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Audio Record Edit Toolbox音訊錄製編輯工具箱可以讓你轉移磁帶,LPS,現場表演,網際網路廣播,電視,DVD,或任何其它聲源到您的硬碟機。該軟體可說明保護您的寶貴錄音 – 剛剛成立的聲源,錄音質量和音量,然後開始錄製。該編輯器容許您執行與音訊資料,如顯示音訊檔案的波形圖像,過濾,應用各種音訊效果和更多的各種操作。它內含一個點擊和裂紋過濾器清洗黑膠唱片,盒式磁帶錄音噪聲濾波器和均衡器,以提高所有錄音的音質。





1. 功能強大
2. 最佳品質
3. 大反饋
4. 100%乾淨
5. 即時交貨




Audio Record Edit Toolbox 支援多種音訊格式,如MPEG(MP3,MP2),WAV,Windows媒體音訊,Ogg Vorbis格式,音軌和Dialogic VOX。這是很容易轉換成音訊檔案從一種格式到另一種

Audio Record Edit Toolbox 提供了一個可定制的介面,容許你建立的項目,你想要的模式。它也支援標準的Windows鍵盤指令和滑鼠快捷鍵


選取恰恰是與Audio Record Edit Toolbox 的選取工具音訊檔案的一部分


【文章標題】: (媒體音訊錄製編輯工具)AudioTool Media Audio Record Edit Toolbox Pro 13.2.1
【文章作者】: 【訂單王】超級網路秒殺成交法教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/page/
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/page/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【訂單王】超級網路秒殺成交法教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
AudioTool Media Audio Record Edit Toolbox Pro 13.2.1

Audio Record Edit Toolbox helps you transfer tapes, LPs, live performances, Internet radio, TV, DVD, or any other sound source to your hard drive. The software helps protect your valuable recordings–just set the sound source, the recording quality, and volume, then start recording. The Editor allows you to perform various operations with audio data such as displaying a waveform image of an audio file, filtering, applying various audio effects and more. It includes a click and crackle filter for cleaning vinyl records, a noise filter for cassette-tape recordings, and an equalizer to enhance the sound quality of all recordings.

Key FeaturesRecording
Record new audio file from a microphone or another sound source.

Open, create and save audio files. Play an audio file or any part of it. Visually edit an audio file (Cut, Copy, Delete, Paste, PasteFrom File, Mix, Mix From File and Insert or Delete noise or silence in an audio file).

Top 5 Reasons to choose Audio Record Edit Toolbox
1, Powerful Functions
2, Best Quality
3, Great Feedback
4, 100% Clean
5, Instant Delivery

Display a waveform window of an audio file and apply zooming.

Digital effects
Apply different effects (Amplify, Delay, Equalizer, Fade, Flanger, Invert, Normalize, Reverse, Multi Tap Delay, Silence, Stretch, Vibrato, Echo, Chorus)

Audio filters
Apply different filters to the selected part of an audio file (Ban Pass Filter, High Pass Filter, High Shelf Filter, Low Pass Filter, Low Shelf Filter, Notch Filter)

Support all major audio formats
Audio Record Edit Toolbox supports a wide range of audio formats, such as MPEG (MP3, MP2), WAV, Windows Media Audio, Ogg Vorbis, Audio Tracks and Dialogic VOX. It is easy to convert an audio file from one format to another

Ease of use
Audio Record Edit Toolbox provides a customizable interface, allowing you to build projects the way you want. It also supports standard Windows keyboard commands and mouse shortcuts

Use markers in your audio file to quickly select between different selections!

Selection tool
Select a part of your audio file precisely with the selection tools of Audio Record Edit Toolbox

(媒體音訊錄製編輯工具)AudioTool Media Audio Record Edit Toolbox Pro 13.2.1 | Size:15.5 MB

(媒體音訊錄製編輯工具)AudioTool Media Audio Record Edit Toolbox Pro 13.2.1 | Homepage: www.audio-tool.net