藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術(自富課程)秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成營運賺大錢! 站在成功者的肩膀上,你會看得更遠! 想要在網路上快速賺大錢的必修課程 (你不用閉門造車,更不用花十幾萬到對海外學半套的!) 保證不是叫你自己寫程式!給你程式(會上網的人就能執行) 完全不需有程式經驗!程式原始碼不加密!教你原理(不綁手綁腳)可以用一輩子! 藉助『程式』網賺效能提升十倍以上網賺不是『雞肋』靠人工只能賺個萬元? 藉助『程式』網賺效能提升十倍以上,收入萬元者變成年收超過百萬! 課程附贈所需的全部程式與軟體:軟體往往一套就要好幾萬! 那何況本課程用到超過十套軟體,包證:你不花錢買,就能用! 遠離『人工苦力』邁向『電腦自動』大量批次執行! 這是靠技術賺錢而非靠苦力賺錢! (有些密技除非拜師否則很難:無師自通!更何況還要藉助秘技程式!) 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會與無法使用的擔憂....)

迅速使Windows系統更快更安全 TuneUp Utilities 2013 13.0

TuneUp Utilities 2013年能迅速使您的Windows操作系統更快,更容易使用,更安全。
TuneUp Utilities模組,可以通過一個共同的介面,分為六大類。
第二個按鈕開始熱身更新精靈,它可以被用來更新TuneUp Utilities2009年在際網路上的最新版本。

 迅速使Windows系統更快更安全 TuneUp Utilities 2013 13.0

TuneUp Utilities2011歡迎您完全重新設計的開始頁面,它會告訴你的電腦狀態。
「開始」頁還展示了新的自動啟動程式是否已被新增到Windows,因為你最後一次跑TuneUp Utilities。



硬碟碎片整理後,我們介紹了2009年在TuneUp Utilities,按客戶要求的功能是Opera瀏覽器的支援。TuneUp Utilities2010現在還內含對Opera的全力支援。通過幾個特殊的戲曲設定,效能改善的系統控制,容許您變更快速撥號條目的數量,方便地選取你的預設搜尋引擎,並重新啟用快速向前和向後導航。際網路改善您的Internet連線,讓您改善Opera的效能。釋放磁碟空間可以讓你刪除的Opera快取。


重新設計的從地上爬了起來,熱身安裝管理器運行得更快,並有一個新的,更直觀的介面,使其更容易卸載不必要的程式。不必要的程式常常被遺忘,因為他們安裝了很長一段時間前,然後不使用。 2009年TuneUp Utilities顯示你很長一段時間不使用,讓您可以針對卸載的應用程式使用寶貴的磁碟空間,並在某些情況下甚至放慢您的系統崩潰的程式的清單。


現在已經快速顯示被釋放的磁碟空間來更快的NTFS磁碟機上。現在,它是那麼容易刪除不必要的檔案更喜歡的第一個Windows Vista服務包和Opera和Safari瀏覽器高速快取的備份檔案。第二個「釋放磁碟空間」模組,可以說明你關閉Windows功能,使用過多的磁碟空間也得到了增強。 Windows搜尋索引現在可以被禁用,刪除與一個單一的點擊。如果您已經使用不同的搜尋引擎,這使得特殊意義。此外,熱身磁碟空間管理的運行速度,不再需要整個磁碟機進行分析。現在,您可以指定你真正感興趣的,只有那些資料夾進行分析


TuneUp Utilities 2013 can quickly make your Windows operating system faster, easier to use, and more secure. And all operations performed on the operating system are completely safe, because all changes are monitored by TuneUp Rescue Center and can be undone at any time. All TuneUp Utilities modules can be accessed through a common interface that is divided into six categories. In addition, the main window also has three general buttons in a dark gray bar to the right at the top of the window. Pressing the first button starts the TuneUp Rescue Center module. The second button starts the TuneUp Update Wizard, which can be used to update TuneUp Utilities 2009 to the latest version over the Internet. The last button provides help and settings that you can use to customize the software package to meet your needs.

The new Start page
TuneUp Utilities 2011 welcomes you with a completely redesigned Start page, which tells you about the status of your computer. If problems or nonoptimal settings are found, you are only a mouse-click away from resolving them. The Start page also tells you when new tips for increasing computer performance are available and warns you if maintenance tasks are not being taken care of automatically. The Start page also shows you whether new automatic startup programs have been added to Windows since the last time you ran TuneUp Utilities. You can decide whether these programs that start up automatically are really necessary.

TuneUp Speed Optimizer
Which settings slow your computer down? Which unnecessary services or programs are running in the background? Is your Internet connection optimally configured? TuneUp Speed Optimizer knows the answers to all these questions. It examines your entire system for bottlenecks, superfluous background programs, and incorrect settings. Great: with just one click you can carry out most optimizations very quickly. In addition, TuneUp Speed Optimizer provides suggestions for speeding up your system.

TuneUp Shortcut Cleaner
Cleaning up your working environment is tedious: removing invalid shortcuts from the Start menu, the Desktop, and the Quick Launch bar is very time-consuming. TuneUp ShortCut Cleaner now does the work for you. It checks whether all shortcuts are valid and removes the orphaned ones with just a click of a button. At the same time, empty folders are removed from the Start menu. TuneUp ShortCut Cleaner also checks frequently used programs and cleans up the list of recently opened files.

Support for the Opera browser
After hard disk defragmentation, which we introduced in TuneUp Utilities 2009, the feature most requested by customers was support for the Opera browser. TuneUp Utilities 2010 now also includes full support for Opera. Via several special Opera settings, TuneUp System Control now allows you to change the number of Speed Dial entries, conveniently choose your default search engine, and reenable fast backward and forward navigation. Internet optimization lets you optimize Opera’s performance for your Internet connection. Free up disk space lets you delete the Opera cache.

TuneUp Styler
Now you can also change the Vista logo animation which appears just before logon. You can download a whole series of great animations from the TuneUp website. Or, if you prefer, you can choose your own personal image to display while Vista starts up. With Vista, you can also add your own images to Vista’s logon screen: With just a few mouse clicks you can create a truly personal logon experience.

TuneUp Uninstall Manager
Redesigned from the ground up, TuneUp Install Manager now runs much faster and has a new, even more intuitive interface so that it is even easier to uninstall unnecessary programs. Unnecessary programs often are forgotten because they were installed a long time ago and then not used. TuneUp Utilities 2009 shows you a list of programs not used for a long time so that you can target for uninstallation those applications that use valuable disk space and in certain circumstances even slow your system down.

TuneUp StartUp Manager
A smooth-running system results when there are no unnecessary autostart applications. The improved TuneUp Startup Manager organizes your programs into groups and provides clear explanations to make it easier for you to identify those programs that are not needed.New automatic startup programs are now highlighted so that you can disable unwanted entries more easily. System start tasks are now also listed in TuneUp StartUp Manager In Vista, in particular, scheduled tasks are used in place of autostart entries.

Free up disk space
The already rapid display of disk space to be freed up is now even faster on NTFS drives. And now it is so easy to delete even more unnecessary files, like the backup files for the first Windows Vista service pack and the Opera and Safari caches. The second “Free up disk space” module that helps you turn off Windows functions that use excessive disk space has also been enhanced. The Windows Search index can now be disabled and deleted with a single click. This makes particular sense if you are already using a different search engine. In addition, TuneUp Disk Space Explorer now runs faster and no longer requires that an entire drive be analyzed. You can now specify that only those folders be analyzed that you are really interested in.

Lots more improvements
Along with the totally new features, there are a series of improvements that are not immediately visible. There are small improvements like Tooltips in the main window, a substantial increase in the number of problems that can be found byTuneUp Registry Cleaner, and better progress feedback from TuneUp Drive Defrag. But there are also big improvements “under the hood”. Two good examples are a completely reworked installation program and significant improvements in our update technology.

迅速使Windows系統更快更安全 TuneUp Utilities 2013 13.0 | Home Page www.tune-up.com

迅速使Windows系統更快更安全 TuneUp Utilities 2013 13.0 / Size: 28 MB

DJ音訊編輯器 DJ Audio Editor 4.2


DJ音訊編輯器 DJ Audio Editor 4.2

DJ音訊編輯器 DJ Audio Editor 4.2功能:

DJ Audio Editor is easy-to-use and well-organized audio application which allows you to perform various operations with audio data. You can create and edit audio files professionally, by having ability to apply dozens of amazing effects to audio files such as Amplify, Flanger, Chorus, Reverb, Invert and Reverse. The widely covered output and input audio formats and a set of amazing filters allow you to add endless innovation to music creating and design, and also displaying a waveform or spectral image of audio file makes your work faster.

DJ Audio Editor Features:
• Open, create, edit and save audio files.
• Display a waveform or spectral window of an audio file and apply zooming.
• Play an audio file or any part of it.
• Visually edit an audio file (Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste From File, Paste Mix, Paste Mix from File).
• Apply dozens of effects and filters such as Amplify, Flanger, Chorus, Reverb, Invert and Reverse.
• Use marker to locate the selected part or special part of the audio data.
• Keep history events and allows you to Undo/Redo.

DJ音訊編輯器 DJ Audio Editor 4.2 | Home Page: www.program4pc.com

DJ音訊編輯器 DJ Audio Editor 4.2 : 19,1 MB


但工作時,有很多的應用程式,您的桌面上可以很容易地變得人滿為患。實際的虛擬桌面將為您解決這個問題 – 你可以將它們搬移到虛擬桌面配置和分類所有視窗。
Actual Virtual Desktops提供了一個「虛擬」的空間 – 如果你有幾個邏輯顯示器,而不是一個單一的。可以延長工作區的範圍和搬移視窗,從1虛擬桌面虛擬桌面2等實際的虛擬桌面數量不限!


(虛擬桌面)Actual Virtual Desktops 8.0.1 Final
(虛擬桌面)Actual Virtual Desktops 8.0.1 Final


建立一個虛擬桌面,專為觀看視訊檔案,聽音樂,另一個 – 聊天或看書,把你的電子信件用戶端和瀏覽器視窗,在另一個和第四個等,每個虛擬桌面 – 一個單獨的文字編輯器和除錯的任務。








實際的虛擬桌面,使得它可以看到,為完成所需的任務所需要的應用程式的視窗。需要解決的另一個任務 – 簡單地切換到另一個虛擬桌面早已準備好的視窗。




經典 – 在這種模式下,你有一個單一的桌面清單,每個桌面跨越所有可用的顯示器(即桌面的切換會影響所有的監視器上的所有視窗)。

獨立 – 這種模式容許你對待每一個顯示器作為一個單獨的工作區有自己的一套「螢幕頁面」。換句話說,當你在某些顯示器上的桌面切換 – 它影響Windows只在那個特定的顯示器,在其它顯示器上,窗戶保持不變。


【文章標題】: (虛擬桌面)Actual Virtual Desktops 8.0.1 Final
【文章作者】: 藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: https://por.tw/Rich/
【藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學課程】: https://por.tw/Rich/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: https://goto1688.com/Rich/
【版權聲明】: (原創)藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Actual Virtual Desktops 8.0.1 Final

As a multi-tasking OS, Windows® allows you running multiple programs simultaneously. As a result, you have a few windows open at any time. But when working with lots of applications, your desktop can easily become overcrowded. Actual Virtual Desktops will help you resolve this problem – you can allocate and classify all of your windows by moving them to virtual desktops. Actual Virtual Desktops provides a “virtual” space – as if you have several logical monitors instead of a single physical one. You can extend the real estate of the workspace and move a window from virtual desktop 1 to virtual desktop 2 etc. The actual number of virtual desktops is not limited!

Group Running Applications by Tasks

Create one virtual desktop solely for watching video files and listening music, another one – for chatting or reading books, put your email client and browser windows on another and your text editor and debugger on a fourth one etc. Each virtual desktop – for a separate task. In such a way switching between desktops means switching between tasks.

Actual Virtual Desktops optimizes the work with several tasks and you get a quick access to all launched applications!

Move Windows between Virtual Desktops Instantly

Allocating windows between desktops can be done in a wink, either automatically at window startup or manually: via special title button/window menu item or via “Move to next desktop”/”Move to previous desktop” hotkeys. Choose the best option on your own!

Customize Each Virtual Desktop
To underline each desktop’s look-and-feel, assign custom wallpapers to each virtual desktop and name them in any way you like: for example a desktop for playing video and listening music can be called “Multimedia” etc.

Switch Virtual Desktops Easily

Special Virtual Desktops Switcher window allows the quick and easy virtual desktops management. It displays the number of cells equal to the number of virtual desktops. Each cell contains the icons of applications running on that cell’s corresponding virtual desktop.

Keep Visible Relevant Windows Only

Actual Virtual Desktops makes it possible to see applications’ windows needed for accomplishing the required task. Need to solve another task – simply switch to another virtual desktop with the already prepared windows for it.

Never minimize any of the applications, never close any of them. When you switch virtual desktops, all running Windows® programs just disappear from the screen and from the taskbar, but they are right there waiting when you switch back to a separate screen.

Actual Virtual Desktops lets working with a bundle of windows open at a time and you won’t lose time finding the required one!

Get Advantage of Multiple Monitors

Virtual desktops remain useful even if you have more than one physcal display. In such case, there are two modes available:
Classic – in this mode you have a single list of desktops, and each desktop spans all available monitors (i.e. the switching of desktops affects all windows on all monitors).

In this mode Virtual Desktop Switcher can be cloned to all monitors.
Independent – this mode allows you treating each monitor as a separate workspace with its own set of “screen pages”. In other words, when you switch the desktop on certain monitor – it affects windows only on that particular monitor; on other monitors, windows stay intact.

In this mode each monitor has its own Virtual Desktop Switcher.

(虛擬桌面)Actual Virtual Desktops 8.0.1 Final | Homepage: www.actualtools.com

(虛擬桌面)Actual Virtual Desktops 8.0.1 Final | Size: 11.4 MB

計劃相框工作室 Mojosoft Photo Frame Studio 2.83 Multilanguage

計劃相框工作室Mojosoft Photo Frame Studio 2.83設計,編輯和數位攝影,裝飾。
由於每張圖片的程式看起來不同,運行我們的程式會為你真正的快樂。我們提供超過100種的框架,更重要的是,他們每個人都可以修改的選項 都包括在我們的程式中。程式inerface是使用者友好的,它被設計在這樣一種模式,evryone可以操作它沒有任何問題。您可以通過加入一個框架,一 個面具,背景,陰影或文字裝飾您的圖片使用一些指令。使用所有這些功能和效果,並考慮到的事實,我們可以使用所有的選項,同時內含每一層的彩色變化,飽和 度和對照度的變化,無疑可以要求每張圖片會有所不同。你也可以設計自己的成分。

這是可以做到的工具,使我們能夠加入各種元素,如數字剪輯的部分或醒目的文字。您還可以校準,所以你可以削減,拉近到適合你認為, 擺脫紅眼效果。你的程式,您可以使用您的印表機以及列印照片可以節省準備在高質量模式下的照片,以便向他們傳送照片實驗室。此外,您還可以將照片儲存在低 質量模式,使他們可以在際網路上公佈。

計劃相框工作室 Mojosoft Photo Frame Studio 2.83 Multilanguage

計劃相框工作室 Mojosoft Photo Frame Studio 2.83 Multilanguage產品特點:
‧匯出到高解析度(300 DPI,600 DPI),PDF,JPG,TIFF,BMP圖形檔案

Program PHOTO FRAME STUDIO has been designed to edit and decorate digital photographies. Thanks to the program each picture will look different and operating our program will be a real pleasure for you. We offer over 100 hundred frames and what is more, every one of them can be modified by the options which are contained in our program. The inerface of the program is user-friendly and it has been designed in such a way that evryone can operate it without any problems. You can decorate your picture using a few instructions by means of adding to it a frame, a mask, the background, a shade or a text. Using all these functions and effects and taking into account the fact that we can use all the options simultaneously including the change of colour of each layer, the change of saturation and contrast, you can undoubtedly claim that each picture will be different. You can also design your own composition.

It can be done thanks to the tools which enable us to add various elements such as figures clip-parts or striking texts. You can also calibrate pictures, so you can cut them, zoom to the view that suits you and get rid of the red-eye effect. Thanks to the program you can print pictures using your printer as well as you can save ready photos in high quality mode in order to send them to photo-labs. Moreover, you can also save pictures in lower quality mode so that they can be published in the internet.

• operating jpg, bmp, wmf , png ,tiff and more graphic formats
• a dozen or so effects which can be used while working on all objects (text , image , backgrounds) for example: shadows, textures, sepia, gradients and others
• export to high resolution (300 DPI , 600 DPI) pdf,jpg,tiff,bmp graphics file
• the appearance of the interface can be changed
• support right to left languages (like arabic,hebrew)
• support unicode
• multilanguage support

* Operating System: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7

計劃相框工作室 Mojosoft Photo Frame Studio 2.83 Multilanguage | Home Page www.photoframestudio.com

計劃相框工作室 Mojosoft Photo Frame Studio 2.83 Multilanguage | Size: 81.8 MB

釋放浪費記憶體提高電腦效能 SuperRam


釋放浪費記憶體提高電腦效能 SuperRam

釋放浪費記憶體提高電腦效能 SuperRam 特點:
– 改善電腦的記憶體釋放浪費的記憶體的電腦。
– 專案的背景,以便釋放記憶體的合理值,以保持系統的穩定性。
– 在系統托盤中顯示電腦的記憶體系統的可視化表示。
– 完全可定制的設定和喜好選取。
– 簡單和直觀的使用者介面,實時進行記憶體改善。

釋放浪費記憶體提高電腦效能 SuperRam
– 增加了完整的Windows8的32位和64位的相容性,與Windows 8的支援,以及更新的文件和說明檔。

SuperRam 6 increases computer performance by freeing wasted memory back to your computer. By optimizing memory utilization your computer will operate at stable speeds and never run out of memory. Very easy to use, fully compliant with all current versions of Microsoft ® Windows and automatically frees memory in real-time. With SuperRam your computer will run faster than ever before. Boost the performance of your PC the easy way.

– Optimizes computer memory by freeing wasted memory back to the computer.
– Works in the background to free memory to reasonable values to maintain system stability.
– Visual representation in system tray which displays computer memory available to the system.
– Fully customizable to the settings and preferences you choose.
– Easy and intuitive user interface which performs memory optimization in real-time.

Changes inSuperRam
– Added full Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit compatibility, updated documentation and helpfile with Windows 8 support as well.

釋放浪費記憶體提高電腦效能 SuperRam | Home Page: www.pgware.com

釋放浪費記憶體提高電腦效能 SuperRam | Size: 3.23 MB


自動隱藏IP – 隱藏你的IP位址,匿名上網,保護您的身份,謹防黑客


(自動隱藏IP)Auto Hide IP
(自動隱藏IP)Auto Hide IP

從瀏覽網際網路時防止他人看到你的真實IP。一個按鈕的點擊就改變你的IP !
您還可以通過「選取知識產權國家」選項中選取來自不同國家的假的IP ,可以直接檢查伺服器的IP 。
被顯示在信件標題上的任何企業郵局電子信件服務,如雅虎,Hotmail , Gmail或阻止你的真實IP位址。您使用免費公開提供IP查詢工具傳送E-mail,這很容易讓人找到你的地理區功能變數。
你有沒有被禁止的論壇或留言板?沒問題!使用自動隱藏IP來改變你的IP容許您訪問已被禁止你如eBay , Craigslist,和任何許多基於瀏覽器的遊戲網站。
【文章標題】:(自動隱藏IP)Auto Hide IP
【文章作者】: 藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: https://por.tw/Rich/
【藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學課程】: https://por.tw/Rich/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: https://goto1688.com/Rich/
【版權聲明】: (原創)藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Auto Hide IP

Auto Hide IP – Hide Your IP Address, Surf Anonymously, Protect Your Identity, Guard Against Hackers
Be careful! Have you ever been aware of your IP adress? Your IP exactly points to your location, with very high precision, right to the door of your apartment. Every time you visit a website, your IP address is completely exposed.
Auto Hide IP will help you conceal your real IP and protect your identity online. You need not worry about your privacy and security any more. Browse anonymously with one click from now on.

Key Features:
• Anonymous Web Surfing
Prevent others from seeing your true IP when browsing the Internet. Change your IP frequently with the click of a button!
• Protect Your Identity
Identity thieves can use your IP address to monitor your web activity and intercept your private financial information. Criminals, hackers, and even the government can trace your exact location right down to your street address.
• Choose IP Country
You can also select fake IP from different countries via “Choose IP Country” option and can Check IP directly.
• Send Anonymous E-mails
Prevent your real IP address from being shown in E-mail headers on any Webmail E-mail service such as Yahoo, Hotmail, or Gmail. It is very easy for anyone to find your geographic area you send E-mail from using free publicly available IP lookup tools.
• Un-ban Yourself From Forums and Message Boards
Have you been banned from a forum or message board? No problem! Use Auto Hide IP to change your IP allowing you to access any website that has banned you such as eBay, Craigslist, and many browser-based games

(自動隱藏IP)Auto Hide IP | Home Page: www.autohideip.com

(自動隱藏IP)Auto Hide IP | 2.87 MB

設計你的房間,辦公室,公寓或房子,計劃花園和更多…房間安排 – 你有時重建房或重新安排他們的事情。
室安排可不僅用於設計的房間或公寓,但在其他領功能變數的各種 – 園林建築,房屋開發(作為對象的房屋),網頁設計(網頁房間)。

室內設計軟體 Room arranger Multilingual 多國語系中文版



Design your room, office, apartment or house, plan gardens and more…Room Arranger – you sometimes reconstruct rooms or rearrange things placed in them. You move heavy furniture just to everything would fit with no problem, be handy, and have a good impact. Room Arranger enables you to simulate everything with no need to draw on a square paper, or to push things there and back repeatedly. Room Arranger can be used not only for designing the rooms or apartments, but also in the variety of other areas – garden architecture, housing development (houses as objects), webdesign (webpage as the room).

Room Arranger is a useful program which lets you arrange a room, house or garden in any way you want to.

Here are some key features of “Room Arranger”:
· Design your room, an apartment consisting of more rooms, or the whole house with more floors.
· Wide standard object library, insert exact objects’ dimensions.
· Create your library of objects you use more often.
· Walk through the project in 3D.
· Print the project in certain scale even over more pages.
· Measure the distances in the project.
· Multi-language support. Currently: English, Arabic, Basque, Belarusian, Bosnian, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Russian, Thai, Turkish and Ukrainian.

室內設計軟體 Room arranger Multilingual 多國語系中文版 Homepage: – www.roomarranger.com
Room arranger Multilingual Size: 8.4 MB

SVG瀏覽器和轉換器圖像工具 Aurora SVG Viewer and Converter 11.5

Aurora SVG瀏覽器和轉換器的圖像轉換工具轉換成SVG和SVGZ流行的圖像格式,內含:TIFF,PNG,JPG,BMP,GIF,TGA,XPM,PPM,XBM和PDF。 SVG圖像是一個重大的向量格式為下一代的網站,HTML5的完美結合。該應用程式支援SVG動畫預覽,可以讓你批次轉換成SVG圖像,輸出解析度設定和自訂轉換區。

SVG瀏覽器和轉換器圖像工具 Aurora SVG Viewer and Converter 11.5

*3000 +符號和進口SVG
* 50 +專業項目模板
* 60 +附加的TrueType字型
* 80 +對像樣式
*點選「應用動畫效果(10 +)
Aurora SVG Viewer & Converter is an image conversion tool to convert SVG and SVGZ to popular image formats, including: tiff, png, jpg, bmp, gif, tga, xpm, ppm, xbm, and pdf. SVG image is a major vector format for the next generation of websites, with the perfect combination of html5. The application supports SVG animation preview, allows you to batch convert SVG images, set output resolution, and custom conversion area.

Make you own 3D text effects and 3d logo animation in minutes for web and movie.
* One click to add 3D object(200+ templates)
* 3000+ Symbols and import SVG
* 50+ Professional Project templates
* 60+ Additional TrueType fonts
* 80+ Object Style
* One click apply animated effects(10+)
* Export to PNG, JPG, Tiff, BMP, GIF, TGA etc.
* Export Animation to Movie, SWF, GIF animation or Image Sequence
as you like.

SVG瀏覽器和轉換器圖像工具 Aurora SVG Viewer and Converter 11.5 | Homepage:: https://www.presentation-3d.com/products/svg-converter.html


SVG瀏覽器和轉換器圖像工具 Aurora SVG Viewer and Converter 11.5 / Size: 4.7 Mb

主動硬碟監視器 Active Hard Disk Monitor Pro 3.1.6


主動硬碟監視器 Active Hard Disk Monitor Pro 3.1.6



Active@ Hard Disk Monitor is a freeware disk utility that checks and monitors the status of your hard drives to help prevent data loss. The system is based on the Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.). This software monitors hard disk parameters such as Temperature, Head Flying Height and Spin-Up Time and notifies a user when a critical condition occurs. Disk Monitor also displays hard disk information, current S.M.A.R.T. attributes and the overall status of the hard disk’s health.

Advanced disk scan allows you to detect bad sectors on a disk surface. The software can be launched automatically at Windows startup and monitor the system in the background. A very useful feature of this program is that it displays the temperature of your hard disk drive as an icon from the taskbar.

Here are some key features of “Active@ Hard Disk Monitor”:
Performance Monitoring and Control:
· Provides background hard disk performance monitoring and control over the disk’s state.
S.M.A.R.T. Technology:
· Based on Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.).
Scanning Disks for Bad Sectors:
· Able to scan and display bad sectors on a disk’s surface.
System Tray Icon:
· Shows current disk temperature in the System Tray
E-mail and Popup notifications:
· Sends an e-mail or a popup notification automatically if critical conditions appear.
S.M.A.R.T. Attributes:
· Displays current values of S.M.A.R.T. attributes, giving the extensive information about your hard disk’s state.
Disk Information:
· Provides detailed hard disk information such as Serial/Model Number, Number of cylinders, and so on.
Launch at Windows startup:
· Can be launched automatically at Windows startup and monitor the HDD(s) in the background.
Event logs and reports:
· Generates event log and S.M.A.R.T. reports with detailed information about disk(s) activity over the period of time.
Remote Administration and Monitoring:
· Shows disks status and information and receives notifications from remote computers in local or global network.
Simple and intuitive UI:
· Easy to use user interface makes a hard disk monitoring a straightforward task.

主動硬碟監視器 Active Hard Disk Monitor Pro 3.1.6 | Size: 12.7 Mb

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

主動硬碟監視器 Active Hard Disk Monitor Pro 3.1.6 | Home Page: www.disk-monitor.com

聯繫訊息備份到電腦 Xilisoft iPhone Contacts Backup v1.2.4

一個完整的羽毛的聯繫人備份工具,為您的iPhone器,Xilisoft iPhone聯繫人備份能滿足您的管理需求,為您的重要電話聯繫模式:

聯繫訊息備份到電腦 Xilisoft iPhone Contacts Backup v1.2.4

將您的iPhone裝置和電腦之間的接觸CSV或vCard格式或匯出CSV / vCard檔案直接到其他通信錄專案,如谷歌聯繫人,雅虎通訊錄,Outlook中的Windows通訊錄等,備份iPhone的聯繫人到本地電腦並檢查了程式中的任何時間,恢復所有接觸到iPhone的備份檔案,刪除任何聯繫訊息自由,在不同類別的所有聯繫人進行排序。
Xilisoft iPhone聯繫人備份將永遠是您理想的備份和傳輸工具,為iPhone的聯繫人訊息!

像谷歌聯繫人,雅虎通信錄等其他通信錄直接匯出CSV / vCard格式的聯繫人資料

A full-feathered contacts backup tool for your iPhone, Xilisoft iPhone Contacts Backup can satisfy all your management needs for your vital phone contacts: backup, transfer, restore and manage your contacts information effortlessly!

Transfer your iPhone contacts between device and your computer as CSV or vCard format or export these CSV/vCard files directly to other address books programs, like Google Contacts, Yahoo Address Book, Outlook, Windows Address Books and etc, backup iPhone contacts into local machine and check out in the program anytime, restore all your contacts to iPhone from the backup file, delete any contact information freely, sort all contacts in different categories. Xilisoft iPhone Contacts Backup will always be your ideal backup and transferring tool for iPhone contacts information!

Backup contact information to local machine and check out in the program anytime
Restore all your contacts to iPhone from the backup file in case of information lost
Transfer iPhone contacts between iPhone and computer
Export contacts data in CSV/vCard formats directly to other address books like Google Contacts, Yahoo Address Book and etc
Delete any contact information freely, sort all contacts in different categories

聯繫訊息備份到電腦 Xilisoft iPhone Contacts Backup v1.2.4 | Homepage:www.xilisoft.com

聯繫訊息備份到電腦 Xilisoft iPhone Contacts Backup v1.2.4 | Size: 18.5 MB

系統改善專家 System Optimize Expert


系統改善專家 System Optimize Expert

系統改善專家 System Optimize Expert是專業從事:


System Optimize Expert is the real expert in scanning, cleaning and optimizing your system for FREE. It keeps you away from the hassle of continuous system crash and sluggish performance. And it is also sophisticated in protecting your personal information and privacy by cleaning IE history, recent doc history, find and search history periodically.

System Optimize Expert is Specialized in:

• Overall scanning & repairing
System Optimize Expert’s reliable scanning covers your entire system, giving your PC the full-scale protection by repairing all the errors: invalid registry entries, system problems and so on.
• System improving
Acting as your private doctor, System Optimize Expert is capable of offering professional diagnosis and treatment to ensure a stable and smooth system and keep it at peak performance.
• Offering the easiest operation
You need not to be a computer talent to handle all its functions, as running System Optimize Expert is as simple as ABC. Try it, you will be totally impressed by its neat interface and solid features.
• Free version available
Not just trial version. It’s 100% free for your lifetime usage and upgrades. The scan, repair, optimization, etc. are also available.
• Automating protection
Enable the Automated Scan and Sweep, and you can also set a schedule of when and how often System Optimize Expert is about to launch. So you can enjoy the real-time protection without your trouble of clicks.

系統改善專家 System Optimize Expert Homepage: www.systemoptimizeexpert.com

系統改善專家 System Optimize Expert Size: 4.84 MB

數位電影視訊剪接編輯專業版 Sony Vegas Pro 12.0 多國語言中文版

Sony Vegas™PRO 12是一個整合的,前瞻性的生產環境,為新一代的創意專業人士設計的。
結合周到的工作流程創新與數百熟悉的賽道為主的時間表,Sony Vegas Pro12是一個令人耳目一新的,現代化的做法,後期製作。
支援更多的格式,工作流程,比以往任何時候都更富有創造性的控制,Sony Vegas Pro12可以很容易地傳遞訊息和表達自己的藝術視野。

數位電影視訊剪接編輯專業版 Sony Vegas Pro 12.0 多國語言中文版

Sony Vegas Pro12介面提供了一系列令人印象深刻的創新工具和體貼設施,與一個完全可定制的工作空間,達到廣大範圍的生產任務。
中嵌套Vegas Pro項目的時限內,自訂和儲存快捷鍵,和使用的應用程式的腳本來自動執行重複性任務。

Sony Vegas Pro12採用了先進的外掛程式體系結構的OpenFX標準的基礎上,從領先的視覺效果外掛程式VFX開發數百個可選取的效果。
親子軌道和複雜的2D和3D合成模式提供了一個功能強大的,靈活的效果環境。形狀的屏蔽工具和FX屏蔽功能是新的Sony Vegas Pro12,以及外掛程式的彩色符合,


匯入和匯出廣泛的項目檔案和Sony Vegas Pro12。內建的軟體可以轉換之間的本地蔬菜使用Avid®使用ProTools®10,XML為蘋果公司®的Final Cut Pro®7的Final Cut Pro X(出口)的DaVinci Resolve 8,和。prproj的對Adobe的檔案和AAF ®首映®PRO CS6和After Effects®CS6。

多個UI更新將說明新使用者熟悉與Vegas Pro的12,以及改善目前的Sony VegasPro使用者的編輯經驗。在增強內含:(1)新的工具列圖示分割,(2)黃色邊框勾勒出最近剪輯的時間軸上,(3)時間安排事件的藍色手柄,使其更容易抓住各種互動活動改性劑(4)更全面的工具提示,描述不只是名稱的工具,但也什麼工具。

新的鍵盤快捷鍵,只有視訊或音訊修剪,快速的「L-削減」和「J-削減。」同時褪色的音訊和視訊分組的事件。已搬遷事件FX,產生的媒體和時間安排事件的泛作物上的圖示的底部邊緣,以避免不小心點擊它們,而修邊的事件。 A調整的起點,終點模式迅速修剪的開頭或結尾的事件的基礎上游標的位置。選取一個時間表,從下拉選單中選取「裁剪」(CTRL + T)去除周圍介質的選取。邊緣處理使用對照色,使選取更為顯著,提高概括是用來做事件的選取,分組和同步鏈路組更加明顯。

Sony Vegas Pro12加入原生格式支援松下P2 AVC-Intra和DVCPRO源材料,提高其突破性的「轉碼,無需重新包裝的」遺產。通過消除轉碼和重新包裝過程中所需的一些競爭對手,Sony Vegas Pro12使用者可以節省寶貴的生產時間,減少存儲需求,並保留原始質量的原始材料。其他原生支援的編解碼器和格式,內含HDCAM-SR™™XDCAM,XDCAM EX,NXCAM,AVCCAM,RED®R3D,AVCHD,AVC,MOV檔案從流行的數位單反相機。對於3D內容的製作,立體3D MVC和MPO檔案從索尼攝影機也都支援。

數以百計的周到,創新的特點,Sony VegasPro12市場上最流暢的和直觀的編輯平台之一。視覺確認事件對搬移剪輯時,在時間軸上的緊密合作,在使用者自訂的「辟劈啪啪」的工具,以確保您的媒體精確地放置在你需要它,用子幀精度的手。同步剪輯的重新同步在按下一個按鈕,通過搬移或滑動的音訊或視訊。插入音訊或視訊信封上你的時間安排的活動,以互動模式控制立體聲或環繞聲的聲像,音量和事件的速度。加得多,等等。

Sony Vegas Pro12軟體本身支援的幀大小為4096×4096。數位電影放映4K圖像標準是4096 x 2160像素。這一層級的解析度提供了更多的細節和彈性水平和作物。它是合成效果和視訊效果工作的理想選取,因為它提供了高品質的最終輸出。Sony Vegas Pro12軟體也原生支援RED ONE®RED EPIC®檔案。開啟並編輯。R3D檔案,直接在時間軸上。

在編輯過程中的時間線事件之間建立層次關係。 「兒童」與「家長」的剪輯的剪輯可以獨立搬移時間軸上的,而搬移母公司剪輯也將孩子夾在完美的同步。

編輯多攝影機製作直觀,高效地為您播放您的項目,通過指定拍攝。多達32個視訊源用鍵盤指令或點選滑鼠之間切換。Sony Vegas Pro12軟體儲存所有未使用的鏡頭,這樣你就可以很容易地延伸多攝影機追蹤到元件事件,使得它更容易看到的視訊是在Sony Vegas的項目和完善的編輯。

更好的播放 – 更快的編譯。利用的力量,在許多當今最流行的視訊顯示卡,更流暢的視訊播放和更快的編譯的GPU(圖形處理單元)。Sony Vegas Pro12充分利用了GPU的視訊效果,過渡,合成,平移/作物,軌道運動,和編碼。改善的硬體配置檔中使用適當的GPU裝置,時間表的效能得到顯著改善。更高解析度的多重效果預覽現在可以在Sony Vegas Pro12,編碼等流行格式AVC多達6倍的速度比以前的版本。Sony Vegas12使用來自AMD,NVIDIA和Intel的OpenCL™支援的裝置,充分發揮你的創意。支援GPU裝置

輕鬆燒錄到藍光光碟的高清晰度電影直接從Vegas Pro時間線。

勞顧會調整,讓您操作在實驗室中的彩色(L * A * B * L *,A *,b *)色空間。
增加亮度/ A / B直方圖,讓您分析您的視訊在實驗室(L * A * B * L *,A *,B *)彩色空間。
(修剪)按住Shift鍵或Ctrl + Alt + Shift鍵(相鄰裝飾),同時拖曳事件的邊緣,忽略事件分組的快速削減J和L。
增加了單流剪輯PMW-TD300 3D連結「選項,PMW-F3,相機支援的三維自動配對的附加_L及_R左,右眼剪輯名稱。
新增支援新OpenFX GPU編譯延伸為第三方GPU加速的效果。

現在,您可以預覽音訊通過支援AJA,Blackmagic Design視訊預覽裝置。

繁體切邊:按Alt + [或Alt +]修剪所選事件的開始或結束的游標位置。
您可以按Ctrl + [鍵和Ctrl +]以瀏覽選取的事件在時間軸上,或按Ctrl + Shift + [和Ctrl + Shift +]建立時間選取從選取的事件。
Sony VegasPro容許你符合您的項目的視訊剪輯的視訊效能:
新增靜止圖像格式的閱讀取向的元資料支援。如果靜止圖像包括方向的元資料,圖像將被導向正確新增到Vegas Pro時間線。 「媒體屬性」對話框的下拉清單中的旋轉方向的元資料表示。
若要變更音效,在Windows的「控制台」,點選「音效」。點選「音效」索引片,並擴大在Vegas Pro的12.0項目。當您選取「編譯完整的事件時,你可以預覽的電流聲,配置一個新的音效,或關閉編譯完整的音效。
現在,您可以從Vegas Pro項目檔案匯入媒體。

新增支援英特爾快速同步視訊加速編譯索尼AVC / MVC使用支援英特爾處理器。
加入索尼AVC / MVC和MainConcept公司AVC / AAC格式的藍光光碟呈現模板。
增加了支援AVCHD 2.0。
增加呈現HDCAM SR(SSTP)的視訊編譯為「對話框中使用索尼的MXF HDCAM SR格式的支援。
新增支援松下P2檔案的閱讀和瀏覽P2裝置與裝置資源管理器「視窗中。 DV,DVCPRO,DVCPRO25,DVCPRO 50,DVCPRO-HD和AVC-Intra格式的支援。

Vegas™ Pro 12 is an integrated, forward-thinking production environment designed for a new generation of creative professionals. Combining a familiar track-based timeline with hundreds of thoughtful workflow innovations, Vegas Pro 12 is a refreshing, modern approach to post-production. Supporting more formats, more workflows, and more creative control than ever before, Vegas Pro 12 makes it easy to deliver your message and express your artistic vision.

Innovative editing tools
Edit SD, HD, 2K and 4K material in 2D or stereoscopic 3D, with drag-and-drop functionality or traditional 3-point and 4-point editing modes. The Vegas Pro 12 interface provides an impressive array innovative tools and thoughtful touches, with a fully customizable workspace for accomplishing a wide range of production tasks. Nest Vegas Pro projects within the timeline, customize and save keyboard commands, and use application scripting to automate repetitive tasks. The new Expanded Edit Mode temporarily splits the track at the edit point and enables you to dynamically add or remove frames from either side of the edit point while the media is playing, creating a highly precise, interactive editing experience

Powerful effect and compositing engine
Combine up to 32 high-quality, keyframeable effects per Effects Chain and apply them at the Event, Track, Media, or Project level. Vegas Pro 12 uses an advanced plug-in architecture based on the OpenFX standard, for hundreds of optional effects from leading visual effects plug-in VFX developers. Parent-Child tracks and sophisticated 2D and 3D compositing modes provide a powerful, flexible effects environment. Shape Masking tools and FX Masking capabilities are new for Vegas Pro 12, along with the Color Match plug-in,
to quickly match the color characteristics from one clip to another.

New! Expanded edit mode
Double click at the edit point to see the timeline in a detailed “A-B Roll” view. The adjacent frames of the events at the edit point can be clearly viewed above the tracks for reference, and unused media in the events can be seen in the track area. The edit point/event edge is highlighted in red, and can be trimmed with the mouse or numeric keypad. Setting a Loop Region around the edit point enables you to dynamically add or remove frames from either side of the edit point while the media is playing, creating a highly precise, interactive editing experience.

New! Project interchange
Import and export a wide range of project files to and from Vegas Pro 12. The built-in software can convert between the native .veg file and AAF for Avid® ProTools® 10, XML for Apple® Final Cut Pro® 7, Final Cut Pro X (export only), DaVinci Resolve 8, and .prproj for Adobe® Premiere® Pro CS6 and After Effects® CS6.

New! User interface enhancements
Multiple UI updates will help new users become familiar with Vegas Pro 12, as well as improving the editing experience for current Vegas Pro users. Included in the Enhancements: (1) A new Toolbar Icon for Splitting, (2) A yellow border outlines the most recently added clip on the timeline, (3) Large blue handles on timeline events make it easier to grab the various interactive event modifiers, and (4) more comprehensive tool tips, describing not just the name of the tool but also what the tool does.

New! Timeline editing and trimming updates
New keyboard shortcuts enable video-only or audio-only trimming, for quick “L –cuts” and “J-cuts.” Simultaneous fade of audio and video in grouped events is now available. The Event FX, Generated Media, and Pan-Crop icons on timeline events have been relocated to the bottom edge, to avoid accidentally clicking on them while edge-trimming the event. A Trim Start-End mode quickly trims the beginning or end of an event based on the cursor position. Making a timeline selection and choosing “Trim” from the pulldown menus (CTRL+T) removes the media around the selection. Edge handles now use contrasting colors to make selection more noticeable, and improved outlining is used to make Event Selection, Grouping, and Sync Link groups more apparent.

Multi-format native editing
Vegas Pro 12 improves on its ground-breaking “no transcode, no re-wrap” heritage by adding native format support for Panasonic P2 AVC-Intra and DVCPRO source material. By eliminating the transcode and re-wrap process required by some competitors, Vegas Pro 12 users can save valuable production time, minimize storage requirements, and preserve the pristine quality of the original source material. Other natively-supported codecs and formats include XDCAM™, XDCAM EX, NXCAM, HDCAM-SR™, AVCCAM, RED® R3D, AVCHD, and AVC-based MOV files from popular DSLR cameras. For 3D content creation, stereoscopic 3D MVC and MPO files from Sony camcorders are also supported.

Innovative tools, thoughtful features
Hundreds of thoughtful, innovative features make Vegas Pro12 one of the most fluid and intuitive editing platforms on the market. Visual confirmation of event alignment when moving clips on the timeline work hand in hand with the user-definable “snapping” tools, ensuring that your media is placed exactly where you need it, with sub-frame accuracy. Out of sync clips will re-sync at the push of a button by moving or slipping the audio or video. Insert Audio or Video envelopes on your timeline events to interactively control stereo or surround sound panning, volume, and event velocity. Plus much, much more.

4K support
Vegas Pro 12 software natively supports frame sizes up to 4096×4096. The 4K image standard for digital cinema projection is 4096 x 2160 pixels. This level of resolution provides more detail and flexibility to pan and crop. It is ideal for compositing and video effects work, as it provides a high-quality final output. Vegas Pro 12 software also natively supports RED ONE® and RED EPIC® files. Open and edit .r3d files directly on the timeline.

Sync Link
Establish a hierarchal relationship between timeline events during editing. “Child” clips associated with a “Parent” clip can be moved independently on the timeline, while moving the Parent clip also moves the child clips in perfect sync.

Multicam editing
Edit multi-camera productions intuitively and efficiently by specifying shots as you play back your project. Switch between as many as 32 video sources with a keyboard command or a click of your mouse. Vegas Pro 12 software keeps all unused shots so you can easily expand a multi-camera track into component events, making it easier to see which videos are in the Vegas project and refine the edits.

GPU acceleration
Better playback – faster renders. Take advantage of the power of the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) found in many of today’s most popular video display cards for smoother video playback and faster rendering. Vegas Pro 12 leverages the GPU for video effects, transitions, compositing, pan/crop, track motion, and encoding. With an optimized hardware configuration using an appropriate GPU device, timeline performance is dramatically improved. Higher resolution previews with multiple effects are now possible in Vegas Pro 12, and encoding to popular formats like AVC are as much as six times faster than previous versions. Vegas Pro 12 uses OpenCL™-supported devices from AMD, NVIDIA and Intel to unleash your creative vision. Supported GPU devices

Share HD movies on Blu-ray Disc™
Easily burn your high-definition movie to a Blu-ray Disc directly from the Vegas Pro timeline.

New Features in Version 12.0
Added new video plug-ins:
LAB Adjust allows you to manipulate colors in the Lab (L*a*b* or L*, a*, b*) color space.
Color Match allows you to automatically match the color between clips.
Layer Dimensionality allows you to add depth to video and images that contain alpha transparency.
Added Lightness/a/b histogram view, allowing you to analyze your video in the Lab (L*a*b* or L*, a*, b*) color space.
Added Set to 0% velocity to the video velocity envelope point shortcut menu.
Hold Shift (for trim) or Ctrl+Alt+Shift (for adjacent trim) while dragging an event edge to ignore event grouping for fast J and L cuts.
Added tools for creating rectangular and oval masks and for moving, scaling, rotating, and feathering masks in the Event Pan/Crop plug-in.
You can now use the Apply to FX control in the Event Pan/Crop plug-in to mask video event effects.
You can now pair stereoscopic 3D subclips at the track level.
Additional multistream 3D formats are now supported.
Added support for automatic 3D pairing of single-stream clips from the PMW-TD300, PMW-F3 with 3D Link option, and cameras that append _L and _R to left- and right-eye clip names.
You can create video proxy files in the Project Media window for optimized editing and playback.
Added support for the new OpenFX GPU render extension for third party GPU-accelerated effects.

You can now preview audio through supported AJA and BlackMagic Design video preview devices.
Added 64-bit Gracenote support.
Added support for 64-bit Noise Reduction (Audio Restoration, Click and Crackle Removal, Clipped Peak Restoration, and Noise Reduction), Acoustic Mirror, élastique Timestretch, and Wave Hammer plug-ins.

Expanded edit mode provides fast, accurate event trimming: the in and out frames are displayed in a split-screen Video Preview window and unused, available frames are displayed in the timeline,
Simplified edge trimming: press Alt+[ or Alt+] to trim the beginning or end of the selected event to the cursor position.
You can press Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+] to navigate selected events on the timeline, or press Ctrl+Shift+[ and Ctrl+Shift+] to create time selections from selected events.
When you right-click a file in the Project Media window and choose Select Timeline Events from the shortcut menu, the cursor now moves to the first event that uses the media and the timeline scrolls to the cursor.
Vegas Pro allows you to match your project video properties to a video clip:
You can choose to match project video settings to the first video clip you add to the timeline.
You can right-click a video clip in the Project Media window and choose Match Project Video Settings from the shortcut menu.
Added project-interchange tools to allow you to exchange projects with other popular editing platforms.
Added support for importing and exporting text in the Credit Roll plug-in.
Video plug-ins that include 2D positional controls can now be adjusted by dragging a point in the Video Preview window.
Added support for reading orientation metadata in still-image formats. If a still image contains orientation metadata, the image will be oriented correctly when added to the Vegas Pro timeline. Orientation metadata is represented by the Rotation drop-down list in the Media Properties dialog.
Render progress is now displayed in the Windows taskbar. If the render time is greater than a minute, a sound is played when rendering is complete.
To change the sound, go Control Panel in Windows and click Sound. Click the Sounds tab and expand the Vegas Pro 12.0 entry. When you select the Render Complete event, you can preview the current sound, assign a new sound, or turn off the Render Complete sound.
You can now import media from Vegas Pro project files.
You can now tag media files in the Project Media window.
Additional search fields for media bins and new smart bin feature.
You can now edit properties for multiple media files.
The Explorer window has been redesigned.
Extensions are now saved in window layouts.
You can now simultaneously adjust the fades of all selected events.
Multiple rows of docked windows are now supported.
Display of thumbnail images in the Project Media window has been refreshed.

Added support for Intel Quick Sync Video accelerated rendering for Sony AVC/MVC when using a supported Intel processor.
Added Blu-ray Disc rendering templates for the Sony AVC/MVC and MainConcept AVC/AAC formats.
Added support for AVCHD 2.0.
Added support for rendering HDCAM SR (SStP) video using the Sony MXF HDCAM SR format in the Render As dialog.
Added support for reading Panasonic P2 files and browsing P2 devices with the Device Explorer window. DV, DVCPRO, DVCPRO25, DVCPRO50, DVCPRO-HD, and AVC-Intra formats are supported.
Added support for choosing a color space and view transform when working with S-Log encoded images. Color space settings can be made in the media properties and custom rendering templates. The view transform setting is made in project properties.

數位電影視訊剪接編輯專業版 Sony Vegas Pro 12.0 多國語言中文版 | Size: 223.52 mb

ОС | OS: Microsoft® Windows Vista® 64-bit SP2, or Windows 7 64-bit

數位電影視訊剪接編輯專業版 Sony Vegas Pro 12.0 多國語言中文版 | Home Page: www.sonycreativesoftware.com/vegaspro

磁碟對映備份和恢復  O&O DiskImage Professional v7.0.58

這裡是最安全和最簡單的方法,以避免丟失重要的資料! O&O磁碟對映可以讓你備份整個電腦或單個磁碟機和檔案時,你想要的 – 即使是在電腦的使用。你再也不會擔心資料丟失:只需點擊幾下滑鼠,就可以恢復你的備份 – 即使Windows無法啟動!

磁碟對映備份和恢復  O&O DiskImage Professional v7.0.58

磁碟對映備份和恢復  O&O DiskImage Professional v7.0.58重要功能一覽
‧先進的CD / DVD/藍光/ HD-DVD燃燒
‧與Microsoft Virtual PC磁碟(VHD)

‧至少1 GB RAM推薦
‧30 MB可用硬碟存儲

Here’s the safest and easiest way to avoid losing important data! O&O DiskImage lets you backup an entire computer or individual drives and files whenever you want – even while the computer’s being used. Never again will you have to worry about lost data: The backups you make can be restored with just a few clicks of the mouse – even if Windows is unable to start!
O&O DiskImage combines features for both the home user and the IT expert in one single product. A whole range of default and user-defined options lets you create the backup scenario that suits you best. A Start CD containing additional system recovery tools will let you quickly restore important data -even when the images were created with older versions of the product.

Important Features at a Glance
• Image an entire computer with the push of a button
• Create images of system and data drives
• Clone drives and entire disks
• NEW: File backup: Backup and restore individual files and/or folders
• NEW: Live Update: Automatic Updates to current Program Versions
• IMPROVED: Machine Independent Restoration (M.I.R.)
• NEW: Monitoring and advanced warning of security risks
• NEW: Start CD based on Windows 7 (compatible with XP and Vista)
• NEW: Mount data from ISO files
• Express view of main features
• Advanced burning on CD/DVD/Blu-ray/HD-DVD
• Works with Microsoft Virtual PC Disks (VHD)
• NEW: Program interface is even more user-friendly

System requirements
• Minimum requirements of the respective operating system
• At least 1 GB RAM recommended
• 30 MB free hard disk memory
• 32/64-bit support
• Windows® 7, Vista® and XP (all Editions)

磁碟對映備份和恢復  O&O DiskImage Professional v7.0.58 | Home Page www.oo-software.com

磁碟對映備份和恢復  O&O DiskImage Professional v7.0.58 | Size 26,2 + 29,7 mb


AXURE RP Pro是一款專門為原型的Web站台和Web應用程式的工具。
其實我們這些誰不想堅持原型,但已經沒有別的選擇,只能使用和適應設計用於其他目的的工具,如Dreamweaver中的Visio , PowerPoint,和Photoshop 。
AXURE改變這種狀況。AXURE RP Pro是一個專門的一款相當不錯的原型網頁原型工具。


(網頁原型工具)Axure RP Pro
(網頁原型工具)Axure RP Pro


【文章標題】: (網頁原型工具)Axure RP Pro
【文章作者】: 藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: https://por.tw/Rich/
【藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學課程】: https://por.tw/Rich/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: https://goto1688.com/Rich/
【版權聲明】: (原創)藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Axure RP Pro

Axure RP Pro is a dedicated tool for prototyping web sites and web applications. It’s based on concepts known from Visio and web design tools, and elegantly combines the best of the two worlds. Interaction designers have suffered from the fact that there have been no decent software tools on the market dedicated to prototyping. Those of us who didn’t stick with the pen, paper, scissor and glue stick method of paper prototyping, have had no other option but to use and adapt tools designed for other purposes, such as Visio, Dreamweaver, PowerPoint, and Photoshop. Axure have set out to change this. Their Axure RP Pro is a dedicated web prototyping tool. All it does is prototyping, and it does it quite well.
The good:
• Drag and drop widgets onto a grid (as you might know it from Visio)
• Generate prototypes in a format that behaves like real web pages (i.e. you can interact with forms and pages can scroll)
• Save time on repetitive changes by using custom widgets and templates
• Simulate rich interactivity by showing and hiding layers
• Automatically generate user interface specifications

The bad:
• You can’t navigate your pages inside Axure by clicking links and buttons
• Somewhat expensive

(網頁原型工具)Axure RP Pro | Home Page – www.axure.com

(網頁原型工具)Axure RP Pro |: 58.1 MB

即時密碼恢復 Elcomsoft Advanced Office Password Recovery Professional 5.05

控制自己的文件,即使他們用密碼保護!先進的辦公密碼恢復恢復,置換,刪除或繞過立即與Microsoft Office應用程式中建立的文件的密碼保護或鎖定。

先進的辦公密碼恢復到2010年的現代,從古老的2.0版本的Microsoft Office建立的所有檔案解鎖。
MS Internet Explorer內容顧問密碼重設,並利用一個後門開啟受密碼保護的VBA項目。

即時密碼恢復 Elcomsoft Advanced Office Password Recovery Professional 5.05

即時密碼恢復 Elcomsoft Advanced Office Password Recovery Professional 5.05特點和優點
– 支援所有版本的Microsoft Office應用程式從2.0到2010年,
– 即時密碼恢復為多種產品
– 即時恢復密碼解鎖檔案
– 充分利用所有已知的後門在Office家庭和技巧以用於即時恢復
– 在不到10分鐘的時間內完全自動的的初步攻擊可能恢復檔案
– 字典和窮舉攻擊,使用者定義的模板和先進的模板
– 硬體加速(專利申請中)可降低50倍的密碼恢復時間
– 正在申請專利的GPU加速技術與NVIDIA或ATI視訊卡
– 容許多達32個CPU或CPU內核和多達8個GPU(圖形處理器)
– 高度改善的低層級的代碼,以獲得最佳效能

並非所有的密碼都是同樣強大。先進的辦公密碼恢復提供了即時訪問多種類型的密碼保護的文件,內含Microsoft Word和Excel 97和2000年的版本中建立的。後來版本的Microsoft Word和Excel文件和電子錶格在相容模式下,預設情況下,它們可用於即時恢復密碼。

經由仔細分析的算法和密碼保護功能的實現在不同版本的Microsoft Office應用程式,ElcomSoft開發工作的解決專案,使恢復某些類型的密碼,而不是立即執行冗長的攻擊。先進的辦公密碼恢復是很清楚的密碼保護的各種方法,並實現了所有的招數,讓您在幾秒鐘內恢復受保護的檔案。



微軟已經加強密碼保護的Office 2007,在Office 2010中進一步提高其強度。最新版本的Microsoft Office中使用的計算密集型加密,密碼恢復工具,僅僅依靠電腦的CPU不再能夠提供合理的恢復時間。

為了進一步提高恢復速度,Elcomsoft可以支援多個視訊卡和CPU和GPU內核同時運行的所有。全部或部分CPU / GPU核心,可以指定密碼恢復任務,能夠獲得最大的效能,容許非侵入式的背景處理。最新一代的的ElcomSoft GPU加速技術,支援無限數量的ATI或NVIDIA®(英偉達™)板,如NVIDIA的GeForce 8,9,100,200和400 – 系列和ATI RADEON 4800和5000系列。



Forgetting a password to your personal email folder or a family budget can be annoying. Halting the work because of the lost password causes immediate monetary loss. Get control over your own documents even if they are protected with a password! Advanced Office Password Recovery recovers, replaces, removes or circumvents instantly passwords protecting or locking documents created with Microsoft Office applications.

Advanced Office Password Recovery unlocks documents created with all versions of Microsoft Office from the ancient 2.0 to the modern 2010. Recover passwords for Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Project, Money, PowerPoint, Visio, Publisher and OneNote. Reset MS Internet Explorer Content Advisor passwords and open any password-protected VBA project by exploiting a backdoor.

Features and Benefits
– Supports all versions of Microsoft Office applications from 2.0 to 2010
– Instant password recovery for multiple products
– Instantly unlocks documents with previously recovered passwords
– Exploits all known backdoors and tricks in the Office family for instant recovery
– Completely automatic preliminary attack may recover documents in less than 10 minutes
– Dictionary and brute-force attacks with user-defined masks and advanced templates
– Hardware acceleration (patent pending) reduces password recovery time by a factor of 50
– Patent-pending GPU acceleration technology with NVIDIA or ATI video cards
– Allows up to 32 CPUs or CPU cores and up to 8 GPUs
– Highly optimized low-level code for optimum performance

Instant Access to Password-Protected Documents
Not all passwords are equally strong. Advanced Office Password Recovery provides instant access to many types of password-protected documents, including those created in Microsoft Word and Excel versions 97 and 2000. Later versions of Microsoft Word and Excel save documents and spreadsheets in compatibility mode by default making them available for instant password recovery.

Instant Password Recovery: Special Cases
After carefully analyzing the algorithms and implementations of password protection in different versions of Microsoft Office applications, ElcomSoft developed work-around solutions that allow recovering certain kinds of passwords instantly instead of performing lengthy attacks. Advanced Office Password Recovery is well aware of the various methods of password protection, and implements all the tricks that allow you to recover protected documents in a matter of seconds.

Automatic Password Removal
Even if your documents don’t fall into the instant recovery category, their protection may be removed automatically in less than 10 minutes. Just click ‘Open’, and Advanced Office Password will quickly perform all the steps to speed up the recovery, and to unlock your documents completely automatically. Advanced Office Password Recovery performs a preliminary attack on the password, attempting to unlock the document with commonly used passwords and passwords based on dictionary words. Your document may be recovered without any extra effort in just a few minutes!

Strong Password Recovery
If nothing else helps, Advanced Office Password Recovery performs a range of attacks on a protected document in order to obtain the original password. Even then you’re not left without options! If you remember something about the password, that information will be used to speed up the recovery. Don’t take anything for a given! Just specifying your company security policy can increase the speed of the attack tenfold. Remember how many characters your password had, or that it was certainly longer than a certain length? Sure your password had numbers or letters, or both? Maybe you can recollect the first or the last character, or remember whether it was a letter or a number? Every little bit of extra information helps to speed up the recovery.

GPU Acceleration
Microsoft has strengthened password protection in Office 2007, further improving its strength in Office 2010. With computation-intensive encryption used in latest versions of Microsoft Office, password recovery tools relying solely on computer’s CPU are no longer able to provide reasonable recovery times.

To further boost the recovery speed, Elcomsoft enables support for multiple video cards and simultaneous operation of all CPU and GPU cores. All or some CPU/GPU cores can be designated to the password recovery task, enabling maximum performance or allowing for nonintrusive background processing. The latest generation of ElcomSoft GPU acceleration technology supports unlimited numbers of ATI or NVIDIA boards such as NVIDIA GeForce 8, 9, 100, 200 and 400- series and ATI RADEON 4800 and 5000 series.

Dictionary Attack
Most passwords used by human beings are based on a single word or a combination of words from a certain language. Before reverting to the brute force attack, Advanced Office Password Recovery performs a full-scaled comprehensive attack based on a dictionary. Use a small built-in dictionary or specify your own dictionaries no matter the language, and Advanced Office Password Recovery will attempt single words and word combinations in different cases and variations.

Brute Force Attack
If you’re blank about the password, Advanced Office Password Recovery will revert to the last resort: the brute force attack. Thanks to the highly optimized low-level code Advanced Office Password Recovery provides the best-in-class performance for the brute-force password recovery.

即時密碼恢復 Elcomsoft Advanced Office Password Recovery Professional 5.05 | Size: 66.2 Mb

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

即時密碼恢復 Elcomsoft Advanced Office Password Recovery Professional 5.05 | Home Page: www.elcomsoft.com

文字編譯器 IDM UEStudio Final

(內含微軟的Visual C + +,Java的,GNU C /Ç+ +,PHP,Perl和超過30人),整合除錯器,整合VCS版本控制,內建類的原生支援瀏覽,語系智慧(類似於Intellisense),項目轉換器,以及一批製造商…僅舉幾例,其先進的功能。


文字編譯器 IDM UEStudio Final

文字編譯器 IDM UEStudio Final強大的項目/解決專案的特點
Visual Studio的6/05項目UEStudio的項目轉換
在一個項目中支援多個SVN / CVS模組

»整合的Microsoft C / C + +應用程式的WinDbg除錯器支援

特別PHP / Ruby腳本的支援
»在UEStudio的運行和測試您的PHP / Ruby腳本
分析你的PHP / Ruby的文件


UEStudio includes all the features of UltraEdit plus native support for over 30 popular compilers (including Microsoft Visual C++, Java, GNU C/C++, PHP, Perl and over 30 others), an integrated debugger, integrated VCS version control, built-in class browsing, language intelligence (like Intellisense), project converter, and a batch builder… to name just a few of its advanced features. A significant element of a powerful IDE is a programmer’s editor or code editor. It serves as the core foundation of any IDE. UEStudio is built on the chassis of the renowned UltraEdit. As such, the program’s backbone is highly seasoned, stable, and already proven as the defacto standard of text and programmer’s editors.

Because UltraEdit is so powerful, many of our users already use it as an IDE and have provided us feature requests to extend that functionality. Together, we have taken those requests, our own ideas, and the concept of a supercharged IDE and produced what we consider to be a powerful application with new and exciting features such as native support for over 30 popular compilers, integrated CVS version control, built-in class browsing, language intelligence (like Intellisense), project converter, batch builder, and an integrated debugger to name just a few!

Powerful project/solution features
» Visual Studio 6/05 project to UEStudio project conversion
» Integrated compiler support (note: compilers not included with IDE)
» Integrated CVS version control support
» Integrated SVN support
» Support for multiple SVN/CVS modules within a project
» Integrated tag support
» Powerful project manager
» Compiler-specific project templates

Application building features
» Compile your projects from within UEStudio
» Build/batch build
» Debug
» Integrated debugger support for WinDbg for Microsoft C/C++ applications
» Run your application from within UEStudio

Script toolbar features
» Special PHP/Ruby scripting support
» Run and test your PHP/Ruby scripts from within UEStudio
» New PHP function checks syntax of all open PHP files
» Parse your PHP/Ruby documents
» Strip comments
» Highlight source

New features:
» Integrated PHP Debugging with Xdebug
» Enhanced CVS support
» New Javascript Lint integration
» New Quick Open Address Bar
» Improved FTP support
» Scripting access to the clipboard
» Include line numbers in “List lines containing string” dialog
» Enhanced Automatic large file detection

文字編譯器 IDM UEStudio Final | Home Page: www.ultraedit.com

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

文字編譯器 IDM UEStudio Final | Size: 37 MB

全備份恢復伺服器 FarStone Total Backup Recovery Server 8.3



全備份恢復伺服器 FarStone Total Backup Recovery Server 8.3

全備份恢復伺服器 FarStone Total Backup Recovery Server 8.3功能內含:

‧Microsoft卷影複製服務(VSS)支援(適用於Windows Server 2003和更高版本):輕鬆備份VSS(外匯,甲骨文,SQL Server)相容的資料庫沒有資料庫斷線,並確保資料的一致性。
‧硬體支援:支援IDE,EIDE,SATA,SCSI / RAID,GPT硬碟機和動態硬碟機。

* GPT /支援動態磁碟
* VMWare的/ VHD支援

Total Backup Recovery Server protects your business from the high costs of computer failure and operational losses. Total Backup Recovery Server centralizes backup and recovery management, which provides businesses with a cost-effective infrastructure for greater business functionality and resilience. Leverage your business continuity through our easy to use, yet powerful tools to meet your recovery time objects, eliminate operational downtime, and improve productivity. All-in-one data recovery software ensures your servers can be quickly restored from virus, data lose, flood, or any other unexpected disaster. With a special recovery environment (Recovery Manager), you can run Total Backup Recovery to back up and restore damaged partitions even if Windows does not start. Some other features of Total Backup Recovery®, such as creating bootable rescue disc, are also available in this recovery environment.

Total Backup Recovery 8 Server offers the administrator flexible ways to protect all involved computers. System administrators will appreciate FarStone Total Backup Recovery 8 Server’s ability to dramatically reduce the time spent configuring multiple systems, installing software, or restoring multiple systems to an original image.

Total Backup Recovery’s Suite of backup features includes:
• Full backup (disk imaging) or back up only selected files & folders
• Backup open files, Exchange, SQL, VMware and Oracle servers without interrupting your operations
• Experience NO Business operational downtime!
• Universal Restore without a hassle!
• Hard Drive Imaging: Backs up and restores a system with a complete copy of all files, installed software, partition information, and system settings.
• Incremental Backup: A backup that stores changes to the data against the latest backup.
• File Backup: Manually or automatically backs up selected file/folder, file extension, etc.
• Dissimilar Restore: Restores a complete system image of a particular configuration to a different hardware configuration system or a Virtual Machine.

Other Features & Benefits:
• Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) Support (for Windows Server 2003 and higher): Easily back up VSS compatible databases (Exchange, Oracle, SQL Server) without taking databases offline and ensuring data consistency.
• Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) Support: Boot and recover any system from PXE server without the need for a Bootable Rescue Disk.
• Complete External Backup: Store a complete system image on a USB hard drive, or on a network share.
• Easy Disk Image Updates: Incremental Backup lets you quickly update your saved disk image without ever leaving Windows.
• Flexible Backup: Back up your client’s hard drive to another local hard drive, network drive, or a USB device.
• Rapid, Controlled Recovery: Rebuild system via Complete Restore in minutes, not hours or days.
• Partition Support: Supports FAT, FAT32, NTFS and other unknown partitions.
• Hardware Support: Supports IDE, EIDE, SATA, SCSI/RAID, GPT hard drives and Dynamic hard drive.
• 100% Protection: Restore an operating system damaged by corrupt software, human error, a virus attack, or a software bug.
• FTP Support: Save another data copy onto a remote FTP server to enhance the protection of files and even the whole computer.
• Virtual Machine Support: Convert the backup image into a VMware file image format to run it on a virtual machine.

What’s new in Total Backup Recovery Server 8:
* UEFI-based System Support
* Free Administrative Console
* GPT/Dynamic Disk Support
* Free Dissimilar Restore
* VMWare/VHD Support
* Password Recovery
* Domain Controller Support
* Enhanced RAID Support
* Hot/Cold Imaging
* Data Shredding

全備份恢復伺服器 FarStone Total Backup Recovery Server 8.3 | Size: 481.1 MB

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/Windows Server 2003/Windows Server 2008

全備份恢復伺服器 FarStone Total Backup Recovery Server 8.3 | Home Page: www.farstone.com

應用程式完全卸載 Full Uninstall 2.11

這可以發生,即使正確刪除一個應用程式有自己的卸載程式 – 卸載應用程式由提供者提供一個特殊的程式。

 應用程式完全卸載 Full Uninstall 2.11




A common problem we often face with, when uninstalling unnecessary software, is various traces left in the system: unneeded files or folders on a disk, registry entries and so on. This can happen even if an application was removed correctly with its own uninstaller – a special program provided by a vendor to uninstall the application. Full Uninstall is a professional application designed to uninstall unnecessary applications from your system.

The main function of the tool is the complete removing of programs from your computer. Full Uninstall monitors all changes made to the system during the setup process of a certain application. You can easily learn what file or registry entries were modified during the installation. Using these data, Full Uninstall completely removes an application when you order it to.

The program performs much faster than many competing solutions. This is because Full Uninstall analyzes changes on disks in real time while tracking the modifications installation procedures have made, instead of taking a long time saving info about all files before and after installation. Such an approach saves much time compared to other utilities.

You can setup Full Uninstall so that all applications installed in your system will be accessible with a single click of the notification area icon. Another click, and you can immediately remove an unnecessary program without opening the standard Programs and Features tool or searching for a built-in uninstaller.

應用程式完全卸載 Full Uninstall 2.11 | Homepage: www.chemtable.com

應用程式完全卸載 Full Uninstall 2.11 | Size: 3.22 MB


網站互動式網站表單工具 CoffeeCup Web Form Builder 2.1


請所有你想你的表單元素的變化,從標籤對齊,字型大小和彩色。 Web表單生成器巧妙地安排所有的領功能變數,使它們看起來像親定制設計的形式為你甜!

The web is all about interaction, and web forms are an essential part of that—but no one wants to code them! Web Form Builder does the dirty work for you while you wield your imagination at the helm of its innate drag-and-drop interface. Create forms in minutes with complete control, then publish to the web without having to configure anything but your CoffeeCup account.

Dream it Up, Drag it In.
The form you’ve been dreaming of can be whipped up in seconds. Drag input fields and other form elements where you want them, then adjust text, labels, and options to your liking. Voila, your new web form has been born!
For registration forms, order forms, surveys, invitations, applications, contact requests, subscriptions, and anything else you can imagine, you can tackle the unlimited possibilities as often as you want.

Designed by Pros.
Ready to spice up your form’s style? Pick a design from the Theme Browser to apply it directly to your form, and choose another one at any time if you change your mind. You can always download more themes if you don’t quite see the one that fits your style.
Make all the changes you want to your form’s elements, from label alignment to font sizes and colors. Web Form Builder neatly arranges all your fields so they look like a pro custom-designed your form for you—sweet!

Let S-Drive Do the Rest.
Simply enter your CoffeeCup account information to enable one-click web publishing. When your form’s ready for the world, Web Form Builder will upload everything to S-Drive for you and provide a link to the form.
There’s no need to configure anything, since form results are displayed automatically in an overview (we call it the S-Drive Dashboard). Plus, you can embed forms anywhere—including your shop, blog, forum, or website. Need full control? You can do that too. Just export the form, tweak it to your heart’s desire, and have your own server do the heavy lifting.

網站互動式網站表單工具 CoffeeCup Web Form Builder 2.1 | Homepage:: https://www.coffeecup.com/web-form-builder/
網站互動式網站表單工具 CoffeeCup Web Form Builder 2.1 Size: 18.9 Mb

映像檔案加入/刪除/更名/提取檔案 WinISO Standard

另一方面,它可以建立可引導的CD / DVD映像檔案,直接編輯的引導映像,並作為一個BIN/ ISO轉換器,提取和編輯

 映像檔案加入/刪除/更名/提取檔案 WinISO Standard

映像檔案加入/刪除/更名/提取檔案 WinISO Standard主要特點:
‧WinISO是第一個軟體直接編輯BIN/ ISO和幾乎所有的圖像檔案(S)!


WinISO is an application that will help you process almost all CD-ROM image file(s) including BIN and ISO. On one hand, it can not only convert BIN to ISO and other image files format conversion, but also extract, edit and create ISO files directly. On the other hand, it can create bootable CD/DVD image files, directly edit the boot image and serve as a BIN/ISO converter, extractor, and editor

Key Features:
• Ability to add/delete/rename/extract file (s) within image files. Convert image files to the standard ISO format.
• Ability to create ISO image file (s) from a CD-ROM.
• WinISO is the first software to edit BIN/ISO and almost all image file (s) directly!
• You can convert almost all image file formats, including BIN, and save it as a standard ISO format file.
• Supports almost all known CD-ROM image files, including some virtual CD-ROM container files.
• Select some files or directories, and then create the ISO based on these files.
• Ability to open an image file, display the file tree, then run files from within the image file. This can be handy to view files or run programs.
• Because of its file associations, you can simply double click an ISO file in Windows Explorer to open it.
• Very easy to use interface but powerful enough for an expert

WinISO Standard V6.2 (Update date: Sep. 20th, 2012)
1. Added a new function: Adding mixed files and directories at a time.
2. Added Multi-language: Korean and Chinese Traditional.
3. Added the new mount module.
4. Supported mounting ISO on 64-bit system.
5. Added the Multi-folder selection.
6. Updated the Multi-language: Arabic, French, Hungarian, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish and Spanish (Mexico).
7. Fixed some bugs

映像檔案加入/刪除/更名/提取檔案 WinISO Standard | Homepage: https://www.winiso.com/

映像檔案加入/刪除/更名/提取檔案 WinISO Standard | Size: 6.83 MB

視訊/音訊檔案轉換 WinAVI All-In-One Converter

WINAVI在的轉換 – сonvert視訊/音訊檔案之間流行的格式!
WINAVI所有於一身的視訊轉換器是一個最好的和快速的視訊轉換器轉換之間流行的視訊格式,如AVI,MPEG1 / 2,MP4,WMV,FLV,MOV,VCD / DVD,XVID / DIVX,3GP等,並轉換為MP3,WMA,WAV支援。


 視訊/音訊檔案轉換 WinAVI All-In-One Converter


高品質的視訊和杜比AC3 5.1音訊
·轉換後的檔案具有杜比AC3 5.1音訊。

·輸出裝置:iPod,iPhone和iPad的蘋果電視,手機,PSP,PS3,微軟Xbox,掌上電腦的Windows Mobile,黑莓,愛可視,艾利和PMP


WinAVI All-In-One Converter – сonvert video/audio files among popular formats! All-In-One Converter is the best video converter for converting videos and output DVD formats. Converting almost all videos and audios to play them in PC , Portable media players, iPod and so on. WinAVI All-In-One Video Converter is a best and fast video converter for convert videos among popular formats like AVI, MPEG1/2, MP4, WMV, FLV, MOV, VCD/DVD,, XviD/Divx, 3GP, etc., and support converting to MP3, WMA, WAV.

Why choose WinAVI All-In-One Converter ?

High speed
· It includes ZJMedia’s AV compress engine, which is state of the art technology;
· 4X speed than other video converter;
· 4G movie only need 10 minutes.

High quality video and Dolby AC3 5.1 audio
· AV compress engine will give you a high quality in very fast conversion;
· Converted files has a Dolby AC3 5.1 audio.

Supports almost all popular format conversions
· Input video formats: AVI, WMV, RMVB, RM, ASF, FLV,, MOV, QT, MP4, DV, 3GP, 3G2, DAT, MPG, MPEG, VOB, MKV, F4V
· Input audio formats: WAV, RA, WMA, MP3, MP2, MKA, AAC, AC3, AIFF, AMR, M4A, AU
· Output Device: iPod, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Mobile Phones, PSP, PS3, Xbox, Pocket PC, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, Archos, iRiver PMP

With just one click to convert
· User-friendly interface that it is easily operated by anyone;
· All conversions can be done easily and smoothly.
· It is easy to use for the beginner as well as having advanced functions for the professional user.

視訊/音訊檔案轉換 WinAVI All-In-One Converter Home Page: www.all-in-one-converter.winavi.com

ОС: Window 8/7/Vista/ 2003/ XP/2000

視訊/音訊檔案轉換 WinAVI All-In-One Converter Size: 18.69 MB

觸摸打字導師 SOLO Typing Tutor


 觸摸打字導師 SOLO Typing Tutor




觸摸打字導師 SOLO Typing Tutor 下列課程:

觸摸式學習美式鍵盤佈局(QWERTY)。 100打字練習信心的觸摸打字和相當可觀的速度增長鋪平了道路。

學習在數字鍵盤上鍵入數字。 20打字練習是專門為毫不猶豫地輸入數字和速度變化。

觸摸式學習德語鍵盤佈局。 100打字練習信心的觸摸打字和相當可觀的速度增長鋪平了道路。



If you work on your touch typing skills with the help of SOLO Typing Tutor, you will:
Type faster than you do now
Considerably save time on typing tasks
Get rid of confusing errors while typing
Be more competitive when applying for a job
Utterly enjoy typing (and learning to type)

The latest version of an authorized touch typing tutor which guarantees solid typing skills and can help you increase your typing speed. The course is suitable for both novices who are eager to learn the correct hand positioning and fingering, and for beginner typists who are concerned about their typing speed and accuracy.

Upgraded tasks, full-featured statistics, useful tips and detailed explanations with lots of jokes and motivating examples are an additional aid to effective learning. Wise quotations and famous sayings, feedback letters with comments and tips from those who have already finished the course guarantee fun during the learning process.

The course is user-friendly and takes a personal approach to every student.

The following courses are available:
SOLO Typing Tutor 9

Learning to touch-type on US keyboard layout (QWERTY). 100 typing lessons pave the way to confident touch-typing and considerable speed increase.
SOLO Typing Tutor 9 Numeric Keypad

Learning to type numbers on the numeric keypad. 20 typing lessons are specifically tailored to typing numbers without hesitation and speed change.
SOLO Typing Tutor 9 German

Learning to touch-type on German keyboard layout. 100 typing lessons pave the way to confident touch-typing and considerable speed increase.
SOLO Typing Tutor 9 Russian

A Russian touch typing course for the authentic Russian keyboard layout (ЙЦУКЕ). It is not suitable for phonetic keyboard layouts because they are considered ineffective for this language and their usage results in lower typing speed.

Modern design and user-friendly interface
3D on-screen keyboard to visualize the correct fingering
Loads of typing practice in problematic areas
An amusing animated T-boy will assist you throughout the training

觸摸打字導師 SOLO Typing Tutor | Homepage: www.ergosolo.ru

觸摸打字導師 SOLO Typing Tutor | Size: 36.6 MB

The Cleaner是一個系統的專案設計,讓您的電腦免受惡意軟體的安全和資料。
The Cleaner工作在手與您的防病毒和防火牆來完成您的安全。
再也不要開啟電子信件,或是你運行的程式 – 9檢驗系統清潔打理生意,所以你不必擔心!

(防病毒和防火牆)The Cleaner
(防病毒和防火牆)The Cleaner

(防病毒和防火牆)The Cleaner的特點:







【文章標題】: (防病毒和防火牆)The Cleaner
【文章作者】: 藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: https://por.tw/Rich/
【藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學課程】: https://por.tw/Rich/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: https://goto1688.com/Rich/
【版權聲明】: (原創)藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
The Cleaner

The Cleaner 9 is a system of programs designed to keep your computer and data safe from malware. It removes and blocks all manner of malware including Trojan Horses, Worms, Spyware, Adware, Ransomware, Keyloggers, Backdoors, Password Stealers and many more. The Cleaner 9 also works hand-in-hand with your anti-virus and firewall to complete your security. Millions of people around the world depend on MooSoft and The Cleaner to keep their data safe and help them recover from malware infections. By actively monitoring files and processes on your computer it can detect a virus in action and catch it before it has a chance to do any damage to your valuable data. If you cruise the internet or send and receive e-mail, you can’t afford to be without The Cleaner! Never again worry about e-mails you open, or programs you run – The Cleaner 9 detection system will take care of business so you don’t have to!

Features of The Cleaner:
• Malware Protection
• Live Updates
• Registry Monitoring
• Active Scanning
• Stealth Mode
• Quarantine Manager
• Scheduler
• In-Program File Submission
• Command Line File Testing
• Email Alerts
• Admin Message Alerts
• TCMonitor Ignore List
• TCMonitor Editor
• Active Scanner Ignore List
• Encrypted Configuration Data
• Expanded Scan Information
• Scan Pause/Resume
• Enhanced Fonts In TCActive!

What’s New in The Cleaner 9

What’s New in The Cleaner 9
Updated User Interface

We’ve improved the interface to be easier to use.
Faster Scanning

With a new more efficient database scans finish faster than ever!
Smaller Database

We have reduced the size of the database by 96% by moving most the data to the cloud.
Faster Updates

Because there is so much less information to update you will get your updates much faster!

(防病毒和防火牆)The Cleaner | Home Page: www.moosoft.com

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

(防病毒和防火牆)The Cleaner | Size: 255.2 MB






(佈局應用程式)QuarkXPress 10.0.1 Multilingual
(佈局應用程式)QuarkXPress 10.0.1 Multilingual

在過去的25年裡,數以百萬計的設計師都使用QuarkXPress 產生廣告,小冊子,雜誌,書籍,畫冊,報紙,和更多。為什麼呢?因為QuarkXPress提供極致的創意,設計控制,專業的列印輸出。


當然,偉大的設計,只有一半的方程。另一半是輸出最終的印刷片,以符合螢幕上。為了確保, QuarkXPress中提供的軟打樣功能,全面的色彩管理,與國際色彩標準的支援。

使用一個單一的工具來建立和發佈豐富的設計,網頁,電子書,智慧手機, iPad的,和更多的互動內容

QuarkXPress開啟了一個全新的數字化設計和出版的世界中的一個工具,一個熟悉的介面 – 在一個合理的價格 – 而無需編碼或寫程式。

·您只需要學習一個技能設定為設計多種媒體 – 讓你更高效,更快

建立自己的自訂應用程式Studio QuarkXPress的iPad應用程式和出版物,然後將其賣給蘋果App Store

設計電子閱讀BLIO :
這個新的和不斷增長的市場中脫穎而出,通過設計交談式內容的BLIO電子閱讀器 – 電子閱讀器市場上最方便和靈活
構建豐富,完全交談式的網頁和Flash R項目,完整的動畫,視訊,更多

·網路,iPad的, SWF ( Flash動畫)和互動設計
【文章標題】: (佈局應用程式)QuarkXPress 10.0.1 Multilingual
【文章作者】: 藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: https://por.tw/Rich/
【藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學課程】: https://por.tw/Rich/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: https://goto1688.com/Rich/
【版權聲明】: (原創)藉助『程式』邁向網路自動賺錢術教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
QuarkXPress 10.0.1 Multilingual

QuarkXPress is a powerful layout application that has an intuitive, versatile interface which helps you combine writing, editing and typography with color and pictures to produce dynamic final output.

QuarkXPress is widely used by magazines, newspapers, advertising agencies, typesetters, printers, corporate publishers, design firms, catalog houses, book publishers and form designers. It is also used by businesses with publishing

Print Design & Publishing:
Over the past 25 years, millions of designers have used QuarkXPress® to produce advertising, brochures, magazines, books, catalogues, newspapers, and more. Why? Because QuarkXPress offers the ultimate in creativity, design control, and professional print output.

Spectacular Print Design:
QuarkXPress lets you turn your ideas into reality. It gives you precise control over text, images, shapes, colour, and opacity, and it’s compatible with a broad range of file formats. No design is too simple or too complex — and no page layout software gives you more control over design.

Professional Print Output:
Great design, of course, is only half of the equation. The other half is output; the final printed piece has to match what’s on the screen. To make sure that happens, QuarkXPress provides soft proofing features, comprehensive colour management, and support for international colour standards.
QuarkXPress also includes a built-in preflighting feature that can identify potential output issues early in the design process. When your layout is ready to go, easy-to-use presets for print-ready PDFs make sure output will go without a hitch.

Digital Design & Publishing:
Use a Single Tool to Create and Publish Richly Designed, Interactive Content for the Web, eBooks, Smartphones, the iPad, and More

Entering the Digital Marketplace:
QuarkXPress opens a whole new world of digital design and publishing to you in one tool, with one familiar interface — at one reasonable price — without requiring coding or programming.
Why spend the time and money to buy and learn a whole suite of applications, when you can create beautiful, functional digital designs and publications with a single tool? Only QuarkXPress delivers a complete set of intelligent cross-media design and export features in a single application.

With QuarkXPress:
· Print designers are right at home with digital publishing, interactive content, and Web content
· You can easily convert content from print to digital format
· You can synchronise content between print layouts, digital projects, and designs for different tablet orientations
· You can share colour definitions, style sheets, and other resources between different types of layouts
· You only have to learn one skill set to design for multiple media — so you’re more productive, faster
· Adding digital design and publishing skills to your portfolio can open a world of new opportunities, both for you and for your clients

Create iPad Apps:
Combine Rich Design with Interactivity for the Ultimate Mobile Experience
Create your own custom iPad apps and publications with App Studio for QuarkXPress, then sell them in the Apple App Store

Design for Blio eReader:
Bring Rich, Interactive Design to the eBook Marketplace
Stand out in this new and growing market by designing interactive content for the Blio eReader — the most accessible and versatile eReader on the market
Export to Flash and HTML
Web and Flash Design Without Coding — Directly in QuarkXPress
Build rich, fully interactive Web pages and Flash® projects, complete with animation, video, and more

Here are some key features of “QuarkXPress”:
· Easy to use
· Integration with other applications, including common graphics, video, and other programmes
· Powerful design tools
· Precision typography
· Reliable print output
· Web, iPad, SWF (Flash), and interactive design
· Design and publish e-books
· Digital Design & Publishing
· Web Sites
· e-books
· Banner Ads
· Digital Magazines
· Digital Signage
· Digital Newspapers
· Interactive Presentations
· e-catalogues
· Print Design & Publishing
· Brochures
· Magazines
· Advertising
· Newspapers
· Posters
· Catalogues and Circulars
· Direct Marketing
· Packaging
· Books and User Guides
· Postcards
· Financial Reports
· Collateral
· Directories and Yearbooks

Release history

(佈局應用程式)QuarkXPress 10.0.1 Multilingual | Homepage: quark.com

(佈局應用程式)QuarkXPress 10.0.1 Multilingual | Size: 299 MB