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【PDF 文件編輯】Infix PDF Editor Pro v7.4.3 讓PDF文件編輯變得更簡單!

也許,你已經習慣使用 Adobe Acrobat 編輯 PDF 文件!
但是不是非用 Adobe Acrobat 才可以編輯 PDF 文件喔!
【PDF 文件編輯】Infix PDF Editor Pro v7.4.3 讓你的PDF文件編輯變得更簡單!


Infix PDF Editor是一個容許您編輯PDF和文字文件的工具。
為確保編輯後的文件看起來最好,Infix內含在Adobe InDesign和Quark Express等軟體包中找到的那種專業品質的連字元和對正(H和J)。
加上對字母,單詞和行間距的精細控制,您可以確信您的編輯將不可檢驗。 Infix是高質量的PDF編輯器,可提供無與倫比的易用性以及高質量的文字格式。
以下是“ Infix PDF編輯器”的一些主要功能:

【PDF 文件編輯】Infix PDF Editor Pro v7.4.3 官方網址:
PDF Editing Made Simple. For the first time it is now possible to edit text in any PDF document using tools familiar to anyone who uses a word processor.
Easily edit the text in your PDFs, reflow and re-justify text, change fonts, colours and sizes. Resize, reposition and change images as you would in a professional publishing application.
Infix PDF Editor is a tool that allows you edit PDF and text documents.
To ensure your edited documents look their best, Infix includes the kind of professional-quality hyphenation and justification (H and J) found in packages such as Adobe InDesign and Quark Express.
Coupled with fine control over letter, word and line spacing, you can be confident that your edits will be undetectable. Infix is the quality PDF Editor giving unparalleled ease of use combined with high quality text formatting.
On top of its advanced text-handling, Infix offers all of the standard editing facilities you would expect such as page cropping, annotation, cut & paste between PDFs, graphics manipulation and more.
There are two editions of software – Standard & Professional, both offering the same sophisticated text editing but with different levels of additional features such as graphics editing and template generation.
Here are some key features of “Infix PDF Editor”:
– Easily edit the text in any PDF
– Works just like a Word Processor
– Add & replace photos
– Copy/paste images, tables and drawings from other PDFs
– Spell-check in five languages
– Full search & replace
– Use tabs, margins and indents

