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‧沒有繪畫技能要求 – 使用簡單,見效快,易於學習滑塊
‧完全相容與Photoshop CS4 64位和與之相隨的速度優勢
‧的Photoshop CS4相容 – 黃玉簡化與Photoshop CS4完全相容Mac和Windows上。黃玉簡化也是完全相容Windows 64位的Photoshop CS4。
‧智慧濾鏡 – 黃玉簡化是一個聰明的過濾器,並支援非破壞性編輯使用Photoshop智慧對象。
‧多核心改善 – 黃玉簡化改善與多個CPU處理速度更快的電腦。

【文章標題】: (黃玉簡化外掛程式)Topaz Simplify 4.0.1 for Photoshop Datecode
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Topaz Simplify 4.0.1 for Photoshop Datecode 20.06.2013

The Topaz Simplify plug-in transforms regular photos into beautiful watercolors, line art, and photorealistic paintings. The unique size-based technology in Topaz Simplify processes the photo like a true artist would: it eliminates clutter and leaves behind only the essence of the photo. By selectively removing unnecessary image clutter, Simplify helps you create a bold and powerful piece of art in just a few clicks.

Instead of providing cookie cutter photo to art filters, Topaz Simplify opens a floodgate of artistic possibilities by giving you ultimate control over the most important element in art: simplicity. Use Simplify for anything from reducing distractions in a realistic photograph to completely transforming your photograph into a painting.

Artistic: Completely transform your photos into dazzling watercolors, line art, paintings, cartoons, and drawings with just a click of a button. Because you get complete control over the degree and style of image simplification, there are infinite variations of art that you can create from any single photo.
Realistic: Eliminate unnecessary clutter from your photographs to create stunning photorealistic masterpieces. With distracting details gone, the viewer is left with the true and impactful essence of the photo. Adjusting opacity and selectively applying Topaz Simplify will leave your viewers breathless at the natural beauty of your photo, unhindered by unnecessary image elements.
Presets: Take advantage of Topaz Simplify's extensive presets system. Use one of many built-in presets to jump start your creativity, save your own often-used settings, and download others from the community.
Workflow: Topaz Simplify is fully 64-bit compatible, works in 16-bit color, is available for Aperture and Lightroom, and can be used as a Smart Filter. It is also fully multi-core optimized and blazing fast.

Stunningly Simple Photo to Art
Turn any regular photo into a masterpiece of art with the sophisticated Topaz Simplify plug-in tool for Photoshop. Blur the distinction between photographic realism and art to give your viewers something truly unique to look at: Topaz Simplified photo pieces are the beautiful result of the marriage between the vision of a digital photographer and the handiwork of a master painter.
Topaz Simplify Features
Topaz Simplify creates artistic simplification and edge effects on regular photos in a unique way.
• Instantly transform your photos into breathtaking art with this innovative Photoshop plug-in
• Take control of the artistic process with infinitely customizable and malleable options
• No drawing skill required — use simple, quick, and easy-to-learn sliders
• Maximize your productivity by taking advantage of a host of included presets and save your own favorite settings for later use
• Harness a new and unique style that instantly sets you apart as a photographer and artist.
• Take advantage of multiple CPUs for faster processing
• Operate in both 8-bit and 16-bit
• Use as a Photoshop Smart Filter for convenient and non-destructive editing
• Fully compatible with Photoshop CS4 64-bit and the accompanying speed benefits
• Topaz Simplify supports both 8-bit and 16-bit RGB color modes.
• Photoshop CS4 Compatible — Topaz Simplify is fully compatible with Photoshop CS4 on both Mac and Windows. Topaz Simplify is also fully compatible with Windows 64-bit Photoshop CS4.
• Smart Filter — Topaz Simplify is a smart filter and supports non-destructive editing by using Photoshop smart objects.
• Multi-Core Optimized — Topaz Simplify is completely optimized for computers with multiple CPUs for faster processing.

Simplify 4.0.1 for Photoshop Datecode / WebSite: http://www.topazlabs.com/simplify/

(黃玉簡化外掛程式)Topaz Simplify 4.0.1 for Photoshop Datecode  / Size: 38.6 MB

ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7