【正印家族】授權營運專案 秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成營運賺大錢! 站在成功者的肩膀上,你會看得更遠! 最快速的成功方法就是:【合法授權 100% 複製成功者經營模式】直接複製經營賺錢術 網路創業 【正印家族】 自動印鈔機賺錢術(借別人的智慧成功 - 提升您的網路競爭力!) 因為:你所需要的『網站資源』與『配套教學』【總教頭】都已經幫你準備好了! 【秘笈硬碟】:用一顆1000GB的硬碟,裝載【網站架站程式】 【超過500個軟體中文化檔案】與【教學影片課程】讓你馬上用! 密訓基地503萬訪客最期待的授權:【正印家族】授權營運方案 ! 總教頭親自示範公開網路經營的捷徑! 此原理類似武俠小說的【一甲子的功力】直接導入→ 任都二脈馬上通暢,你當然馬上成為武林高手! 傳授『授權檔案』再次加工賺錢技巧: 授權後大家都可以不一樣!總教頭會教你如何再次加工?讓它轉換成:具有你獨有特色的『自己獨家資源』! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會與無法使用的擔憂....)





– 確保在加密存儲的密碼和個人數據
– 生成隨機的,幾乎是不可能破解強密碼
– 虛擬鍵盤使用鼠標點擊,而不是可追溯擊鍵
– 非常方便,你要記住只有一個主密碼
– 自動完成登錄和長長的網頁形式
– 便攜式版本,可以保存到閃存驅動器和安全使用多台電腦上


卡巴斯基密碼管理器會自動填充登錄名和密碼。它支持主流瀏覽器包括Internet Explorer,Firefox和Windows應用程序。
所以你再也不用記住您的用戶名和相關密碼 – 只有一個主密碼。







【文章標題】: (密碼管理器)Kaspersky Password Manager
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Kaspersky Password Manager

Kaspersky Password Manager is an indispensable tool for the active Internet user. It fully automates the process of entering passwords and other data into websites and saves the user going to the trouble of creating and remembering multiple passwords.

When you use Kaspersky Password Manager to log in, you can rest assured that your data is safe. The software creates exceptionally strong passwords and prevents your login information from being stolen. All confidential data is encrypted and kept in a dedicated database on your computer.

Kaspersky Password Manager makes your web experience safer, quicker and more convenient.  
 Phrase Expert

Key Features
– Secures passwords and personal data in an encrypted vault
– Generates random, strong passwords that are nearly impossible to crack
– Virtual Keyboard uses mouse-clicks instead of traceable key strokes
– Extremely convenient with only one master password for you to remember
– Automatically completes log-ins and long web forms
– Portable version can be saved to a flash drive and safely used on multiple PCs

Secure storage of passwords and personal data
Kaspersky Password Manager securely stores your passwords and personal data in an encrypted vault on your computer. The vault can only be accessed by a master password or other authentication method that you define, ensuring that your passwords are always safe.

Easy website log-in
Kaspersky Password Manager fills logins and passwords automatically. It supports major browsers, including Internet Explorer and Firefox, and Windows applications. So you no longer have to remember all of your usernames and their associated passwords – just one master password.

A choice of authentication methods
Kaspersky Password Manager helps you control access to your password vault with a master password, or by using a flash drive or Bluetooth device, such as your mobile phone. Simply configure your password vault so that it is only available when your mobile phone is connected to your computer via Bluetooth. If you leave your computer and take your phone with you, the vault will lock automatically.

Generation of random, strong passwords
The security of your data depends directly on the strength of your passwords. And many people use similar, if not identical, passwords for multiple accounts, leaving you vulnerable if a single password is cracked. Kaspersky Password Manager can generate random, strong passwords for you that are extremely difficult to crack.

Automatic completion of lengthy forms
Websites often ask you to enter your personal information, such as your full name, date of birth, gender, email address, mailing address and phone number. Kaspersky Password Manager helps you save time by automatically entering this information for you.

Effective protection against keyloggers
A keylogger is a malicious program that can track keystrokes on your computer to illegally capture personal data, such as passwords. Since Kaspersky Password Manager enters passwords without actually using the keyboard, your passwords are protected. And with the Virtual Keyboard feature, you don't even need to use keystrokes to enter your master password.

Protection from phishing attacks
Phishing is a type of hostile activity whereby you're invited to visit a phony, but authentic-looking website in the hopes that you'll divulge account information. Kaspersky Password Manager effectively counters phishing attacks by ensuring that a URL is authentic before logging you on to the website.

New features and improvements:
* Support for Google Chrome
* Secure memos that alllow you to store your personal records securely
* Synchronization with the Portable Version database
* Secure exchange of account details, which allows sharing the login and password with family and friends
* Multilevel authentication, including PIN code authorization for connected USB and Bluetooth devices
* Option to use one account for several websites or applications
* Option to store several banking cards and accounts in one Identity

(密碼管理器)Kaspersky Password Manager | Home Page: www.kaspersky.com

(密碼管理器)Kaspersky Password Manager / Size: 12.30 MB