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DVD-Range是DVD複製和轉換的完整解決專案。該專案內含所有標準的複製和轉換工具,以及各種aditional的功能和模組,可以用來增強您的副本體驗。 DVD-Range容易克服了競爭對手的經典燒錄應用程式的漏洞,並表示由我們自己設計的創新支援一個革命性的解決專案:修補程式管理器實用程式和Physxtech增強,兩者都基於我們的超高速,高效能的複製算法。




調動你的DVD到iPod ,PSP等等
做你喜歡的視訊DVD搬移副本。 它支援廣泛的搬移播放器如iPod,PSP和Zune 。 Zen, Nexus,任天堂DS,隨身聽, iPad和許多更多。

備份您的常用視訊DVD到藍光(最多10個視訊的DVD放進一張藍光) 。高級您的480i或480p的DVD到720p或1080p的高清晰度視訊。將其燒錄到藍光。隨著Physxtech ,我們獨特的運動檢驗算法,您將獲得最優質的備份。

– 結合多種視訊解析度,最常見的音訊採樣率
– 由您選取的搬移裝置容許的編解碼器之間進行選取
– 適用於變焦設定來去除黑信箱等
– 提高太安靜了音軌的音量




建立ISO ,燒錄ISO和備份從ISO
對於DVD-Range可以燒錄已建立和複製的光碟映像。 它支援所有的雙層/單層/藍光光碟和燒錄機。此外,它支援所有的SCSI , IDE,USB DVD燒錄機/錄像機。


【文章標題】:(DVD複製和轉換工具)DVD-Ranger CinEx HD
【文章作者】: 【訂單王】超級網路秒殺成交法教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/page/
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/page/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【訂單王】超級網路秒殺成交法教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
DVD-Ranger CinEx HD

DVD-Ranger is the complete solution for DVD copying and converting. The program includes all standard copying and converting tools, as well as a variety of aditional functions and modules that can be used to enhance your copy experience. DVD-Ranger easily overcomes the flaws of our competitor's classic burning applications, and represents a revolutionary solution supported by our own design innovations: The HotFix Manager utility and the Physxtech Enhancement, both based on our super-speed, high performance copying algorithm.

DVD-Ranger has the best quality & speed
DVD-Ranger comes with "Sonic Speed" and a unique recompression algorithm which is based on physically-correct motion detection. This results in a dramatical increase in quality and a tremendous improvement in rendering for a true-to-life movie experience.

GPU Acceleration
Video encodings are now faster than ever on CUDA capable graphics cards. Now HD encodings have become feasible as they now usually take 50 minutes instead of 6 hours to finish. Offloading the transcoding work to the GPU means a more responsive system and less CPU stress at higher conversion speeds.

Mobilize your DVD to iPod, PSP and many more
Make mobile copies of your favorite Video DVD. DVD-Ranger supports a wide range of mobile players like iPod, PSP and Zune., Zen, Nexus, Nintendo DS, Walkman, iPad and many more.

Convert your DVD to real HD
Backup your common Video-DVD to Blu-Ray (up to 10 Video DVDs fit on a single Blu-Ray). Upscale your 480i or 480p DVD to 720p or 1080p High Definition Video. Burn it to Blu-Ray. With Physxtech, our unique motion detection algorithm, you will obtain the best quality backups.

Detailed settings:
Every mobile compression profile in DVD-Ranger is customizable giving you more flexibility to achieve your desired results. The etailed settings include the possibility to change the otherwise fixed audio and video bitrate of mobile profiles
– combine a variety of video resolutions with the most common audio sample rates
– choose between codecs allowed by your selected mobile device
– apply zoom settings to remove the black letterboxes
– boost the volume of too quiet audio tracks

You can do nothing wrong by changing this settings as we ensure that the resulting video stream is playable by your selected mobile device.

HotFix Manager/Editor
DVD copying applications will never look the same after you try the new DVD-Ranger. Packed up with two powerful features, the DVD-Ranger outshines any competition. The HotFix Manager is a unique utility that allows you to create HotFix databases that are used by the DVD-Ranger for copying even the newest DVD releases, without requiring any updates.

Create ISO, burn ISO and backup from ISO
With DVD-Ranger you can burn already created and copied disc images. DVD-Ranger supports all Dual Layer/Single Layer/Blu-Ray discs and burners. Additionally, it supports all SCSI, IDE, USB DVD burners/recorders.

Default MovieOnly Menu
DVD-Ranger allows you to add a menu to Movie Only copies. This prevents the DVD to start automaticly after being inserted into the player.

(DVD複製和轉換工具)DVD-Ranger CinEx HD | Home Page www.dvd-ranger.com

(DVD複製和轉換工具)DVD-Ranger CinEx HD | Size: 40.37 MB