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資料恢復軟體 Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT 4.30

資料恢復軟體 – 人為故意是一個非常先進的資料恢復軟體,它會說明你,以獲得您的資料回當你的磁碟機的分區表,引導記錄,主檔案表或根目錄損壞或丟失時,當一個病毒已經打的驅動,檔案被刪除,格式化磁碟機,電源故障或剔除。人為故意的,你有什麼檔案系統NTFS和FAT兩種口味。

人為故意將恢復您的資料,如果硬碟的分區表,引導記錄,FAT / MFT,或根目錄下丟失或損壞,資料被丟失由於病毒的攻擊,磁碟機被格式化,FDISK已被運行,在電源故障已造成系統崩潰,檔案丟失,由於軟體故障,檔案被意外刪除…

人為故意甚至可以恢復你的資料時,磁碟機將不再被Windows識別。它同樣可以用於即使所有的目錄訊息 – 不只是根目錄是失蹤。人為故意甚至可以恢復你的資料時,磁碟機將不再被Windows識別。它同樣可以用於即使所有的目錄訊息 – 不只是根目錄是失蹤。

該工具可劃分層級,並恢復他們是如何使用的檔案和資料夾。從軟碟和ZIP磁碟磁碟機的圖像,甚至通過序列電纜或TCP / IP連線的遠端磁碟機恢復資料。正如它的名字所說的,它從FAT / NTFS磁碟恢復檔案 – 檔案系統所使用的Windows NT/2000/XP,但在所有的Windows系統。請確保你不會將要恢復的磁碟機上安裝該程式,你將永遠不會丟失重要的資料。



恢復檔案,在你的本地網路或通過序列電纜 – 此功能使您能夠運行在一台電腦(「遠端」)在訪問另一台電腦上的磁碟機(「主機」)的人為故意。恢復網路上的資料是有用的,尤其是當你無法刪除的磁碟機,你要恢復,將它連線到另一台電腦。

 資料恢復軟體 Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT 4.30

資料恢復軟體 Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT 4.30特點:
郵編/ Jaz磁碟機

Data Recovery Software – GetDataBack is a highly advanced data recovery software, which will help you to get your data back when your drive’s partition table, boot record, Master File Table or root directory is corrupt or lost, when a virus has hit the drive, files were deleted, the drive was formatted or struck by a power failure. GetDataBack comes in two flavours, NTFS and FAT depending on what file system you have.

GetDataBack will recover your data if the hard drive’s partition table, boot record, FAT/MFT or root directory are lost or damaged, data was lost due to a virus attack, the drive was formatted, fdisk has been run, a power failure has caused a system crash, files were lost due to a software failure, files were accidentally deleted…

GetDataBack can even recover your data when the drive is no longer recognized by Windows. It can likewise be used even if all directory information – not just the root directory- is missing. GetDataBack can even recover your data when the drive is no longer recognized by Windows. It can likewise be used even if all directory information – not just the root directory- is missing.

The tool works at partition level and will restore files and folders exactly how they used to be. It recovers data from floppy and ZIP disks, drive images and even remote drives connected by a serial cable or TCP/IP. As the name says, it restores files from FAT/ NTFS disks – file system used by Windows NT/2000/XP, yet works on all Windows systems. Make sure you never install the program on the to-be-recovered drive and you will never lose important data.

Advanced algorithms will make sure that all directories and sub directories are put together as they were, and that long file names are reconstructed correctly. GetDataBack is read-only, meaning the program will never attempt to write to the drive you are about to recover. Please make sure to read the safety instructions…

The software enables the regular user to conduct his own data recovery by guiding him through three easy to understand steps, thus gives the advanced user the possibility to interfere with the recovery and improve the results, by examining the scan log, the file system details, file and directory information, by selecting the sector range to be scanned, by choosing excessive search for file systems or search for lost files, by calling Runtime’s DiskExplorer.

Recover files over your local network or over a serial cable – This feature enables you to run GetDataBack on one computer (“remote”) while accessing the drives of another computer (“host”). Recovering data over a network is useful, especially when you are not able to remove the drive you want to recover from and attach it to another computer.

GetDataBack recovers from:
• Hard drives (IDE, SCSI, SATA)
• USB drives
• Firewire drives
• Partitions
• Dynamic Disks
• Floppy drives
• Drive images
• Zip/Jaz drive
• Compact Flash Cards
• Smart Media Cards
• Secure Digital Cards
• USB Flash Drive
• iPod Disks

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

資料恢復軟體 Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS & FAT 4.30 | Home Page: www.runtime.org

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