網站要『用動畫讓網站整個動起來』漂亮、有趣、讓訪客忍不住要點閱! 最新推出:網站動畫製作秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成! 進入HTML5的時代Flash動畫技術已經走入歷史! 如何在自適應網頁網站(RWD)架構下『用動畫讓網站整個動起來』是必學的秘技! 傳授 jQuery 廣告看板(3D 轉場.多版面輪播) 『自己製作 wordpress 動畫看板外掛程式』的獨家秘技! 網站登入頁面藉助『動畫助手』與『吸睛看板』收集潛在客戶名單的秘訣 讓您網站能擁有流量與訂單! 傳授如何將動畫短片轉成GIF動畫,讓整個網站更有有趣! (無師不一定會自通!有拜師當然就一定會通) 提供 JavaScript 廣告模版,讓你快速套用自己的廣告,並快速發佈於網站上! 教導藉助『網頁編輯器』強大模組功能,不需記住一大堆語法(快速動態展示圖片輪播特效) 傳授『網頁廣告看板設計軟體』套用模版,不是美工出身也能輕鬆搞定! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)


桑德拉 – 其屢獲殊榮的工具,其中內含PC,伺服器,小型辦公室/家庭辦公室(SOHO)網路和企業網路,智慧Phones1 PDAs1遠端分析,基準和診斷功能的最新版本。
SiSoftware Sandra裡(系統的分析儀,診斷和報告助理)是一個訊息和診斷實用程式。
給使用者的能力比較高和低層次的。你可以得到有關CPU,晶片組,視訊配接器,埠,印表機,聲卡,記憶體,網路,Windows內定,AGP,PCI,PCI-X,支援PCIe(PCI Express)進行,資料庫,USB,USB2,1394/Firewire等。


巨大的官方技術合作夥伴(通過硬體支援英特爾,AMD / ATI,SIS,VIA)。
‧5原生支援虛擬化技術(虛擬PC,Virtual Server 2005中的Hyper-V伺服器,VMware伺服器/ ESX,VMware工作站/播放)
‧3的原生GPGPU / GPAPU的平台支援(計算著色器,支援DirectX的OpenCL,CUDA)。
‧4個原生圖形平台支援(的DirectX 11.x的,支援DirectX 10.X,支援DirectX 9,OpenGL的2.0 +)。


目前所有支援的操作系統版本:Windows 8中,7,Vista和XP

增強的Windows 8 / Server 2012桌面模式中使用最新的API。
新的主旨為Windows 8 / Server 2012中,其嶄新的面貌(不內含地鐵)。
全面支援的Windows 7,Vista和XP以及伺服器2008/R2和伺服器2003/R2。


桑德拉檢查更新的韌體/ BIOS或裝置驅動程式的所有元件/外圍裝置,並為使用者提供了下載訊息[商業版本]:





新的GP(GPU / APU / CPU)的高速快取/記憶體延遲比較基準


我們發表了一篇文章對目前的GPGPU架構:GP GPU / APU快取的記憶體延遲快取/記憶體潛伏期。
新的GP(GPU / APU / CPU)的快取頻寬基準


我們已經出版的快取頻寬,目前的GPGPU架構:GP GPU / APU快取的記憶體頻寬上的一篇文章。


.NET / Java的算術運算,加密[新]及多媒體(向量化):措施軟體虛擬機的效能(例如。NET WPF / Silverlight的/地鐵應用)
檔案系統/存儲頻寬和I / O [新]:措施存儲效能
一般處理GP(GPU / APU)的算術運算,加密和頻寬的措施GPGPU / GPAPU的效能





為Windows 8的全新風格

Windows 8中都有自己的風格(如地鐵)的Windows Phone 7/8的股份。愛它還是恨它,它是在這裡停留。我們還提供了Windows 7,Vista和XP使用者更新,現代風格:

桑德拉2013 – (Windows 8的Metro風格)
桑德拉2013 – 航空/金屬風格(的Windows 7,Vista中,XP)


– NVIDIA開普勒3.0和GK110 3.5效能更新。
– AMD / ATI更新哈希表現

– 基準視訊/ GPGPU的遠端電腦上的控制台會話時,沒有主動或通過遠端桌面。

– 更快,壓縮通信(ZIP)和逾時支援(伺服器過載時)

【文章標題】: (個人商業小型辦公室)SiSoftware Sandra Personal  Business
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
SiSoftware Sandra Personal / Business 2013.05.19.44 SP3a

Sandra – the latest version of its award-winning utility which includes remote analysis, benchmarking and diagnostic features for PCs, servers, PDAs1, Smart Phones1, small office/home office (SOHO) networks and enterprise networks. SiSoftware Sandra (the System ANalyser, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant) is an information & diagnostic utility. It should provide most of the information (including undocumented) you need to know about your hardware, software and other devices whether hardware or software. It works along the lines of other Windows utilities, however it tries to go beyond them and show you more of what's really going on. Giving the user the ability to draw comparisons at both a high and low-level. You can get information about the CPU, chipset, video adapter, ports, printers, sound card, memory, network, Windows internals, AGP, PCI, PCI-X, PCIe (PCI Express), database, USB, USB2, 1394/Firewire, etc.

Key features of Sandra 2013:

• 3 native architectures support (x86, x64, ARM).
• Huge official hardware support through technology partners (Intel, AMD/ATI, SiS, VIA).
• 5 native virtualisation technologies support (Virtual PC 7, Virtual Server 2005, Hyper-V Server, VMware Server/ESX, VMware WorkStation/Player)
• 3 native GPGPU/GPAPU platforms support (OpenCL, DirectX Compute Shader, CUDA).
• 4 native Graphics platforms support (DirectX 11.x, DirectX 10.x, DirectX 9, OpenGL 2.0+).
• 9 language versions (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese (Traditional, Simplified), Russian) in a single installer.
• Enhanced Sandra Lite (Eval) version (free for personal/educational use, evaluation for other uses)

Broad Operating System Support

All current OS versions supported: Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP

Enhanced for Windows 8 / Server 2012 Desktop mode using the latest API.
New theme for Windows 8 / Server 2012 and its brand new look (ex-Metro).
Full support for Windows 7, Vista and XP as well as Server 2008/R2 and Server 2003/R2.
Updated hardware support for both current and future hardware (AMD "Trinity", "Vishera"; Intel "Haswell")

New driver/firmware notification
Keep up-to-date with the latest enhancements for your computer

Sandra checks for updated firmware/BIOS or device drivers for all components/peripherals and provides the user with download information [commercial versions only]:

System BIOS update
Video Card BIOS update, driver update (including DirectX, OpenGL, OpenCL and CUDA)
Disk (Hard Disk, Optical Drive or SSD) firmware update
CPU microcode update
USB device firmware update, driver update
Printer firmware update, driver update
Network device (e.g. router, wireless access point) firmware update Updated Device Performance Certification*
Certify the validity and quality of your benchmarks results [Commercial versions]

Device Performance Certification validates whether the benchmark result (score) you have obtained upon benchmarking your device is valid (i.e. the device you tested is performing correctly) and how it compares to the scores obtained by other users when testing the same device.

By aggregating the results submitted for each device and performing statistical analysis (e.g. computing mean/average, standard deviation, etc.) we can use statistical tools to work out whether the score is within the expected range (confidence intervals).

Based on the variability of scores you can determine whether the performance of your device is consistent or varies significantly from test to test.

New GP (GPU/APU/CPU) Cache/Memory Latency benchmark
4 memory types, 3 access patterns, 2 interfaces

Benchmark all the different memories (global, constant, shared/local, private) of modern GPGPUs using the 3 access patterns (in-page random, full random, sequential/linear) in OpenCL and CUDA. See the differences between modern GPGPU architectures from AMD and nVidia or APU architectures from AMD and Intel.

We have published an article on the cache/memory latencies of current GPGPU architectures: GP GPU/APU Cache and Memory Latencies.
New GP (GPU/APU/CPU) Cache Bandwidth benchmark
4 memory types, 2 interfaces

Benchmark all the different memories (global, constant, shared/local, private) of modern GPGPUs and measure L1, L2 and L3 cache bandwidths in OpenCL and CUDA. See the differences between modern GPGPU architectures from AMD and nVidia or APU architectures from AMD and Intel.

We have published an article on the cache bandwidths of current GPGPU architectures: GP GPU/APU Cache and Memory Bandwidths.

Updated Overall Score for complete system performance evaluation
12 benchmarks to fully evaluate computer performance

While each benchmark measures the performance of a specific device (CPU, Memory, (GP)GPU, Storage, etc.), there is a real need for a benchmark to evaluate the overall computer performance: this new benchmark is a weighted average of the individual scores of the existing benchmarks:
Native CPU Arithmetic, Cryptographic [new] and Multi-Media (SIMD): measures native processor performance
.Net/Java Arithmetic, Cryptographic [new] and Multi-Media (vectorised): measures software virtual machine performance (e.g. for .Net WPF/Silverlight/METRO applications)
Memory and Cache Bandwidth and Latency [new]: measures memory and caches performanc
File System/Storage Bandwidth and I/O [new]: measures storage performance
General Processing GP(GPU/APU) Arithmetic, Cryptographic and Bandwidth: measures GPGPU/GPAPU performance

Memory Latency: code/instruction cache latencies
2 memory types, 3 access patterns

Modern processors have dedicated cache sub-systems (e.g. L1I, L2I) to handle code/instructions that, while just as important as data caches, are not assessed by most benchmarks.

Sandra 2013 adds a brand new benchmark using its 3 dedicated access patterns ("in-page" thus avoiding "out-of-page" latencies, "full random" and "linear/sequential") to fully test code caches performance.

We have published an article on the cache latencies of current CPU architectures: Measuring Cache and Memory Latency (access patters, paging and TLBs).

Brand new style for Windows 8

Windows 8 has its own style (ex-Metro) that it shares with Windows Phone 7/8. Love it or hate it, it is here to stay. We have also provided Windows 7, Vista and XP users with an updated, modern style:

Sandra 2013 – Metro style (Windows 8)
Sandra 2013 – Aero/Metallic style (Windows 7, Vista, XP)

SP2 for SANDRA 2013 is ready with important updates and fixes:

Updated GPGPU support and performance
– nVidia Kepler 3.0 and GK110 3.5 performance update.
– AMD/ATI hashing performance update

Updated remote execution and benchmarking
– Benchmark video / GPGPU on remote computers when no console session is active or over Remote Desktop.

Internet engines communication update
– Faster, compressed communication (ZIP) and time-out support (when the server is overloaded)

(個人商業小型辦公室)SiSoftware Sandra Personal  Business  
 | Home Page: www.sisoftware.net

(個人商業小型辦公室)SiSoftware Sandra Personal  Business
 | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8

(個人商業小型辦公室)SiSoftware Sandra Personal  Business  | Size: 62.28 MB

【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!


在過去您是否掃瞄磁碟時,寫下來壞道的位置,並計算開始/停止分區的位置,以阻止/隱藏壞道而失去你的耐心?現在,您不必做手動。 PBD (分區故障磁碟),可以通過檢驗/隔離壞道,給你創造健康的分區做所有這些惱人的東西。您還可以調整分區,如大小的屬性,開始/停止志願服務崗位的意願,就像一個普通的分區軟體。第二個壞塊隔離方法標示壞簇檔案系統。您現在可以使用的PBD超級格式化選項格式化分區,順利隱藏壞簇。

– 高效和錯誤強大的磁碟掃瞄算法。你不用等待整整一個晚上,看到您的電腦掛起或使得在掃瞄磁碟進展甚微。
*您可以隨時停止掃瞄,稍後再繼續吧。 PBD會自動儲存掃瞄結果,當你想下一次調整的分區,讓您不需要再次掃瞄磁碟。
– 幾乎沒有任何限制有關建立的分區/邏輯磁碟的數量。
– 可視化磁碟圖可以很容易地使用。只要按一下圖中的塊,並將它們配置給分區。您可以調整大小的,分區和分裂的類型/開始/停止位置相結合的分區的意願。
– 提供先進的分區策略。選取一個戰略, PBD沒有休息的。
– 超級格式選項容許您標示壞簇在檔案系統層級。如果你想建立這樣一個大的分區必須內含一些壞道它(壞道會映射出格式化後),這是非常有用的。這是比當進行大規模的壞道處理傳統格式快很多,而且也從未掛起。現用的僅支援FAT 。您可以使用以下指令格式化分區轉換從FAT轉換為NTFS :將x轉換:/ FS:NTFS
– 即使你的硬碟沒有壞道,你也可以使用PBD作為一個普通的易於使用的分區軟體。


【文章標題】: (分區軟體)Partition Bad Disk 3.4
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Partition Bad Disk 3.4

One day you might hear strange sound from your hard drive. The computer hangs when reading/writing files, cloning partitions, formatting/checking the disk. Windows finally fails to start up after bitter attempts of reading data from HDD. The disk volumes disappear in the Explorer. Well, all these are probably caused by bad sectors on your HDD. To fix this problem, you can isolate the bad sectors so that OS will ignore/bypass them. There are two methods for bad sector isolation. The first method is partitioning the disk to exclude bad sectors from any created partition. But have you been bored with partitioning bad disks with bad sectors?
Did you lose your patience in the past when scanning the disk, writing down the positions of bad sectors, and calculating the start/stop position of partitions in order to block/hide bad sectors? Now you need not do that manually. PBD(Partition Bad Disk) can do all these annoying things for you by detecting/isolating bad sectors and creating healthy partitions. You can also adjust the properties of partitions such as the size, the start/stop postions at will, just like an ordinary partition software. The second bad block isolation method is marking bad clusters in the file system. You can now use PBD Super Format option to format the partition and hide bad clusters smoothly.

– High-efficient and error-robust disk scan algorithm. You won't wait for a whole night just to see your computer hangs or makes little progress in scanning the disk.
* You can stop the scan at anytime and continue it later. PBD will save the scan results automatically so that you need not scan the disk again when you want to adjust the partitions next time.
– Almost no limitation about the number of created partitions/logical disks.
– Visualized disk diagram makes it easy to use. Just click the blocks in the diagram and assigned them to partitions. You can adjust the size of, the start/stop positions of, the type of partitions and split/combine partitions at will.
– Provided advanced partitioning strategies. Choose a strategy, and PBD does the rest.
– Super Format option allows you to mark bad clusters at file system level. This is useful if you want to create a large partition thus have to include some bad sectors in it(the bad sectors will be mapped out after formatting). It is much faster than traditional format when dealing with massive bad sectors, and it never hangs. Currently only FAT is supported. You can convert the formatted partition from FAT to NTFS using the command: convert X:/fs:ntfs
– Even your disk has no bad sectors, you can also use PBD as an ordinary easy-to-use partition software.

About bad sector:
Bad sectors(or bad blocks, bad clusters) are the areas on the disk that can not be read or written. Bad sectors are classified into two categories: logical bad sector and phyical bad sector. Logical bad sector can be repaired by software while phyical bad sector is hard to fix. Bad sectors should be blocked out, otherwise you will meet problem reading or writing files, and if bad sectors are often read and written, they may propagate to originally healthy part of disk. Use Partition Bad Disk to isolate/hide bad sectors so that they can not be used to store files.

(分區軟體)Partition Bad Disk 3.4 | Homepage: www.goodlucksoft.com

(分區軟體)Partition Bad Disk 3.4 | Size: 9.9 MB
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!


CS版本與MX版本的差異在於 ActionScript 徹底整合,與影音方面的功能提升,網友可依喜好與需求選擇適合的版本!

Adobe Flash Player  動畫播放器
獨立播放程式不需要瀏覽器,就可以播放 Flash 影片,與 Web 瀏覽器中或 Activex 主機應用程式中的播放完全相同。
當您連按兩下 Flash 影片時,作業系統便會啟動獨立播放程式的 Adobe Flash Player 10,並開始執行影片。
您可以使用獨立播放程式,讓沒有網頁瀏覽器或 Activex 主機應用程式的使用者也能檢視Flash影片。



連號稱具有保護的原創公司 Macromedia 的網站首頁 Flash 動畫檔也難逃它的手掌心。
當你安裝完之後,它便自動成為 IE 瀏覽器外掛的一部份。
只要在喜愛的 Flash 動畫上按下一滑鼠右鍵便可發現到原本只具有單純播放功能的選項多了儲存的功能,相當神奇。在這邊要說明的是,雖然 Flash Catcher 的功能相當強大,不過目前它僅支援 Internet Explorer 作為外掛程式。

FLV Player
現在很多線上播放的影片都是屬於 Flash 視訊的 FLV 格式,這類的服務基本上是只提供線上觀看用的,不過有些人會想辦法下載到電腦來保存,不過若沒安裝正確的編碼或是使用專用的播放軟體的話,是無法播放觀賞的。

Sothink SWF Decompiler MX
一款用於瀏覽和解析Flash動畫(.swf文件和.exe文件)的工具。它能夠將Flash動畫中的圖片、向量圖、字體、文字、按鈕、影片片段、影格等基本元素完全分解,還可以對Flash影片動作(ActionScript)進行解析,清楚的顯示其動作的語法,讓您對Flash動畫的構造一目瞭然。你可以將分解出來的圖片、向量圖、聲音靈活應用於Sothink Glanda中,讓你也可以做出大師級的作品!

Flash Optimizer
Flash Optimizer 是一個功能強大簡單易用的Flash動畫[*.SWF]文件優化工具,程序採用特殊的算法可以將Flash動畫文件的體積縮小到只有原來的60%-70%,而可以基本保持動畫品質不變!是網管,網頁設計師,專業Flash動畫設計師首選的Flash優化壓縮解決方案!

Aleo Flash Intro Banner
Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker是一款可以幫助設計者製作和設計動畫Flash介紹、Flash標識、Flash廣告、Flash彈出菜單以及任何其它Flash動畫的Flash文本效果工具。你可以在幾分鐘之內使用你自己的照片和音樂,聯合它們和動畫文本以創建看起來專業的廣告、標識和簡介

Sothink SWF Quicker

Flash Demo Builder

Demo Builder
Demo Builder 是一個用來創建交互式Flash 影片,展示應用程序和系統如何運作的工具。
它為用戶提供了一個系統,允許用戶截取目標應用程序的一系列的可編輯的螢幕截圖,以製作Flash 模擬和交互式演示。Demo Builder 給予用戶對組成影片的元素的完全控制權,方便地修改、編輯和更新。輸出文件可以為 Flash (SWF) 或是可執行文件(EXE) ,而且Demo Builder 可以通過內置的功能將輸出文件以電子郵件方式發送,輸出到硬碟或者上傳到FTP。並且可以輸出Flash 文件為HTML 格式。最終得到的是高品質的演示或者教程,可以輕鬆的通過網絡、光碟或者電子郵件共享,使企業、團體、和個人為軟體或系統提供可視的軟體幫助、使用指導甚至電子學習方式。

Supreme4 Components
Supreme4 Components Supreme 4 Components 是一款可以在 Flash 6,7 或者 8 版本的 .fla 文件當中直接使用文本特效的插件。
該軟體提供高級定制,不同的開始方式,對齊選項,自動位置設置,動態輸入,快速預覽和每種特效多種字體和顏色的獨特功能,像素字體優化以及向文本添加 Flash 8 濾鏡的功能。

Flash Banner Creator

【文章標題】: 製作FLASH動畫常用工具軟體推薦(Flash動畫製作軟體評鑑)
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
SWiSH Max 4.0繁體中文版
SWiSHmax 是Swish的最新版本,也就是大家企盼已久的Swish3了, 現在程序更名為SWiSHmax讓你更快速更簡單地在你的網頁中加入Flash動畫,超過 150種可選擇的預設效果。
SWiSH會輸出跟Macromedia Flash相同的SWF格式,所以超過97% 的飆網者都可以看到你的動畫而不需要再下載一個外掛程序。
SWiSH可以創造所有你需要上傳到Web server的文件,也可以產生HTML代碼,讓你貼到現有的網頁中。

SWF scanner
SWF Scanner 是一款極佳的分析 Flash 文件(.swf)的工具。
可以擷取 SWF 檔案中的Action Script、圖像、聲音、按鈕等,並可單獨進行保存。
無論從功能上還是使用上都絕對超過SWF Browser。

SWF Extractor 中文版
SWF Extractor 是一個簡單易用的Flash動畫(*.SWF文件)分解工具,程序可以將MacroMedia Flash動畫文件解析為MP3文件、WAV文件、GIF動畫文件、JPEG圖像文件、PNG圖像文件等各種資源分別保存。支持滑鼠托放。

3D Flash Animator
3D Flash Animator是一套理想的Flash動畫製作軟體,除了Macromedia所出品的Flash中原有的功能外,還可以製作出高水準具互動效果的3D Flash動畫。
使創作Flash動畫中的過程也不再是難事,3D Flash動畫的製作是3D Flash Animator的強項之一,在3D Flash Animator提供了真實的3D動畫開發環境
你可以繪製出真的3D Model接著填入物件的材質、顏色、燈光等。

SWF Text

Sothink SWF Easy(Sothink Glanda)
所見即所得的編輯界面可以讓你在設計時更加直觀,輕鬆設計出 Cool 效果!碩思閃客巫師和 FrontPage 可完美結合使用!

Flash SlideShow Builder
你可以在幾分鐘 內把你的照片、音樂製作成漂亮的Flash幻燈片。




一套可以從 SWF 檔案格式轉成 FLA 檔案格式的軟體,如此你可以由 Flash MX 軟體中加以修改原來的 SWF 檔案的內容。
你只要作選擇所要開啟的 SWF 檔案,再另存成 FLA 檔案即可,再使用Flash MX 軟體開啟另存的 FLA 檔案
再以 Flash MX 軟體加以修改此檔案的數據即可。

SWF Decompiler Premium
SWF Decompiler Premium是一款Flash工具。

SWF Decompile Expert
SWF Decompile Expert 最快、最可靠的flash反編譯和轉換。

【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!


設計你的房間,辦公室,公寓或房子,規劃花園和更多…Room Arranger – 你有時後想重建房子或重新安排。沉重的傢俱您要安排的一切都會適合,那是沒有問題的而且很方便。Room Arranger可以模擬一切,無需繪製一個正方形紙,或推進東西和並返回不斷。Room Arranger可不僅用於設計的房間或公寓,而且在許多其他領功能變數 – 園林建築,房屋發展(房屋為對像),網頁設計(網頁的房間)。

Room Arranger是一個有用的程式,它可以讓你安排一個房間,房子或花園中任何你想要的模式。



– 修正:Shift鍵+滑鼠滾輪水平卷動
– 修正:彩色選取器視窗的位置


【文章標題】:(房間設計程式)Room Arranger 7.5.6 Multilingual
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Room Arranger 7.5.6 Multilingual

Design your room, office, apartment or house, plan gardens and more…Room Arranger – you sometimes reconstruct rooms or rearrange things placed in them. You move heavy furniture just to everything would fit with no problem, be handy, and have a good impact. Room Arranger enables you to simulate everything with no need to draw on a square paper, or to push things there and back repeatedly. Room Arranger can be used not only for designing the rooms or apartments, but also in the variety of other areas – garden architecture, housing development (houses as objects), webdesign (webpage as the room).

Room Arranger is a useful program which lets you arrange a room, house or garden in any way you want to.

Here are some key features of "Room Arranger":
· Design your room, an apartment consisting of more rooms, or the whole house with more floors.
· Wide standard object library, insert exact objects' dimensions.
· Create your library of objects you use more often.
· Walk through the project in 3D.
· Print the project in certain scale even over more pages.
· Measure the distances in the project.
· Multi-language support. Currently: English, Arabic, Basque, Belarusian, Bosnian, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Russian, Thai, Turkish and Ukrainian.

– Fixed: Shift+Mouse wheel to scroll horizontally
– Fixed: Position of color picker window

(房間設計程式)Room Arranger 7.5.6 Multilingual | Homepage: – www.roomarranger.com

(房間設計程式)Room Arranger 7.5.6 Multilingual | Size: 42.4 MB
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!




‧讀取JPEG Exif標示資料。優秀的數位相機使用者。


【文章標題】:(快閃記憶體更名工具)RL Vision Flash Renamer 6.72
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
RL Vision Flash Renamer 6.72

Flash Renamer contains everything you need to master your filenames. Transform them from unreadable junk to perfectly manicured filenames in a matter of seconds!

• Fast as lightning! Renames thousands of files in a matter of seconds.
• Set casing to UPPER CASE, lower case or First Letter Case.
• Rename Mp3s using their tags and properties.
• Read data from jpeg Exif tags. Excellent for digital camera users.
• Search and replace strings within filenames.
• Set or clear file attributes, such as 'read only' and 'hidden'.
• Set date & time using various sources, such as image Exif date.
• Add or Remove strings from specified positions.
• Add counters to files that are related, such as photo sessions.
• Extract meta-data from media, such as width/height and duration.
• Realtime preview shows the new filenames before you rename.
• Works on files, folder and sub-folders.
• Easily manage your photo collection by using the thumbnail mode.
• Add zeros to numbers to make files sort correctly in every situation.
• Re-order parts within filenames the way you want it.
• Context menus allows you to quickly launch FR when you need it.

(快閃記憶體更名工具)RL Vision Flash Renamer 6.72 | Homepage: www.rlvision.com

(快閃記憶體更名工具)RL Vision Flash Renamer 6.72 | Size: 3 MB
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!


NextUp Talker是文字到語音的應用程式專門針對誰已經暫時或永久失去了他們的音效的人設計的。與自然,人類冠冕堂皇的音效和方便的捷徑可以快速進入常用的句子和短語,它讓你輕鬆與他人,儘管使用的是Windows PC或平板電腦發聲障礙的溝通。
無論是由於ALS,或任何言論造成的損失等很常見的問題, 它可以讓您恢復您生活中的重要組成部分,容許你與他人「交談」。我們的目的是為有需要人士提供高品質但價格合理的語音解決專案。

NextUp Talker的好處:


令人興奮的新的Nuance的RealSpeak聲 – 21語系, 32種音效!

薩曼莎(美國英語) *新

亞尼克(德國) *新
交給Sangeeta (印度英國) *新

拉奎爾(巴西連接埠。 )
亞歷山德羅斯(希臘) *新



【文章標題】:(語音的應用程式)NextUp Talker 1.045
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
NextUp Talker 1.045

NextUp Talker is a Text To Speech application specifically designed for people who have temporarily or permanently lost their voice. With natural, human sounding voices and convenient shortcuts to quickly enter commonly used sentences and phrases, NextUp Talker allows you to easily communicate with others despite vocal impairments using a Windows PC or Tablet PC.
Whether due to ALS, Cancer, Stroke, aphasia, or any of the other all too common problems causing loss of speech, NextUp Talker should help you regain an important part of your life by allowing you to "talk" with others. Our goal is to provide high-quality but affordable speech solutions for those in need.

NextUp Talker Benefits:
Specifically designed for use in conversation
More pleasant conversations using latest generation, high-quality, Natural sounding voices.
Easy use with either mouse or keyboard.
Smooth conversation flow with less delays due to typing by using predefined, often used phrases and user created abbreviations.
Adapts to your style and speed with options to speak each word as typed, each sentence, each paragraph, or on demand.
Ability to insert actual sound files along with speech. These can help make kids more comfortable talking with an adult using a computer.

Exciting New Nuance RealSpeak Voices – 21 Languages, 32 Voices !!

Jennifer (US English)
Daniel (British English)
Karen (Australian English)
Samantha (US English)*NEW

Sebastien (French)
Yannick (German)*New
Sylvia (Italian)
Sangeeta(Indian UK)*New

Raquel (Brazilian Port.)
Agata (Polish)
Katerina (Russian)
Alexandros (Greek)*New

Languages Available:
US & UK English, Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Canadian French, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Mexican and Castilian Spanish, and Swedish.

(語音的應用程式)NextUp Talker 1.045 | Homepage: www.talkforme.com

(語音的應用程式)NextUp Talker 1.045 | Size: 7 MB
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!


V3的最新版本,使使用者能夠輕鬆生成動畫切出的模式 – 從現有的庫中選取藝術品和動畫使用運動路徑。
香椿景氣工作室V3帶來了顯著的改進,以動畫關鍵​​幀,資產重用和同步 – 使藝術家更好的動畫。



Toon Boom工作室,你可以使用各種繪圖工具製作動畫。








發佈您的印刷,電視和高清晰度電視,網路,臉譜,YouTube和的iPod / iPod的觸摸/ iPhone / iPad的動畫。

【文章標題】: (動畫製作軟體)Toon Boom Studio 7.1.18189
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Toon Boom Studio 7.1.18189

Toon Boom Studio™ is the complete animation software solution to quickly create eye-catching animations. The latest release, V3 enables users to easily build animations the cut-out way – select artworks from existing libraries and animate using motion paths. Toon Boom Studio V3 brings significant improvements to animation keyframing, asset reuse and lip synchronization – empowering artists to make better animations. In addition, V3 offers a simplified user interface with Drawing and Sceneplanning in one single unified mode. With each release, Toon Boom Studio is injected with powerful new features that will help you make the most of your talents and your time.

Key Features

Make it happen with Toon Boom Studio, a simple-to-use animation software that is ideal for animation fans, students, teachers and hobbyists.

Paint artwork using advanced tools
With Toon Boom Studio you can create animation using a variety of drawing tools.

Multiple Content Creation. Draw, scan, capture or import artwork and video.
Import and animate many types of media elements, such as digital pictures and capture live images.

Bone Animation Tools
• Animate faster
• Connect a character into a Robo-Skeleton template and then watch it move
• Animate a Skeleton with ease using the enhanced, simple-to-use bone animation tools
Powerful, yet simple-to-use effects
• Summon the forces of nature and seize control of them with all new Rain, Fog, Snow, Hail, Volcano and Cloud effects.
• Shake, rattle and roll with ground trembling effects
• Soften edges and create an illusion of depth with the new Blur effect
• Create a dramatic atmosphere by casting shadows
• Mask, cut and shave anything out using the Clipping effect
• Make the sun rise or set, plus animate any colour transition using the Colour Transform effect
New features list
• Rain: Straight, Bubble, Droplets, Gummy, Bears, Rays, Stars, Rain, Mist, Tropical Storm
• Snow: Simple Snowf lakes, Shiny Snowflakes, Sun Dust , Ashes, Leaves, Cotton Candy, Dandelion Puffs, Snow, Snow Flurries, Snow Storm.
• Hail: Crystallized Hail, Baseball Hail, Diamonds, Candy, Coins, Gears , Hail, Light Hail, Hail Storm
• Fog: Curly Fog, Smokey Fog, Sumi-e Fog, Balloons, Lightning Bugs, Bushes, Fog, Misty, Thick Fog
• Cloud: 2D Puffy Clouds 2D, Stylized Clouds, 2D Storm Clouds, Shape Clouds, Forest, Candy Clouds, Cloud, Fluffy Clouds, Storm Clouds
• Volcano: Deformed Lava, Popcorn, Petroleum, Fountain, Colour Candy, Steam, Volcano, Puff, Volcano Eruption

Audio and lip-sync
Import sound and automatically synchronize your dialog with the lip-sync engine.

Colour Palettes
Set your own colour palettes, alter the tint and easily change your colours throughout the entire animation.

Camera Moves
Create multiplane 3D camera movements.

Access libraries in order to store and reuse content.

Multi-technique animation
Why settle for less when you can animate using bones, pegs, cut-out animation, and Xsheets

Publish your animation for print, TV and HDTV, the Web, Facebook, YouTube and iPod/iPod touch/iPhone/iPad.

(動畫製作軟體)Toon Boom Studio 7.1.18189 | Home Page – http://www.toonboom.com/products/toonBoomStudio/

(動畫製作軟體)Toon Boom Studio 7.1.18189: 114.32 MB
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!


Toon Boom Studio是快速建立引人注目的動畫的完整的動畫製作軟體解決專案。最新的版本, V3使使用者能夠輕鬆構建動畫的切出模式 – 從現有的庫中選取藝術品和使用運動路徑動畫。香椿景氣工作室V3帶來的動畫關鍵幀,資產重用和唇同步顯著改善 – 賦予藝術家做出更好的動畫。此外, V3提供與繪圖和Sceneplanning一個簡化的使用者介面在一個單一的統一模式。隨著每一個版本,它注入了強大的新功能,這將有助於您充分利用自己的才華和你的時間。


Toon Boom Studio有做到這一點,一個簡單易用的動畫製作軟體,是理想的動畫迷,學生,教師和業餘愛好者所喜愛。

用Toon Boom Studio,您可以使用各種繪圖工具建立動畫。



‧云: 2D吹牛雲2D ,程式化的雲, 2D風暴雲,形狀雲,林,糖果雲,雲,蓬鬆的雲彩,雲風暴









發佈您的動畫,平面,電視和高清晰度電視,網路, Facebook,YouTube和的iPod / iPod touch/ iPhone / iPad的。

【文章標題】: (動畫製作軟體)Toon Boom Studio 8.1 Build 19172
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Toon Boom Studio 8.1 Build 19172

Toon Boom Studio™ is the complete animation software solution to quickly create eye-catching animations. The latest release, V3 enables users to easily build animations the cut-out way – select artworks from existing libraries and animate using motion paths. Toon Boom Studio V3 brings significant improvements to animation keyframing, asset reuse and lip synchronization – empowering artists to make better animations. In addition, V3 offers a simplified user interface with Drawing and Sceneplanning in one single unified mode. With each release, Toon Boom Studio is injected with powerful new features that will help you make the most of your talents and your time.

Key Features

Make it happen with Toon Boom Studio, a simple-to-use animation software that is ideal for animation fans, students, teachers and hobbyists.

Paint artwork using advanced tools
With Toon Boom Studio you can create animation using a variety of drawing tools.

Multiple Content Creation. Draw, scan, capture or import artwork and video.
Import and animate many types of media elements, such as digital pictures and capture live images.

Bone Animation Tools
• Animate faster
• Connect a character into a Robo-Skeleton template and then watch it move
• Animate a Skeleton with ease using the enhanced, simple-to-use bone animation tools
Powerful, yet simple-to-use effects
• Summon the forces of nature and seize control of them with all new Rain, Fog, Snow, Hail, Volcano and Cloud effects.
• Shake, rattle and roll with ground trembling effects
• Soften edges and create an illusion of depth with the new Blur effect
• Create a dramatic atmosphere by casting shadows
• Mask, cut and shave anything out using the Clipping effect
• Make the sun rise or set, plus animate any colour transition using the Colour Transform effect
New features list
• Rain: Straight, Bubble, Droplets, Gummy, Bears, Rays, Stars, Rain, Mist, Tropical Storm
• Snow: Simple Snowf lakes, Shiny Snowflakes, Sun Dust , Ashes, Leaves, Cotton Candy, Dandelion Puffs, Snow, Snow Flurries, Snow Storm.
• Hail: Crystallized Hail, Baseball Hail, Diamonds, Candy, Coins, Gears , Hail, Light Hail, Hail Storm
• Fog: Curly Fog, Smokey Fog, Sumi-e Fog, Balloons, Lightning Bugs, Bushes, Fog, Misty, Thick Fog
• Cloud: 2D Puffy Clouds 2D, Stylized Clouds, 2D Storm Clouds, Shape Clouds, Forest, Candy Clouds, Cloud, Fluffy Clouds, Storm Clouds
• Volcano: Deformed Lava, Popcorn, Petroleum, Fountain, Colour Candy, Steam, Volcano, Puff, Volcano Eruption

Audio and lip-sync
Import sound and automatically synchronize your dialog with the lip-sync engine.

Colour Palettes
Set your own colour palettes, alter the tint and easily change your colours throughout the entire animation.

Camera Moves
Create multiplane 3D camera movements.

Access libraries in order to store and reuse content.

Multi-technique animation
Why settle for less when you can animate using bones, pegs, cut-out animation, and Xsheets

Publish your animation for print, TV and HDTV, the Web, Facebook, YouTube and iPod/iPod touch/iPhone/iPad.

What's new

(動畫製作軟體)Toon Boom Studio 8.1 Build 19172 | Home Page – http://www.toonboom.com/products/toonBoomStudio/

(動畫製作軟體)Toon Boom Studio 8.1 Build 19172 | Size: 105.75 MB
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!


PhotoDirector HE 4是一個全面的,強大的,直觀的解決專案,以建立具有專業外觀的照片。

– 新! HDR效果
– 改進!色調調整
– 改進!白平衡
– 水平和曲線
– HSL /彩色
– 直方圖
– 降噪
– 銳度
– 新!色差
– 漸暈
– 梯形校正
梯形失真會導致圖像的失真或扭曲的觀點。有了PhotoDirector HE 4 ,你可以糾正與調整滑塊這種失真。
– 魚眼校正
– 調整筆刷
隨著智慧邊緣檢驗,調整筆刷智慧選取您想要提升的地方。運用一套完整的調整,內含白平衡,活力多元,曝光,清晰度, HSL和更多。
– 選取筆刷
– 梯度面膜
這使您可以使用漸變遮罩提升白平衡, HSL ,活力多元,銳度和降噪目的區功能變數的唯一的軟體。最多可加入多種適用範圍在照片的不同調整。
– 改進!現貨卸妝
– 新!塑身
– 新!保護刷
– 眼睛Blinger
– 祛皺
– 皮膚平滑
– 牙刷
– 新!內容感知去除
– 智慧修改更新
– 去除背景和照片編輯器
– 新!人臉識別技術
– 多功能索引和過濾工具
– IPTC元資料編輯
加入和編輯圖像的IPTC元資料 – 內含快門速度,曝光訊息,拍攝日期, ISO提供有關圖像更精確的描述。
– 建立相冊
– 包裝項目
照片的調整和屬性都打包,讓您可以方便地恢復工作, PhotoDirector HE 4即使它是在不同的電腦上。
– 自動畫質調整時匯入
PhotoDirector HE 4確保你從你匯入它們的時間獲得最佳質量的照片。當你匯入你的照片,它也存儲照片的最細微的細節,因此您可以輕鬆地調整程式執行自動降噪。
– 自動組織和應用預置在進口
– 原生RAW解碼器支援從佳能尼康&
利用內建支援*編譯RAW檔案從佳能和尼康相機儲存影像的完美品質。 PhotoDirector HE 4還支援JPEG和TIFF檔案,以及廣泛的RAW檔案格式,從領先的數位相機品牌。
– 專業的16點陣圖像質量支援
PhotoDirector HE 4提供了豐富的色彩深度,令人驚嘆的色彩控制和精確的圖像復原professional16位色的支援。彩色質量是從圖像匯入時間維持。
– 圖像比較和對照
– 多照片瀏覽,方便選取
四種不同的模式, (網格,比較,拉近鏡)之間進行選取,以比較原始照片,編輯過的圖像,以決定是否申請調整為您尋找確切的療效。
– 瀏覽器和瀏覽器模式
– 列印高品質照片
列印模組是擠滿了各種列印選項和預設,以滿足您所需的格式。 PhotoDirector HE 4擁有最愉快的頁面佈局控制特別適用於一次在一個頁面上列印多張照片。
– 匯出不同的色彩空間
匯出到不同的色彩空間,內含的sRGB , Adobe RGB,ProPhoto RGB ,根據您的喜好或你正在匯出到裝置。使用輸出解析度,檔案大小,命名規範,檔案儲存路徑,元資料和更多的自訂您的產品出口。
– 照片幻燈片
選取從幾個方面的影響,內含淡入淡出,擦左軟鍵和運動的圖像之間的過渡涼爽。加入彩色板和文字幻燈片,然後選取你喜愛的曲子的音樂為您的幻燈片。選取H.264 ( M2TS和MPEG4 )和WMV檔案,並選取正確的配置檔為您的視訊並直接上傳到YouTube。
– 上傳和共享直接到社會團體

【文章標題】: (圖像工具)Cyberlink PhotoDirector HE 4.0.4317.0 Multilingual
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Cyberlink PhotoDirector HE 4.0.4317.0 Multilingual

PhotoDirector 4 is a comprehensive, powerful, and intuitive solution to create professional looking photos. From the moment your photos are imported, you are empowered with new and unique features that bring out depth and sharpness in your masterpieces. Portraits become flawless, scenery transforms to your desire.

PhotoDirector 4 is a comprehensive, powerful, and intuitive solution to create professional looking photos. From the moment your photos are imported, you are empowered with new and unique features that bring out depth and sharpness in your masterpieces. Portraits become flawless, scenery transforms to your desire.

Here are some key features of "CyberLink PhotoDirector":
– NEW! HDR Effect
Turn high contrast scenes into HDR images. Stylize your visual effects with Glow and Edge adjustments to create dramatic masterpieces.
– IMPROVED! Tone Adjustment
More flexibility to control tone and tinge fast and precisely. Achieve the exact look and feel you want for your photo.
– IMPROVED! White Balance
Regulate temperature and tint to remove unwanted color casts or create visuals to set a certain mood or artistic effects to your photos.
– Level and Curve
Add punch to your photos by applying Level and Curve adjustments to the overall image or to specific areas only.
– HSL / Color
Selectively adjust hue, saturation, and luminance of 8 color-band ranges to achieve targeted color effects.
– Histogram
Use the histogram to graphically view and identify areas that are overexposed or underexposed or to locate clipped areas of an image.
– Noise Reduction
Reduce visual noise in photos captured by digital cameras. A must-have feature for low-light and high-speed photography.
– Sharpness
Add sharpness to your images with smart control functionality integrated into the edge-masking tools.
– NEW! Chromatic Aberration
PhotoDirector easily removes color fringing that is usually visible on image periphery or high-contrast edges in photos.
– Vignetting
PhotoDirector 4 allows you to control or remove vignetting to add dramatic effect and focus in your subjects.
– Keystone Correction
Keystoning results in distorted or warped perspectives of images. With PhotoDirector 4, you can correct this distortion with adjustment sliders.
– Fisheye Correction
Easily fix fisheye distortion—also called barrel distortion— usually caused by wide-angle lenses. Bowed-out images can straightened to result in normal-looking images.
– Adjustment Brush
With the smart edge-detection, the adjustment brush intelligently selects the areas you want to enhance. Apply the complete set of adjustments including White Balance, Vibrancy, Exposure, Sharpness, HSL and more.
– Selection Brush
The Selection brush tool intelligently highlights the area you want to mask and enhance parts of a photo. Select up to 5 masks and apply the complete set of adjust-ments such as White Balance, Colors, Sharpness, and more.
– Gradient Mask
The only software that allows you to use the Gradient Mask to enhance White Balance, HSL, Vibrancy, Sharpness and Noise Reduction of targeted areas. Add up to 5 masks to apply a range of different adjustments in a photo.
– IMPROVED! Spot Remover
Effectively remove noticeable dust spots, blemish or discoloration in a photo with the heal and clone tools. Comes with resizable selection tool with feathering options to blend in edges.
– NEW! Body Shaper
This unique feature is the latest addition to People Beautifier Tools. It contours body figure for that even flawless look in your portraits.
– NEW! Protect Brush
The Distortion tool includes a protective brush that lets you reshape only the parts you want to adjust in your portrait photos.
– Eye Blinger
Unlike simple red-eye removal, Eye Blinger enhances whites of the eyes by removing color casts and bringing out the color of the eyes.
– Wrinkle Removal
To create smoother, youthful looking skin, use the wrinkle removal to retouch imperfections and blemishes in specific areas.
– Skin Smoother
Smooth out skin and even out tones to give your portrait a professional look with the Skin Smoother and Eraser tool.
– Tooth Brush
The Tooth Brush makes it easy to whiten teeth. Select the Eraser tool and you can fine-tune the areas where you applied the brush.
– NEW! Content-Aware Removal
Remove unwanted objects from photos automatically while allowing the program to intelligently fill in the background area. The powerful line tool also helps users easily remove unwanted wire lines in your photos.
– Smart Patch
Precisely remove unwanted objects or people from images as if they never existed with powerful yet easy-to-use editing tools.
– Background Removal and Photo Composer
Extracts subjects in a photo and transfer them as overlays onto another photo. A handy tool to create photo collages.
– NEW! Face Recognition Technology
Organizing photos in your family and friends album is almost effortless with this new face tagging feature of PhotoDirector 4.
– Versatile Indexing and Filtering Tools
Enjoy multiple ways to index and filter your photos. Organize them with flag, rate, color labels, rotate and more.
– IPTC Metadata Editing
Add and edit the IPTC metadata of an image — including shutter speed, exposure information, capture date, ISO to provide more accurate descriptions about the image.
– Create albums
Once an image is in your library, you can make unlimited copies of photo, creating a virtual photo. To help maximize your hard drive space, the image won't become a file on your hard drive until you export it.
– Package a Project
Photo adjustments and attributes are packaged so that you can conveniently resume work with PhotoDirector 4 even on a different computer.
– Auto Quality Adjustment During Import
PhotoDirector 4 assures that you get the best quality photos from the time you import them. The program performs auto-denoise as you import your photos and it also stores the finest details of your photos so you can make the adjustments easily.
– Auto Organize and Apply Presets During Import
Take control of your importing activities by multitasking while you import images into different folder s in your photo libraries. Automatically set your pre-set edits to apply to individual or batches of photos as they are imported.
– Native RAW Decoder Support from Canon & Nikon
Make use of built-in support* for rendering RAW files from Canon and Nikon cameras to preserve the immaculate quality of your images. PhotoDirector 4 also supports JPEG and TIFF files as well as a broad range of RAW file formats from leading digital camera brands.
– Professional 16-bit Image Quality Support
PhotoDirector 4 delivers professional16-bit color support for rich color depth, amazing color control and accurate image reproduction. Color quality is maintained from the time images are imported.
– Image Compare and Contrast
Within the Photo Library Module, choose between different viewing modes to compare images. View two photos side-by-side in Compare Two mode or multiple photos at the same time in Lightbox Mode.
– Multiple Photo Views for Easy Selection
Choose between four different modes, (grid, compare, loupe) to compare the original photo with edited images to decide if the adjustments you applied are the exact effect you were looking for.
– Browser and Viewer Modes
Edit your photos while viewing them in several layout options. Display a large portion of the image as well as a small filmstrip of thumbnail images simultaneously to conveniently and quickly apply adjustments to several photos.
– Print High Quality Photos
Print module is packed with printing options and presets to suit your desired format. PhotoDirector 4 has the most pleasant page layout controls especially for printing multiple photos on one page at once.
– Export to Different Color Spaces
Export to different color spaces—including sRGB, Adobe RGB and ProPhoto RGB—based on your preference or the device you're exporting to. Customize your exports using output resolution, file size, naming convention, file destination, metadata and more.
– Photo Slideshows
Choose from several effects, including fade, wipe left soft and motion for cool transitions between images. Add color boards and text to slides and choose your favorite tune as music for your slideshow. Choose from H.264 (M2TS and MPEG4) and WMV files and select the right profile for your video and upload to YouTube directly.
– Upload and Share Directly to Social Communities
Share your favorite photos with friends and family by uploading them directly from PhotoDirector to Facebook or export them directly to Flickr.

(圖像工具)Cyberlink PhotoDirector HE 4.0.4317.0 Multilingual | Home Page: www.cyberlink.com

(圖像工具)Cyberlink PhotoDirector HE 4.0.4317.0 Multilingual | Size: 135 Mb

ОС | OS: Microsoft Windows 8 / 7, Vista and XP 32bit SP3* (Windows XP Service Pack 3 is required)
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!


支援不同的操作系統:Windows 7/Vista,Windows XP,SYSLINUX基於磁碟,GRUB4DOS磁碟,Linux內核等,您可以建立可啟動USB快閃記憶體空白最小的一套系統檔案,然後手動來調整您的需求,或將其轉換一個全功能的可引導的CD-ROM或軟碟引導的USB快閃記憶體的所有功能。


可引導媒體,可啟動的USB快閃記憶體鍵是非常方便的:軟碟相比,它們有更大的規模,速度和可靠性,CD / DVD光碟相比,他們是隨機寫入接入裝置,所以你可以備份你的資料到相同的媒體引導,而不需要重新格式化(再燒錄)。同樣,為他們減少成本,不像CD / DVD光碟。

可啟動的USB快閃記憶體盤是特別用華碩Eee PC上網,它沒有內建的CD / DVD磁碟機或安裝。另一方面,買上網的外部CD / DVD磁碟機是不是一個真正明智的選取,因為它會被移出使用,只是在安裝Windows後,由於普遍使用的DVD映像檔案和現代的硬碟容量。

可引導的USB快閃記憶體盤作為引導裝置「大」台式電腦是有用的,不像CD / DVD光碟,他們不具有合理的表面,從而更可靠(特別是你的備份資料)。如果你的系統管理員工作限制,PC不會有CD / DVD磁碟機,你還可以從USB快閃記憶體盤啟動。或是,如果你家裡的電腦有CD / DVD磁碟機,你就可以做到這一點。

有一定的流動性的考慮。如果你的筆記本有一個可引導的CD / DVD磁碟機,你可以輕鬆一段時間:經常使用引導裝置電池電量顯然是不夠的。

可啟動的USB快閃記憶體盤,你不會被CD / DVD的大小限制為700或4700 MB。你可以根據您的需要買一個大或小USB磁碟。開機後,每台PC上,你可以把你的檔案設為同一引導裝置,或將它們復原。不需要重新格式化(再燃)的啟動盤,你只是複製檔案和資料夾,有沒有這樣的操作需要額外的硬體。

‧Windows 8的安裝到USB儲存裝置:該版本修復了Windows Update和非功能無法建立系統復原點的問題。

【文章標題】: (USB磁碟引導工具)FlashBoot 2.2c
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
FlashBoot 2.2c

FlashBoot is a tool to make USB disks bootable. Its primary focus is USB Flash disks, but other types of USB devices are supported as well. Making disk bootable involves formatting and copying operating system files to it. Different operating systems are supported: Windows 7/Vista, Windows XP, SysLinux-based disks, GRUB4DOS disks, Linux kernel etc. You may create blank bootable USB flash with minimal set of system files and then manually tune it for your needs, or convert a full-featured bootable CD-ROM or floppy disk to bootable USB Flash keeping all functionality. FlashBoot can either format physical disk or write an image file. So you may create customized USB disk manually or with another tool and use FlashBoot to create image out of it and redistribute it in local network or online.

Why do you might want to use bootable USB flash disks?

Unlike the most bootable medias, bootable USB Flash keys are very handy: compared to floppies, they have much bigger size, speed and reliability, compared to CD/DVD discs, they are random write access devices, so you can backup your data to the same media where you booted from, without need to reformat (reburn) the entire media. Again, the cost per gigabyte for them continues to cut down, unlike CD/DVD discs.

Bootable USB flash disks are especially useful with netbooks like ASUS Eee PC which does not have builtin CD/DVD drive or an opportunity to install one. On the other hand, buying external CD/DVD drive for netbook is not a truly wise choice because it will be shifted out of use just after Windows is installed, thanks to widespread use of DVD image files and modern hard disk capacities.

Bootable USB flash disks are useful as boot devices on the "big" desktop PCs too, unlike CD/DVD discs they do not have sensible surface you could scratch, thus more reliable (especially when holding your backup data). If your sysadmin at work restricts PC to not to have CD/DVD drives, you still can boot from USB flash disk. Or if your home PC has CD/DVD drive failed, you can do it too.

There are some mobility considerations as well. If your laptop has a bootable CD/DVD drive, you can't work with it for a long time: boot device is accessed quite often, and battery power is obviously not enough to supply laser for a long time.

With bootable USB Flash disk, you don't have to obey a CD/DVD size limit of 700 or 4700 MB. You can buy a big or a small USB disk depending on your needs. Just after boot, on every PC, you may save your files to the same boot device, or restore them back. There's no need to reformat (reburn) the boot disk, you just copy files and folders, and there's no need for extra hardware for such operations. Of course you may do some things you can't do under your OS: copy/modify system files (they are busy when OS is running), reinstall OS, repartition your main hard disk etc.

• Installation of Windows 8 to USB thumbdrive: This version fixes problems with non-functional Windows Update and inability to create System Restore Points.

(USB磁碟引導工具)FlashBoot 2.2c / WebSite: www.prime-expert.com

(USB磁碟引導工具)FlashBoot 2.2c / Size: 18.7 MB

ОС: Windows XP and Windows Vista/7/8

【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!



【文章標題】: (隱藏IP隱私的軟體)Real Hide IP
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Real Hide IP

Real Hide IP is a privacy software which allows you to conceal your IP address, choose IP country and surf anonymously. It can protect your privacy, prevent identity theft, and guard against hacker intrusions, all with the click of a button. Using it, you can conceal your identity online by showing these websites a fake IP which you can choose from different countries in Choose IP Country window, blocking hackers and prying eyes from knowing your true location or identity. You can easily change between fake IP and real IP. When you stop running Real Hide IP, your web browser settings will revert back to normal (without the fake IP). Real Hide IP automatically configures your web browser to use our proxy server. You can automatically change your IP address every few minutes or hide your IP address when you start your computer. Real Hide IP works with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Maxthon, MyIE and is compatible with all types of routers, firewalls, home networks, wireless networks, and any other kind of Internet connection.

(隱藏IP隱私的軟體)Real Hide IP | Home Page http://www.real-hide-ip.com

(隱藏IP隱私的軟體)Real Hide IP| Size 5.4 MB

【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!


Bitwig Studio是為音樂創作和表演,以實現在生產的每一個階段,所有的音樂理念一個動態的軟體解決專案。
從音效設計到音樂創作,發現在自訂工作流的新標準。 Bitwig工作室激勵你採取更好的控制你的作品,給需要訪問到您的工作流程的每一個環節。


【文章標題】:(音效設計音樂創作器)Bitwig Studio 1.0.15
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Bitwig Studio 1.0.15

Bitwig Studio is a dynamic software solution for music creation and performance to realize all of your musical ideas in every stage of production.
 From sound design to music creation, discover the new standard in customized workflow. Bitwig Studio inspires you to take greater control of your productions, giving you access to every aspect of your workflow as needed.
Streamline your creative process and quickly take your music from ideas to complete songs, tracks and compositions. With Bitwig Studio, you’re in command of a workflow that works best for you.

(音效設計音樂創作器)Bitwig Studio 1.0.15 / Homepage: www.bitwig.com

(音效設計音樂創作器)Bitwig Studio 1.0.15 / Size: 154.73 MB

【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!


PixSoft Flash Slideshow Creator是一個獨特的Flash幻燈片軟體,以說明您將數位照片製作成Flash幻燈片,縮略圖畫廊,flash相冊和Flash演示與專業設計的模板,過渡效果,文字說明,背景音樂等,使您輸出的SWF電影,可執行檔案,HTML檔案和螢幕保護程式,甚至通過電子信件直接傳送。喜歡它的節日祝福!



【文章標題】: (Flash幻燈片軟體)PixSoft Flash Slideshow Creator + Templates pack
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
PixSoft Flash Slideshow Creator + Templates pack

iPixSoft Flash Slideshow Creator is a unique flash slideshow software to help you turn digital photos into flash slideshow, thumbnail gallery, flash album and flash presentation with professional designed templates, transition effects, text captions, background music, etc. It enables you to output SWF movie, Executable File, HTML file and screen saver or even send by email directly. Enjoy it on this holiday season!

Drag-n-drop to create flash slideshow/photo gallery
Add up to 500 photos
Add your background music
35+ Free Pre Designed Template
70+ transition effects include swift and push effects
Enable and set Intro & Credit Movie
Decorate with 130+ cliparts and 100+ sounds
Share your flash movie with your family and friends on Internet

(Flash幻燈片軟體)PixSoft Flash Slideshow Creator + Templates pack / Site: www.ipixsoft.com

(Flash幻燈片軟體)PixSoft Flash Slideshow Creator + Templates pack / Size: 38.83 Mb
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!


USB病毒掃瞄可以檢驗和清除數百個USB /自動運行病毒,它會阻止病毒和木馬試圖攻擊當USB裝置插入。











比較其他掃毒軟體,你會發現,USB病毒掃瞄安裝程式僅有1 MB。該程式利用約5至8 MB的RAM。






* USB相機
* USB快閃記憶體卡
* USB MP3播放器
* USB音訊播放器
* iPod和iPhone

【文章標題】:(USB病毒掃瞄和清除)USB Virus Scan 2.44 Build 0712
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
USB Virus Scan 2.44 Build 0712

USB Virus Scan can detect and clean hundreds of usb/autorun viruses and it will block viruses and trojans trying to attack when USB device is inserted. USB Virus Scan provides 100% protection against any malicious programs trying to attack via USB storage(USB drive?USB stick?pen drive?flash drive?flash card?secure digital card?removable storage?portable storage?ipod?media player). Compare USB Virus Scan with other antivirus solutions, you will find out its highlights: USB Virus Scan provides 100% protection against any threats via USB drive, however, the majority of other products are unable even to guarantee 90% protection. USB Virus Scan can detect and clean the usb virus/worm/trojan such as Ravmon,auto.exe in your computer or usb drive,it could solve the problem that unable to open a drive by double clicking. It also removes the leftovers of virus by removing the autorun.inf files and cleaning up your system registry, so you won't see the autoplay item anymore.

Key Features

Get control over the use of all usb storage devices

You can set the USB drive status to Read only or Readable/Writable both on the machine, also you can disable usage of any usb storage devices to prevent data leaks across USB flash drives. more information

100% protection against any virus via USB storage

USB Virus Scan uses innovative technology to block any threats via USB drive,any USB drives inserted into computer, USB Virus Scan will automatically scan it and remove threats.There are relatively few products available in shops or on the Internet which can offer even close to 100% protection against any malicious programs via USB drive. The majority of products are unable even to guarantee 60% protection.

Clean usb virus in your infected system

USB Virus Scan can not only block virus spreading thought external removable media, but also has the ability to detect and remove usb virus in your computer. What you need to do is clicking the scan button,and waiting for virus scan to complete.

The best solution to protect offline computer

Other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they can not effectively protect offline computer that is not connected to the Internet. When new viruses, worms and other malicious attacks strike, traditional signatures are insufficient. USB Virus Scan uses advanced detection techniques, it doesn't mainly rely on virus signature, so it can protect offline computer from usb virus effectively without updating frequently.

The world's fastest and smallest antivirus software

With USB Virus Scan, it’s not necessary to sacrifice speed for detection and scanning. Compare with other antivirus software and you'll discover that USB Virus Scan installer is just 1 MB. The program utilizes approximately 5 to 8 MB of RAM.

100% compatible with all software

Incompatibility between antivirus programs is an issue. In the vast majority of cases, installing two antivirus programs from different vendors on one machine (for increased protection) is technically impossible, as the two programs will disrupt each other's functioning. However, USB Virus Scan is 100% compatible with all other security products in fully testing, including Norton,Nod32,Bitdefender,Kaspersky,etc.

Easy to use

USB Virus Scan has been specifically designed to perform effectively regardless of the user’s level of computer expertise.
Just install and forget it.

Support all kinds of external removable media

* Pen Drives
* USB Cameras
* USB Flash cards
* USB MP3 players
* USB Audio players
* External hard drives
* Pocket PCs
* Mobile phones
* iPods and Iphones
* Other USB mass storage enabled devices

(USB病毒掃瞄和清除)USB Virus Scan 2.44 Build 0712 | Homepage: www.usbvirus.com

(USB病毒掃瞄和清除)USB Virus Scan 2.44 Build 0712 | Size: 3.7 MB
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!




EXE:可能在離線模式下進行檢視建立EXE檔案,輸出動畫書可以在Windows PC上流暢運行,無需安裝任何其他軟體(推薦使用光碟優質出版物)
螢幕保護:設定翻轉雜誌作為Windows PC的螢幕保護程式








您的出版物可線上/離線隨時讀者他們是否觀看。這些出版物可以很容易地內嵌在您的網站線上觀看。此外,您可以為您的數位版本建立離線版本(EXE,APP,ZIP格式),並提供給CD / DVD或USB裝置在展銷會或手動配置給客戶。




發佈的Shockwave Flash SWF檔案的高品質。獨立的SWF檔案是在網站上上傳非常方便,只需上傳一個檔案,你可以在網上檢視您的數位雜誌,解決上傳多個檔案的麻煩。而且它也很容易進行線上交流,只得到SWF的連結,您publicaiton可以在任何地方通過網路連線共享,更廣泛的提升自己的品牌或你的產品。


【文章標題】:(翻頁數位雜誌軟體)XFlip Professional 2.0.2
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
XFlip Professional 2.0.2

XFlip is a powerful flip digital magazine software with lots of great features for creating interactive and engaging online magazines, digital catalog, and e-brochure to match your corporate style. Give a fresh online reading experience to your readers with the rich media online digital magazines.

Fast Load & Import Multiple Types Files
In addition to adding pdf files to flash page flip, the multifunctional software also allows to import Office documents (PowerPoint, Word, Excel), Flash movies (.flv, f4v, mp4 and .swf), images (.jpg, .png, .bmp, .jpeg, gif) as flipbook with 3D page-turning effect. The program is absolutely invaluable for creating 3d page flip and photograph / video flipping books.

Flexible & Precise Publishing Selections
HTML: Publish it to HTML format for PC users and Mobile user to view the output publication online (HTML is highly recommend for Mobile version)
Standalone SWF: Publish it to standalone SWF format for users to upload easily, this will save you a great deal of trouble on uploading many files (SWF is strongly recommended when website can only accept uploading standalone file)
EXE: Create .EXE file that could be viewed in an offline mode, the output flipbook can ran smoothly on Windows PC, no need to install any other software (High recommended for buring publications on CD)
APP: Produce offline executable file (APP format) for MAC users, the output digital magazine can work well on Mac
ZIP: Produce ZIP package and email it to your friends and customers
Screen Saver: Set flipping magazines as Windows PC Screensaver
All the possibilities are practically endless once you have owned this digital publishing tool.

Tablets & Mobile Devices Ready
XFlip allows you to create online magazines with page flipping effect that can be viewed on tablets, Apple and Android mobile devices. This ensures that you are reaching all of your readers, all of the time at no extra cost. Users on iPhone, iPad, Android mobile devices will get the very best online reading experience via a mobile browser.

Enhance E-magazines with Rich Media & Links
Page flipping effect e-publication is really a great visual feast. Looking for creative ways to engage your readers? Now entertain your readers with interactive rich media content, such as hyperlinks, Flash objects, videos (including YouTube videos), images, hotspot, audios and more. Get readers to take notice, perform actions, and follow your lead!

Social Media Integration
XFlip E-magazine software comes built-in toolbar buttons to allow readers to share your online flipping digital publications via email or multiple popular social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg and more sites), which can bring you with considerable reverse traffic. Simultaneously, you also can display your digital magazine, digital catalog, digital brochures and more directly in Facebook pages, rather than linking to them externally.

Batch conversion, More Easy-to-use Interface
Support batch conversion to make you be able to publish or create multiple files at one time and merge all files to one. Meanwhile, you could operate the software easily with its concise guidance, more user-friendly interface, faster speed and better quality, which means that you could use the software flexibly and conveniently with steady and safe in motion while without special program skills.

Quick Preview Before You Publish
Preview lets you confirm whether the digital magazine is the one you want. With the function of Preview, you can also check the quality of the publication in advance. Many users have trouble visualizing what a digital magazine looks like, the Preview control provides a good solution. This allowed you to take a real-time preview of your output publication.

Fully Style Output Appearance
This digital magazine creator offers you a powerful customization functions to design the look and feel of the output flipping publications.
Company branding
Match your brand by adding company-specified name, company homepage, background color or image, logos in the online publications. They really look the part.
Define navigation toolbar or buttons
You have the full control of making the navigation bars visible or not. For the buttons, you can select to show or hide "Previous & Next", "Fullscreen", "Thumbnails", "Share", "Print", "Table of content", "Download", "Search", and other more buttons in the output Flash page flipping publications.
Background settings
If you do not like the default background, you can change it to other background color or background image. Adding background music to the whole flash page flipping publication is also available.

Online and Offline Publishing Versions
Your publications can be viewed online /offline anytime by readers whether they are. The publications can be easily embedded on your website for online viewing. Also, you can create offline versions (EXE, APP, ZIP format) for your digital editions and deliver them to CD/DVD or USB devices to distribute at trade shows or hand to customers.

Search Engine Optimized
With this online magazine software you can create SEO friendly Flash flipping pages. That means, your pages will show up in search results on popular Search Engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. Setting the page title, description and keywords is also convenient with XFlip software.

Track with Analytics
Know how your digital magazines are performing by tracking with Google Analytics. All you need to is to enter your Google Analytics UA. Then, you could measure and track all reader behavior, including total number of visitors, how long readers spend reading your magazine, track the link clicks on digital edition pages and many more… That will give a way for you to make rapid and accurate marketing decisions.

Stunning Digital Publications
XFlip keeps its finger on the pulse of the latest technologies, and lets you tap into new opportunities to connect with readers attractively.
Real reading experience
The online digital publication look and feel like a real book: flipping pages, realistic page curl effect, page turning sounds (optional), and page thickness. All helps to create a highly engaging reader experience.
Simple navigation
The previous/next/first page/last page button provides fast access to pages. And thumbnail view makes browsing the publication significantly easier. Table of contents gives readers a quick view of the structure of publications.
Searchable and zoomable content
Readers can use the search facility to explore the e-publications finding relevant phrases. They can zoom in/out the digital edition and make reading easy.
Bookmarks adding for you readers
Readers can add bookmarks for some important pages of publications.
Share publications easily
Readers can use the share funtion to share the digital publication amongst friends and colleagues via social networks or E-mail when they find something of interest.

Generate Standalone SWF Files for Website
Publish Shockwave Flash SWF files with high quality. Standalone SWF file is very convenient for uploading on website, just upload one file, you can view your digital magazine online, solve the trouble of uploading multiple files. And it is also easy for sharing online, just get the link of SWF, your publicaiton can be shared anywhere with a network connection, broader enhance brand yourself or your products.

(翻頁數位雜誌軟體)XFlip Professional 2.0.2 | Homepage: www.xflip.com

(翻頁數位雜誌軟體)XFlip Professional 2.0.2 | Size: 33.72 MB

【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!

使用模板或建立自己的設計;控制與Flash 9動作腳本,加上更多。

(Flash動畫創作工具)KoolMoves 8.5 Retail 特點:
‧匯入FLV Flash視訊
‧Flash 9中的動作腳本(AS3)
‧Flash 8的過濾器/混合效果

於13年4月5日KoolMoves 8.5.0變化:
*固定變形問題與HTML5出口 – 第一次出現時的對象是不是在第一幀。
【文章標題】: (Flash動畫創作工具)KoolMoves 8.5 Retail
【文章作者】: FLASH 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)FLASH 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
KoolMoves 8.5 Retail

KoolMoves is a web animation authoring tool that creates Flash movies and frames for animated gifs.
Used by both professionals and novices to create rich interactive content for web sites,
KoolMoves is a popular Flash authoring tool with rave industry reviews! As Flash has developed into the standard for animation on the web,
KoolMoves has emerged as an advanced but low cost alternative to Flash.
Combining ease-of-use with a wealth of powerful animation effects,
KoolMoves makes it easy and inexpensive to create professional quality Flash movies for web sites.
KoolMoves is an affordable Flash authoring tool that is full featured and easy to use.
It is ideal for creating a wide range of web content with high impact visuals, MP3 and WAV sound.
Play video & music with stylish media players; Create high impact web sites & animations;
Customize text effects, buttons, & clip art; Add impressive 3D text and shape effects;
Use templates or create your own designs; Take control with Flash 9 action scripts, plus more.

• Import images and sounds
• 71 action script based text/image effects
• 100 stylish text effects templates
• 343 clip art items and buttons
• Wizard for adding Flash animation to web page
• Capture frames for gif animation
• Easy to use customizable preloaders
• Many unique views of the animation
• Slide show wizard
• Banner wizard
• 43 customizable 3D effects
• 40 media player skins
• 28 web interface templates
• 4 skill levels (wizards to cartooning)
• Import Flash animation as object or editable
• Import FLV Flash video
• Full set of drawing/shape manipulation tools
• Dynamic text
• Flash 9 action scripting (AS3)
• Flash 8 filter/blend effects
• 16 interface components (e.g. slide show)
• Masking
• Import/export SVG
• Ease in/out tweening
• Variable line width
• Character animation bones

Changes in KoolMoves 8.5.0, 4/5/13:
* Added ability to export Html5 using CreateJS open source javascript library (File > Export Settings, select CreateJS), allowing movie clip export and in the future preloading, gradient color, and filters.
* Added Html5 export of button sounds (mouse down for original Html5 export, mouse down and rollover for CreateJS export).
* Made a code change that should dramatically reduce video card memory usage tied to OpenGL rendering (but difficult to test if it actually makes a difference).
* Fixed file parsing so in the future older versions of KoolMoves will have a chance of opening a file created with a more recent version.
* Fixed morphing problem with Html5 export — when first occurrence of an object is not in the first frame.
* Fixed play wav sound from gui by turning off functionality.
* Fixed display problem with Flash 8 components associated with new compiler upgrade.

(Flash動畫創作工具)KoolMoves 8.5 Retail | Home Page www.koolmoves.com

(Flash動畫創作工具)KoolMoves 8.5 Retail / Size: 9.77 Mb

【FLASH 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作FLASH 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索FLASH 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【FLASH 動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【FLASH 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!


Wise Video Converter是一個易於使用的軟體,它可以轉換的視訊格式都只要一個點擊或拖曳。它有助於使裝置之間交換機更加靈活。






【文章標題】: (視訊轉換器)Wise Video Converter Pro 1.42.47
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Wise Video Converter Pro 1.42.47

Wise Video Converter is an easy-to-use software which can convert all formats of videos just with ONE click or drag. It helps make your switch between devices more flexible.

Easy and Fast
Simply click or drag the files and the high-speed conversion starts.

All Devices Playable
Convert all formats of videos for all brands of Cellphones, Pads and PCs.

Batch Conversion Supported
Convert a batch of videos with just one click.

(視訊轉換器)Wise Video Converter Pro 1.42.47 | Homepage: www.wisevideosuite.com

(視訊轉換器)Wise Video Converter Pro 1.42.47 | Size: 7.2 MB
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!


SmithMicro Anime Studio Pro 是完美的專業人士尋找一個更有效的替代繁瑣的逐格動畫。有了一個直觀的介面,可視化內容庫和強大的功能,如骨索具系統,圖像自動追蹤,綜合假唱,三維造型設計,物理,運動追蹤,字元精靈,它提供先進的動畫工具加快您的工作流程。它具有完整的2D動畫的數位藝術家和專業!動漫工作室Pro是完美的專業人士尋找一個更有效的替代繁瑣的幀一幀創造高質量的動畫時的細節。有了一個直觀的介面和載入有預裝配的字元和其他內容,SmithMicro Anime Studio Pro 提供先進的動畫工具和特效來加快您的工作流程。

使用功能強大的基於向量的繪圖工具,使人物,物體和場景。匯入您的掃瞄圖和圖像,內含分層的Photoshop 檔案。







‧自動圖像自動轉換現有的藝術作品和素描完全可編輯的向量繪圖Pro 8個速度追蹤在動畫工作室生產。
‧憑藉強大的,基於向量的繪圖工具和匯入掃瞄的圖紙和圖像的能力,可以快速在動畫Studio Pro 8建立自己的人物和物體。
‧在動畫工作室全局編譯風格Pro 8讓你通過簡單地調整幾個設定來改變動畫的整體設計。
‧ Photoshop的檔案匯入與層支援加快您的工作流程
‧動漫Studio Pro 8 ,可以通過將你的2D向量圖層轉換為3D對像建立自己的3D對象,並模擬物理讓您自動化您的動畫部分。輸入您的波塞爾場景,並結合2D和3D動畫。
‧輸出視訊和無限長度的動畫格式,內含NTSC / PAL D1/DV標準和寬屏;的iPhone,iPad和Droid , HDV和高清780P和1080P , AVI,MOV , Flash和更多
‧動漫Studio Pro 8提供了一個強大的和富有成效的動畫環境,最大限度地減少生產時間,提高您的工作效率。
‧相容Mac和Windows 。


‧新!當匯入的圖像,視訊和音訊檔案編輯在外部程式( includinglayered Photoshop檔案) ,它們會自動在應用程式內更新
‧匯入的QuickTime , AVI或MPEG -4視訊和WAV , AIFF和MP3音訊檔案
‧輸出到格式,內含NTSC / PAL D1/DV標準和寬屏; HDV和高清電視的720p和1080p , AVI,MOV ,Flash遊戲,立體3D和更多
‧直接上傳到Facebook 和YouTube

系統要求: 7 , Vista和XP 。Anime Studio Pro 中使用的是64位Windows操作系統相容的,然而動漫工作室是一個32位應用程式。 500 MHz的Intel Pentium或同等。 630 MB可用硬碟空間。 256 MB RAM 。 1024×768解析度,16位彩色顯示。 CD -ROM磁碟機(用於應用程式的物理版) 。使用AdobeR FlashR的Player 9或更高版本(內嵌式庫) 。Windows  Internet Explorer7 。網際網路連線內容天堂。 Poser 7或更高版本需要進口 Poser場景。


【文章標題】: (動漫動畫工具)SmithMicro Anime Studio Pro 10.0
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
SmithMicro Anime Studio Pro 10.0

Anime Studio Pro is perfect for professionals looking for a more efficient alternative to tedious frame-by-frame animation. With an intuitive interface, a visual content library and powerful features such as a bone rigging system, automatic image tracing, integrated lip-synching, 3D shape design, physics, motion tracking, a character wizard and more, Anime Studio Pro delivers advanced animation tools to speed up your workflow. Anime Studio Pro – Complete 2D Animation for Digital Artists and Professionals! Anime Studio Pro is perfect for professionals looking for a more efficient alternative to tedious frame-by-frame detailing when creating quality animations. With an intuitive interface and loaded with pre-rigged characters and additional content, Anime Studio Pro delivers advanced animation tools and effects to speed up your workflow.

Create High-Quality Animations
Make characters, objects and scenes using powerful vector-based drawing tools. Import your scanned drawings and images, including layered Photoshop® files.

Automatic Image Tracing
Speed up production by automatically converting existing artwork and sketches to fully editable vector drawings.

Character Wizard
Design fully rigged characters with multiple views, walk cycles, expressions and more. Access dozens of predesigned components or add your own creations and reusable actions.

Real Time Media Connection
Imported media files edited in their native applications are automatically recognized and updated within Anime Studio.

Global Rendering Styles
Quickly change the overall design of your animations by choosing from various fill, stroke and layer presets.

Powerful Production Tools
Robust bone-rigging tools make character creation and animation easier than ever.
Save time with Curve Profile, Follow Path and Stroke Exposure tools, along with automatic line-smoothing features.

• Automatic Image Tracing in Anime Studio Pro 8 speeds up production by automatically converting existing artwork and sketches to fully editable vector drawings.
• With powerful, vector-based drawing tools and the ability to import scanned drawings and images, you can quickly create your own characters and objects in Anime Studio Pro 8.
• The revolutionary bone-rigging system provides a fast and efficient alternative to tedious frame-by-frame animation. Add a skeleton to any image by pointing and clicking—then bring it to life while keeping your project organized with the sequencer and timeline.
• The built-in Character Wizard is the ideal tool for anyone working on concepts or looking for a fast alternative to drawing and rigging each character from scratch.
• Global Rendering Styles in Anime Studio Pro 8 let you change the overall design of your animation by simply adjusting a couple of settings.
• The Photoshop document import with support for layers speeds up your workflow
• Real Time Media Connection automatically updates image, movie and audio files in your imported Anime Studio files when edited in an external program, allowing you to make the necessary changes on the fly.
• Anime Studio Pro 8 enables you to create your own 3D objects by converting your 2D vector layers into 3D Objects, and simulated physics allows you to automate parts of your animations. Import your Poser scenes and combine 2D and 3D animation.
• Record your own sound clips right within Anime Studio and sync them to your animated characters using the built-in lip synching functionality.
• Choose from a library of ready-to-use characters, props, scenes, stock audio and video clips, scatter brushes and more to get you animating quickly in Anime Studio.
• Output video and animation of unlimited length to formats including NTSC/PAL D1/DV Standard and Widescreen; iPhone, iPad and Droid; HDV and HDTV 780p and 1080p; AVI, MOV, Flash and more
• Anime Studio Pro 8 provides a powerful and productive animation environment that minimizes production time and increases your productivity.
• Compatible with Mac and Windows.


• NEW! Automatic Image Tracing converts your artwork to fully editable, ready-to-animate vector drawings
• NEW! When imported images, movies and audio files are edited in external programs (includinglayered Photoshop files), they automatically update within the application
• NEW! Character Wizard automates the creation of fully-rigged characters complete with walk cycles, expressions and more
• NEW! Easily change the overall design and render styles of your animations
• NEW! Additional 3D video rendering options with full support for YouTube 3D formats
• NEW! Use patch layers to create masks for overlapping layer elements
• NEW! Modified interface options
• NEW! Advanced scripting support
• Audio recording and automatic lip syncing
• Simulated Physics gets you animating quickly
• Create 3D objects from 2D vector layers
• Content Library features hundreds of ready-to-use characters, props and more
• Track, zoom, roll, pan and tilt the camera
• Import Poser Scenes into Anime Studio
• Pen tablet support simulates drawing on paper
• Special effects such as motion blur and shadows
• Import Quicktime,® AVI or MPEG-4 video and WAV, AIFF and MP3 audio files
• Output to formats including NTSC/PAL D1/DV standard and widescreen; HDV and HDTV 720p and 1080p; AVI, MOV, Flash, Stereoscopic 3D and more
• Upload directly to Facebook® and YouTube™

System Requirements

Windows: 7, Vista and XP. Anime Studio Pro is compatible with 64-bit Windows operating systems however Anime Studio is a 32-bit Application. 500 MHz Intel Pentium or equivalent. 630 MB free hard drive space. 256 MB RAM. 1024×768 resolution; 16-bit color display. CD-ROM drive (for physical version of application). Adobe® Flash® Player 9 or newer (embedded library). Windows® Internet Explorer® 7. Internet connection for Content Paradise. Poser® 7 or later needed to import Poser scenes.

(動漫動畫工具)SmithMicro Anime Studio Pro 10.0 : http://my.smithmicro.com/win/anime/index.html

(動漫動畫工具)SmithMicro Anime Studio Pro 10.0 : 296.85 MB

 ОС: Windows 7, 8, Vista и XP
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!


DxO ViewPoint可結合了易用性與專業和精確的使用功能,以說明您輕鬆糾正你的照片扭曲的幾何元素。所以,在你的照片中的項目都恢復到原來的比例,應用程式可以執行多次調整。拉近鏡工具可以讓您精確地放置錨點來解決問題,梯形失真和傾斜的視野。


只需點擊一下滑鼠就恢復你的照片邊緣的人的自然比例。DxO ViewPoint可自動糾正多出來的臉或進行拍攝時,廣角鏡頭(這種現象被稱為「卷歪像」 ) ,可以發生扭曲的身體形狀。從DxO Labs公司,適應您特定的裝置,這種獨特的功能對於團體或婚紗照時特別有用。


享受3合1的DxO ViewPoint!您可以使用的DxO ViewPoint可作為一個獨立的應用程式,並作為外掛程式Photoshop和作為一個外掛程式的Lightroom在同一時間。直接使用獨立的應用程式申請更正您的照片。啟動程式,開啟要修改的照片,並且讓你的更正只需點擊幾下!

保持你的工作環境和反思的工作習慣,同時豐富您的Adobe 解決專案。作為一個外掛程式,DxO ViewPoint可無縫整合與Adobe Photoshop  CS和與Adobe  Photoshop Lightroom  。在您的相容主機應用程式開啟一個圖像並應用你平時的設定。然後直接從濾鏡選單啟動的DxO ViewPoint可在Adobe  Photoshop或從照片在Adobe  Photoshop  Lightroom  。讓您的更正和儲存變更,瞧! – 您的主機應用程式現在將顯示修改後的圖像!DxO觀點是改善與Adobe Photoshop CS3,CS4 ( 32及64位) , CS5 ( 32及64位) , CS6 ( 32及64位)和Adobe 使用的Photoshop  Lightroom的 3和4 。



實際上,在搬移,你拍你的照片的角度。看工具的換檔點可以讓你在事後改變你的拍攝角度,使其完全符合你想產生的圖像一致。您可以重新定位您的相機垂直以及水平 – 真正的加上實現了精確的效果。

保持可見欄位的最大的照片,無論你申請的更正。正確的梯形失真,可以挺直了視野,轉變的觀點:自動裁剪系統功能改善的可視領功能變數。是DxO Labs公司獨家。




【文章標題】:(照片修復工具)DxO ViewPoint 2.1.4
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
DxO ViewPoint 2.1.4

DxO ViewPoint combines ease of use with professional and precise features in order to help you easily correct distorted geometric elements in your photos. The application can perform multiple adjustments so that the items in your photos are restored to their original proportion. The Loupe tool allows you to precisely place anchor points to solve problems with keystoning and tilted horizons.

Make buildings plumb again
Recreate the original shapes of buildings. Converging vertical and horizontal lines once again become parallel, unnatural-looking facades regain their normal appearance. This feature helps you restore a natural look to your landscape, architectural, and urban photos.

Restore the natural proportions of your subjects
Restore the natural proportions of the people on the edges of your photos in just one click. DxO ViewPoint automatically corrects stretched-out faces or distorted body shapes that can occur when you shoot with a wide-angle lens (a phenomenon known as “volume anamorphosis”). This exclusive feature from DxO Labs, adapted to your specific equipment, is particularly useful for group or wedding photos.

Your images corrected in just a few clicks
Trace the lines that you want to correct: the keystoning correction tool lets you fix your photo in seconds! Easily define straight lines so as to reestablish the proper shapes of the most complex forms, and enjoy unparalleled results for your entire photo in just one click. Use the Loupe tool to precisely place your anchor points: slider settings are accurate at all zoom levels to help you achieve the best possible corrections.

Choose the version that best meets your needs
Enjoy 3-in-1 DxO ViewPoint! You can use DxO ViewPoint as a standalone application AND as a plugin for PhotoShop AND as a plugin for Lightroom at the same time. Directly apply corrections to your photos using the standalone application. Launch the program, open the photos you want to change, and make your corrections in just a few clicks!

Preserve your work environment and your reflexive work habits while enriching your Adobe® solution. Used as a plugin, DxO ViewPoint integrates seamlessly with Adobe® Photoshop®CS and with Adobe®Photoshop® Lightroom®. Open an image in your compatible host application and apply your your usual settings. Then launch DxO ViewPoint directly from the Filters menu in Adobe® Photoshop® or from Photo in Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom®. Make your corrections and save your changes, and voila! — your host application now displays your modified image! DxO ViewPoint is optimized for use with Adobe® Photoshop® CS3, CS4 (32 & 64 bits), CS5 (32 & 64 bits), CS6 (32 & 64 bits) and Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 3 and 4.

A level horizon regardless of shooting conditions
Restore equilibrium and authenticity to your photos by straightening out an unintentionally tilted horizon. The natural visual cues are put back in their proper place and your eyes can once again enjoy an image with a precisely-leveled horizon line. Conversely, you can use this tool to creatively change the orientation of the horizon to produce a dynamic or calming effect, according to your own tastes.

Fine-tune the position of your camera
Virtually shift the angle at which you shot your photo. The shift point of view tool lets you change your shooting angle after the fact so that it is perfectly in line with the image you want to produce. You can reposition your camera vertically as well as horizontally – a real plus for achieving a precise effect.

Maximize the visible field after correction
Keep the maximum of the visible field in your photos regardless of the corrections you apply. Correct keystoning, straighten the horizon, shift the point of view: the automatic cropping feature systematically optimizes the visible field. A DxO Labs exclusive.

Impeccable, undistorted images from center to edges
Give harmonious proportions to the subjects in your group or wedding photos taken with a wide-angle lens. Use the Volume Anamorphosis tool to automatically correct the distortions on the edges of your images. All the subjects in your photos will appear properly balanced and well-proportioned.

(照片修復工具)DxO ViewPoint 2.1.4 | Home Page: www.dxo.com

(照片修復工具)DxO ViewPoint 2.1.4 | Size: 103 MB

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!



– 550 +檔案格式:照片,視訊,音樂,文件,電子信件等
– 任何資料丟失的情況:恢復刪除,格式化,否則無法訪問的檔案。
– 不只是硬碟:個USB,外部硬碟機,手機,數位相機, iPod, MP3/MP4播放器和更多的恢復。
– 100%的安全。此Windows資料恢復程式沒有任何損壞您的資料。
– 暫停和重新啟動掃瞄過程,以後你有時間的時候。
– 儲存和匯入以前的掃瞄結果做恢復恢復,而不重新掃瞄。
– 過濾您的搜尋檔名,大小和日期快速尋找檔案,節省時間。
– 常用的檔案格式,如BMP,GIF, PNG , JPEG , JPG , TIF , DOC , DOCX , HTM , PDF , PPT , PPTX , RAR , XLS , XLSX ,郵政編碼,等容許預覽
– 圖片預覽可以說明找到你的目的檔案,並恢復前檢查質量。
– 預覽的檔案和檔案,讓您提前確認它是否是一個你想收回或不。
– 內檢索資料只有3個簡單的步驟,就易如反掌。按照清晰和簡要說明介面上,並沒有事先復甦所需經驗。
– 友好的精靈模式恢復使初學者恢復丟失的檔案,只回答了兩個問題。



【文章標題】: (資料恢復軟體)Wondershare Data Recovery
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Wondershare Data Recovery
Wondershare Data Recovery, safe and effective Windows data recovery software, retrieves your lost videos, photos, music, documents, emails, etc. from your PC’s hard drive as well as from USB drives, external hard drives, mobile phones, digital cameras, iPods, MP3/MP4 players, and other storage media.

– 550+ File Formats: Photos, videos, music, docs, emails, .zip, etc.
– Any Data Loss Situation: Recover deleted, formatted, or otherwise inaccessible files.
– Not Just for Hard Drives: Recover from USBs, external hard drives, mobile phones, digital cameras, iPod, MP3/MP4 players and more.
– 100% safe. This Windows data recovery program works without any damage on your data.
– Pause and restart the scanning process later when you have time.
– Save and import the previous scanning results to do resume recovery without rescanning.
– Filter your search by file name, size and date to find files quickly and save time.
– Common file formats allow to preview, such as BMP, GIF, PNG, JPEG, JPG, TIF, DOC, DOCX, HTM, PDF, PPT, PPTX, RAR, XLS, XLSX, ZIP, etc.
– Image preview helps to find your target files and check the quality before recovery.
– Preview of documents and archives lets you confirm in advance whether it's the one you want to recover or not.
– Retrieve data within only 3 simple steps, just as easy as 1-2-3. Follow the clear and brief instructions on the interface, and no prior recovery experience required.
– The friendly Wizard Mode recovery enables beginners to recover lost files by answering only two questions.

What's New in Version 4.3.1
• Fixed some minor bugs to improve recovery stability.

(資料恢復軟體)Wondershare Data Recovery  | Home Page: www.wondershare.com

(資料恢復軟體)Wondershare Data Recovery  | Size: 18.07 MB

ОС | OS: Windows 8 (64 bits; 32 bits) / Windows 7 (64 bits & 32 bits) / Vista (64 bits & 32 bits) / XP (32 bit)
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!
























【文章標題】: (系統改善)Advanced System Optimizer 3.5.1000.15646
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Advanced System Optimizer 3.5.1000.15646

Advanced System Optimizer is a system tweaking suite that includes more than 30 tools to improve and tweak your PC`s performance, to keep your system running smoothly, speedily, and error free. It offers an attractive and easy to use interface that organizes all tasks into categories and provides graphical statistics whenever possible. The tools include junk file cleaner, memory optimizer, system information, system files backup, file encryption, safe uninstaller, duplicate file finder, windows transparency manager and much more. Advanced System Optimizer also includes a small SMTP server for direct mail sending, an Internet tracks eraser with cookie manager and secure deletion, and even a desktop sticky notes application. Overall, a great bundle that offers a wide range of system tools, as well as some extras that are not commonly found.

Smart PC Care (New)
One-Click Solution

Game Optimizer (New)
Play games in a disturbance free environment

Driver Updater (New)
update out dated and required drivers

System Protector (New)
Protection against malware, spyware, trojans

Disk Tools (New)
Check disks at startup

Backup Manager (New)
backup your important files and documents

PC Fixer (New)
fix the common problems instantly

Disk Optimizer (New)
Defrag hard disk and for optimized performance

Undelete (New)
Recover accidently deleted data

Secure Encryptor
password protect your personal files

Registry Cleaner
Clean Registry Errors

Registry Optimizer
Defrag registry for better performance

System Cleaner
clean junk data and free up disk space

Disk Explorer
Displays disk usage by files and folder

Uninstall Manager
remove the unneeded programs

Memory Optimizer
Free unused allocated memory for better utilization

Privacy Protector
Clean hidden privacy exposing traces

Secure Delete
permanently delete private data

System & Security Advisor
Fine tune system settings

Duplicate Files Remover
remove duplicate files

Startup Manager
remove unneeded programs from startup

(系統改善)Advanced System Optimizer 3.5.1000.15646 | Home Page www.systweak.com

(系統改善)Advanced System Optimizer 3.5.1000.15646 / Size: 14.9 MB
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!



Terragen不是一個遊戲引擎;它具有先進的膜 – 和廣播級質量的編譯和設計,使您可以建立最逼真的圖像可能不拍照過程建模工具。它也不是一個通用的3D程式的設計來呈現的一切。我們有十餘年的專門經驗,以專業的模擬天空,戶外照明,地形紋理和編譯非常大的,詳細的地形算法。 Terragen2使這些算法在你的控制。當你需要的CG環境中不看的CG,Terragen2將說明你到達那裡。如果你想超越現實,Terragen2是具有無限可能性的工具箱。




【文章標題】:(動畫效果編譯器)Planetside Terragen v3.1.02.0 win32 / win64
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Planetside Terragen v3.1.02.0 win32 / win64

Terragen 2 is a powerful solution for rendering and animating realistic natural environments. Create entire worlds from your imagination, or import real world terrain datasets and use Terragen 2 to create the most realistic visualisations possible. You control the weather, landscape, rivers, lakes and oceans, suns, moons and stars. With Terragen 2 you have complete control over the shader networks used for terrains, textures, micropolyon displacements, clouds and object distributions. You can reorganise the planetary shading pipeline to suit your goals. Place grass and trees wherever you want, as well as other objects in OBJ format that you can model in third party software. It's easy to find great plants and objects modelled by other Terragen users or elsewhere on the web.

Terragen is not a game engine; it has a sophisticated film- and broadcast-quality renderer and procedural modelling tools designed so that you can create the most realistic images possible without taking a photograph. Nor is it a general-purpose 3D program designed to render everything. We have dedicated more than a decade to specialising in algorithms that simulate skies, outdoor lighting, terrain textures, and to render extremely large and detailed terrains. Terragen 2 puts those algorithms in your control. When you need CG environments that don't look CG, Terragen 2 will help you get there. If you want to go beyond reality, Terragen 2 is a toolbox with infinite possibilities.

* Hybrid micropolygon renderer optimised for large displacements and very large landscapes.
* Render entire planets, sweeping vistas, tiny rock gardens, or anything in between.
* Export high resolution objects from displaced surfaces.
* Import 3D objects for rendering.
* Render millions of plants and other objects using instancing. Billions of virtual polygons are handled with ease.
* Add multiple heightfields, textures and displacement maps to your scene.
* Georeferencing options; automatic georeferencing for properly formatted GeoTIFF files.
* Procedural terrains that can span an entire planet.
* Apply almost "infinite" fractal detail to terrain and other objects.
* Overhanging terrain using procedural displacements, image-based displacements, or imported geometry.
* 3D painting of colours and masks that can control almost anything in the scene.
* Photorealistic atmosphere and sunlight.
* Volumetric clouds or fast "2.5D" clouds.
* Global illumination, multiple scattering in volumetrics, full light interaction between volumetrics and surfaces.
* Production quality anti-aliasing and motion blur that renders quickly and efficiently.
* High dynamic range output; generate photorealistic environment maps and IBL sources.
* Node graph editor for ultimate control over shaders and textures.
* Flexible planetary shading pipeline.
* Animation of almost any parameter with the optional Animation module.

(動畫效果編譯器)Planetside Terragen v3.1.02.0 win32 / win64 / Homepage – http://www.planetside.co.uk/content/view/15/27/

(動畫效果編譯器)Planetside Terragen v3.1.02.0 win32 / win64 : 28 MB

ОС: Windows XP/Vista

【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!



– 完美的所有模組都整合到一個緊湊的單元,相互控制個別節目,一個特殊的系統之間的粘附有關檔案的一致性。
– 現用的在人體專案學和使用者介面領功能變數的概念
– 相容性與微軟Oficce的(Word和Excel)
– 匯出為其他格式*。 DOC檔案,*。 PDF格式,*。 HTML,*。 JPG,*。 JPG,*。 XML,XML
– 自己的資料庫,沒有必要收購資料庫引擎
– 大力支援與遠端辦公室的通信網路。

【文章標題】: (系統建立軟體)Premier System X4.2 Build 898 Datecode 10072013
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Premier System X4.2 Build 898 Datecode 10072013

An advanced and complete economic software (original Windows application) whose unique graphic design and ergonomic environment offer a wide number of options to suit the program to individual needs and requirements of the client.

Key features
– Perfect consistency of all the modules that are integrated into one compact unit, mutual control individual programs, a special system of adhesion between the relevant documents.
– Current concepts in the field of ergonomics and user interface
– Compatibility with Microsoft Oficce (Word, Excel)
– Export to other formats *. DOC, *. PDF, *. HTML, *. Jpg, *. JPG, *. Xml, XML
– Own database, there is no need to acquire the Database Engine
– Strong support network for communication with remote offices.

(系統建立軟體)Premier System X4.2 Build 898 Datecode 10072013 | Home Page www.premier.cz

(系統建立軟體)Premier System X4.2 Build 898 Datecode 10072013/ Size: 350.09 MB
【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!



·時鐘托盤外觀 – 進階取代為標準的Windows托盤桌面時鐘。看看時間,星期,日期,在不同的皮膚。

【文章標題】: (原子鬧鐘)KoolMoves 8.5 Retail
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Atomic Alarm Clock 6.0

Alert yourself about important events with different alarms and replace your computer tray clock using different skins. Computer Alarm Clock that will play any MP3 file. It can also run a program, log off, reboot, shut down, or turn off. Atomic Alarm Clock is also an atomic-time synchronizer and advanced replacement for Windows tray clock. This computer alarm clock is built into your personal PC and completely customizable.

· Fully automated PC usage/Project tracking software that surveys the time spent on the PC. WorkTime gathers statistics about projects you work on.
· Time tracking is the process of recording the time that you or employees work on various projects or tasks for your customers, your company, or yourself.
· Employee Project Clock is a employee time recording system. If your company must keep track of several employees' time entry on one or more workstations, this time clock software is just for you.
· Clock Tray Skins – Advanced replacement for standard Windows tray desktop clock. See the time, day, and date in different skins.
· Shows current time and date in another time zone, next to your computer desktop clock.
· Speaks the time, enhances taskbar desktop clock

(原子鬧鐘)KoolMoves 8.5 Retail: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

(原子鬧鐘)KoolMoves 8.5 Retail- http://www.drive-software.com/atomicalarmclock.html

(原子鬧鐘)KoolMoves 8.5 Retail: 5.36 MB

【Flash 動畫製作】你在摸索如何製作 Flash 動畫及發佈到網站嗎?有【技術顧問服務】可諮詢嗎?
當問題無法解決你要發很多時間處理(或許永遠找出答案)那就是自己摸索 Flash 動畫製作痛苦的開始!
購買【Flash動畫製作教學】DVD課程,就可獲得【Flash 動畫製作】技術【顧問諮詢服務】!