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隨著全景軟體Easypano,你可以儲存和列印您最喜愛的全景圖像,以及將它們發佈到HTML 5 VR上觀看您的iPhone / iPad的全螢幕HTML,獨立的SWF,QTVR和基於Java的VR後,你綜合熱點,谷歌地圖等。


全景軟體Panoweaver專業版和批次版,你可以拼接成360 * 180幾步,為您提供一個捷徑資料,是一家專業從事全景拼接球形全景圖像。魚眼圖像魚眼圖像有三種類型:完整的圓形魚眼圖像,鼓魚眼圖像和全畫幅魚眼圖像。

可以與任何裝置用相機拍攝的圖像,並將其匯入到全景軟體Panoweaver 360或部分得到充分的全景圖像。只要確保有相鄰圖像之間的重疊區功能變數您還可以用多行圖像拼接高解析度的全景。

您不僅可以節省你的全景圖像虛擬旅遊軟體Tourweaver進行進一步的編輯,你可以publsih與全景Easypano軟體成不同格式的虛擬旅遊。最流行的Flash和HTML 5,除了QTVR都支援。



它永遠不會是更容易在Facebook上分享您的全景,無需任何編碼在全景軟體Easypano Panoweaver隱藏於公開的整個巡迴賽。到www.iEasypano.com虛擬旅遊,免費託管平台,點擊幾下您可以上傳您的全景,與大家分享。





【文章標題】: (全景照片拼接工具)Easypano PanoWeaver Professional 8.60.130530
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Easypano PanoWeaver Professional 8.60.130530 + Rus

Panoweaver, the user-friendly panorama software, is not only a professional photo stitching tool but also a great Flash panorama publisher. The professional panorama software can automatically stitch any type of photo into high quality full 360 degree or partial panoramic image, supporting HDR creation and manual stitching by inserting matching points. With Easypano panorama software, you can save and print your favorite panoramic images as well as publish them into HTML 5 VR for viewing on your iPhone/iPad, Full screen html based Flash VR, Standalone SWF, QTVR and Java based VR after you've integrated hotspots, Google map, ect.

Main Features Of Panorama Software Include

Fisheye Photo Stitching
With Professional Edition and Batch Edition of panorama software Panoweaver, you can stitch fisheye images into full 360*180 spherical panoramic image with a few steps, offering you a shotcut to be a professional in panorama stitching. There are three types of fisheye image: full circular fisheye image, drum fisheye image and full frame fisheye image.
Learn more about fisheye images and compatible equipment.
Learn how.

Normal & Wide-Angle Photo Stitching
You can take images with any device with camera and import them into panorama software Panoweaver to get full 360 or partial panoramic image. You can aslo stitch multi-row images for stitching high resolution panorama. Just make sure there are overlapped area among the adjacent images.
Learn more about the compatible equipment.
Learn how.

Panorama Publishing
Not only can you save your panoramic image for further editing in virtual tour software Tourweaver, you can publsih it with Easypano panorama software into a virtual tour with different formats as well. The most popular Flash and HTML 5 in addition to QTVR are all supported.
Learn how.

Little Planet Effect
The artistic little planet panorama is also one of main points of this professional panorama softwware. You will find it easy to get such artistic effect and convert between little planet panorama and normal view.
Learn how.

Have some unexpected objects in your photos? Now you can use Mask feature to cover all those things before stitching them togethers. This anti-ghost tool provided by this newly edition of panorama software will help you address the problem that happens in overlapped pictures and offer you perfect panorama.
Learn how.

Share at Facebook
It will never be easier to share your panorama on Facebook by embeding the whole tour without any coding in Easypano panorama software Panoweaver. You can upload your panoramas onto www.iEasypano.com, a free virtual tour hosting platform, and then share it with a few clicks.

Bing Map/Google Map
Bing map and most of its features have been supported by panorama software Panoweaver and open to all the users. Google map is limited to those who have already had valid API keys. See how to get Bing Map API key and Google Map API key.

Raw & HDR Image Stitching
For professionals, the wonderful feature offered by professional panorama software Panoweaver might be one of your favorites. Stitching raw images and HDR images will bring you more real panorama with perfect experience.

Tripod Removing
You may not know this, but it's true that Easypano panorama software will save you a lot of time to retouch your panorama in Photoshop. You can remove the tripod automatically after converting it into cubic panorama. It is
simple and easy.

More Others
They are a lot more reasons you will like this great panorama software and photo stitching software as it provides you with a lot more useful features, which will make your panorama more compelling and more competitive, such as hotspot, 3D music, customizable toolbar and context menu, different blenders, to name just a few. Complete feature list.

(全景照片拼接工具)Easypano PanoWeaver Professional 8.60.130530 | Homepage: http://www.easypano.com/panorama-software.html

(全景照片拼接工具)Easypano PanoWeaver Professional 8.60.130530  / Size: 68.80 MB
