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 Symantec的Norton Utilities提供你需要改善你的電腦效能的重要工具。它是一個應用程式套件,它會為你提供你需要改善你的個人電腦的效能的重要工具。諾頓工具尋找並修復破碎的註冊表連結和損壞的檔案,釋放磁碟空間,回收系統記憶體,加速啟動時間,並提高應用和系統效能。它開啟應用程式更快,並讓您同時更多運行。Norton Utilities可以讓您的PC將運行像新的一樣了。不像其他的PC調整軟體, Norton Utilities的側重於效能100%,並提供易於使用的工具,真正發揮作用。讓你的電腦開機速度與啟動管理器啟動程式的優先次序。與其讓微軟的Windows載入程式中你不需要,啟動管理器加載只有您選取的程式。

通過與磁碟碎片整理和清潔最改善硬碟提高你電腦的整體效能。它會刪除硬碟機的雜波,暫存檔和上網的cookies 。它可以讓你永久刪除從您的電腦不需要的敏感資料,因此黑客無法訪問它。

‧新的Speed ​​Disk


*尋找並解決電腦問題,只需點擊自動檢驗和修復的MicrosoftRWindows R問題,這樣你就可以花更多的時間使用你的PC和更短的時間排除故障。

*尋找並解決電腦問題,只需點擊自動檢驗和修復的MicrosoftRWindows R問題,這樣你就可以花更多的時間使用你的PC和在更短的時間排除故障。

*效能測試…你的電腦的效能 – 確定由基準它反對相似的系統你的電腦是否正在執行處於最佳狀態。


*自動檢驗和修復的MicrosoftRWindows R的問題,讓您的PC上運行快速,無差錯。
*容許您訪問您的Microsoft Windows設定進入現用的的收費。

*自動檢驗和修復的MicrosoftRWindows R的問題,讓您的PC上運行快速,無差錯。
*容許您訪問您的Microsoft Windows設定進入現用的的收費。

*啟動管理器和服務管理器通過優先啟動程式和MicrosoftRWindows R服務,加快電腦開機時間。
*效能測試顯示你有多好你的電腦是通過其基準對類似的系統上執行。 *


為什麼選取Norton Utilities工具
*自動解決常見的電腦問題 – 一鍵式是所有需要。
* Recoups系統資源的快速運行電腦。


【文章標題】:(改善電腦效能工具)Norton Utilities
【文章作者】: 網路賺百萬教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/soho/
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/soho/
【版權聲明】: (原創)網路賺百萬教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Norton Utilities

Symantec's Norton Utilities provides the essential tools you need to optimize the performance of your PC. It is an application suite that will provide you with the essential tools you need to optimize the performance of your Personal Computer. Norton Utilities finds and fixes broken registry links and damaged files, frees up disk space, reclaims system memory, accelerates startup time, and boosts application and system performance. It opens applications faster, and lets you run more of them simultaneously. Norton Utilities can help make your PC will run like new again. Unlike other PC tune-up software, Norton Utilities focuses 100 percent on performance and provides easy-to-use tools that make a real difference. Make your computer boot faster by prioritizing the startup programs with Startup Manager. Instead of letting Microsoft Windows load programs you don’t need, Startup Manager loads only the programs you choose.

The Service Manager works in a similar way to accelerate the PC’s startup time. Need more PC memory? The registry defragmenter and cleaner free up and reclaim memory by fixing registry errors, organizing registry files, and repairing broken links. The result? Programs open faster and you can work on multiple open programs simultaneously.
Boost the overall performance of your PC by optimizing the hard disk with the disk defragmenter and cleaner. It removes hard drive clutter, temporary files, and Internet cookies. It allows you to permanently and delete unwanted sensitive data from your PC so hackers cannot access it.
Management tools let you view and manage the memory usage of running applications so you can make adjustments that improve PC performance. You can also evaluate the performance of your PC by benchmarking it against other PCs.

Key Technologies
• NEW Speed Disk™
• NEW Disk Doctor
• NEW Norton UnErase™
• Disk Cleaner
• Registry Cleaner
• Registry Defragmenter
• Registry Monitor
• Registry Restore
• Startup Manager
• Service Manager
• Smart Updates

Key Benefits

* Finds and fixes PC problems with one click—Automatically detects and fixes Microsoft® Windows® issues so you can spend more time using your PC and less time troubleshooting.
* Speeds up PC boot time —Accelerates PC boot time and reduces unnecessary waiting by prioritizing startup applications.
* Reclaims PC memory—Optimizes the registry for quicker application launch and a faster running PC.

* Finds and fixes PC problems with one click—Automatically detects and fixes Microsoft® Windows® issues so you can spend more time using your PC and less time troubleshooting.
* Speeds up PC boot time —Accelerates PC boot time and reduces unnecessary waiting by prioritizing startup applications.
* Reclaims PC memory—Optimizes the registry for quicker application launch and a faster running PC.

* Frees up hard disk space—Boosts overall PC performance by defragging your hard drive, freeing up storage space, and recouping system resources.
* Protects your personal information—Permanently deletes unwanted sensitive files from your PC so hackers can’t access your data.
* Helps prevent system errors—Undoes erroneous registry tasks and commands to help keep your PC running error-free.
* Benchmarks your PC’s performance—Determines whether your PC is performing at its best by benchmarking it against similar systems.


Solves PC Problems
* Automatically detects and fixes Microsoft® Windows® issues to keep your PC running fast and error-free.
* Registry Undo eliminates erroneous registry tasks and commands to avoid system errors.
* Puts you in charge by allowing you access to your Microsoft Windows settings.

Solves PC Problems
* Automatically detects and fixes Microsoft® Windows® issues to keep your PC running fast and error-free.
* Registry Undo eliminates erroneous registry tasks and commands to avoid system errors.
* Puts you in charge by allowing you access to your Microsoft Windows settings.

Boosts PC Performance
* Startup Manager and Service Manager speed up PC boot time by prioritizing startup programs and Microsoft® Windows® services.
* Registry Defragmenter defragments and repairs the registry to help applications launch faster and improve overall PC performance.
* Registry Cleaner reclaims PC memory so you can run more applications simultaneously.
* Disk Cleaner optimizes the hard disk to free up disk space and recoup system resources.
* Performance Test shows you how well your PC is performing by benchmarking it against similar systems.*

Increases Privacy and Security
* Disk Bleacher permanently deletes unwanted sensitive files so hackers can’t get at them.

Why Choose Norton Utilities
* Speeds up PC boot time by prioritizing startup applications.
* Fixes common PC problems automatically — one-click is all it takes.
* Maximizes overall system performance to help make your old PC run like new again.
* Optimizes the registry so programs open faster.
* Defragments and cleans your hard drive to free up disk space.
* Recoups system resources for a fast running PC.
* Optimizes PC memory so you can run more applications simultaneously.
* Purges unwanted sensitive data to increase privacy and security.
* Undoes erroneous registry commands to avoid system errors.

(改善電腦效能工具)Norton Utilities  / Homepage: http://www.symantec.com/ru/ru/norton/norton-utilities

(改善電腦效能工具)Norton Utilities  / Size: 20 Mb