小。改善Web或列印檔案大小,同時保持相應的質量水平。
– Acrobat閱讀器設定。設定預設的檢視,內含頁面佈局,起始變焦和頁面縮略檢視。
– 存檔使用PDF / A。建立完全符合ISO 19005-1存檔標準的PDF/A-1b檔案。
Solid PDF Tools is one of several excellent PDF conversion and creation products from Solid Documents. With Solid PDF tools you can Convert PDF to HTML. Use advanced document reconstruction to convert PDF to formatted W3C compliant XHTML. Figures out columns, convert PDF to Text. Use advanced document reconstruction to extract flowing text content from PDF. Figures out columns. Removes headers and footers.

PDF to Word Conversion and Content Extraction:
– PDF to Word Conversion. Convert your PDF files to Microsoft? Word documents for easy editing.
– PDF to Excel Conversion. Convert tables from your PDF files to Micrsoft? Excel spreadsheets. Select pages or entire document.
– WYSIWYG Content Extraction. Convert selected tables or images from a PDF file. Creates tables in Word or Excel or image files.
– Quality Conversions. No need to waste hours reformatting and reworking your files.
– Headers and Footers. Advanced options for converting or removing headers and footers.
– Form Recognition. Form fields are recognized and converted into text boxes for easy editing.
– Rotated Text Recovery. Convert text from your PDF no matter which way it’s oriented.
– Hyperlink Detection. URL Hyperlinks in the original PDF are automatically transferred into the new Word document.
– Convert From Explorer. One click to open PDF document into Word from Windows Explorer.

Scanning and Archiving:
– TIFF to PDF. Convert legacy scanned TIFF documents into fully searchable and archivable PDF/A-1b documents.
– Scan to PDF. Scan paper documents into archivable PDF/A-1b documents. Searchable thanks to OCR text layer.
– OCR for Search. Add searchable text layer. Easy for indexing and archiving legacy and paper documents.
– PDF to PDF/A. Convert existing normal or image PDF files into fully searchable ISO 19005-1 compliant archivable documents.
– Validate PDF/A. Verify ISO 19005-1 compliance for existing PDF documents and repair common issues.

PDF Editing:
– PDF Creation. Simply drag and drop. Easily create PDFs from your documents. WYSIWYG user interface.
– WYSIWYG User Interface. Multiple document PDF UI for page-level manipulation operations.
– Watermarks. Pre-defined and custom watermarks. Text stamps, images or PDF overlays. Electronic letterheads.
– Combine. Combine multiple documents into a single PDF file. Combine PDF files.
– Rearrange Pages. Use drag and drop to rearrange page order in a PDF file or between multiple files.
– Extract Pages. Extract pages from a PDF file as a single new PDF or as multiple new PDFs for each page.
– Full Search. Fast text search of multiple PDF files. Navigable list of results.
– Batch-Process Conversions. Save time by using batch conversion palettes in the UI or using scripts from the command line.

PDF Creation:
– Print to PDF. Create PDF files easily from any Windows-based program.
– Password-Protect your PDFs. You can restrict who can view, edit, copy, print or add comments to your document.
– Encrypt your PDFs. Secure your PDF files using 128-bit RC4 or AES encryption algorithms.
– Set PDF Permissions. Control which users can read, print, edit, copy or comment your PDF files.
– Set Document Properties. Define Title, Author, Subject and Keywords to help organize your documents.
– Custom Page Settings. Create PDF files with custom pages sizes, margins and orientation.
– Reduce File Size. Keep your PDFs small with our compression options. Optimize file size for Web or print while preserving an appropriate level of quality.
– Acrobat Reader Settings. Set default view including page layout, initial zoom and page thumbnail view.
– Archive Using PDF/A. Create PDF/A-1b documents which are fully compliant with ISO 19005-1 archiving standards.

PDF生成和轉換 Solid PDF Tools 7.3 將PDF轉換為HTML | Home Page www.soliddocuments.com

PDF生成和轉換 Solid PDF Tools 7.3 將PDF轉換為HTML / Size: 50.76 MB

Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC 2013 v5.3.4.1PC 自動改善工具軟體

Speed​​UpMyPC – 屢獲​​殊榮的實用工具軟體,確保您的PC自動改善,以獲得最大效能在短短的幾個簡單的點擊。


– 顯著的CPU處理能力和改善使用,提高關鍵應用程式提供額外的速度
– 使用功能強大的磁碟碎片整理和改善的功能,更快,更有效的比標準的內建版本
– 刪除不必要的背景和自動啟動應用程式的顯著更快的啟動時間。
– 提高您的資料安全性,新的檔案粉碎機和隱私保護工具完全刪除不需要的檔案和資料夾,永久。
– 使用「檔案清理自動釋放更多的磁碟空間,迅速
– 提高您的Internet連線設定,以提高頻寬,更快的瀏覽速度和更快的下載速度。

 Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC 2013 v5.3.4.1PC 自動改善工具軟體

Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC 2013 v5.3.4.1PC 自動改善工具軟體特點

– Windows的熟悉GUI
– 自動效能掃瞄
– 系統概述與建議
– 廣泛的手冊和說明
– 系統改善狀態
– 系統托盤捷徑
– 詳細的系統圖

– CPU使用概述
– CPU的助推器功能
– 記憶體使用情況概述
– RAM改善
– 磁碟使用情況
– 磁碟分析和碎片整理
– 上網速度分析儀
– 上網速度改善
– 啟動管理器
– 程式檢視器

– 垃圾清理掃瞄
– 詳細的垃圾清理掃瞄結果
– 隱私保護器掃瞄
– 詳細的隱私保護器掃瞄結果
– 檔案粉碎機
– 卸載管理

SpeedUpMyPC – the award winning utility software that ensures your PC is automatically optimized for maximum performance in just a few easy clicks. SpeedUpMyPC is a system utility that helps you get the most out of your computer without being a Windows expert. It can can free up memory (RAM) and other resources, detect and optimize your internet connection, reassign CPU resources to improve performance and prevent crashes. It also includes a startup manager, that enables you to make Windows load faster dy disabling programs that you do not want to start automatically. The built-in bandwidth monitor allows you to keep an eye on your internet connection and can automatically detect your true connection speed. Additional features include browser optimization, automatic RAM cleaning and an interactive tray icon display. SpeedUpMyPC makes it easier than ever before to optimize your settings, free up resources, and remove resource hogs. With simple explanations and real-time graphs for all vital system resources, SpeedUpMyPC identifies performance bottlenecks in minutes. With a heavy-duty arsenal of optimization tools, such as RAM recovery, CPU optimization, startup management, and automatic crash recovery, SpeedUpMyPC is THE must-have utility for both beginner and power users.

SpeedUpMyPC makes it easier than ever before to optimize your settings, free up resources, and remove resource hogs. With simple explanations and real-time graphs for all vital system resources, SpeedUpMyPC identifies performance bottlenecks in minutes. With a heavy-duty arsenal of optimization tools, such as RAM recovery, CPU optimization, startup management, and automatic crash recovery, SpeedUpMyPC is THE must-have utility for both beginner and power users.

– Dramatically optimize your use of CPU processing power and boost critical applications for extra speed
– Use powerful disk defrag and optimization features that are faster and more efficient than the standard built-in versions
– Remove unnecessary background and auto-start applications for noticeably faster start up times.
– Improve your data security with new File Shredder and Privacy Protection tools to completely remove unwanted files and folders, permanently.
– Use File Clean Up to automatically free up even more disk space, quickly
– Optimize your internet connection settings for improved bandwidth, faster browsing and quicker downloads.


User Interface:
– Windows Familiar GUI
– Automatic Performance Scan
– System Overview and Recommendations
– Extensive Manual and Help
– System Optimization State
– System Tray Shortcut
– Detailed System Graphs

– CPU Usage Overview
– CPU Booster Functionality
– Memory Usage Overview
– RAM Optimization
– Disk Usage
– Disk Analyzer and Defrag
– Internet Speed Analyzer
– Internet Speed Optimizer
– Startup Manager
– Process Viewer

Clean-Up :
– Junk Clean-Up Scan
– Detailed Junk Clean-Up Scan Results
– Privacy Protector Scan
– Detailed Privacy Protector Scan Results
– File Shredder
– Uninstall Manager

Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC 2013 v5.3.4.1PC 自動改善工具軟體 | Home Page www.uniblue.com

Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC 2013 v5.3.4.1PC 自動改善工具軟體 / Size: 5.7 Mb

照片編輯 ACDSee 15.0 Build 169

進一步把你的照片,你有沒有想過可以用ACDSee 15。

 照片編輯 ACDSee 15.0 Build 169

照片編輯 ACDSee 15.0 Build 169特色:
例如,讓我們說,你建立一個關鍵字樹,看起來像這樣:活動| |生日。然後,您可以將照片從上週的生日慶祝生日關鍵字一箱的檢查,它會隱式地新增到更進階別的關鍵字。您可以建立多層次的,你想要的,並顯示所有與該關鍵字一次點擊您所標示的照片。它的排序,超大型!
‧改進的降噪。不要刪除這些顆粒感,高ISO照片。 ACDSee的改進降噪控制,更順暢,更自然的結果,拯救他們,同時節省盡可能多的邊緣細節。

Organize your collection by what, when or where. Edit and add jaw-dropping effects with ease. Then share your best with friends, family and the world through the ACDSee Online cloud, Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail. So simple to use. Yet such amazing results. Take your photos further than you ever dreamed possible with ACDSee 15.

What’s New in ACDSee 15:
• Hierarchical keywords. Organize your collection with hierarchical keywords that help you sort your photos better than ever before. For instance, let’s say you create a keyword tree that looks like this: Events | Local | Birthdays. You can then assign a photo from last week’s birthday celebration to the Birthdays keyword with the check of a box, and it implicitly gets added to the higher level keywords too. You can create as many levels as you want, and display all of the photos you’ve tagged with that keyword in one click. It’s sorting, supersized!
• Easily brush on edits. Want to soften only a face and not the entire photo? The Edit Brush makes it super easy and fast to apply any editing effect to a specific part of your photo. Choose your brush size and the amount of feathering to help you achieve exactly the look you want.
• Blur smartly. Use the Smart Blur filter to blur areas of little or no detail while still maintaining the sharpness and important details of your photo. Try it as a creative effect or to reduce the noise in your photo for a smoother, less grainy look.
• Improved noise reduction. Don’t delete those grainy, high ISO photos. Rescue them with ACDSee’s improved noise reduction controls for smoother and more natural results, while saving as much edge detail as possible.
• Improved red eye. Quickly eliminate pesky red eye, with noticeably better results, thanks to the enhanced red eye reduction tool.
• Clarity editing tool. Add a little extra definition or add a soft, dreamy effect. The Clarity tool targets the mid-tones of your photos, without affecting the highlights or shadow areas.
• Burn to Blu-Ray. Quickly and easily archive your images to Blu-Ray discs, directly from within ACDSee.
• Color management. Photos that are in a color space outside of sRGB are correctly color managed, so what you see on your screen is more true to hue.

照片編輯 ACDSee 15.0 Build 169 | Home Page: www.acdsee.com

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

照片編輯 ACDSee 15.0 Build 169 | Size: 82.22 MB

磁碟碎片整理 O&O Defrag Professional v16.0.139 磁碟重整軟體




您可以設定O&O Defrag才能運行碎片整理在一定程度的碎片,在特定的星期幾,或當您的螢幕保護程式正在使用。


O&O Defrag是完美的筆記本電腦。當外部電源中斷,O&O的碎片整理會自動進入暫停模式以節省能源。


磁碟碎片整理 O&O Defrag Professional v16.0.139 磁碟重整軟體: 28.68 MB

磁碟碎片整理 O&O Defrag Professional v16.0.139 磁碟重整軟體亮點

磁碟碎片整理 O&O Defrag Professional v16.0.139 磁碟重整軟體基本特徵




Do not wait too long! If you work on computers a lot, then slow system and program starts, endless rendering and memory processes, or even system crashes when playing can quickly ruin your enjoyment. Defragmenting your PC can hugely accelerate the speed you can work on your PC. When you defragment, those files fragmented across the hard disk are logically rearranged so that files can be quickly recognized and processed by the hardware. Performance gains of up to 100% are not uncommon! In the new version of O&O Defrag, you can now see what the program does for your system thanks to graphics and statistics, which give you a before-and-after Defrag contrast!

If you work on computers a lot, then slow system and program starts, endless rendering and memory processes, or even system crashes when playing can quickly ruin your enjoyment. Defragmenting your PC can hugely accelerate the speed you can work on your PC. When you defragment, those files fragmented across the hard disk are logically rearranged so that files can be quickly recognized and processed by the hardware. Performance gains of up to 100% are not uncommon!

Benefits of a clearly laid out hard disk

Whenever it saves data, Windows scatters file fragments all over the hard disk and this slows down access times considerably. Defragmentation reverses this by rearranging data and speeding up access times dramatically. This not only saves the user time, it also reduces wear on hard disks and extends their life expectancy. Defragmentation can even make the difference if you lose important data because chances of full recovery are better on a defragmented disk. Why? After defragmentation, it’s easier for data recovery software such as O&O DiskRecovery to restore files when they’re not scattered across multiple areas of a hard disk.

Automatic background defragmentation

Automatic defragmentation is enabled by default following installation and optimizes disks behind the scenes, without interfering in a computer’s performance. You can set O&O Defrag to run defragmentation at a certain level of fragmentation, on particular days of the week, or whenever your screensaver is being used. Defragmentation can be paused and resumed whenever you want because O&O Defrag automatically recognizes where defragmentation was interrupted.

Recommended use

We recommend manual defragmentation for PCs that are being used heavily because only a user can decide when the time is right to give up the performance needed for running defragmentation. On computers using video editing or graphics applications, O&O Defrag can be configured to not start automatic optimization while certain programs are running. The default settings in O&O Defrag are more than adequate for ordinary desktop PCs running mainly internet or office applications. O&O Defrag is also perfect for notebooks. Whenever an external power supply is disconnected, O&O Defrag automatically goes into pause mode to save energy.

All O&O product are developed and serviced in Berlin. We take the concerns of our customers very seriously because we know just how important their data is for them: and what’s more, we’ve been doing this for over ten years!

• New Time View to see which defragmentation activity results in which successful optimization
• Improved : intuitive user guidance
• Improved : Even faster system and program starts
• Improved : Defragmentation time reduced by up to 40%
• Improved : Defragmentation of blocked files
• Improved : Optimization of Solid State Drives (SSDs) of any make

Basic features
• Performance increases of up to 100%
• Prevents new fragmentation from occurring
• Extends the life of your hardware
• Accelerates your Internet browser
• Increases chances for recovering lost data
• Automatic background defragmentation
• Faster backup and restoration
• Defragments PCs at the push of a button

Advanced Settings
• Remote control in the same network
• Defrags multiple drives simultaneously
• Adapts itself to system load (O&O Activity Guard)
• Zone filing (Optional)
• Defragments individual files and folders
• A total of eight defragmentation methods for any application scenario
• Power Management for Notebooks
• Assistant for scheduling defragmentation
• Screensaver mode defragments in your absence
• Support for USB sticks and memory cards
• Automatic updates of new product versions

Evaluation and analysis functions
• Intuitive display of fragmentation levels on drives
• Tracking of successful defragmentation over time
• Evaluation of most heavily fragmented files
• Overview of successful defragmentation with before-and-after comparisons
• Dynamic and interactive display of defragmentation
• Detailed report management
• Physical location of file fragments on the hard disk can be analyzed

• Supports Windows® 8, 7, Vista® und XP

磁碟碎片整理 O&O Defrag Professional v16.0.139 磁碟重整軟體 | Home Page: www.oo-software.com

磁碟碎片整理 O&O Defrag Professional v16.0.139 磁碟重整軟體: 28.68 MB / 33.57 MB

優化和高光澤度拋光您的照片 Ashampoo Photo Optimizer v5.1.5

Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 會優化和高光澤度拋光您的照片,只需點擊一下滑鼠。

 優化和高光澤度拋光您的照片 Ashampoo Photo Optimizer v5.1.5

Ashampoo Photo Optimizer v5.1.5一鍵優化

只需選取一個圖片,點擊「改善」,體驗一下WOW的效果。您的圖片會變得更有吸引力,更明亮,更自然。無論你要改善一個或多個圖片 – Ashampoo Photo Optimizer會一切完成後,只需點擊一下。

Ashampoo Photo Optimizer v5.1.5多種功能
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer會具有的所有功能,你需要做最好的照片 – 紅眼校正,幾個方面的影響,水印,色彩校正,一鍵改善,旋轉,對映,年齡圖像和意見。一個改善的結果或效果可以舒適地觀看和相比,分割螢幕中的前/後的原 始圖像。如果你不喜歡自​​動改善,你可以做一個手動的彩色校正功能的說明下,滑動控制。
更正可怕的閃光照片中的紅眼效果是一樣簡單:只需粗略地選中包括紅眼的照片,然後點選「Ashampoo Photo Optimizer會沒有休息。的影響之一,您的照片將成為眼球捕手。讓程式例如年齡你的形象和體驗在最新的圖片老照片的魅力。如果你不希望別人誇自己與 您的照片,只需使用您的圖片作為水印的文字或符號。這使得很多的意義,特別是在際網路上發佈的照片​​,你想。照片改善將有助於在那裡。

Ashampoo Photo Optimizer v5.1.5自動備份
你永遠不用擔心「損壞」Ashampoo Photo Optimizer會通過編輯您的照片,因為你總是可以返回到原來的版本。 Ashampoo Photo Optimizer會自動進行備份,在一個資料庫中,其存儲位置,您可以決定自己的照片的原始版本。為了恢復原來的,只是選取一張照片,點擊「復原」。

Ashampoo Photo Optimizer v5.1.5不同的匯出選項
隨著Ashampoo照片改善,您可以快速,輕鬆地展示你的夢想你的家人和朋友的照片。例如,通過電子信件傳送您的圖片改善。對於這一 點,可以適當降低的大小的照片。現在你也可以分享你的輝煌與您的朋友在Facebook上的照片。對於這一點,你只需要登入到Facebook和授予 Ashampoo Photo Optimizer會訪問。此外,您也可以上傳您的照片到Picasa,使用它們作為桌面背景或列印出來。

Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 5 optimizes and polishes your photos to high gloss with just one click. The Ashampoo Photo Optimizer combines a modern and clear program interface, which is already prepared for the touch screen controls of the latest monitors and laptops, with intuitive usage and a thought-out range of functions. Among the features of the program are also several effects that you can apply to your photos and that will shed new light on them. An absolute highlight among the effects is the age image effect with which you will set your photo back to the pioneering days of photography. First class results are also achieved with other effects or rather functions, for example red eye correction, inversion of colors or watermarking. The Ashampoo Photo Optimizer convinces with its clearly structured user interface including an integrated image viewer in Explorer style for a quick access to all your digital pictures. Furthermore, you can now also adjust the thumbnail view of the photos according to your wishes.You can for example switch between vertical and horizontal order as well as change the size of thumbnails.

One click optimization
Just select a picture, click on “Optimize“ and experience the wow effect. Your pictures will become more attractive, brighter and more natural. No matter whether you want to optimize one or several pictures – with the Ashampoo Photo Optimizer everything is finished with just one click.

Wide range of functions
The Ashampoo Photo Optimizer has all functions that you need to make the best out of your photos – red eye correction, several effects, watermarking, color correction, one click optimization, rotate, mirror, age images and lots more. The result of an optimization or an effect can be comfortably viewed and compared to the original picture in a before / after split screen. If you don’t like an automatic optimization, you can do a manual color correction with the help of slide controls.
Correction of the dreaded red eye effect in flash photos is just as easy: Just roughly select the part of the photo containing the red eyes and click, Ashampoo Photo Optimizer does the rest. With one of all the effects your pictures will become eye-catchers. Let the program for example age your image and experience the fascination of old photo in your latest pictures. If you don’t want others to boast themselves with your photos, just use a text or a symbol as watermark for your pictures. This makes a lot of sense especially with photos that you would like to post on the Internet. The photo optimizer will help there, too.

Automatic backup
You never need to worry about “damaging” your photos by editing them with Ashampoo Photo Optimizer, because you can always return to the original version. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer automatically makes backups of the original versions of your photos in a database, whose storage location you can determine yourself. In order to restore the original, just select a photo and click on “Undo”.

Different export options
With the Ashampoo Photo Optimizer you can quickly and easily present your dream photos to your family and friends. Send your optimized pictures for example by e-mail. For this the size of the photos can be decreased appropriately. Now you can also share your brilliant pictures with your friends on Facebook. For this you just have to login to Facebook and grant Ashampoo Photo Optimizer access. Furthermore, you can also upload your pictures to Picasa, use them as desktop background or print them out.

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
優化和高光澤度拋光您的照片 Ashampoo Photo Optimizer v5.1.5 | Home Page: www.ashampoo.com

優化和高光澤度拋光您的照片 Ashampoo Photo Optimizer v5.1.5 | Size: 50.08 MB

複製DVD電影.影片轉換軟體 DVDFab

你的整個電影 – 內含選單,拖車和特殊功能 – 複製到一個單一的DVD只需點擊一下滑鼠,並且是自動發生的一切。
備份你的整個DVD – 內含選單,拖車和特殊功能 – 在一個或多個光碟。

複製DVD電影.影片轉換軟體 DVDFab

複製DVD電影.影片轉換軟體 DVDFab 產品特色

1。 7 DVD到DVD複製模式:完整備份,主要影片,分割,自訂,複製成影像檔,合併和寫資料。
6。 Clone複製:創造完美的1:1位元 – 對 – 位元複製的DVD:
– 通過使用原始斷層位置建立完美的雙層DVD複製。
– 複製資料的DVD光碟,像PS2 DVD。
– 把兩個DVD-9,如「指環王」到一個DVD-9。
– 合併季DVD到較少的光碟片。
– 建立您自己的特別珍藏的光碟。
8。非常快的複製速度,一般僅需約10 – 20分鐘。
9。燒錄到任何空白的DVD光碟(DVD + R / RW,DVD-R/RW,DVD + R DL,DVD-R DL)。

B. DVD到手機
1。 6 DVD到搬移複製模式:一般,iPod,PSP,手機,PVP和PDA。可以手動加入更多的裝置支援。
2。一般模式:轉換DVD標題到PC MPEG-4/DivX/XVID/H.264 AVI/MP4檔案。它也支援其他所有的裝置中未列出的導航欄。
3。蘋果iPod:蘋果iPod MPEG-4/H.264 MP4檔案轉換DVD標題。
4。 PSP:將DVD影片轉換為Sony PSP MPEG-4/H.264 MP4檔案。

– 即使某些資訊(IFO)無法讀取,您還可以備份主要電影或自訂。
– 恢復從DVD讀取(​​VOB)的錯誤。
6。 – 終身免費升級。

DVDFab is all you need to backup DVDs. DVDFab Platinum 3 is brand new, is completely rewritten, is based on 5 years of DVD copy software development. DVDFab is simply the easiest way to copy a DVD movie. Just insert the movie and a blank DVD then press Start. Your entire movie – including menus, trailers and special features – is copied to a single DVD with just one click, and everything happens automatically. Backup your entire DVD – including menus, trailers, and special features – onto one or multiple discs.

Features Highlight

1. 7 DVD to DVD copy modes available: Full Disc, Main Movie, Split, Customize, Clone, Merge and Write Data.
2. Full Disc: All movies, menus and trailers, is copied to a DVD with just one click.
3. Main Movie: Just copy the movie, with specific audio/subpicture.
4. Split: Copy a DVD-9 onto two DVD-5 discs with 100% quality, and preserve original menus on both discs. Ideal for episodic/season DVD movies, TV series, etc.
5. Customize: Personalize your DVDs! Want to make a DVD with only your favorite titles? How about cutting out those annoying commercials? Or selecting specific audio/subpicture? No problem! You can select just your favorite titles, specify the title playback order, with or without original menus, to create a DVD with only the stuff you want!
6. Clone: Make perfect 1:1 bit-to-bit copy of DVDs:
– Make perfect dual layer DVD copy by using the original layer break position.
– Copy data DVD disc, like PS2 DVD.
7. Merge: Combine several titles of several sources into one DVD:
– Combine two DVD-9 like “The Lord of the Rings” into one DVD-9.
– Merge season DVDs to fewer discs.
– Create your own special features collection disc.
8. Very fast copying speed, normally it’s about 10 – 20 minutes.
9. Burn to any blank DVD Disc (DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R DL, DVD-R DL).

B. DVD to Mobile
1. 6 DVD to Mobile copy modes available: Generic, iPod, PSP, Cell Phone, PVP and PDA. More devices support can be added manually.
2. Generic: Convert DVD title to PC MPEG-4/DivX/XVID/H.264 AVI/MP4 file. It also supports all other devices which are not listed in navigation bar.
3. iPod: Convert DVD title to Apple iPod MPEG-4/H.264 MP4 file.
4. PSP: Convert DVD title to Sony PSP MPEG-4/H.264 MP4 file.

C. Benefits
1. Remove all DVD copy protections, like CSS, CPPM, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs, ARccOS, RipGuard, FluxDVD, CORE X2, etc.
2. Constantly updated to support latest DVD copy protections.
3. Backup scratched/dirty disc:
– Even if some information (IFO) cannot be read, you can still copy Main Movie or Customize.
– Recovery from DVD reading (VOB) error.
4. Constantly updated to support latest DVD burners and blank DVD discs.
5. Constantly updated to support more mobile devices.
6. FREE lifetime upgrade.
7. FREE lifetime support via e-mail, worldwide.

複製DVD電影.影片轉換軟體 DVDFab | Home Page: www.dvdfab.com

複製DVD電影.影片轉換軟體 DVDFab / Size: 24.1 MB

圖形使用者介面設計 Caretta GUI Design Studio Professional v4.4.146.0

GUI Design Studio是用於Microsoft Windows的圖形使用者介面設計工具,無需任何編碼或腳本,你可以用它來快速建立示範原型。
GUI Design Studio可以使用,當你需要畫了一個應用程式應該像或顯示其各部分是如何連線和流動起來。

圖形使用者介面設計 Caretta GUI Design Studio Professional v4.4.146.0

圖形使用者介面設計 Caretta GUI Design Studio Professional v4.4.146.0產品特點:

GUI Design Studio is a graphical user interface design tool for Microsoft Windows that you can use to rapidly create demonstration prototypes without any coding or scripting. Draw individual screens, windows and components using standard elements, connect them together to storyboard operational workflow then run the simulator to test your designs. GUI Design Studio can be used whenever you need to draw what an application should look like or show how its parts connect and flow together.

» Create user interface designs quickly and easily
» Access over 120 built-in design elements
» Include icons and images in a variety of formats
» Annotate your design with overlays and side notes
» Create reusable, modular design components and masters
» Storyboard your designs to create a dynamic prototype
» Generate specification documentation
» Export designs for external review
» View your design in multiple visual styles
» Collaborate in teams on your design projects

圖形使用者介面設計 Caretta GUI Design Studio Professional v4.4.146.0 | Home Page www.carettasoftware.com

圖形使用者介面設計 Caretta GUI Design Studio Professional v4.4.146.0 | Size 17.30 MB

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Se7en


Master PDF Editor 是PDF編輯器,對檔案進行操作,這是一個真正的功能強大的編輯器,它可以作為檔案採用此格式的檢查員。該專案是為了為可接受的理解可用的應用程式,既適合初學者和進階使用者。

我們的強大和豐富的功能集,內含全面支援PDF和XPS檔案,匯入/匯出PDF頁面成JPG , TIFF ,PNG或BMP格式, XPS轉換為PDF (反之亦然),和128位加密。

‧將XPS檔案轉換成PDF 。
‧匯入/匯出PDF頁面到commong raphical格式,內含BMP , JPG,PNG和TIFF 。


(PDF編輯器)Master PDF Editor 1.9.24
(PDF編輯器)Master PDF Editor 1.9.24

【文章標題】: (PDF編輯器)Master PDF Editor 1.9.24
【文章作者】: 藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: https://por.tw/Rich/
【藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學課程】: https://por.tw/Rich/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: https://goto1688.com/Rich/
【版權聲明】: (原創)藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Master PDF Editor 1.9.24

Master PDF Editor – the tool , this is a real , powerful editor for working with files , which can act as a regular viewer of documents in this format . The program is presented as an application available for Acceptable understanding , both for beginners and for more advanced users.

Our robust and rich set of features includes the full support of PDF and XPS files, import/export PDF pages into JPG, TIFF, PNG, or BMP formats, converting XPS into PDF and vice versa, and 128 bit encryption.
You can also add various controls such as buttons, text fields, checkboxes and more, as well as implement event handlers for predefined user actions such as pressing, clicking, hovering, and scrolling.
Powerful commenting tools like Sticky Note and Stamp, as well as enhanced editing capabilities packed in the StrikeOut, Underline, and Highlight functions will make your work easier than ever.

• Edit PDF text, images and pages with full editing features
• Create new PDF and XPS files or edit existing ones.
• Add and/or edit bookmarks in PDF files.
• Encrypt and/or protect PDF files using 128 bit encryption.
• Convert XPS files into PDF.
• Add PDF controls (like buttons, checkboxes, lists, etc.) into your PDFs.
• Import/export PDF pages into commong raphical formats including BMP, JPG, PNG, and TIFF.
• Split and merge PDF files

(PDF編輯器)Master PDF Editor 1.9.24 | Home Page: SEO Anchor Generator

(PDF編輯器)Master PDF Editor 1.9.24 | Size: 15.3 MB


得心應手的工具燒錄和原版CD,DVD ,藍光和HD DVD媒體。 Astroburn可讓您執行燒錄,複製,擦除操作與所有類型的光存儲介質: CD-R/RW,DVD-R/RW , DVD + R / RW , BD-R/RE , HD-DVD-R/RW和DVD-RAM 。專案還與各種燃燒硬體。用Astroburn您可以輕鬆地抓取原始光碟建立映像檔案,並將它們儲存在硬碟上,或用資料或音訊項目編譯光碟映像。建立CD和DVD ,只需點擊幾下滑鼠。這很容易學習和使用。


(燒錄工具)Astroburn Pro
(燒錄工具)Astroburn Pro

– 燒錄CD / DVD / HD DVD /藍光媒體。
– 燒錄映像檔案。
– 燒錄自訂檔案。
– 抓住光碟* MDS和* ISO映像檔案。
– 選取燒錄速度。
– 驗證燒錄過程。
– 擦除光碟快。
– 擦除光碟中充分。
– 選取新的光碟需要一個檔案系統。
– 使用一個額外的功能編寫音訊項目:開始燒錄之前。
– 掌握你自己的資料項目。
– 製作光碟覆制。
– 建立並儲存* iso映像。
– 可檢視裝置和介質的訊息。
– 選取程式介面的語系。
【文章標題】: (燒錄工具)Astroburn Pro
【文章作者】: 藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: https://por.tw/Rich/
【藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學課程】: https://por.tw/Rich/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: https://goto1688.com/Rich/
【版權聲明】: (原創)藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Astroburn Pro

Handy tool for burning and mastering CD, DVD, Blu-ray and HD DVD media. Astroburn allows you to perform burning, copying, erasing operations with all types of optical storage media: CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, BD-R/RE, HD-DVD-R/RW and DVD-RAM. Program also works with a wide variety of burning hardware. With Astroburn you can easily grab original discs to create image files and save them on your hard drive or compile disc images with the data or audio projects. Create CDs and DVDs with just a few mouse clicks. It’s easy to learn and to use.

Key features:
– Burn CD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray media.
– Burn image files.
– Burn custom files.
– Grab discs to *.mds and *.iso image files.
– Select burning speed.
– Verify burning process.
– Erase discs quickly.
– Erase discs in full.
– Select a needed file system for new discs.
– Compose audio projects using an additional feature: listen before start burning.
– Master your own data projects.
– Make disc copies.
– Build and save *.iso images.
– View device and media information.
– Select language for program interface.

(燒錄工具)Astroburn Pro / Homepage: www.astroburn.com

(燒錄工具)Astroburn Pro / Size: 16.63 Mb

ОС / OS: Windows All

建模和創造的特殊效果 SideFX Houdini FX 12.1.125

SideFX – SideFX功能強大的程式進行建模和創造的特殊效果,同時作為一個功能包的3D時間表。

建模和創造的特殊效果 SideFX Houdini FX 12.1.125

胡迪尼已被用來創造驚人的數位動畫大片,內含:美國上尉,穿靴子的貓,「變形金剛:復仇的墮落,」快樂大腳「(Happy Feet)兩個,生命之樹,抽油桿衝,汽車總動員2,魔球,跳」阿凡達「, 2012年,多雲,有一個可能的肉丸,卡洛琳,守望者,好奇的案件本傑明·巴頓,螺栓,蜘蛛俠(1,2和3),「哈利·鮑率」系列,「指環王」三部曲,矩陣三部曲和主。



建模和創造的特殊效果 SideFX Houdini FX 12.1.125概觀
大師胡迪尼 – 完美的視覺效果藝術家和技術總監,其整合的粒子和動力學環境。

SideFX Houdini FX — the powerful program for modelling and creation of the special effects, simultaneously being a functional package 3D schedules. The program allows to make difficult shots without necessity of use of additional plug-ins or group of programmers. Film production can count on help Houdini Master in creation of tremendous video-effects and animation. Among innovations of the tenth version it is necessary to note possibility of use of the several computers united in a local network, for imitation of behaviour of the liquids, new tools Pyro FX for smoke and fire creation, technology Interactive Photorealistic Rendering (IPR) for fast viewing of changes which are brought in illumination of three-dimensional scenes, work with the three-dimensional data. Houdini Master differs presence of tools for creation of dynamics and visual effects with particles.

Houdini has been used to create stunning digital animation in blockbuster films, including: Captain America, Puss in Boots, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Happy Feet Two, The Tree of Life, Sucker Punch, Cars 2, Moneyball, Hop, Avatar, 2012, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Coraline, Watchmen, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Bolt, Spider-Man (1, 2 & 3), the Harry Potter series, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Matrix trilogy and more.

About Side Effects Software

Established in 1987, Side Effects Software is a world leader in the development of Houdini, our advanced 3D animation and special effects software for use in film, commercials and video games. Side Effects Software has been recognized three times with Scientific and Technical awards from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Houdini is used by numerous leading digital content creation facilities including: Blizzard Entertainment, Blue Sky Studios, Digital Domain, Double Negative, DreamWorks Animation, Electronic Arts, Framestore, Guerrilla Games, Pixar Animation Studios, Rhythm & Hues and Sony Pictures Imageworks.


Houdini Master – Perfect for Visual Effects artists and technical directors with its integrated particle and dynamics environment. All users, including artists, can build tools and assets using Houdini’s simple, interac-tive workflow then encapsulate their work into Houdini Digital Assets. These assets can then be referenced into multiple scenes then edited and updated seamlessly. This makes it easy to step back and make changes even late into the production cycle, letting customers quickly present multiple iterations to their client.

建模和創造的特殊效果 SideFX Houdini FX 12.1.125 | Home Page: www.sidefx.com

建模和創造的特殊效果 SideFX Houdini FX 12.1.125 / Size: 234 /250 mb

密碼庫管理 Devolutions Password Vault Manager Professional




密碼庫管理 Devolutions Password Vault Manager Professional






這被認為是非常安全的密碼。 AES / Rijndael算法生效作為美國聯邦政府的標準,由美國國家安全局(NSA)的絕密情報,並獲得批准。





產品特色 – 專業版





此外,XML和Microsoft Access資料源包括在標準版,專業版提供了更好的替代資料源,如:

SQL Server資料源內含許多先進的功能,如使用者管理,支援附件,連線日誌表和離線模式。它也非常適合於一個多使用者環境中,需要一種安全可靠的資料庫。





SQL Server資料源的每一個動作直接進入到一個集中的資料庫進行追蹤。這內含一個條目的改變,刪除或觀看。


Password Vault Manager is a product used to manage all your passwords and your sensitive information.

Keep your credit card numbers, your bank accounts, your serial numbers or your alarm codes in an organized and secure database. Share with your team members only what they need to know and keep your data safe.

Professional Edition
* Save your credentials and passwords in a database.
* Share some or all of your sensitive information within your business safely.
* Monitor user activities with the database logs.
* Faster and more secure solution.

Organize your sensitive information

Save all your sensitive data in a secure storage and allow access only to specific people. With built-in support for:
Credentials (username and password),
Credit card information,
Bank information,
Alarm codes for you and your staff,
Software license keys / serials,
Any other texts and documents.

By using our add-on framework you can extend our application with all your needs.

U.S. Federal government approved encryption

Our application integrates an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm to protect your local files and your sensitive data in the database. A mix of our own private key and a master password (passphrase) is used to create a strong encryption key (256-bit key).

This cipher is regarded as being very secure. AES/Rijndael became effective as a U.S. Federal government standard and is approved by the National Security Agency (NSA) for top secret information.

Grouping Sessions in Folders

To simplify your management, you can organize your data entries in group (folder). The dashboard lets you see all entries included in the selected groups and subgroups and by using the filter you can search for a specific group.

You can also easily move your groups and entries from one to another by using drag and drop.

Quick Access via Tray Icon Context Menu

Use the tray icon context menu to:
Access and manage your entries.
Change the active data source.
Features Highlight – Professional Edition
Share Data Entries Between Multiple Users

Use of the Standard Edition is ideal when you do not need to share your ifnormation with your colleagues, but when it’s not the case, then the Professional Edition is better suited to your needs.

By using the SQL Server or Remote Desktop Manager Online data source, the application can operate efficiently and securely in a multi-user environment.

There are also many other features, such as audit trail sessions and network management that are necessary for efficient helpdesk or internal IT team.

Advanced Data Source Support

In addition of Xml and Microsoft Access data source included in the Standard edition, the Professional edition offers better alternative data sources like:
Amazon S3 hosting
Remote Desktop Manager Online
SQL Server

The SQL Server data source includes many advanced feature like the user management, support for attachments, connection log table and offline mode. It’s also well suited for a multi-user environment requiring a secure and reliable database.


Many of our customers use the data source as centralized data store to organize all the information about their customers or their machines. With the attachment functionality, they can include many different types of external files such as:
Network diagram
Support incident
And more

The files are linked per session and they share the same security access.

Database Connection Log

The SQL Server data source keeps track of every action performed on a entry directly into a centralized database. This included a change, deletion or viewing of an entry.

Using the tools available, the administrator can monitor, verify and even analyze the time spent by its employees for a specific client or on a particular machine. This is very useful to generate a timesheet which will serve for billing.

密碼庫管理 Devolutions Password Vault Manager Professional | Homepage:: passwordvaultmanager.com


密碼庫管理 Devolutions Password Vault Manager Professional / Size: 13.3 Mb

Web瀏覽器 ElectraSoft 32bit Web Browser v12.10.01

Web瀏覽器ElectraSoft32位上運行32位和64位computers.This瀏覽器軟體程式,甚至可以讓您的64位電腦上運行32位音訊和視訊播放器的應用,如YouTube,Adobe Flash播放器。

 Web瀏覽器 ElectraSoft 32bit Web Browser v12.10.01

Web瀏覽器 ElectraSoft 32bit Web Browser v12.10.01產品特點:
ElectraSoft 32bit Web Browser runs on 32bit and 64bit computers.This Browser software program even lets you run 32-bit online audio and video player applications like YouTube, Adobe Flash Player on your 64-bit computer.

Install 32bit Web Browser on your computer and it will use your Internet connection to let you access the World Wide Web with control not experienced with any other browser.
Start your office toward an edge in productivity. Become one of the well equipped workplaces of the future. Do it today!

Web瀏覽器 ElectraSoft 32bit Web Browser v12.10.01 | Homepage:

Web瀏覽器 ElectraSoft 32bit Web Browser v12.10.01: 1.3 MB

完整的相片編輯器和照片管理解決專案 ACDSee Pro v6.0 Build 169

此外,ACDSee Pro 6是一個完整的相片編輯器和照片管理解決專案。使用ACDSee Pro 5提供了一個專為專業攝影師和進階攝影愛好者拍攝的數位單反相機和RAW檔案的工作,國家的最先進的非破壞性的照片編輯和RAW圖像轉換RAW處理器。與管理,檢視,制定,修改和線上模式,讓攝影師的攝影工作流程,數字資產管理(DAM)在同一個地方進行所有必要的任務,這是唯一的解決辦法。此外,ACDSee Pro 5的迅速讓你回來做你做得最好的拍攝令人驚嘆的照片。

 完整的相片編輯器和照片管理解決專案 ACDSee Pro v6.0 Build 169

完整的相片編輯器和照片管理解決專案 ACDSee Pro v6.0 Build 169新功能:



高解析度的圖像處理能力要求高。加快您的工作流程的任務,由於使用ACDSee Pro 6的原生支援64位的Windows操作系統圖像處理和縮放。




實現一致的色彩工作流程。從地上爬起來返工,使用ACDSee Pro 6的色彩管理系統解決更準確的色彩符合和更高質量的結果,可以發生在不同裝置之間的色彩符合問題。另外,現在內含多顯示器支援。










目的中間色調使您的圖像的直觀的調整 – 給一點額外定義的清晰度工具的詳細訊息,或獲得夢幻般的柔焦。使用交叉過程中加入一個超現實的,復古的外觀。或提請注意你的形象與裁剪後的部分裁剪後暈影,羽化,半徑和圓度控制。此外,您現在可以非破壞性地減少紅眼現象。








ACDSee Pro 6 is a complete photo editor and photo management solution. Designed for professional photographers and advanced amateurs who shoot DSLR and work with RAW files, ACDSee Pro 5 offers a state-of-the art RAW processor for non-destructive photo editing and RAW image conversion. With Manage, View, Develop, Edit and Online modes, it is the only solution that allows photographers to carry out all essential tasks of the photography workflow and digital asset management (DAM) in one place. ACDSee Pro 5 quickly gets you back to doing what you do best: shooting amazing photographs.

What’s New in ACDSee Pro 6

So many new features. So much time saved. Make your best photos even better, with time to spare, thanks to a host of new features that deliver the precision your photos deserve.

Super Fast Performance

High resolution images require high amounts of handling power. Speed up your image processing and zoom through your workflow tasks, thanks to ACDSee Pro 6’s native 64-bit support for Windows operating systems.

Hierarchical keywords

Save time and stay on top of your growing collection by creating keyword hierarchies that span from the general to the very specific. For example, say you’ve created this structure: Transportation | Cars | Vintage. When you assign an image of a Model-T to the Vintage keyword with a check of a box, it automatically gets added to the higher keyword levels. Click on a keyword in the Catalog pane or use Quick Search to display all of the files assigned to that keyword. Create as many levels as you need to fully and accurately classify your assets.

Improved color management

Achieve a consistent color workflow. Reworked from the ground up, ACDSee Pro 6’s color management system resolves color matching issues that can occur between different devices with much more accurate color matching and higher quality results. Plus, multi-monitor support is now included.

Burn to Blu-Ray

Quickly and easily archive your images to Blu-Ray discs, directly from within ACDSee.

Photo Developing
Non-destructive adjustment brush

Make non-destructive adjustments to select areas of your images using a versatile brush to precisely get the look you want. Subtly or dramatically correct exposure, add clarity, boost vibrance and more.

Improved noise reduction and sharpening

Rescue your high ISO images with ACDSee’s significantly improved noise reduction technology to get smoother and more natural results, while retaining as much edge detail as possible. Plus, the new Detail slider adds control over the sharpening process by feathering or softening the sharpening halos.

Better black and white

Take your monochrome images to a whole new level of creativity with the dedicated black and white mode. Make high-quality non-destructive hue-based brightness adjustments and experiment with saturation-based tinting that allows you to add a specific hue back to a black and white image.

New processing tools

Target midtones to make intuitive adjustments to your images – give a little extra definition to details with the Clarity tool, or get dreamy with Soft Focus. Use Cross Process to add a surreal, retro look. Or draw attention to a cropped portion of your image with Post-Crop Vignetting, complete with feathering, radius and roundness controls. Plus, you can now non-destructively reduce red-eye.

Advanced color improvements

Adjust individual or overall color in your images with improved Advanced Color tools, built on a higher quality algorithm that uses modern color models for higher quality and more perceptual color adjustments. Add in more intuitive controls, and you can subtly fine-tune or dramatically change the hue, saturation, and lightness, for remarkably better results.

Photo Editing

Brush on edits

Quickly brush on any editing effect or adjustment to a specific area of your photo, complete with size and feathering controls. For even more flexibility, combine your edits with different blend modes for the ultimate in control and creativity.

Blur smartly

Apply the new Smart Blur filter in Edit Mode as a creative effect, or to reduce the noise in your image. Smooth out the grain and noise patterns between edges while still retaining the sharpness and important details of your shot.

完整的相片編輯器和照片管理解決專案 ACDSee Pro v6.0 Build 169 | Home Page: www.acdsee.com

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

完整的相片編輯器和照片管理解決專案 ACDSee Pro v6.0 Build 169 | Size: 82.69 / 72.09 MB

智慧的PHP編輯器 JetBrains PhpStorm 5.0.3

PhpStorm是一個輕量級的和智慧的PHP IDE專注於開發人員的工作效率,深深理解你的代碼,提供智慧的代碼完成,快速導航和飛錯誤檢查。

智慧的PHP編輯器 JetBrains PhpStorm 5.0.3

‧Avtozavreshenie PHP代碼。
‧支援多國語系的一個文件(JS/ SQL/ XML等)

‧在Windows,Mac OS X,Linux的運行。
‧易於配置的項目 – 開源從任何地方開始工作。





PhpStorm is a lightweight and smart PHP IDE focused on developer productivity that deeply understands your code, provides smart code completion, quick navigation and on-the-fly error checking. It is always ready to help you shape your code, run unit-tests or provide visual debugging.

Smart PHP editor
• Avtozavreshenie PHP code.
• PHP refactoring
• Support for Smarty and PHPDoc
• Fast navigation
• Support for multiple languages ​​in one document (JS / SQL / XML, etc.)

Lightweight IDE
• Easy to install.
• Quick start.
• Runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.
• Easy configuration of the project – open source from anywhere and start working.

Advanced Editor javascript
• DOM-based/browser-specific code completion.
• Navigating through the code and custom searches.
• javascript refactoring.
• The debugger javascript.

Smart Development Environment
• Visual display unit tests.
• Support for SVN, CVS, Git, Perforce. Visual Merge.
• Support for FTP and remote file synchronization.
• Local History.

HTML / CSS editor
• Code completion, based on DOM.
• Validation and a quick fix.
• Zen coding.
• Display of applied styles.
• Removing the built-in styles.

Visual debugging
• Step into and assessment with an integrated graphical debugger.
• Breakpoints in PHP, JS, HTML.
• Tracking of variables observed.
• Batch analysis of the code.

智慧的PHP編輯器 JetBrains PhpStorm 5.0.3 | Home Page: www.jetbrains.com

智慧的PHP編輯器 JetBrains PhpStorm 5.0.3 / Size: 93.5 MB


進階SystemCare V6的新特點,新介面,新功能,改進的掃瞄,清洗,修復和改善,三重備份機制,加載速度更快。隨著新系統的技術,進階SystemCare使您能夠運行你的電腦更快,更穩定,更有效地比任何其他系統實用程式。


(PC維護工具)Advanced SystemCare Pro Final
(PC維護工具)Advanced SystemCare Pro Final

‧ PC安全保衛額外的保護。檢驗和分析Windows安全環境。掃瞄並刪除間諜軟體和廣告軟體,使用了最新的定義檔案從您的電腦上安裝惡意程式,以防止間諜軟體,黑客和劫機者。擦除和更新您的個人電腦的活動歷史。
‧實時改善功能ActiveBoost , ActiveBoost ,積極的實時智慧管理系統資源的在後台運行的技術,不斷地檢驗到非活動狀態的資源和改善CPU和RAM使用。
‧提高您的工作和遊戲的PC 。你現在有兩個渦輪增壓選項,工作模式和遊戲模式。此外,您現在可以從主螢幕的配置調整每種模式。
‧改進護理模組,具有更強大的清潔和改善功能。 「關懷」模組的新發展,內含如「啟動改善」 ,將掃瞄並更有效地清潔你的電腦的功能。
‧強大的硬碟碎片整理。快速,有力和非常有效的磁碟碎片整理功能的硬碟機進行碎片整理 – 高達10倍的速度比其他碎片整理工具。
‧免費的,屢獲殊榮的客戶支援為所有使用者。 100%免費的24× 7技術支援和社會的支援。

進階SystemCare 7中的新功能:
*改進了垃圾檔案清理的Windows 8地鐵(現代)應用程式充分支援的清潔。
【文章標題】: (PC維護工具)Advanced SystemCare Pro Final
【文章作者】: 藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: https://por.tw/Rich/
【藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學課程】: https://por.tw/Rich/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: https://goto1688.com/Rich/
【版權聲明】: (原創)藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Advanced SystemCare Pro Final

Advanced SystemCare provides an always-on, automated, all-in-one PC Healthcare Service with anti-spyware, privacy protection, performance tune-ups, and system cleaning capabilities. This powerful and award-winning precision tool fixes stubborn errors, cleans out clutter, optimizes internet and download speeds, ensures personal security and maintains maximum computer performance automatically. Designed for the latest Windows system environment and to speed up your PC and provide more reliability. Safely cleans registry junk, compacts registry bloats and defragments the whole registry for maximum performance. Find and fix the registry errors others miss with our “Deep Scan” technology.
Advanced SystemCare v6 has New Features, New Interface, New Functions, Improved Scanning, Cleaning, Repairing, and Optimizing, Triple Backup Mechanism and Faster Loading. With the novel system technology, Advanced SystemCare empowers you to run your computer faster, more stably and more efficiently than with any other system utilities.

Key Benefits:
• Keeps your PC running at peak performance. Fully optimizes Windows for ultimate system performance and top Internet speed by unleashing the built-in power of your system, based on how you use your PC and your network configuration. It turns your PC into a business PC, a productive workstation, an entertainment center, a game machine, or a scientific computing PC.
• Defends PC security with extra protection. Detects and analyzes Windows security environment. Scans and removes spyware and adware using up-to-date definition files in order to prevent spyware, hackers and hijackers from installing malicious programs on your computer. Erases and updates your PC’s activity histories.
• One click to solve as many as 10 common PC problems. Advanced SystemCare inherits the ease-of-use from previous versions, with more powerful capabilities. With one click, it scans and repairs ten PC problems and protects your PC from hidden security threats.
• Real-time optimization with ActiveBoost function. ActiveBoost, technology that actively runs in the background intelligently managing system resources in real-time, constantly detects inactive resources and optimizes CPU and RAM usage.
• More than 20 dedicated smart tools for everyday PC maintenance. Advanced SystemCare integrates IObit’s latest Toolbox, with more than 20 dedicated smart tools for everyday PC maintenance as well as advanced needs. The Toolbox feature has tools for system cleaning, optimizing and repairing, tools for security enhancement, and tools for full control over the PC system.
• Cloud technology to keep database up-to-date. The new “Cloud” technology ensures the database is kept updated at all times so that you can benefit from the latest definitions and configurations.
• Boost your PC for working and gaming. You now have two Turbo Boost options, Work Mode and Game Mode. In addition, you can now adjust the configuration of each mode from the main screen.
• Next-generation registry deep clean and optimizer. Safely cleans registry junk, compacts registry bloats and defragments the whole registry for maximum performance. Finds and fixes the registry errors that other utilities miss with “Deep Scan” technology.
• Automatically works in the background. This powerful utility works continuously, automatically and quietly in the background on your PC. You can set the program on a regular schedule or just let it work automatically when your PC is idle.
• New UI technology for quicker start and less resource usage! With the new UI technology, Advanced SystemCare will start up faster using fewer system resources.
• New architecture and re-written source codes for 32bit/64bit system! These improvements will make your PC work more efficiently and steadily, stabilizing even older systems.
• Improved Care module with more powerful clean and optimization functions. The new developments in the “Care” module include features such as “Start-up Optimization”, which will scan and clean your PC much more effectively.
• Powerful hard drive defragmentation. Fast, powerfully and incredibly effective Disk Defrag function to defragment hard drives – up to 10 times faster than other defragmentation tools.
• FREE, Award-winning Customer Support for All Users. 100% free 24×7 Technical Support and community support.

What’s New in Advanced SystemCare 7:
+ Brand new user interface for easier and smoother use.
+ AutoClean is available in FREE edition now for intelligent privacy protection and system cleaning.
+ New Surfing Protection technology supports real-time database update and parent control for safer surfing for both parents and kids.
+ New Homepage Protection function protects homepage and search engine against malicious modification.
+ New Program Deactivator tool for retrieving more available system resource by disabling running programs.
+ New Skip-UAC function for faster and easier loading of the program.
* Fully upgraded Cloned Files Scanner supports removing duplicates in just one-click.
* Expanded Malware Removal database for better protection against latest malware threats.
* Enhanced Registry Fix and Vulnerability Fix for faster scanning speed and stable performance.
* Enhanced Shortcut Fixer provides faster scanning speed and richer functions.
* Improved Junk Files Clean fully supports the cleaning of Windows 8 Metro (Modern) Apps.
* Improved Disk Explorer supports removing useless downloaded files by scanning download directories.
* Improved Turbo Boost gives you more stable performance and advanced custom configuration.
* And more to be discovered by you.

(PC維護工具)Advanced SystemCare Pro Final | Home Page www.iobit.com

(PC維護工具)Advanced SystemCare Pro Final / Size: 33.1 MB

數位圖像銳化解決專案 Nik Software Sharpener Pro 3.010

Sharpener Pro是目前最先進,功能最強大的銳化解決專案,消除了猜測通常需要實現卓越的和一致的結果。
新的自適應銳化算法和屢獲殊榮的U Point®技術,確保所需的清晰度或細節的創意軟化選取性銳化很容易完成。
Sharpener Pro 專業版3.0是唯一的工具,它提供控制產量和創意的細節銳化不同的對象快速,容易,而不需要每個對象或區功能變數做出不同的調整圖層。

數位圖像銳化解決專案 Nik Software Sharpener Pro 3.010

Sharpener Pro 3.0重新獲得清晰的數位圖像,圖像的焦點,吸引觀眾的注意力時間實現專業的,高品質的銳化圖像​​。

Sharpener Pro專業版3.0提供了完整的銳化工作流程的專業性的電源和控制,以卓越的輸出銳化輸出裝置的基礎上從RAW預銳化和創造性的細節增強。


RAW Presharpener
更新後的的RAW Presharpener功能保留和增強銳利的細節圖像內沒有拉近的噪聲和失真。
RAW Presharpener彌補潛在的損失數位的捕獲或數位降噪技術原因造成的,清晰度和細節。


輸出Sharpener 過濾器設計銳化基於經證實的損失引起的不同的輸出的方法和裝置的詳細,提供的最佳的控制用於建立完美削尖的圖像顯示,噴墨列印紙,連續色調,半色調,和混合型的列印裝置等裝置。

通過自訂設定儲存在「輸出」Sharpener 可重複的,專業的效果,在攝影工作流程,節省時間。

選取工具容許你刷任何Sharpener Pro 3.0的過濾器增強到您的圖像使用Photoshop的畫筆工具。

完全更新和重新設計的介面控件放置在Sharpener Pro 3.0的功能鍵,方便您的圖像工作區的右側動作快且前後一致的訪問。

Sharpener Pro 的支援(僅安裝Adobe®Photoshop®的)
Sharpener Pro 3.0的相容與Adobe Photoshop智慧對象,它容許你微調改進後,他們已經得到了應用。

Sharpener Pro 3.0除了能夠應用銳化整個圖像或選取性地使用U Point技術的增強功能,還可以有選取地應用使用Photoshop的畫筆。
選取工具(可在Adobe Photoshop和Photoshop Elements只)協同工作,用畫筆工具使您能夠很容易地應用,或刷上的任何圖像,銳化效果。
Sharpener Pro 3.0的自動建立和管理圖層和圖層遮罩幕後,所以你不必。

Sharpener Pro is the most advanced and powerful sharpening solution eliminating the guesswork typically required for achieving superior and consistent results. New adaptive sharpening algorithms and award-winning U Point® technology for selective sharpening ensure desired sharpness or creative softening of details are easily accomplished. The Sharpening Soft Proof that lets you accurately inspect results before printing saving money in costly test prints, improved handling of new output devices, and new output presets provide repeatable, professional results. Sharpener Pro 3.0 is the only tool that provides controls for both output and creative detail sharpening of different objects quickly and easily without the need to make different adjustment layers for each object or area.

A recognized leader in digital imaging technology, Nik Software has developed class-leading solutions to specific challenges photographers face when sharpening images throughout the photographic workflow and packaged them in one convenient toolset. Use Sharpener Pro 3.0 to regain clarity in digital images, draw the viewer’s attention to the focal point of an image and achieve professional, high quality sharpened images every time.

Sharpener Pro 3.0 provides professional power and control over the complete sharpening workflow, from RAW pre-sharpening and creative detail enhancements to superior output sharpening based on the output device. Simply the most unique and powerful image editing technology available today, U Point powered controls allow you to precisely control sharpness and detail selectively within an image without the need for complicated selections or layer masks. Enhancements are automatically and naturally blended throughout your image for spectacular results.

Creative Sharpening Tools
Powerful new creative sharpening tools enable you to enhance subtle details and textures that are hidden with an image. When selectively applied using Control Points these tools enable you to draw attention to key areas within your images.

RAW Presharpener
The updated RAW Presharpener feature retains and enhances sharp details within images without amplifying noise and artifacts. RAW Presharpener compensates for the potential loss of clarity and detail caused through digital capture or digital noise reduction techniques.

Sharpening Soft Proof
the new Industry-First allows detailed inspection of sharpening results on screen before printing, eliminating costly test prints.

Output Sharpener (Adobe® Photoshop® only)
Designed to sharpen based on proven loss of detail caused by different output methods and devices, the Output Sharpener filter provides the optimum controls for creating perfectly sharpened images for such devices as display, inkjet, continuous tone, half tone, and hybrid print devices.

Output Presets
Saves time in the photographic workflow by saving custom settings in the Output Sharpener for repeatable, professional results.

Powerful Selective Tool (Adobe® Photoshop® only)
The Selective Tool allows you to brush any Sharpener Pro 3.0 filter enhancement into your image using Photoshop’s brush tools. Layers and masks are created automatically, enabling you to quickly and easily apply any filter with painterly precision.

Time-saving Professional Interface
The completely updated and reworked interface in Sharpener Pro 3.0 feature key controls placed conveniently on the right side of your image workspace for fast and consistent access. Also a Navigator Loupe provides a quick 100% view and navigation view, saved settings, and a resizable user interface help speed your workflow.

Smart Filter Support (Adobe® Photoshop® only)
Sharpener Pro 3.0 is compatible with Adobe Photoshop Smart Objects which permits you to fine-tune enhancements even after they’ve been applied.

In addition to being able to apply sharpening enhancements to the entire image or selectively using U Point technology, Sharpener Pro 3.0 can also be selectively applied using Photoshop’s brushes. The Nik Selective Tool (available in Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements only) works in concert with the Brush Tool enabling you to easily apply, or brush on, the sharpening effect to any image. Sharpener Pro 3.0 automatically creates and manages layers and layer masks behind the scenes, so you don’t have to. This method is ideal for use with a Wacom® Pen Tablet, enabling you to apply sharpening with pressure-sensitive control.

數位圖像銳化解決專案 Nik Software Sharpener Pro 3.010 | Home Page www.niksoftware.com

數位圖像銳化解決專案 Nik Software Sharpener Pro 3.010 | Size 75.52 MB

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/Se7en


發現你內心的照片編輯天才。 ACDSee相片編輯器,很容易地建立你的照片。
與ACDSee相片編輯器6 ,你有能力改變而變得不平凡。


(相片編輯器)ACDSee Photo Editor 6.0 Build 343
(相片編輯器)ACDSee Photo Editor 6.0 Build 343












加入和編輯EXIF和IPTC訊息,不僅將說明您追蹤的細節,但也將提供很好的參考,以說明您重新完美拍攝。為了更好地控制您的元資料,考慮一個照片管理工具,如ACDSee或是ACDSee Pro。

‧MicrosoftRWindows R XP Service Pack 3,Windows Vista R和Windows R 7 , Windows R8的
‧微軟Internet Explorer 7.0或更高版本
【文章標題】: (相片編輯器)ACDSee Photo Editor 6.0 Build 343
【文章作者】: 藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: https://por.tw/Rich/
【藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學課程】: https://por.tw/Rich/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: https://goto1688.com/Rich/
【版權聲明】: (原創)藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
ACDSee Photo Editor 6.0 Build 343

Discover your inner photo editing genius. ACDSee Photo Editor 6 makes it easy to create the photos you’ve always envisioned. Apply stunning effects and filters, work with object layers effortlessly, quickly correct common photo flaws, and make advanced edits like a pro. With ACDSee Photo Editor 6, you have the power to transform any shot into your most extraordinary one yet.


• Jump in
You don’t have to be a technical whiz to start editing your photos like a pro. How-to lessons take you step by step through common editing tasks, giving you the confidence to explore your creativity. You’ll spend less time learning so you can get to the task at hand faster: transforming your photos into something breathtaking.

• Object Layers
Photo Editor’s work area provides a canvas where you can arrange your photos, text, and other objects, like shapes and lines. Layer your objects, group them, change their order, and experiment with opacity and blend modes to create amazing photo layouts. Selectively adjust any object, or apply changes to the entire layout. Your originals are always safely preserved.

• Layouts Made Easy
Comfortably select from among overlapping objects, and choose the exact place where you want to paste your elements with the Paste and Place option. Open, load and utilize brush files to enhance your layouts. Resize, crop, rotate and correct your photos. And easily work with drop shadows, transparencies and text, to achieve your desired layout.

• Go ahead and play
Experiment with effects with peace of mind, knowing that your original image stays intact. With Dynamic Adjustments, you have the luxury of freedom. Quickly modify existing effects, switch their order for a different result, hide them, or delete them completely at any time. It’s no strings attached creative control.

• Correct Photo Flaws
Correct your photos with powerful and fast-fix tools, including Red Eye, Dodge, Burn, Sharpen, and Smudge. Magically erase imperfections, blemishes, and unwanted objects with the Repair Tool. Try the Auto-adjustments feature for one-click Auto Color Balance, Auto Levels, Auto Sharpen, or Auto Contrast. Use Auto Fix to make all the necessary adjustments for you at once, or take full control of each adjustment using sliders.

• Stylize Photos
Easily add your creative flair to photos. Try a vignette to create polished portrait-style photos. Set your photos in motion with the Blur tools. Take your photos back in time with the sepia effect, or add a dash of drama with Photo Editor’s comprehensive black and white mode.

• Edit in Batches
Save time by using the Batch Processor to edit groups of photos. Fix color, lighting and sharpness issues, or apply artistic effects, to everything all at once.

• Shape your shots
Create interesting effects by combining objects and photos. Punch out photos using an array of pre-defined shapes, or design your own custom shapes.

• Say More with Words
Add text to your photos, exactly the way you want. Change up the font and color of all of your text or just a single word or phrase. And why stick to straight text? Wrap your text inside a shape, or along a custom or preset text path to add some flow to your shot.

• Fast Track to Results
The Adjustments Palette gives you quick access to all the alterations you can apply to photos, objects, and text. It’s your shortcut to the editing and creative functions you need the most.

• Work with Metadata
Adding and editing EXIF and IPTC information will not only help you keep track of the details, but will also provide excellent reference to aid you in recreating that perfect shot. For even more control over your metadata, consider a photo management tool, such as ACDSee or ACDSee Pro.

• Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 3, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, Windows® 8
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher

(相片編輯器)ACDSee Photo Editor 6.0 Build 343/Homepage: www.acdsee.com

(相片編輯器)ACDSee Photo Editor 6.0 Build 343/Size: 66.08 MB

為數位攝影師完整圖像編輯解決專案Helicon Filter


為數位攝影師完整圖像編輯解決專案Helicon Filter

為數位攝影師完整圖像編輯解決專案Helicon Filter功能:


*壞點過濾器(v.4.50 +)
*的粉塵感知器過濾器(v.4.50 +)

*梯度的陰霾補償(v.4.50 +)







* EXIF​​資料(日期,光圈,ISO等)的佔位符。


* JPEG,JPEG2000,TIFF(LZW壓縮24位,48位,),PNG,PSD,BMP格式

* 16位高精度圖像處理

Helicon Filter is a complete image editing solution for the digital photographer. Its easy and intuitive interface, live preview feature, and in context help ensure an easy start for beginners. The program is built as step by step workflow guiding you through all post processing stages. Helicon Filter is also full of advanced features which attract professional photographers.

Helicon Filter features:

File management:
* Voice comments and video playback
* Support for all popular file types including all RAW
* Fast folder browser
* Lossless rotate, copy, delete, move operations
* Template-based rename
* Full EXIF and IPTC information
* Support of color profiles

Noise reduction:
* Noise level auto detection
* Selective noise reduction in highlights and shadows, in defined hue, in color
* Dead pixels filter (v.4.50+)
* Dust sensor filter (v.4.50+)

* Gradient haze compensation (v.4.50+)
* Brightness equalizer/curve
* Brightness in Highlights, Shadows
* Contrast, Gamma, Exposure
* Local contrast
* Levels (black point, white point)

* One-click White Balance tool
* Color map and RGB sliders for manual WB
* Memory colors list (several skin types, green, sky, etc.)
* Saturation for bright and dull colors
* Equalizer for selective saturation
* Spectral sensitivity controls
* Black&White conversion
* Exposure warnings

* Reduction of chromatic aberration on high contrast areas (e.g. sun behind the

* Fine details extraction
* Edge sharpening
* Threshold to keep noise from sharpening
* White halo control
* Equalizer to sharpen only selected color ranges.

* Vignetting correction
* Barrel/pincushion correction
* Perspective correction
* Rotation, squeezing, stretching
* Skewing, bending

* Presets for popular paper sizes, monitor resolutions, mobile phones
* Proportional selection (e.g. 2:3, 3:4, user defined)
* Batch crop/resize

* Blurred or black&white image as a frame texture
* Color picker to choose frame color

* Placeholders for EXIF data (date, ISO, aperture, etc).
* Several text styles including embossed, shadowed, semi-transparent, inverted

* ‘Delete scratches’ brush to remove scratches, wires, pimples on the face,
* ‘Clone’ brush
* ‘Change brightness’ brush to make some areas darker or brighter
* ‘Change color’ brush to paint with color or to change the hue keeping the brightness the same
* ‘Change saturation’ brush
* ‘Blur/sharpen’ brush
* ‘Reduce noise’ brush
* ‘Fix red eye’ brush
* ‘Distort’ brush to fix protruding ears and similar problems
* ‘Erase changes’ brush to delete effect of the brushes and/or filters
* All brushes can be edge-sensitive
* Undo/redo is available

* Image can be saved to disk, emailed, printed
* Save dialog shows file size for give JPEG quality
* JPEG, JPEG2000, TIFF (24 bit, 48 bit, lzw compression), PNG, PSD, BMP formats
are supported

Advanced features:
* Creation of high dynamic range images
* Multiprocessor support
* Batch processing
* Support of external plug-ins
* User settings support
* 16 bit precision image processing

為數位攝影師完整圖像編輯解決專案Helicon Filter Homepage: www.heliconsoft.com

為數位攝影師完整圖像編輯解決專案Helicon Filter Size: 267.1 MB

動漫動畫創造效果物體場景工具 Smith Micro Anime Studio Pro v9.0

Smith Micro Anime Studio Pro是完美的專業人士尋找一個更有效的替代繁瑣的一幀一幀的動畫。
一個直觀的介面,可視化的內容庫和骨吊掛系統,自動圖像追蹤,綜合假唱,三維造型設計,物理,運動追蹤,字元精靈和更強大的功能,例如,動畫Studio Pro中提供了先進的動畫製作工具加快您的工作流程。
動畫Studio Pro中 – 完整的2D動畫,數字藝術家和專業人士!
動漫Studio Pro是完美的專業人士尋找一個更有效的替代繁瑣的一幀一幀的細節時,創造高質量的動畫。
有了一個直觀的介面和加載前搭建的角色和更多的內容,動畫Studio Pro中提供了先進的動畫工具和效果,以加快您的工作流程。

動漫動畫創造效果物體場景工具 Smith Micro Anime Studio Pro v9.0







‧在動畫Studio Pro中8個速度達產自動轉換現有的藝術作品和草圖,完全可編輯的向量圖形圖像自動追蹤。
‧強大的,基於向量的繪圖工具,並能夠將掃瞄的圖紙和圖像,您可以快速建立自己的人物和物體在動畫Studio Pro中。
‧在動畫Studio Pro中的全局編譯樣式,讓你通過簡單地調整設定一對夫婦的改變動畫的整體設計。
‧動畫Studio Pro中,您可以建立自己的3D對像轉換2D轉換為3D對象的向量層,並容許您自動執行部分的動畫模擬物理。匯入您的波塞爾場景,並結合二維和三維動畫。
‧輸出視訊和動畫的無限長度格式,內含NTSC / PAL D1/DV標準和寬屏; iPhone,iPad和Droid的; HDV與HDTV 780P和1080P的AVI,MOV,Flash和更
‧動畫Studio Pro中提供了一個強大的和富有成效的動畫環境,最大限度地減少生產時間,提高您的工作效率。

動漫動畫創造效果物體場景工具 Smith Micro Anime Studio Pro v9.0新的Pro功能

最要求的功能,我們的使用者一直在尋求終於來了。在運動圖,以圖形模式顯示的現用的層的動畫頻道,而不是僅僅沿一條直線的點。可編輯的運動線圖,現在使用者可以得到最大程度的,詳細的,控制自己的動畫,而不是依靠預先設定的插補。現在,您可以編輯使用貝賽爾手柄的運動曲線,而不是直接依賴於補間動畫,緩解和易用性。 [專業版才有的功能]

動漫工作室採用了獨特的智慧骨吊掛系統建立一個的字元骨架,然後毫不費力地在時間軸中搬移角色。這是一個顯著的優勢,而且有助於加快我的工作。隨著動漫工作室,這個過程可能花費數週,需要幾個小時 – 有時甚至幾分鐘!

新智慧骨頭在動畫Studio Pro中,是一個令人難以置信的功能,可降低或完全消除你的性格扭曲周圍的關節 – 特別是周圍的膝蓋和手肘。集團一個點集,並使用智慧骨頭控制桿,以建立3D的,你可以很容易地重複轉動撥盤的議案。例如與智慧的骨頭,你可以控制在一個角色的面部表情和頭部轉動,而不是需要接觸每個骨骼點與簡單的槓桿運動。智慧骨頭不僅步驟的質量和現實主義的骨行動,但使得它更容易重複的複雜運動和控制操縱元素。 [專業版才有的功能]

只要按一下單獨匯出多個層。圖層複合是有用的,如果你想只匯出選取的項目在你的場景中,這樣就可以複合外部的第三方軟體。例如,您可以建立一個圖層排版,涉及到背景中的元素,另外,涉及到的字元,另外,涉及到的前景元素或標題。關閉團體和關閉,直到你得到邏輯上屬於一起的元素。從該組,然後建立一個新的圖層複合。在編譯時,你可以作為一個電影檔案,然後選取編譯特定的圖層複合。 [專業版才有的功能]

動畫Studio Pro中9洋蔥皮內已經完全重新設計,現在內含透明膠片究竟要如何說明你調整你的動畫。 [專業版才有的功能]


動漫工作室9 Pro是一個64位的應用程式。在速度和記憶體改進會注意到所有那些誰使用64位的機器。提高編譯速度和預覽的效能。同時,最大程度地利用您的圖形卡與動漫Studio Pro中。位於「偏好項」對話框中的設定來啟用或禁用此選項。 [臨特點]







8,Windows 7的Vista和XP
‧1 GHz的Intel Pentium或同等


‧1.5 GHz的英特爾處理器或以上

‧700 MB可用硬碟空間
‧512 MB RAM
‧1024 x 768解析度
‧Windows Internet瀏覽器8或更新版本的Windows系統

Anime Studio Pro is perfect for professionals looking for a more efficient alternative to tedious frame-by-frame animation. With an intuitive interface, a visual content library and powerful features such as a bone rigging system, automatic image tracing, integrated lip-synching, 3D shape design, physics, motion tracking, a character wizard and more, Anime Studio Pro delivers advanced animation tools to speed up your workflow. Anime Studio Pro – Complete 2D Animation for Digital Artists and Professionals! Anime Studio Pro is perfect for professionals looking for a more efficient alternative to tedious frame-by-frame detailing when creating quality animations. With an intuitive interface and loaded with pre-rigged characters and additional content, Anime Studio Pro delivers advanced animation tools and effects to speed up your workflow.

Create High-Quality Animations
Make characters, objects and scenes using powerful vector-based drawing tools. Import your scanned drawings and images, including layered Photoshop® files.

Automatic Image Tracing
Speed up production by automatically converting existing artwork and sketches to fully editable vector drawings.

Character Wizard
Design fully rigged characters with multiple views, walk cycles, expressions and more. Access dozens of predesigned components or add your own creations and reusable actions.

Real Time Media Connection
Imported media files edited in their native applications are automatically recognized and updated within Anime Studio.

Global Rendering Styles
Quickly change the overall design of your animations by choosing from various fill, stroke and layer presets.

Powerful Production Tools
Robust bone-rigging tools make character creation and animation easier than ever.
Save time with Curve Profile, Follow Path and Stroke Exposure tools, along with automatic line-smoothing features.

• Automatic Image Tracing in Anime Studio Pro 8 speeds up production by automatically converting existing artwork and sketches to fully editable vector drawings.
• With powerful, vector-based drawing tools and the ability to import scanned drawings and images, you can quickly create your own characters and objects in Anime Studio Pro 8.
• The revolutionary bone-rigging system provides a fast and efficient alternative to tedious frame-by-frame animation. Add a skeleton to any image by pointing and clicking—then bring it to life while keeping your project organized with the sequencer and timeline.
• The built-in Character Wizard is the ideal tool for anyone working on concepts or looking for a fast alternative to drawing and rigging each character from scratch.
• Global Rendering Styles in Anime Studio Pro 8 let you change the overall design of your animation by simply adjusting a couple of settings.
• The Photoshop document import with support for layers speeds up your workflow
• Real Time Media Connection automatically updates image, movie and audio files in your imported Anime Studio files when edited in an external program, allowing you to make the necessary changes on the fly.
• Anime Studio Pro 8 enables you to create your own 3D objects by converting your 2D vector layers into 3D Objects, and simulated physics allows you to automate parts of your animations. Import your Poser scenes and combine 2D and 3D animation.
• Record your own sound clips right within Anime Studio and sync them to your animated characters using the built-in lip synching functionality.
• Choose from a library of ready-to-use characters, props, scenes, stock audio and video clips, scatter brushes and more to get you animating quickly in Anime Studio.
• Output video and animation of unlimited length to formats including NTSC/PAL D1/DV Standard and Widescreen; iPhone, iPad and Droid; HDV and HDTV 780p and 1080p; AVI, MOV, Flash and more
• Anime Studio Pro 8 provides a powerful and productive animation environment that minimizes production time and increases your productivity.
• Compatible with Mac and Windows.

New Pro Features

Editable Motion Graphs
The single most requested feature that our users have been asking for is finally here. In Motion Graphs, the animation channels of the current layer are displayed graphically, rather than just as points along a line. With Editable Motion Graphs, now users can get maximum, detailed, control of their animation, instead of relying on pre-set interpolations. You can now edit motion curves with Bezier handles directly instead of relying on tweening, ease-in and ease-out. [Pro Only Feature]

Anime Studio 9 uses a unique smart bone rigging system to create a character skeleton and then effortlessly move the character over the timeline. This is a phenomenal advantage and really helps to accelerate my workflow. With Anime Studio, a process that might have taken weeks, takes just hours – or sometimes even minutes!
~ Victor Paredes, renowned Anime Studio artist whose animation credits include Nestle, Becker Beer, Chevrolet, Axe, Pepsico and the Chilean government.

Revolutionary Smart Bones
New in Anime Studio Pro 9, Smart Bones is an incredible feature that reduces or entirely removes distortion around your character’s joints – specifically around knees and elbows. Group a set of points and use the Smart Bones control levers to create 3D looking motion that you can easily repeat with the turn of a dial. For example with Smart Bones you can control facial expressions and head-turning on a character with simple lever movements instead of having to touch each bone point. Smart Bones not only steps up the quality and realism of the bone actions, but makes it MUCH easier to repeat complex movements and control your rigged elements. [Pro Only Feature]

Layer Comps
Export multiple layers individually with one click. Layer comps are useful if you want to export only selected items in your scene so that you can composite them externally in third party software. For example, you can create a layer comp that relates to background elements, another that relates to characters, and another that relates to foreground elements or titles. Turn groups on and off until you get elements that logically belong together. Then create a new layer comp from that group. At render time, you can then choose to render specific layer comps as a movie file. [Pro Only Feature]

Improved Onion Skins
Onion skins within Anime Studio Pro 9 have been completely redesigned and now include transparencies to help you tweak your animation exactly how you want to. [Pro Only Feature]

Scripting Enhancements
More scripting access and control. Updates include keyup and keydown detection, non-modal and floating windows, more GUI widgets such as sliders, scroll-bars, side-on dials, radial dials, etc.[Pro Only Feature]

64-Bit Architecture & Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Acceleration
Anime Studio 9 Pro is now a 64 bit application. Improvements in speed and memory will be noticed by all those who use 64 bit machines. Improve rendering speeds and preview performance. As well, get maximum usage of your graphics card with Anime Studio Pro. The setting to enable or disable this option is located in the Preferences dialog. [Pro Only Features]

New Features in Debut and Pro:

Character Wizard
Hundreds of new characters. Quickly design ready-to-animate characters using the built-in Character Wizard. Select a preset, dial in the body proportions and choose from dozens of predesigned 2D components such as hands, feet, mouths, eyes, noses and heads.

Smart Tool Palette
The Smart Tool Palette provides a super-efficient, improved interface, which make using Anime Studio’s enhanced drawing tools faster than ever. The translate, scale and rotate tools have been combined into one super tool called the Transformation tool.
Text Input, Line width and Word Balloons
Text input now allows for greater flexibility in specifying font, line width, color, kerning, and more. Use built-in word balloons in your animations. Adjust thickness of line width with more control. Magnet mode allows you to adjust and influence multiple points on a line.

Enhanced Keyframe Editing
Key Frames are a core element in creating animations and the enhancements in Anime Studio 9 provide a level of speed and organization to your workflow that will impress even the most proficient animator. You can now double click on the timeline to add key frames. One or several key frames can now be moved past each other. Scale your key frames vertically on the motion graph and apply relative key frame changes. Assign colors to keyframes in the timeline, to help keep track of animation sequences that relate to each other. You can also hold the duration of a particular key frame as long as you want now.

Enhanced Timeline with Colored Layers
Even easier to use than before, with a more intuitive user interface, faster access to critical and often-used tasks and tools, and new color-coding options that keep your project organized. Assign colors to layers in the layers palette, helping you keep track of layers that relate to each other in some way. You can also Undo/Redo layers now too.

Wacom Multi-Touch Support
Wacom Multi-Touch support allows you to use Wacom’s new generation touch tablets with Anime Studio. Easily edit characters, scale, rotate, pan, zoom in and out of the canvas with simple finger gestures. Available on Bamboo, Intuos and Cintiq touch based tablets.

Windows OS & Hardware:
• Windows 7, 8, Vista and XP
• (64-bit OS required for 64-bit installation)
• 1 GHz Intel Pentium or equivalent


• 1.5 GHz Intel Processor or above

• RAM, Display and Other:
• 700 MB free hard drive space
• 512 MB RAM
• 1024×768 resolution
• 16-bit color display
• CD-ROM drive (for physical version of application)
• Windows Internet Explorer 8 or newer for Windows Systems
• Internet connection for Content Paradise
• Poser® 7 or later needed to import Poser scenes

動漫動畫創造效果物體場景工具 Smith Micro Anime Studio Pro v9.0: https://my.smithmicro.com/win/anime/index.html
ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7
動漫動畫創造效果物體場景工具 Smith Micro Anime Studio Pro v9.0 383.22 Mb

PDF檔案建立.轉換.編輯.簽名軟體 Nitro Pro

Nitro 8,給你一切你需要的建立,轉換,編輯,簽名,並分享100%的行業標準的PDF檔案。
這很簡單,直接,直觀,易於使用 – 這樣你就可以更有效地工作,用自己的模式。
與Nitro,你可以與他人共享您的檔案,不管他們是什麼樣的平台或裝置上,和Nitro Pro更輕鬆轉換。

與平和的心態,幾乎每個人都知道,幾乎可在任何一台機器上的共享檔案可以開啟,檢視和評論 – 每次。
Nitro,可以輕鬆編輯整個段落自動回流鍵入文字時 – 就像你會在一個文字處理器。

PDF檔案建立.轉換.編輯.簽名軟體 Nitro Pro

Nitro Pro 建立PDF:
·從幾乎任何Windows檔案建立PDF和PDF / A檔案。
·一鍵PDF建立從Microsoft Word,Excel和PowerPoint。
·建立「智慧」的PDF檔案,書籤,連結,元資料,以及從Microsoft Office程式的安全性。

Nitro Pro 複製和匯出PDF:
·匯出PDF重複使用在Microsoft Word,WordPerfect中,OpenOffice和更多。

Nitro Pro 編輯PDF:
編輯圖像 – 插入,調整大小,旋轉,裁剪,翻轉,更換,安排,刪除,並提取。
·編輯圖像屬性 – 亮度,對照度,色彩空間和解析度。
·編輯頁面 – 插入,刪除,旋轉,裁剪,提取,並更換。

·建立完全符合PDF / A檔案。
·輕鬆地建立可搜尋的PDF / A標準的檔案歸檔,檢索圖片的模式。

·加入便箋,文字方塊,和Call Out註解。



Nitro Pro 8是更快,更穩定,更容易使用,與改善營商環境的支援。這些只是一些亮點:

Nitro Pro 8 gives you everything you need to create, convert, edit, sign, and share 100% industry-standard PDF files. It’s simple, straightforward, and intuitive to use – so you can work more productively, your way. With Nitro Pro you can share your files with others, no matter what platform or device they’re on, and Nitro Pro makes conversion easy. Convert one or more files to PDF with just a click or two. Reuse and repurpose PDF-based content with greater accuracy. With Nitro Pro’s industry-leading conversion technology and array of extraction tools you can easily repurpose text and images from reports, presentations, and more for reuse in any other application.

Share files with the peace of mind, knowing almost anyone on almost any machine can open, view, and review – every time. Directly edit your PDF files more easily. Just click, and edit. Nitro Pro enables you to edit entire paragraphs with ease, automatically reflowing text as you type – like you would in a word processor.

Creating PDF:
· Create PDF and PDF/A documents from virtually any Windows file.
· Convert and merge files into a single PDF document.
· Convert entire collections of files to PDF in one batch.
· Scan paper documents to PDF.
· One-button PDF creation from Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
· Create ‘intelligent’ PDF documents with bookmarks, links, metadata, and security from Microsoft Office programs.

Copying & Exporting PDF:
· Export PDF for reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice and more.
· Use different conversion modes to export files that look precisely like the original PDF and others that are easier to edit and repurpose.
· Extract all text and images from PDF documents.
· Batch convert PDF files to Word, RTF, and text formats.
· Copy text while retaining formatting, including font, color, and size.

Editing PDF:
· Insert and edit text, including font, size, color and more.
· Edit images — insert, resize, rotate, crop, flip, replace, arrange, delete, and extract.
· Edit image properties — brightness, contrast, color space, and resolution.
· Edit pages — insert, delete, rotate, crop, extract, and replace.
· Split pages of PDF documents based on page groups, page ranges, and bookmark structure.
· Add headers, footers, watermarks, and text to all pages in a document.
· Add Bates numbering across a collection of PDF documents.
· Add and edit bookmarks and links.
· Auto-create bookmarks based on document text formatting and headings.
· Auto-create links based on keywords and page numbers.
· Optimize, shrink and repair PDF documents.
· Edit document properties including metadata and initial view settings.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR):
· Create PDF files from scanned paper documents, or existing image-based PDF files, perfect for publishing, editing, or archiving.
· Create fully compliant PDF/A documents.
· Create editable PDF files and customize documents using the Editable Text feature.
· Create easily searchable, PDF/A compliant documents for archiving with ‘Searchable Image’ mode.
· Flexible multi-language support.

Reviewing & Marking Up PDF:
· Highlight text content with the Highlight, Underline, Cross Out and Replace Text tools.
· Add Sticky Notes, Text Boxes, and Call Out annotations.
· Add freehand drawings with the Pencil tool.
· Add drawing shapes, including lines, arrows, rectangles, ovals, polygons and clouds.
· Apply stamps to pages, choosing from standard built-in stamps or your own custom creations.
· Attach documents and other files to your PDF pages.
· Add explanatory text and other feedback to your markups.
· Sort and manage comments.
· Filter comments based on type, author, status, subject, and more.
· Summarize comments for easy viewing alongside page content. View the summary as a PDF or print it for paper-based reviewing.

PDF Security:
· Secure documents with passwords and certificates.
· Encrypt with 40-bit, 128-bit, and 256-bit level security.
· Apply restrictions on printing, copying, and altering PDF documents.
· Create and apply re-usable security profiles.
· Digitally sign and certify PDF files.

PDF Forms:
· Fill in, save, print and submit forms.
· Design forms.
· Add, edit and run javascript.

What’s new in version 8:
Nitro Pro 8 is faster, more robust, and even easier to use, with improved support for business environments. These are just some of the highlights:
* File auto-save and recovery
* Scanned document detection
* Autonomy WorkSite integration
* Smart Alignment for Type Text
* Enhanced PDF-to-Excel conversion

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

PDF檔案建立.轉換.編輯.簽名軟體 Nitro Pro | Home Page: www.nitropdf.com

PDF檔案建立.轉換.編輯.簽名軟體 Nitro Pro | Size: 51.6 Mb /59.7 Mb

3D建模.動畫和編譯專案軟體 Newtek Lightwave 3D 11.0.3

LightWave 3D是一個完整的建模,動畫和編譯解決專案。
此外,業界領先的基於節點的紋理和濃淡系統使您可以建立任何你想要的效果 – 快速和容易。
長期以來被認為是一個最簡單的三維動畫系統的學習和使用,LightWave 3D是通用的,足以從屢獲殊榮的視覺效果,令人驚嘆的高清晰度的列印圖形,動態視訊遊戲,功能強大的運動圖形和更多的任何應用程式。


特別值得注意的是新的次表面散射著色器,的各向異性反射和REFL ection著色器(容許像差為hromatic),易於使用,並提供一個壯觀的視覺衝擊力。
所有這些變化,更是讓所有的3D作品需要的LightWave的最佳解決專案。無論你是建模或動畫,在網路流明,廣播或印刷處理有機或無機的對象 – 的LightWave 3D是適合工作的工具。

3D建模.動畫和編譯專案軟體 Newtek Lightwave 3D 11.0.3

3D建模.動畫和編譯專案軟體 Newtek Lightwave 3D 11.0.3 角色動畫增強功能:
* FiberFX:完整的解決專案適用於所有平台的頭髮和皮毛。
* COLLADA,FBX和OBJ I / O支援:改善與其他應用程式的相容性。

3D建模.動畫和編譯專案軟體 Newtek Lightwave 3D 11.0.3 編譯:
* photoreal紋理運動模糊神器免費實時動作模糊,如果拍攝電影
*執行國家的最先進的BSP / KD樹算法提供更快和更高效的光線追蹤;大場景編譯速度快了很多。

* APS選取:每個對象,每個多邊形和每像素提供了最廣泛的彈性。

* RealLens攝像頭:身體正確的攝像頭讓娛樂的任何真實世界的攝影機鏡頭符合現實世界的攝影鏡頭呈現在LightWave。 (合成CGI和真實的鏡頭一起)


LightWave 3D is a complete modeling, animation and rendering solution. Its native renderer is unparalleled and serves as the centerpiece in the production pipeline of many facilities both large and small. Render nodes are free and set up is quite straightforward. LightWave Modeler excels both as a subdivision surface and a polygonal modeler, fast, efficient and again, straightforward in functionality. In addition, an industry leading node-based texturing and shading system allows you to create any look you desire – quickly and easily. LightWave is the perfect combination of power, speed and value. Long considered one of the easiest 3D animation systems to learn and use, LightWave 3D is versatile enough for any application from award-winning visual effects to stunning hi-res print graphics, dynamic video games, powerful motion graphics and more. LightWave offers modeling, animation, dynamics, volumetric rendering, particle effects and a motion picture quality rendering engine with unlimited render nodes making LightWave the centerpiece of the most cost effective 3D production pipelines in the world.

LightWave introduces new interface paradigms, such as a Node Editor for materials and surfaces, volumetric lights, and displacements. Exciting new physically correct cameras have been added, allowing artists to recreate any real world camera lens, and have footage rendered in LightWave match real world photography (a must for compositing CGI and real footage together). These cameras can also be extended into the hyper-real, or even bizarre, as any mesh object can itself be made into a camera and record a scene. The possibilities are limitless.

New techniques for displacement mapping, and support for ZBrush® displacements have been added. New shading models, such as Blinn, Oren- Nayar, and Ambient Occlusion now allow for a tremendous versatility for artists no longer bound by the original shading model in previous versions of LightWave. Of particular note are the new shaders for sub-surface scattering, anisotropic specular and refl ection shaders (which allow for hromatic aberration), easy to use and offering a spectacular visual impact. Artists and technicians have more power to access, with the inclusion of the popular Relativity 2 expression system in LightWave. This system uses easy “expression wizards” to create associations between almost any scene component or animation channel, and has been used for some incredibly complex effects that were a snap to set up. All these changes and more make LightWave the best solution for all 3D artwork needs. Whether you are modeling or animating, working in fi lm and broadcast or for print, dealing with organic or inorganic objects – LightWave 3D is the tool for the job.

Character Animation Enhancements:
* FiberFX: Complete hair and fur solution for all platforms.
* Collada, FBX and OBJ I/O support: Improved compatibility with other applications.
* Enhanced IK and Animation Systems: Provides improved character animation controls.

* IES Lighting: Accurately duplicate physical lights from manufacturers’ datasheets.
* Radiosity Cache: Unique animated and static caching with size multipliers.
* Photoreal Motion Blur: Artifact-free live action blur as if photographed with film
* New anti-aliasing methods: Greater control for balancing quality with render speed.
* New global illumination and radiosity: Easily create photorealistic scenes, sharacters and products while simulating the effect of real-world lighting in photography.
* Progressive previews for global illumination: Provide immediate feedback
* Implementation of state-of-the-art BSP/KD Tree Algorithm: Provides much faster and more efficient raytracing; bigger scenes render a lot faster.
* Improved multi-threading with dynamic segmentation: Insures maximum use of available CPUs, optimizing render times.

Adaptive Pixel Subdivision:
* Speed increases many times over previous versions of LightWave: More efficient render times for today’s increasingly ambitious high polygon-count scenes for production.
* Adaptive subdivision of a mesh based upon distance from the camera and visibility: Allows for effective use of system resources for workflow viewing versus rendering.
* APS Choice: Per Object, Per Polygon and Per Pixel: Provides the widest range of flexibility.

Advanced Camera Tools:
* RealLens Camera: Physically correct cameras allow recreation of any real-world camera lens for matching footage rendered in LightWave to real-world photography. (a must for compositing CGI and real footage together)
* New rendering technology produces scenes using arbitrary camera lenses and warps: Create fantastic effects such as: camera plane deformations, arbitrary projections, UV map generation, true orthographic rendering, space warp simulations, lens distortion duplicating real-world lenses or “imaginary” lenses and one-camera 360° panorama rendering.

* Improved editing performance: Create and edit your models and meshes faster than ever before.
* New screen drawing system in OpenGL: See the results of your changes faster than ever before.
* Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces: Expand and simplify the modling workflow by widening subdivision capabilities to include edges, edge weighting and n-gons.

3D建模.動畫和編譯專案軟體 Newtek Lightwave 3D 11.0.3 | Home Page https://www.newtek.com/lightwave/lw11.php

ОС: Windows XP/Vista/Se7en

3D建模.動畫和編譯專案軟體 Newtek Lightwave 3D 11.0.3: 286.03 MB / 300.22 MB


WM Capture是唯一的PC視訊錄製程式,具有完善的質量在網上的任何來源捕獲視訊。如果你可以看它,你可以將它儲存。從任何Web站台記錄視訊,不論格式,你caneven記錄的DVD PC上播放。並且因為它不規避或破解DRM(數位版權管理)或任何版權保護技術,它在世界各地是100%合法。

(螢幕捕捉軟體)WM Capture 7.4
(螢幕捕捉軟體)WM Capture 7.4

WM Capture,有史以來最高質量的視訊
– 偉大的捕捉視訊及視訊聊天會話。
– 儲存任何加密的視訊可以在您的PC上播放。
– 匿名和無法察覺。
– 建立最高質量的視訊與音訊。
– 自動檢驗視訊視窗。
– 從麥克風或揚聲器或兩者錄製的音軌。
– 還有更多:附表錄音,支援雙顯示器,採用視訊幀快照…


WM Capture 6.1是唯一的螢幕捕捉軟體,可以讓你從最小化或隱藏視窗的截屏視訊。一旦啟用「背景模式」,然後選取視訊視窗的記錄,您的視訊會自動最小化讓你的桌面免費供您使用。額外的收穫是,因為沒有圖像在螢幕上,而它被記錄,你的電腦是使用較少的處理能力!

不像其他螢幕視訊捕捉程式,WM Capture使用了獨特的高速捕捉技術創造一個近乎完美的再現你在螢幕上看到的,可玩如MPEG-2,MPEG-4,WMV,AVI。或是,您可以使用我們專有的編解碼器的DVD建立DVD的格式的檔案準備燒錄。

其他的截屏程式無法處理視訊資料的速度不夠快,以可接受的視訊。 WM Capture的特殊設計,採用了最先進的高速視訊處理技術,其結果是驚人的,即使是複雜的視訊像全動態運動完美播放。高品質的視訊樣品!下面的視訊是從一個受歡迎的電視節目的網路播放器集捕獲和視訊點播(VOD)的訂閱服務,如WMV(Windows媒體視訊)檔案,我們認為你會同意他們看起來棒極了,只需點擊他們。
【文章標題】:(螢幕捕捉軟體)WM Capture 7.4
【文章作者】: 藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: https://por.tw/Rich/
【藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學課程】: https://por.tw/Rich/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: https://goto1688.com/Rich/
【版權聲明】: (原創)藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
WM Capture 7.4

WM Capture is the only PC video recording program that captures video from any online source with perfect quality. If you can watch it you can save it. Record video from ANY Web site, regardless of format. You caneven record DVDs playing on your PC. And because it does not circumvent or hack DRM (Digital Rights Management) or any copy protection technology, it’s 100% legal world-wide.

Discover WM Capture 6, the highest quality video-from-screen recorder ever created.
– Great for capturing Cams and Video Chat sessions.
– Saves ANY encrypted video that plays on your PC.
– Anonymous and undetectable.
– Creates highest quality videos with audio.
– Save to MPEG, WMV, AVI, DVD-ISO & more.
– Automatically detects the video window.
– Record audio tracks from mic or speakers or both.
– And More: Schedules recordings, supports dual monitors, takes video frame snapshots…

Super-Easy to Use
It’s easy to capture videos by marking an area to record. Just click Get Window, then move your mouse over the region you’d like to record and it’s highlighted automatically. You can also mark a recording region manually to clip or extend the capture area. Once you have a rectangle marked just click the Record button and play a video to capture it. It’s that simple!

Free Your Desktop While Recording
WM Capture 6.1 is the only screen capture software that allows you to screen capture video from windows that are minimized or hidden. Once you enable “Background Mode” and select the video window to record, your video will automatically minimize leaving your desktop free for you to use. The added bonus is that since there is no image on your screen while it is being recorded, your PC is using less processing power!

Perfect Picture Quality
Unlike other screen video capture programs which render choppy videos, WM Capture uses a unique high speed capture technology to create a near perfect reproduction of what you see on screen, playable as MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV, AVI. Or, you can use our proprietary DVD codec for creating DVD formatted files ready to burn.

Other screen capture programs cannot process video data fast enough to make acceptable videos. WM Capture’s special design uses the most advanced high-speed video processing technology, and the results are amazing. Even complex videos like full-motion sports play back perfectly. High Quality Video Samples! The videos below were captured from a popular TV show’s online episode player, and a Video-on-demand (VOD) subscription service as WMV (Windows Media Video) files. We think you’ll agree they look great. Just click them to play.

(螢幕捕捉軟體)WM Capture 7.4 | Homepage: wmrecorder.com/products/wm-capture

(螢幕捕捉軟體)WM Capture 7.4 | Size: 26.3 MB

照相照片正確曝光.使局部亮度調整Indii.org Urban Lightscape 1.2.2





照相照片正確曝光.使局部亮度調整Indii.org Urban Lightscape 1.2.2



Indii.org is pleased to announce the release of its second photographic application and plugin: Urban Lightscape. Use Urban Lightscape to correct exposure, make localised brightness adjustments, dodge and burn, and introduce artificial lighting to a scene.

Urban Lightscape delivers sophisticated image-processing via a natural user interface. A simple “double-click-and-drag” paradigm is used to place control points on a photo, and clever edge detection localises and interpolates your lightness adjustments around and between these points. Results are rapid, without compromising on the extra controls needed to achieve subtle refinements.

Use Urban Lightscape…

…for those subjects that deserve better exposure than you got in-camera
Use Urban Lightscape to correct under- and overexposed parts of an image. By placing control points with a simple “double-click-and-drag” interface, you can quickly balance the exposure of an image to soften harsh shadows, fix overexposed skies, lighten backlit foregrounds and achieve a HDR toning-like effect.

…to rediscover hidden detail obscured by harsh shadows or glaring lights
Use Urban Lightscape to dodge (lighten) and burn (darken) local patches of a photo to highlight and suppress details, directing the viewers eye as you intend. Clever edge detection enables local adjustments without tedious selections or paintbrush tools.

…to add light in post-production that you didn’t have on set
Use Urban Lightscape to cast artificial lighting into a photo for a stellar effect. Clever interpolation will flood local control point adjustments throughout an image.

照相照片正確曝光.使局部亮度調整Indii.org Urban Lightscape 1.2.2 | Home Page: www.indii.org

照相照片正確曝光.使局部亮度調整Indii.org Urban Lightscape 1.2.2: 8.91 MB