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RAW處理軟體 Capture One 5.0 Build 33255.33248 正式版

日前,PhaseOne剛剛更新了其招牌RAW處理軟體Capture One,目前最新版本為5.0,同時支援PC和Mac雙平台。
CaptureOne軟體相信無需過多的介紹,全球許多的商業攝影師都在使用C1作為他們處理數字圖片的偏好軟體,儘管在如今Adobe Camera RAW,Lightroom等新一代通用RAW處理軟體和DPP,CaptureNX功能日益完善的今天,C1仍然憑藉著其優秀的畫質,強大的批處理功能,快捷的速度以及簡單明瞭的操作模式在眾多RAW處理軟體中有著不可動搖的地位。

Capture One 5.0構建一個33255.33248是原始轉換器和工作流程軟體,讓攝影師以減少所需的時間和精力,提供驚人的準備使用的圖像色彩和優良 detail.Capture一個旨在創造最佳的圖像質量在市場上並擁有一系列易於touse工具建立的,以配合專業攝影師的日常 workflow.Capture一個五是由第一階段,世界領先的製造商,高端數位相機系統,聯同世界領先的專業 photographers.Capture一容許你開啟和編輯的RAW檔案從最常用的數位單反相機,並將其轉換成TIFF或JPEG.Working處理RAW檔案,而不是JPEG檔案為您提供更好的圖像質量,因為你正在使用的相機的「原生的圖像資料。」拍攝的RAW將說明你最有效地利用您的圖片。

Capture One 一個5.0專業內含一個主電腦的新功能,內含以下內容:

效能和可為P 65 + / 40頁+和Windows ®)


Capture One 5.0 Build 33255.33248 is a raw converter and workflow software which enables photographers to reduce the time and effort required to deliver stunning ready-to-use images with excellent color and detail.Capture One is designed to create the best image quality in the market and holds a series of easy-touse tools created to match the professional photographer』s daily workflow.Capture One 5 is made by Phase One, the world』s leading manufacturer of high-end digital camera systems, in collaboration with the world』s leading professional photographers.Capture One allows you to open and edit RAW files from the most commonly used DSLR cameras and convert them into TIFF or JPEG.Working with RAW files instead of JPEGs provides you with better image quality since you are working with the camera's "native image data". Shooting RAW will help you get the most out of your pictures.

Capture One 5.0 PRO includes a host of new features including the following:
‧ Focus Mask: Accelerate your image selection by using the Focus Mask for fast verification of
image focus
‧ Focus Tool: Get an instant, true view of image focus with the Focus tool
‧ RGB Levels & Curves: Adjust individual color channels easily with RGB Levels and Curves
‧ Skin Tone Enhancer: Achieve perfect, smooth and soft appearing skin tones with the Skin

Tone Enhancer
‧ Dust removal: Erase dust spots with a single click
‧ Watermark: Enhance image rights protection and watermark your images
‧ Local Copy and Apply: Easily copy and apply individual image tool adjustments to other
images and save time
‧ Improved Workspaces: Customize your workspace to make your personal workflow more
efficient. Includes a selection of best practice default workspaces
‧ Improved Tools and Tool tabs: Customize your tool tabs to accelerate your personal workflow
‧ Edit Keyword and IPTC Metadata: Access and edit a comprehensive set of metadata fields
‧ Local and EIP Camera Profiles: Provides a convenient way of packing your master file for
smooth cooperation with your customers. You now also have the possibility to include ICC
camera profiles in the EIP package
‧ LCC based Light Falloff: Even out differences in the light and compensate for lens fall off
‧ Viewer Margin and Proof Margin: Possible to set viewer margin (and proof margin) to improve
evaluation of image composition and colors.
‧ Improved Live Preview: Compose shots from your monitor with Live Preview (improved
performance and now available for P 65+/P 40+ and Windows®)
‧ Improved Vignetting: Add vignettes to the edges of your images for artistic effect (follows crop)
‧ Achieve better and faster workflow when using large screens with the new Preview Image Size

Preference setting
‧ The Web Contact Sheet now supports larger image sizes
‧ Smart Saturation in Color Editor provides more natural colors
‧ Improved Session Handling
‧ Improved Importer makes import more simple and intuitive
‧ Improved Progress Indication provides a quick visual overview of application tasks
‧ Improved Image Quality
* Sharpening: Keep natural colors in transition areas with improved Sharpening Control
* Long exposure: Reduce noise in long-exposure images with the Long Exposure Slider

Capture One 5.0 版支援135相機清單
* Leaf Aptus II 5, Aptus II 6, Aptus II 7, Aptus II 10
* Leaf Afi II 6,7,10
* Mamiya DM22, DM28, DM33, DM56
* Canon 7D, S90, G11
* Nikon D300s, D5000, D3000
* Pentax KX
* Sony DSLR-A850, DSLR-A380
* Enhancements for Canon 500D, Sony A230, A330, A700, A900, Olympus EP-1
* New P65+ and P40+ Portrait Color Profile
‧ Tethered capture suppor
t has been expanded to include Canon EOS 500D/Rebel T1i, Nikon

D5000 and Nikon D300S cameras
‧ Capture One 5 now includes 64-bit drivers for 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista,
and Windows 7.
‧ And many other enhancements

Capture One 5.0 supports RAW files from the following digital backs/cameras:
‧ Phase One: P 65+, P 45+, P 40+, P 30+, P 25+, P 21+, P 20+, P 45, P 30,
P 25, P 21, P 20, H 25, H 20, H 10, H 101, H 5, LightPhase
‧ Mamiya: M31, M22, M18, DM22, DM28, DM33, DM56
‧ Leaf: Aptus II 5, Aptus II 6, Aptus II 7, Aptus II 10, Afi II 6, Afi II 7, Afi II 10

Additionally Capture One 5.0 / 5.0 PRO supports RAW files from the following digital backs/cameras:
‧ Canon: 1Ds Mark III, 1D Mark III, 1D Mark II N, 1Ds Mark II, 1D Mark II, 1Ds, 1D, 7D, 5D Mark II, 5D, 50D, 40D, 30D, 20D, 10D, 500D/Rebel T1i, 450D/Rebel XSi, 400D/Rebel XTi, 350D/Rebel XT, 300D/Rebel, 1000D, D60, D30, Pro 1, G11, G10, G9, G6, G5, G3, G2, S90
‧ Epson: R-D1s, R-D1
‧ Fuji: S5 Pro, S3 Pro, S2 Pro
‧ Konica Minolta: Alpha 5 D / Maxxum 5 D / Dynax 5 D, Alpha 7 D / Maxxum 7 D / Dynax 7 D, A1, A2
‧ Leica: M9, M8, D-LUX 4, Digilux 3, Digital Module R for R8 and R9 cameras
‧ Mamiya: MZD, ZD Back
‧ Nikon: D3X, D3, D2Xs, D2X, D2Hs, D2H, D1X, D1H, D700, D300s, D300, D200, D100, D90,
D80, D70s, D70, D60, D50, D40X, D40, D5000, D3000, P6000
‧ Olympus: E-620, E-3, E-520, E-510, E-450, E-P1, E-420, E-410, E-500, E-1, E-10, E-20, E-30, E-330, E-300, E-400, C-7070, C-8080
‧ Pentax: K20D, K10D, K7, KX, K200D, K110D, K100D Super, K100D, K2000/K-m, *istDL2, *istDL,*istD, *istDS2, *istDS (Only PEF files supported)
‧ Sony: DSLR-A900, DSLR-A850, DSLR-A700, DSLR-A380, DSLR-A350, DSLR-A330, DSLRA300, DSLR-A230, DSLR-A200, DSLR-A100, DSC-R1
‧ Adobe: DNG (raw DNG support only). The DNG support is not optimized for specific cameras.

Tethered camera support
Capture One 5.0 PRO has tethered support for the following digital backs/cameras:
Phase One: P 65+, P 40+, P 45+, P 30+, P 21+, P 25+, P 20+
P 45, P 30, P 25, P 21, P 20, H 25, H 20, H 101, H 10, H 5, LightPhase
Mamiya: M31, M22, M18
Additionally Capture One 5.0 PRO has tethered support for the following cameras:
Canon: 1Ds Mark III, 1D Mark III, 1D Mark II N, 1Ds Mark II, 1D Mark II, 5D Mark II, 5D, 50D, 40D, 30D, 20D, 500D/Rebel T1i, 450D/Rebel XSi, 400D/Rebel XTi, 350D/Rebel XT, 1000D/Rebel XS
Nikon: D3X, D3, D700, D300, D300s, D200, D90, D80, D60, D5000, D40x, D40

System requirements:
‧ Windows XP® SP3, Windows Vista® SP2, Windows 7®.
‧ Microsoft NET. Framework 3.0