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Nuke 5內含了用於立體和多檢視項目工作的支援。


Nuke的專有的影像基礎摳像(IBK)為藝術家提供了強大的工具來處理不均背。 Primatte為內建式和按鍵光可作為選裝件。





所有的Foundry的OpenFX(OFX)外掛程式是完全相容Nuke的。目前,該按鍵光鍵控器,在特效攫取(內含鏡頭眩光,整經機和鏡頭模糊),攫取(其中內含運動向量重新定時,電線去除,乾淨的盤子創作,紋理和質感工具)可用於OFX ,更集合加入了所有的時間。



(多通道掃瞄線編譯引擎)The Foundry Nuke Studio 9.0v1

【文章標題】:(多通道掃瞄線編譯引擎)The Foundry Nuke Studio 9.0v1
【文章作者】: 網路賺百萬教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/soho/
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/soho/
【版權聲明】: (原創)網路賺百萬教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
The Foundry Nuke Studio 9.0v1

Nuke is a powerful compositing application that delivers unparalleled speed, an efficient multi-channel scanline rendering engine, and a first-class feature set that is unrivalled in the desktop market. If you are in the business of creating high-quality digital images Nuke is a production proven visual effects tool that brings speed, functionality and flexibility to your VFX pipeline. Nuke began as the in-house compositing and effects application at Digital Domain, where its development team were awarded a Technical Achievement Award® from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science®. It is an application focused on solving real issues faced by post production facilities all over the world and has been tried and tested on over 55 feature films and hundreds of commercials and music videos, including Speed Racer, The Golden Compass and King Kong.

3D Compositing
Nuke's powerful 3D workspace supports OBJ import, projection mapping, geometry modifiers, and more. This true 3D environment creates powerful workflows and exciting new ways to approach compositing.

Stereoscopic Support
Nuke 5 has included support for working with stereoscopic and multi-view projects.

Multi-channel, high dynamic range compositing
Nuke delivers the industry's broadest support for EXR images. Read, process and write over a thousand channels per stream, improving data management and workflow.

Nuke’s exclusive Image Based Keyer (IBK) gives artists powerful tools for dealing with uneven backings. Primatte is built-in and Keylight is available as an optional extra.

Flexible User Interface
Savable layouts, dockable panels, GUI customization capabilities and features like the 'bullseye' and 'input' buttons make managing large, complex composites easier than ever.

Fast Rendering
Even when processing high resolution footage at 32-bit floating point precision on modest hardware, Nuke's multi-threaded, scanline-based rendering engine gives rapid feedback.

Nuke offers an extremely open architecture. Both its node graph and user interface are accessible through the Python and TCL scripting languages, making it possible to customize Nuke in innumerable ways. If you really want to drill down, Nuke supports the industry standard OFX plug-in API as well as a native developers’ kit (NDK) for creating your own tightly integrated plug-ins.

All of The Foundry's OpenFX™ (OFX) plug-ins are fully compatible with Nuke. Currently, the Keylight keyer, the Tinder collection (which includes lens flares, warpers, and lens blurs), and the Furnace collection (which includes motion vector retiming, wire removal, clean plate creation, grain, and texture tools) are available for OFX, with more collections added all the time.

(多通道掃瞄線編譯引擎)The Foundry Nuke Studio 9.0v1| Homepage: thefoundry.co.uk

(多通道掃瞄線編譯引擎)The Foundry Nuke Studio 9.0v1 | Size: 481.88 MB