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PhotoZoom Pro 5的不僅創造了比其他任何軟體較大(高達1億100萬像素)的圖像,它也產生更高質量的結果。

PhotoZoom Pro 5提供的工具來消除這些扭曲,你會驚訝它是能夠挖掘下面一塌糊塗的細節量。

PhotoZoom Pro 5:

一氣呵成,通過批次處理大量圖像可以調整大小。多處理器支援,支援64位,內含新的GPU加速,PhotoZoom Pro 5確保減少處理時間。
它的工作作為一個獨立的應用程式,並作為一個外掛程式在各種主電腦專案,如使用Adobe Photoshop元素的CorelRPHOTO-PAINT,和CorelR。

– 最新的S-樣條插補算法
– 更高質量的圖像拉近和更高質量的瘦身
– 各種預設為不同類型的圖像
– 先進的微調工具:建立您自己的預設和調整配置檔
– 降低(JPEG)壓縮失真和噪聲低質量的原稿
– 批次處理
– 支援多處理器和GPU加速
– 強大的裁切工具
– 專案作為獨立的應用程式
– 專案作為一個外掛程式在使用AdobeRPhotoshopR中的AdobeRPhotoshopR中元素的CorelRPHOTO-PAINT,和CorelR
– 極端拉近:高達1億100萬像素!
– 廣泛支援高端圖像
– 相容的最新版本的Windows,Mac和Adobe Photoshop(所有64位和32位)

有什麼新的PhotoZoom Pro 5
– 拉近和downsizes的最高質量的圖像,通過BenVista最新的S – 樣條插值技術。還擅長從低質量的原稿(JPEG)壓縮失真和噪聲減少。
– GPU加速:快多達5倍的圖像處理!
– 調整配置檔:選取你最喜歡的編輯調整方法預置和尺寸設定一個單一的點擊
– 改進裁剪:調整大小的圖像的特定部分從未如此簡單!
– 新的,更靈活的介面佈局
– 改進支援彩色型材
– 官方支援的Mac OS X 10.8(山獅),Windows 8,和Photoshop CS6

【文章標題】: (圖像編輯應用程式)Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 5.1.0
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 5.1.0

PhotoZoom Pro 5 not only creates larger images than any other software (up to 1 million by 1 million pixels), it also produces higher quality results. PhotoZoom Pro 5 is equipped with S-Spline Max, a unique, patented image resize technology which excels at preserving clean edges, sharpness, and fine details.

Even noisy, compressed originals can be enlarged successfully. Normally, noise and JPEG compression artifacts become disturbingly visible during enlargement. PhotoZoom Pro 5 however offers the tools to eliminate these distortions. You'll be amazed by the amount of detail PhotoZoom Pro 5 is able to dig up from below the mess.

Новое в BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 5:

Large quantities of images can be resized in one go, through batch processing. Multi-processor support, 64-bit support, and the new GPU acceleration included with PhotoZoom Pro 5 ensure reduced processing time. PhotoZoom Pro 5 works both as a stand-alone application and as a plug-in for various host programs, such as Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® Photoshop® Elements, Corel® PHOTO-PAINT, and Corel® PaintShop Pro. Optimized for both printing and on-screen purposes, PhotoZoom Pro 5 is an absolute must-have for anyone who wants to resize images at the highest possible quality.

– The latest S-Spline interpolation algorithms
– Higher quality image enlargements & higher quality downsizing
– Various presets for different types of images
– Advanced fine-tuning tools: create your own presets and resize profiles
– Reduces (JPEG) compression artifacts and noise from low quality originals
– Batch processing
– Multi-processor support and GPU acceleration
– Powerful crop tool
– Works as stand-alone application
– Works as a plug-in for Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® Photoshop® Elements, Corel® PHOTO-PAINT, and Corel® PaintShop Pro
– Extreme enlargements: up to 1 million by 1 million pixels!
– Extensive support for high-end images
– Compatible with the latest versions of Windows, Mac, and Adobe Photoshop (all 64-bit & 32-bit)

What's new in PhotoZoom Pro 5
– Enlarges and downsizes images at the highest possible quality, through BenVista's latest S-Spline interpolation technology. Also excels at reducing (JPEG) compression artifacts and noise from low quality originals.
– GPU acceleration: up to 5 times faster image processing!
– Resize profiles: select your favorite compilations of resize method presets and size settings with a single click
– Improved cropping: resizing specific portions of images has never been easier!
– New, more flexible interface layout
– Improved support for color profiles
– Official support for Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion), Windows 8, and Photoshop CS6

(圖像編輯應用程式)Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 5.1.0 | Home Page: www.benvista.com

(圖像編輯應用程式)Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 5.1.0 | Size: 23.42 Mb

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8