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WordPerfect Office系列產品有每個人想要的東西。無論您是在辦公室,在學校,或是你運行自己的業務, WordPerfect提供了功能強大的工具,你需要快速,高效,在滿足您的預算價格實現自己的目的的合作功能。看看哪個版本更適合你。體驗與Corel公司的Corel WordPerfect Office X7的區別 – 標準版。這種全功能於一身的辦公套件提供了動力,生產力和相容性今天的家庭和商業使用者所需要的。建立極具影響力的文件,電子錶格,演示文稿等。享受超過60的檔案類型,內含最新的Microsoft Office格式的支援無與倫比的相容性。與全新的生產力軟體和合作工具,內含強大的內建的PDF工具更聰明地工作,更快。你會發現什麼是一個全功能集於一身的辦公套件。


有超過60的檔案類型,內含PDF和最新的Microsoft Office格式的支援創造新的和令人興奮的檔案。與完全整合的SharePoint支援和PDF匯出功能,可以讓你把你的文件,電子錶格和演示文稿轉換成PDF你可以與任何人分享輕鬆地進行合作。




與WordPerfect Office X7建立文件,電子錶格,演示文稿等  。這種完整的辦公套件內含了所有你需要的生產力軟體,加上內建的PDF工具,電子書出版商,甚至更多的免費應用程式和額外提升您的辦公套件的經驗。那為什麼還需要浪費在另一個辦公套件花費呢?

‧微軟Windows 8/8.1時,Windows 7 ( 32位或64位版本)的Windows XP ( 32位版本)使用最新的Service Pack和更新安裝
‧ 1.15 GB硬碟的最小安裝†
‧ 256記憶體
‧ 466 MHz處理器
‧ 1024× 768顯示器解析度
‧ DVD磁碟機(用於箱的安裝)


【文章標題】:(辦公套件軟體)Corel WordPerfect Office X7 v17.0.0.314
【文章作者】: 網路賺百萬教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/soho/
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/soho/
【版權聲明】: (原創)網路賺百萬教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Corel WordPerfect Office X7 v17.0.0.314

The WordPerfect Office family of products has something for everyone. Whether you're in an office, at school, or you run your own business, WordPerfect offers the powerful tools and collaborative features you need to accomplish your goals quickly and efficiently—at a price that meets your budget. See which version is right for you. Experience the difference with Corel® WordPerfect® Office X7 – Standard Edition. This all-in-one office suite delivers the power, productivity and compatibility today’s home and business users need. Create high-impact documents, spreadsheets, presentations and more. Enjoy unrivalled compatibility with support for over 60 file types, including the latest Microsoft Office formats. Work smarter and faster with all-new productivity software and collaboration tools, including powerful built-in PDF tools. Discover what an all-in-one office suite is supposed to be.

Office suite
• Comprehensive suite of productivity software
• Microsoft Office compatible
• Built-in tools to open, edit and create PDFs
• Fast and easy eBook publishing
• Secure disc burning software

More compatibility
Create new and exciting documents with support for over 60 file types, including PDFs and the latest Microsoft Office formats. Collaborate easily with fully integrated SharePoint support and PDF Export functionality that allows you to turn your documents, spreadsheets and presentations into PDFs you can share with anyone.

More power
Put yourself in the driver’s seat. Take control of mission-critical, multi-page documents with classic features like Reveal Codes and Make It Fit™. Protect your confidential information with unique tools like Metadata Removal and Redaction.

More productivity
Work smarter and faster with a familiar interface, built-in PDF tools and dual-monitor support. Enjoy all-new features like the PDF Form feature for creating fillable PDF forms, Macro Manager for storing, editing and running macros, and the new Mail Merge Expert that walks you through the mailing process step by step.

More value
Create documents, spreadsheets, presentations and more with WordPerfect Office X7. This complete office suite includes all the productivity software you need plus built-in PDF tools, an eBook Publisher, and even more free applications and extras to enhance your office suite experience. Why spend more on another office suite?

System Requirements
• Microsoft Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit editions), Windows XP (32-bit edition) with the latest service packs and updates installed
• 1.15 GB hard disk for minimum installation†
• 256 RAM
• 466 MHz processor
• 1024 x 768 monitor resolution
• DVD drive (required for box installation)
• Mouse or tablet with stylus

(辦公套件軟體)Corel WordPerfect Office X7 v17.0.0.314 / Homepage: www.corel.com

(辦公套件軟體)Corel WordPerfect Office X7 v17.0.0.314 / Size: 422.85 MB