(系統保護工具)SparkTrust PC Cleaner Plus
改善你的電腦,正確的系統錯誤和消除惡意軟體,糾正系統錯誤和改善您的電腦。SparkTrust PC Cleaner Plus是用一種創新的模式來保護您的PC和保持它運行的最佳效能。
基於Windows的電腦,由於不穩定的註冊表可以變得千瘡百孔的系統錯誤。 Windows註冊表會不穩定,並且出現了錯誤。這會導致系統崩潰,凍結和整體效能下降。 它將清理你的註冊表,以使您的電腦運行就像一個運轉順暢的機器。
SparkTrust PC Cleaner Plus發現並且解決了惡意軟體,間諜軟體,以及更多的問題。它也將刪除個人訊息保護您的隱私,您的電腦商店 – 密碼,信用卡訊息等,用來竊取您的識別,使假信用卡收費並執行其他惡意活動。
【文章標題】:(系統保護工具)SparkTrust PC Cleaner Plus
【文章作者】: 網路賺百萬教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/soho/
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/soho/
【版權聲明】: (原創)網路賺百萬教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
SparkTrust PC Cleaner Plus
Optimize your computer, correct system errors and eliminate malware, correct system errors and optimize your computer. SparkTrust PC Cleaner Plus is an innovative new way to protect your PC and keep it running for optimal performance.
Computer Optimization
Over time, you may notice the time it takes your PC longer and longer to startup or perform a task. Often, this is the result of too many programs competing for system resources. SparkTrust PC Cleaner Plus will make your computer perform like new, by managing and even disabling unnecessary programs that hog your systems resources when your computer starts up.
Fix System Errors
Windows based computers can become riddled with system errors, due to an unstable Registry. The Windows Registry can get large, unstable, and full of errors. This results in system crashes, freezes and overall slow performance. SparkTrust PC Cleaner Plus will clean out your registry so that your computer runs like a well oiled machine.
PC Security
SparkTrust PC Cleaner Plus will uncover and solve issues with malware, spyware, and more. It will also shield your privacy by deleting personal information that your computer stores – passwords, credit card information and more -that is used to steal your identify, make false credit card charges and perform other malicious activity.
(系統保護工具)SparkTrust PC Cleaner Plus www.sparktrust.com
(系統保護工具)SparkTrust PC Cleaner Plus 7.71 MB