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全球領先的Flash SWF編輯器 Sothink SWF Quicker 5.6

SWF更快是全球領先的Flash SWF編輯器。這是最好的flash動畫編輯器來編輯一個現有的SWF檔案,或從頭開始建立一個專業的Flash動畫。這是一個強大的,低成本的Flash動畫軟體。隨著SWF更快,專業人士和新手可以建立交談式內容的網站。由於Flash動畫的標準已經發展成為在網路上,碩思閃客快速的,靈活的快閃記憶體製造商,已經成為Flash設計的一種先進的,低成本的選取。所有的Flash元素內含文字,形狀,URL中,ActionScript等可以編輯成自己的風格。瀏覽含有Flash的頁面時,您可以捕捉Flash影片,並將它們匯入到SWF更快。一個免費的工具,可以捕捉Flash SWF的守望者,將被新增到Internet Explorer的工具列的按鈕,在您安裝碩思閃客精靈更快。

 全球領先的Flash SWF編輯器 Sothink SWF Quicker 5.6

全球領先的Flash SWF編輯器 Sothink SWF Quicker 5.6產品特點:
‧支援輸出影片的動畫GIF檔案和Windows AVI視訊

SWF Quicker is the leading Flash SWF Editor. It is the best flash animation editor to edit an existing SWF file or create a professional Flash animation from scratch. It is a powerful yet low cost Flash Animation Software. With SWF Quicker, both professionals and novices can create interactive contents for websites. As Flash has developed into the standard for animation on the web, Sothink SWF Quicker, a versatile Flash Maker, has emerged as an advanced and low cost option for Flash design. All elements of a Flash including text, shape, URL, ActionScript, etc. can be edited into your own style. You can capture Flash movie when viewing a page containing Flash, and import them to SWF Quicker. SWF Catcher, a FREE tool that can capture Flash, will be added to Internet Explorer’s toolbar as a button after you install Sothink SWF Quicker.

• Fully support creating and editing Flash 8 files
• Support applying Flash filters to add special animating visual effects to objects
• Support exporting the movie as Animated GIF file and Windows AVI video
• Provide Object Snapping, Pixel Snapping and Snap Alignment to align objects
• Support creating Shape morph effect
• Support creating photo morph effect
• Provide various built-in Flash Album, Banner, Navigation Button and Slide Show templates
• Provide a group of tools for you to create vector graphics and texts in the way of WYSIWYG
• Support importing various kinds of media types, such as AI, MP3, MPEG, AVI, MOV, etc
• Fully support syntax of Flash ActionScript 2.0 to control the animations
• Provide an intelligent ActionScript Editor, which supports Syntax Highlighting, Auto Completion and Dynamic Prompt
• Support specifying keyframes to generate Tween Animations automatically
• Provide a large number of built-in animated effects
• Support importing and editing SWF files and the EXE files compressed from SWF files

全球領先的Flash SWF編輯器 Sothink SWF Quicker 5.6 | Home Page www.sothink.com

全球領先的Flash SWF編輯器 Sothink SWF Quicker 5.6: 24,9 Mb