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Avid Media Composer是業界最成熟的視訊編輯軟體,在電影製作,電視,廣播和流媒體的每個細分領功能變數均受到專業編輯人員的信任。

Media Composer設計用於處理大量不同的基於檔案的媒體,可提供加速的高清和高清工作流程,實時合作和強大的媒體管理,消除了耗時的任務,因此您可以專注於講述一個精彩的故事。

通過支援四個實時XAVC-I媒體流,Avid Media Composer可以在高解析度媒體上提供更高的效能,因此您可以花費更少的時間來編譯或轉碼為較低的解析度的媒體。

【視訊編輯軟體】Avid Media Composer 2021.3 功能概述:

使用Pro Tools中的AAX出廠預設
將DNxHR匯出為Quicktime-wrapped或MXF OP1a

使用Avid Image Sequencer外掛程式無需轉碼即可讀取DPX檔案

【視訊編輯軟體】Avid Media Composer 2021.3 官網下載:




Avid Media Composer is the most proven video editing software in the industry, trusted by professional editors in every segment of movie making, television, broadcast, and streaming media.

Designed to handle high volumes of disparate file-based media, Media Composer delivers accelerated high-res and HD workflows, real-time collaboration, and powerful media management, eliminating time-consuming tasks so you can focus on telling a great story.

With support for four real-time streams of XAVC-I media, Avid Media Composer delivers greater performance with high-res media, so you can spend less time rendering or transcoding media to lower resolutions.
Overview of Avid Media Composer Features

Work with AAX factory presets from Pro Tools
View closed captions on an external monitor, as well as on the interface
Get alpha channel support for QuickTime-wrapped DNxHR media
Export DNxHR as Quicktime-wrapped or MXF OP1a
Create XAVC-I masters at UHD and 4K resolution
Get GPU effects acceleration on Mac and Windows with AMD and NVIDIA cards
Export high-res files in DPX format
Easily switch project resolutions and have all precompute clips (renders) automatically relink
Search for bins within the Project window using the Quick Filter tool
Toggle clips and tracks on and off in the timeline to explore and compare sequence variations
Speed up editing with new timeline enhancements
Read DPX files without transcoding using the Avid Image Sequencer plug-in
Create groups from stereoscopic clips for easy multicam editing
Keep your Avid software, plug-ins, and related third-party software up to date with the application manager
Assign bins as “favorites” so you always have access to frequently used material in any project
Experience better performance with image thumbnail caching, GPU processing support for AVX2 plug-ins, and more
Create comprehensive reference files easily with the new Simplified AAF format