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【影片字幕製作大師】NewBlue Titler Live 4 是專業廣播公司最強大的圖形解決方案。


NewBlue Titler Live Broadcast 4的功能

從Daktronics(通過NewTek DataLink),Stat Crew或Sportzcast引入記分牌數據。
利用Stat Crew的統計數據來獲取實時的球員,球隊和比賽統計數據。
Stat Crew的統計數據輸入目前可用於足球,足球和排球。

【影片字幕製作大師】NewBlue Titler Live 4 官網下載:

This program is the most powerful graphics solution for professional broadcasters. Deliver unlimited layers of dynamic on-air graphics, per channel, on up to 16 channels.

It has unlimited layers of dynamic 3D animated graphics. Streamline your workflows and instantly elevate your production value with a more powerful, intuitive and affordable on-air graphics solution.

Moreover, you can experience real-time playout and gain more control over your graphics with TriCaster macro controls, automated graphic sequencing, data search tools, hotkey functions and more.

Features of NewBlue Titler Live Broadcast 4

Connect to Excel spreadsheets and tables, XML files, RSS feeds, clocks and more.
Use the data search & select tool to quickly bring spreadsheet data into a design.
Leverage spreadsheet autoplay mode to run-through your lower thirds, tables and crawls.
Engage your audience with comments, tweets and Facebook comment and reaction polling.
Combine your Facebook, Twitter and YouTube feeds into one to easily manage your show.
Quickly queue your most relevant comments and posts into a custom social playlist.
Bring in scoreboard data from Daktronics (via NewTek DataLink), Stat Crew or Sportzcast.
Leverage Stat Crew statistics to bring in real-time player, team and game stats.
Stat Crew statistics inputs are currently available for football, soccer and volleyball.