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(DVD目錄程式)All My Movies 7.6 Build 1413


All My Movies 的目的是為了那些家庭電影收集管理。它是一個易於使用的DVD目錄程式。
你可以用它的目錄,管理您個人收藏的DVD ,CD光碟, VHS錄影帶,等..您不需要輸入所有影片的細節,它會自動從網際網路電影資料庫下載所有細節!基本上,所有使用者所要做的就是插入DVD或掃瞄硬碟機。
該計劃將提取所有的電影訊息 – 標題,導演,演員,描述,流派,語系,字幕等,如果沒有的話,這個訊息可以從線上電影資料庫,如,只需點擊一下滑鼠,或手動輸入。


是電影收藏家最好的軟體產品。製作自己的電影目錄!該程式是Vista相容。用All My Movies你可以編目您的Blu-ray和HD DVD光碟!

– 輕鬆的電影細節永遠不同的際網路電影資料庫匯入不同的語系。All My Movies我所有的電影-外掛程式支援額外的際網路電影資料庫
– 延伸人的詳細訊息。自動尋找演員的生日,的片目和傳記研習演員的照片。
– 能夠加入使用UPC / EAN條形碼的DVD 。只需輸入(或用特殊的掃瞄器掃瞄)條形碼號碼和我所有的電影下載所有其餘的自動訊息。都完全支援廉價CueCat條碼掃瞄器。
– 大封面圖片和電影的海報的際網路資料庫匯入Amazon.com和DVDEmpire.com等
– PDA或智慧手機等搬移裝置的能力,以節省您的收藏
– 支援達卡爾DC -300 CD圖書館II器件
– 直接從程式中播放電影的能力。可以用作視訊playlister
– 第三方外掛程式的支援。從螞蟻電影目錄和MovieTrack的軟體,電影細節進口有外掛程式
– 從其他格式( CSV文字格式, MS Excel檔案, AMC檔案)匯入視訊採集。輕鬆遷移
漂亮的統計 – 清除您的視訊庫存概述
– 換膚的使用者介面。您可以使用標準的Windows XP主題皮膚
– 直接捕捉劇照,從你的電影DVD或AVI檔案,並將其發佈到資料庫,它可以說明你的視覺記憶,你還記得電影和評價電影的畫面質量
– 快速電影搜尋使用的資料庫的欄位 – 標題,導演,今年,演員,流派,描述等
– 匯出您的視訊採集HTML(幾個模板,也可以建立自己的) ,純文字或Microsoft Excel格式,所以你可以把它放在你家的網頁或進口到一些其他的軟體
– 密碼保護你的電影資料庫
– 一個簡單的方法來與朋友分享您的電影資料庫。他們留下深刻的印象!
– 易於使用的貸款經理

– 增加:見於願望清單和個人標示特性的電影搜尋功能( F3 )
– 補充:只能夠批次更新的細節填補人士
– 補充:進口價格和媒體計數從MS Excel和文字的能力
– 補充說明:「媒體計數」是可點擊的,現在在電影細節區功能變數
– 補充說明:「媒體數」欄位可用於出口, MS Excel和純文字的HTML表格
– 補充說明: 「死亡年」人的卡
– 補充:有能力改變截圖為了在電影卡「
– 增值:新目錄除以第一個標題字母的沙丘球員。也嘗試使用媒體標籤欄位:/ /連結為storage_name
– 補充說明: 「能夠編輯自訂欄位名稱,在」偏好項「 ,按兩下
– 修正:未成年的IMDB進口問題
– 提高進口
– 修正: MS Excel和CSV匯入自訂欄位
– 修正:從Filmweb.pl獲得電影細節


【文章標題】: (DVD目錄程式)All My Movies 7.6 Build 1413
【文章作者】: 軟體中文化教學密訓基地
【版權聲明】: (原創)軟體中文化教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
All My Movies 7.6 Build 1413

All My Movies™ is intended for those who are tired of managing their home movie collection. It is an easy to use DVD catalog program. You can use it to catalogue your personal collection of DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes, etc… You do not need to type all movie details, All My Movies™ will download all the details from the internet movie database automatically! Basically, all a user has to do is to insert a DVD or scan a hard-drive. The program will extract all movie information – title, director, actors, description, genre, languages, subtitles, etc. If absent, this information can be imported from online movie databases, like with one mouse click or entered manually.

All My Movies™ is really a multilingual video organizer application. It now supports English, Russian, Greek, Dutch, French, Belorussian, Latvian, Polish, Serbian, Italian, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish, Spanish, Korean, Danish, Chinese, Slovak and German languages.

The best software product for a movie collector. Make your own movie catalog today! The program is Vista compatible. You can catalog your Blu-ray and HD DVD discs with All My Movies™ too!

The movie organizer's main features are:
– Easy movie details import from the different internet movie databases on different languages. Additional internet movie databases are supported with the plugins for All My Movies
– Extended person's details. Automatically lookup for the actor's birthdays, filmography and biography aswell as the actor's photo.
– Ability to add DVDs using UPC/EAN barcodes. Just enter (or scan with a special scanner) barcode numbers and All My Movies™ downloads all the rest of the information automatically. Cheap CueCat barcode scanners are fully supported.
– Large cover image and movie posters import from internet databases like and
– Ability to save your collection to mobile devices like PDA or smartphone
– Supports DACAL DC-300 CD Library II device
– Ability to play movies directly from the program. Can be used as video playlister
– Third party plug-ins supported. There are plugins for movie details import from Ant Movie Catalog and MovieTrack software
– Import video collection from other formats (CSV text format, MS Excel files, AMC files). Easy migrating
– Clear overview of your video inventory with nice statistics
– Skinnable user interface. You can use standard Windows XP themes as skins
– Capture stills directly from your movie DVDs or AVI files and post them to the database which can help you remember the movie using your visual memory and evaluate the quality of the movie's picture
– Fast movie search using any of the database fields – title, director, year, actors, genre, description, etc
– Export your video collection to HTML (several templates are available or you can create your own) , plain text or Microsoft Excel format, so you can place it on your home web page or import into some other software
– Password protect your movie database
– An
easy way
o share your movie database with friends. Impress them!
– Easy to use loan manager

What's New in This Release:
– added: seen, wishlist and personal marks criterias to the Movie Search (F3) function
– added: ability to batch update the details for unfilled persons only
– added: ability to import price and media count from MS Excel and text
– added: "media count" is clickable now in the movie details area
– added: "media count" field is available for export to HTML table, MS Excel and plain text
– added: "death year" field to the person's card
– added: ability to change screenshots order in the movie card dialog
– added: new catalog for Dune players divided by first title letters. Also trying to use Media Label field as a storage_name:// link
– added: ability to edit custom field names in Preferences with double click
– fixed: minor IMDb import issue
– improved import from
– fixed: import custom fields from MS Excel and CSV
– fixed: getting movie details from

(DVD目錄程式)All My Movies 7.6 Build 1413 | Home Page –

(DVD目錄程式)All My Movies 7.6 Build 1413: 15.7 MB


