網路創業賺錢密技『如何網路創業賺錢賺到第一個100萬!』秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成! 網路創業賺錢技術是網路創業必修的課程 (就算沒錢也要想辦法借錢來學的秘技課程) 因為:你不能不拼命去實現『事少、錢多、離家近!』的夢想與自由生活 密訓基地501萬訪客最期待的課程:網路創業賺錢秘技教學 ! 由密訓基地總教頭親自經驗推,公開創業成功的方法! 參加了本秘技課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 讓您網站能擁有流量與訂單! 想要成功就是要跟成功者學習: 學校老師無法教你如何賺大錢的真本事! 因為老師不是經營者,老師是:領薪水的勞方,不是資方。 要買五.六百頁的『天書』學網路創業賺錢: 書局是『公開場所』裡面的書大家都可以看,一旦被公開的方法,就會競相仿效,行不通啦! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)



你有沒有存儲在不同的系統培訓記錄,檔案櫃,或各種團體?與Kaizen Software Training Manager,你可以整合這些不同的系統為一體,總是知道在哪裡可以找到你所有的培訓記錄。

Kaizen Software Training Manager的好處:




如果你一直在使用紙質或Excel追蹤系統,你知道多少工作才能確定一個人是否是符合要求的培訓。總結合規指標組或整個公司可是一個艱鉅的任務,沒有培訓記錄的資料庫。與Kaizen Software Training Manager,你可以無需人工整理和準備資料的麻煩隨時列印這些報告。




【文章標題】:(人力資源培訓系統)Kaizen Software Training Manager 2012 Enterprise Edition 1.0.1196
【文章作者】: 網路賺百萬教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/soho/
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/soho/
【版權聲明】: (原創)網路賺百萬教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Kaizen Software Training Manager 2012 Enterprise Edition 1.0.1196

Know who needs to be trained on what and when.
Now you can plan and prepare for training without the last minute scrambling that occurs when recurring training becomes due. Run a report to show overdue and upcoming training for the next period of time that you define, and see what's coming up while you still have time to prepare and schedule.

Easily track Employee Safety Training, HR Training, Internal/External Training, and more.
Do you have training records stored in different systems, file cabinets, or within various groups? With Training Manager, you can consolidate these disparate systems into one and always know where to find all your training records.

Training Manager Benefits

Manage and share your training data across your company in a central repository.

Whether you want to provide more transparency to training records for everyone or just standardize a back-office system for training records administrators and managers, Training Manager allows you to create login accounts to define who can login, view, or edit the training records database.

Eliminate the tedious, time-consuming work spent preparing training compliance reports.

If you have been working with a paper or Excel based tracking system, you know how much work it takes to determine whether an individual is compliant with required training. Summarizing compliance metrics for a Group or the entire Company can be a daunting task without a training records database. With Training Manager, you can print these reports at any time without the trouble of manually collating and preparing the data.

Training Manager Features
Track training records and status company-wide, or drill into individual training status.
Assign required training by individual, job function, or group.
Require retraining based on calendar time, course version, or one time only.
Schedule and manage class sessions and student enrollments.
Record attendance, training completion, and cancellations.
Record training credits, training hours, and assessment scores.
Print status reports to demonstrate training compliance.
Print employee transcripts.
Print employee training plans.
Save file attachments associated with the records.
Import master course and personnel data.
Export data and reports to various formats.
Send class session reminders by email using your default email client such as MS Outlook.

(人力資源培訓系統)Kaizen Software Training Manager 2012 Enterprise Edition 1.0.1196 | Homepage: www.kzsoftware.com/products/training-manager/

(人力資源培訓系統)Kaizen Software Training Manager 2012 Enterprise Edition 1.0.1196 | Size: 13.9 MB