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MediaShow 6 photo視訊編輯軟體,可以讓你輕鬆整理,展示並共享您的照片和視訊。建立令人印象深刻的幻燈片顯示的朋友。快速臉部標示您的照片,高效地再上傳到Facebook!它的檔案轉換速度快10倍為流行的媒體格式的裝置。





【文章標題】:(視訊編輯軟體)CyberLink MediaShow Deluxe 6.0.6731
【文章作者】: 網路賺百萬教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/soho/
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/soho/
【版權聲明】: (原創)網路賺百萬教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
CyberLink MediaShow Deluxe 6.0.6731

MediaShow 6 photo and video editing software helps you easily organize, show and share all your photos and videos. Make quick fixes to common photo and video problems with a click. Create impressive slideshows to show friends. Face-tag your photos quickly and efficiently then upload to Facebook! To top it off, MediaShow 6 converts files 10x faster to popular media device formats.

Key Features:
· Fun Video and Photo Management
· Easy Import of Video and PhotoFiles
· Transfer your media content quickly fromdigital cameras, phones, and camcorders.
· Quick Searching of Your Media Library
· Manage photos and videos with automatic sorting, built-in search, easy-to-add tags, and detailed thumbnails.
· Fluid Interaction
· Enjoy the beauty of working in style with MediaShow's 3D liquid interface. Manage your albums and folders with an easy drag, or simple click.
· Quick Fixes, Fast Enhancing of Videos and Photos
· One-click Fixes
· Enhance pictures and videos with just one click thanks to quick-fix editing tools.
· Split-Screen Editing
· Picture editing is faster and easier on the eyes when you can see the "before" and "after" next to each other.
· Personalized Content
· Enhance your pictures, show them off on slideshows and on Flickr. Personalize your videos and publish them on video sharing sites.
· Stylish DVDs and Instant Blog Content
· Go Global, Fast
· Get blogging and sharing quickly, with direct upload to video sharing sites and Flickr.
· 3-Click Disc Creation
· Create quality DVDs with stylish menus, preview in seconds, then burn with ease.
· Stunning Slideshows
· Sync your pics to the beat of your background music, and achieve video-like results, with the"cell-style" slideshow.
· One-Click Sharing
· Share your content fast, thanks to MediaShow's direct email links. Print pictures at home or order them online with one click.

(視訊編輯軟體)CyberLink MediaShow Deluxe 6.0.6731 | Home Page: www.cyberlink.com

(視訊編輯軟體)CyberLink MediaShow Deluxe 6.0.6731 | Size: 1004.85 MB

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8