【圖形設計】Canvas X Geo 20 Build 625 處理向量對象、圖像、文字和導入的圖形
Canvas 讓您可以處理向量對像、圖像、文字和匯入的圖形,而無需切換到其他應用程式。無論您是初學者還是經驗豐富的設計師,Canvas 中的工具和功能都可以提高您的工作效率。
Canvas X GIS擁有完整的地理資訊系統模組。這內含提供一組強大的基於 GIS 的功能和指令,這些功能和指令支援一系列地理空間資料格式、定義複雜的地圖投影以及執行進階屬性操作。
由於支援高解析度顯示器的 DPI 設定,這款功能豐富的軟體是石油和天然氣和能源領功能變數、航空航天和汽車行業、教育和政府部門的 GIS 專業人士的必備工具。
Canvas X GIS 2019 獨特的整合設計環境使使用者可以使用和組合所有圖形元素,並在單個文件中應用高端效果。

Canvas X Geo 2020
ACD 系統 Canvas X Geo 2020 功能概述:
以 0.035 微米的精度進行非凡的細節工作
【圖形設計】 Canvas X Geo 20 官網:

Canvas X Geo 2020
Canvas lets you work with vector objects, images, text, and imported graphics without having to switch to other applications. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced designer, the tools and features in Canvas can make you more productive.
Canvas X GIS boasts a complete geographic information system module. This includes providing a powerful set of GIS-based features and commands that support a range of geospatial data formats, defining complex map projections, and performing advanced property operations.
New optimization allows you to quickly open and work with documents containing over a million objects. With support for DPI settings for high resolution monitors, this feature-packed software is an essential tool for GIS professionals in the oil & gas and energy sectors, aerospace and automotive industries, education, and government.
Canvas X GIS 2019’s unique and integrated design environment makes it possible for users to work with and combine all graphical elements, and to apply high-end effects in a single document. Technical illustrators can now open and manipulate documents with over one million objects in seconds vs. minutes.
Overview of ACD Systems Canvas X Geo 2020 Features
All-in-one graphic design and technical illustration software
Comprehensive vector illustration and image editing tools
Work in extraordinary detail with 0.035 micron accuracy
Helpful built-in Canvas Assistant and dynamic help
Comprehensive toolkit for technical design to work with total precision.