專業【超強效 EDM 電子報行銷賺錢術】秘技教學課程 + 技術諮詢 讓你快速學成! EDM電子報企畫、文案撰寫、模版設計、名單篩選、發送及成效追蹤完整教學! 由EDM電子報行銷教學密訓基地【總教頭】所釋出的獨門技術密技 ! 參加了本函授課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 【想用E-Mail行銷?不懂就不要亂寄垃圾信!】 拜師學藝→快速學會【最專業的EDM電子報行銷技術】 網路 EDM 電子報行銷是愛又怕受傷害: 電子郵件E-Mail受最快速最省錢的行銷工具,如何正確有效的進行EDM的網路行銷?合法又不傷害企業形象。 EDM電子報行銷完整教學: 學員不用有程式設計或網頁設計的任何基礎,提供程式源碼、模版及相關軟體教學,快捷套用馬上可在網路執行。 附贈電子報發送系統程式: 附贈中文化【總教頭】親自修改正式可用電子報發送系統程式,網路上的版本中文化版有頁面錯誤及錯蟲喔! (無師不一定會自通!有拜師當然就一定會通) 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)


生成的各種檔案系統的報告(剪貼簿,檔案和印表機 – 我們談論這裡點擊目錄列印輸出)。
匯出CSV格式的檔案延伸整個目錄的檔案訊息(甚至是目錄樹)。 3.21 [新]列寬度最適列高。


‧生成的各種檔案系統的報告(剪貼簿,檔案和印表機 – 我們談論這裡點擊目錄列印輸出)。
‧建立日期,最後訪問日期和屬性在檔案清單中所示。可選的革命的年齡格式, – 立刻告訴你怎麼老的檔案是(反對它誕生時)。
‧大套房有用的指令新增到上下文選單中的標準檔案,內含複製,搬移,複製檔名 – 路徑,複製檔案屬性,複製大/小圖示,多檔案更名(可以使用正則表達式)。
‧安裝(1.7 MB總)和運行程式不會改變您的系統或註冊表。在其他詞語的:XYplorer是100%,便攜式。非常適於您的USB記憶棒。

【文章標題】: (資源管理器)XYplorer 12.40.0000
【文章作者】: EDM設計_電子報E-Mail廣告行銷教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/edm/
【EDM設計_電子報E-Mail廣告行銷教學課程】: http://por.tw/edm/edm_Marketing/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/edm/
【版權聲明】: (原創)EDM設計_電子報E-Mail廣告行銷教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
XYplorer 12.40.0000

XYplorer is an Advanced File System Explorer targeting everybody who is looking for a real alternative to the Windows Explorer. It has the following features: Created Date, Last Accessed Date and Attributes are shown right in the file list. Extended file find supporting NT-only features, and including binary string search. Multiple location search (find files in all selected directories). Generates various sorts of file system reports (to clipboard, file, and printer — we're talking about one-click directory print-outs here). Export extended file informations of whole directories (or even directory trees) to CSV-formatted files. [new in 3.21] Column Width Auto-Adjustment.

Copy Large/Small Icon, Multi-file Rename. Icon-extraction, multi-file time-stamping and attribute-stamping. Instant display of complete file/version information for each selected file. Instant preview of image, audio, and video files (displaying detailed media information). Instant file content view for all files (ASCII and binary), including text extraction from binaries (BTW: the fastest on the market). Full support for drag'n'drop and wheel mouse. Made to handle heavy-duty jobs. Easy to install, and easy to remove. Installing and running the program does not change your system or registry. Easy to use, start working in no time (interface closely follows Explorer standards). Small, fast, and RAM-friendly.

• Tabbed Browsing: have an unlimited number of tabs to make jumping around between folders a one-click affair. Rename the tabs, shift them around, hide them, drag-drop stuff onto the tab headers… the tabs remember their configuration individually and between sessions. You often search your system for files added in the last 24 hours? Let a "finding tab" do the job at a single click!
• High end find files engine with tremendous power and amazing speed. Find files fully supports Boolean logic (up to 256 nesting levels), advanced pattern matching, Regular Expressions, whole word and fuzzy matching, binary string search, multiple location search (find files in all selected directories) and much more…
• Instant preview of image (incl. PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, ICO and many more), audio, and video files (displaying detailed media information).
• Thumbnails of image files shown right in the file list, introducing the unique "Mouse Down Blow Up" functionality.
• Instant preview of installed and uninstalled TrueType and Type-1 font files (displaying detailed font information).
• Instant preview of HTML, MHT, PHP files (including configurable server mappings) with printing option.
• Instant display of complete file/version information for each selected file.
• Various revolutionary highlighting features add more visual grip to tree and list. Highlight Folder, Boxed Branch, Favorite Folder Bold, Highlight Focused Row, Highlight Sorted Column, … all colors are fully customizable. And then there's a wildcard-configurable Color Filter for list items.
• You have a Visual Filter for the file list. Control what you see by stating simple wildcard patterns like *.txt. The Visual Filter is per-tab and, as virtually all XYplorer settings, saved between sessions.
• File Info Tips and MP3 Info Tips: extensive file information (depending on file type and individual file up to 35 fields!) pops up when you move the mouse over a file's icon.
• Special MP3 service: instant ID3v1.1-tag view and edit, plus automatic filename to ID3v1.1-tag routine.
• Instant file view (ASCII and HEX) for all files, including text extraction from binaries (BTW: the fastest on the market).
• Generates various sorts of file system reports (to clipboard, file, and printer — we're talking about one-click directory print-outs here).
• Export extended file informations of whole directories (or even directory trees) to CSV-formatted files.
• Created Date, Last Accessed Date and Attributes are shown right in the file list. Optionally in the revolutionary Age format, – which immediately tells you how old a file is (as opposed to when it was born).
• Column Width Auto-Adjustment.
• Highly customizable display formats for file size and date information.
• For each file and folder, the (real!) disk space used is immediately displayed.
• Remembers last folder location, sort order, scroll position, and selected file.
• Browser-like history functionality.
• Can define favorite folders.
• A large suite of useful commands added to the standard file context menu, including Copy To, Move To, Copy Filename with – Path, Copy File Properties, Copy Large/Small Icon, Multi-file Rename (optionally using Regular Expressions).
• Icon-extraction, multi-file time-stamping and attribute-stamping.
• Full support for drag'n'drop and wheel mouse.
• Made to handle heavy-duty jobs.
• Installing (1.7 MB total) and running the program does not change your system or registry. In other words: XYplorer is 100% portable. Ideal for your USB memory stick.
• Easy to use, start working in no time (interface closely follows Explorer standards).
• Small, fast, and RAM-friendly.
• Quick 24/7 support.

(資源管理器)XYplorer 12.40.0000 | Home Page www.xyplorer.com

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